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a guest
Feb 13th, 2016
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  1. #/bin/bash
  2. domain=""
  3. ipAddress=""
  4. years=1
  5. days=365
  6. printip=""
  7. writeip="IP:"
  8. pwd=""
  9. read -p "Enter the domain for your server certificate: [$domain] >" response
  10. if [[ $response != "" ]]; then
  11. domain=$response
  12. fi
  13. clientName=$(echo $domain | tr '.' '_')
  14. read -p "Enter a forward facing ip-address besides loopback or leave empty: [$ipAddress] >" response
  15. if [[ $response != "" ]]; then
  16. ipAddress=$response
  17. printip=" and "$ipAddress
  18. writeip="IP:,IP:"$ipAddress
  19. fi
  20. read -p "Enter the number of years your certificates should be valid for: [$years] >" response
  21. if [[ $response != "" ]]; then
  22. years=$response
  23. let days=$days*$years
  24. fi
  25. read -s -p "Enter the password for your Certificate Authority: " pwd
  26. response="yes"
  27. printf "Creating certificates for '$domain' and ip-address(es): $printip with a validity of $days days.\n"
  28. read -p "Continue (yes|no)? [$response]" response
  29. if [[ $response != "no" ]]; then
  30. #create server certificate
  31. openssl genrsa -out ./certs/server-key.pem 4096
  32. openssl req -subj "/CN=$domain" -sha256 -new -key ./certs/server-key.pem -out ./certs/server.csr
  33. echo subjectAltName = $writeip > ./certs/extfile.cnf
  34. openssl x509 -req -days $days -sha256 -in ./certs/server.csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -out ./certs/server-cert.pem -extfile ./certs/extfile.cnf -passin pass:$pwd
  35. printf "Server certificate has been generated. Creating client certificate..."
  36. #create client certificate
  37. openssl genrsa -out ./certs/$clientName-key.pem 4096
  38. openssl req -subj '/CN=client' -new -key ./certs/$clientName-key.pem -out ./certs/client.csr
  39. echo extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth > ./certs/extfile.cnf
  40. openssl x509 -req -days $days -sha256 -in ./certs/client.csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -out ./certs/$clientName-cert.pem -extfile ./certs/extfile.cnf -passin pass:$pwd
  41. #clean up
  42. rm -v ./certs/{client.csr,server.csr,extfile.cnf}
  43. chmod -v 0400 ./certs/{$clientName-key.pem,server-key.pem}
  44. chmod -v 0444 ./certs/{server-cert.pem,$clientName-cert.pem}
  45. response="no"
  46. printf "Done creating certificates!\n"
  47. read -p "Would you like to move the authentication certificate to your local .docker directory (yes|no)? [$response] >" response
  48. if [[ $response != "no" ]]; then
  49. mv -v ./certs/{$clientName-key.pem,$clientName-cert.pem} ~/.docker/
  50. printf "Client certificates have been moved.\n"
  51. fi
  52. response="no"
  53. read -p "Would you like to transfer your server certificates to a remote machine (yes|no)? [$response] >" response
  54. if [[ $response != "no" ]]; then
  55. domain=""
  56. read -p "Enter the address of your remote machine (can be IP or domain): [$domain] >" response
  57. if [[ $response != "" ]]; then
  58. domain=$response
  59. fi
  60. user="root"
  61. read -p "Enter the user on your remote machine (you will need the user's password or ssh-key): [$user] >" response
  62. if [[ $response != "" ]]; then
  63. user=$response
  64. fi
  65. destDir="/tmp/"
  66. read -p "Enter the directory on your remote machine where you would like to put the certificates: [$destDir] >" response
  67. if [[ $response != "" ]]; then
  68. destDir=$response
  69. fi
  70. scp -v {ca.pem,./certs/server-*.*} $user@$domain:$destDir
  71. response="yes"
  72. read -p "Done copying! Remove server certs?: [$response] >" response
  73. if [[ $response != "no" ]]; then
  74. rm -v ./certs/*.*
  75. fi
  76. fi
  77. fi
  78. printf "OK, we're done. Don't forget to change the DOCKER_OPTS on your remote machine's /etc/default/docker file!"
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