
Infestation: Survivor Stories

Dec 26th, 2016
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  1. The truth about NewZ
  2. So, you guys are wondering who are the creators of this meme right?
  4. Fredaikis is a Swedish guy who comes from a shady background, this guy has been releasing cheating tools for games like Infestation Survivor Stories, Counter Strike : Global Offensive and so long, in short for too long he has been ruining the things that we all love and we all paid for.
  6. Later, the full source code for both client and server for Infestation was released, the game was dying and Fredaikis was part of the reason why, and he knew it. He saw a business opportunity here and released NewZ. But he wasn't happy with his community, it was still too small. His only option was to ruin all his competition, hence he started releasing cheating tools for all the competing emulators, while keeping his own protected from said tools. This ruined dozens of Infestation emulators, but with the fan base the game had, some were not yet done with it, hence NewZ started to grow.
  8. Hammerpoint Interactive, who has been a controversial company from the beginning, was taking a huge hit in their income and they eventually started cutting on their investments for servers, Infestation Survivor Stories is dead by now, just with a few dozen servers in North America. Players have been scammed all around. The game was removed from Steam for blatant false advertisement, its name was taken down on copyright grounds against World War Z trademark owners, they blatantly stole artwork from AMC's The Walking Dead, didn't even bother hiring a lawyer to write their software Terms of Service, so they just copy pasted from Riot Games' League of Legend and were caught doing so once again, not to mention all their shameful community interactions, ranging from Sergey Titov calling "♥♥♥♥♥♥s" to its players on his own public forum. Thankfully I have gotten my refund from Hammerpoint, so I have nothing really against them, but I know many people who fallen for this scam since shortly after I've gotten my refund they stopped issuing them and never gotten their money back.
  9. Anyway, Hammerpoint was still not done juicing this rushed copied concept of theirs, they've sold the rights to distributing their game to Fredaikis after seeing no other option to keep profiting from their software, they've literally given out their game to some teenager who ruined theirs. Fredaikis founded Fredaikis AB and now is distributing Infestation: New Z, yet he hasn't stopped its illegal practises and is still breaking every Intellectual Propriety protection law copying textures from Valve's Counter Strike Global Offensive amongst other equally serious offences.
  12. Yet and anyway I believe you fanboys won't believe half of this probably, to you Fredaikis is just some kind of saviour, when in fact he's nothing but a nasty teenager criminal and should be stopped at all cost, here's some proof to you guys.
  14. <- Here we can see this steam account of his linked to the Greenlight item he submitted to steam.
  15. <- Here we can see that account has a VAC ban, but it gets funnier :)
  16. <- Quick search for his name on Google, here's a post he makes on a cheating forum publishing a tool that has ruined Hammerpoint Interactive's Infestation Survivor Stories, thousands upon thousands of people have downloaded this.
  17. <- Over 39000 people have downloaded JUST his latest version of this tool, hundreds of thousands more have downloaded his previous versions all combined, if the number doesn't reach over a million. Now you can see why there were so many cheaters on Infestation.
  18. <- But he was not done yet. No. He had to ruin his competition at all, getting all people to play NewZ :)
  19. <- But wait, he still had to try to ruin Counter Strike:Global Offensive didn't he? Shameless prick........
  21. YouTube™ Video: [LET'S HACK CS:GO] [Counter Noob v1.1] Kill Montage Obama vs BinLaden ft. Linusl98
  22. Views: 44,483
  23. Download: http://www.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.me/forum/counterstrike-global-offensive/122648-counter-noob-v1-1-esp-hitbox-aimbot-radar-hack.html Enjoy!, and don't forget to sub for the latest hacks and other...
  24. <- He even published the video advertising his cheating tool on his original youtube channel, that he has used to publish NewZ related stuff.
  25. <- Here we can see his youtube channel name, a link to a cheating forum and his subscriber count.
  26. <- All checks out on his NewZ video, he's so lazy he didn't even make a new identity to publish this stuff lmao
  27. <- Finally, he has been deleting all comments like this from his Greenlight page, because people come in here to down vote it and give their negative feedback, and there's people who never heard of NewZ who also come to its Greenlight page, people who he is hoping to give them Greenlight but wouldn't if they knew all the TRUTH about this illegal project of his.
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