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May 15th, 2014
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  2. Here we go! The team is a offensive Volt-Turn with a Offensive Regenerator core, so that if new players make a mistake, they can switch in the core to take a hit and determine what the opposing pokemon is doing. Heliolisk has been replaced with a more standard Choice Scarf for more easier revenge killing. Swellow and Gallade wall break, while everything else pivots. Refrain from directly switching in the wall breakers as they are quite frail, instead switch into a pivot such as Gligar or Heliolisk to Volt-Turn TO the wall breakers so that they take minimal damage. Also, be sure to always keep hazards off your field as you'll be switching alot. If you feel unsafe about the opposing pokemon, switch into a Regenerator mon to take the hit and pivot out to deal with it accordingly. Obviously it has some flaws, but it is a fine team for those starting out in RU as it has a Defensive backbone to fall back on if a mistake is made.
  3. ~Jonater
  6. So, basically, this rain team revolves around the offensive core of Heliolisk and Moltres. The two dedicated rain setters are Liepard and Uxie, both of which have ways to easily let one of the rain abusers have access to the battlefield via Yawn + U-turn and Encore + U-turn respectively. The two Swift Swim users on the team also provide support in addition to their typical sweeping roles. Kabutops provides Rapid Spin support, something you should never build a team with Moltres without. Ludicolo provides the team with a 3rd rain setter and one that can stay in to take advantage of the rain itself. As this team uses Swift Swim Pokemon to sweep, you will rarely have problems when it comes to outspeeding typical fast threats like Swellow, Delphox, Cobaliion, and Cinccino. However, bulky Steel-types such as Bronzong and Registeel can pose a major roadblock. Even though Moltres's Fire Blast can roast them, you will need to delay using Rain Dance before these Steels are gone since the rain nerfs Moltres's Fire Blast (but makes its Hurricanes 100% accurate to let it dump on Grass-types) On the positive side, these Steel-types lack reliable recovery, so you can just let one sweeper go down to soften them up for whatever you send out next if you'd rather not delay setting the rain.
  7. ~Eonx-
  10. This is a basic spike stacking team that I made when I was first learning the meta. To get a general feel for the team basically you:
  11. 1. Get hazards via froslass / Cobalion while also preventing hazards by their fast taunts. (Note: Tspike must stay off the field at all cost)
  12. 2. Lure out either meloetta or Hitmonlee's counter by disguising them with Zoroark.
  13. 3. Sweep with either meloetta or hitmonlee.
  14. Another thing to note is to try to get priority off the field as soon as possible. Once priority is off the field hitmonlee is basically a sweep waiting to happen. Druddigon is the 'glue' of the team and was great for stuff like raikou and tornadus at the time, but now that they are gone he is still not that bad for stuff like yanmega and delphox. 9/10 times you will be leading with froslass. The only time you shouldnt lead froslass is if you think your opponent will lead like rhyperior which then u can use zoroark to grass knot as it rock blasts you.
  15. Overall this team is really easy and fun to play and great for people who are learning the meta.
  16. ~Double01
  19. Okay so i saw this thread and decided i felt like helpin out the new kids with a p cool team so yeah here it is frens :]. Alright so basically what you want do to with this team is lead shuck get up webs/rocks and proceed to fuck up everything with crazy hard hitters. Hitmonlee is used to spin for yanmega while still hitting hard as fuck w/ adamant life orb reckless hjk. Also it may seem weird that I have a scarfer on a sticky web team but thats so I dont get shit on by offense teams with defoggers and can revenge a lot of flying types/levitators. Also Doublade seemed like the best spin blocker for this team due to the fact that it is the most bulky and imo most threatening ghost in RU, it is really bulky and p strong. Just a fyi the speed on Blade allows it to outspeed Rhyp when webs arent up. The last two (Zangoose/Yanmega) do not really need explanation as they both are there to just bust giant holes through teams thanks to both of their amazing power.
  20. Also it is worth mentioning that this team lacks a water resist. Though it has not really bothered the person I made ladder with this team considering he has been keepin webs up good. If this really bothers you I reccomend using Clawitzer>Yanmega. This change also make you less dependent on Rapid Spin. As of now though I prefer using Yanmega
  21. ~Passion
  24. As you probably could have guessed just by looking at the team members, this focuses on SmashPass. It uses Meowstic-M as the Dual Screens user as it is almost guaranteed to get them up thanks to Prankster and good enough bulk. Not even AV Escavalier is OHKOing Meowstic-M with Megahorn behind Reflect, so you can leave it in on virtually anything if you need to. Thunder Wave is a really cool panic button if something gets setup on you before you can get to Gorebyss. Cobalion is probably the only one that can't sweep on its own and is overly reliant on Shell Smash to sweep, but it focuses on getting Rocks up and keeping them up. Tyrantrum, Virizion, and Delphox are the primary recipients of Shell Smash, thus allowing you to pick the right one depending on the circumstance provided. Say, the opponent has a bulky Ghost- or Psychic-type left. That means you'll want to get to Tyrantrum who has the easiest time with these. If bulky Water- or Ground-types are around, Virizion is the go-to recipient as she handles them better than the other two. And, if there's bulky Grass-types hanging around, Delphox is preferred. The best part is that this team isn't super reliant on SmashPass to win. Of course, SmashPass makes it loads easier to win the game, it isn't the end of the world if the opponent keeps Gorebyss from getting it off. Tyrantrum, Virizion, and Delphox all have setup moves of their own and the Dual Screens protection and paralysis support given by Meowstic-M helps them setup and sweep effectively on their own, just in case Gorebyss can't get the pass off. Due to the flexibility this team has, there aren't a lot of weaknesses. However, Toxic Spikes has to be a key one out of the very few. With Toxic Spikes, Delphox is almost never going to sweep while it gives Gorebyss just one shot to get the pass off, even with Screens, and it severely limits the use of Subsittute. It also forces the use of Tyrantrum's and Virizion's Lum Berry, lessening their ability to get through Mega-Bannette (though Destiny Bond sucks anyway) If this weakness gets to be too much for you, a simple change of Volt Switch to Taunt on Cobalion can defend against this since it fares well against most TSpikes setters and outspeeds all of them.
  25. ~Eonx-
  28. This one doesn't have as much thought into it as it's just hyper offensive Trick Room stuffing in Trick Room users that have decent type synergy together. May not sound as good as the above team but it's actually really good. EDIT: Reuniclus is probably the most reliable Trick Room setter so lead with him a lot of times but if you see stuff like Skuntank and Zoroark, lead with Aromatisse. Exploud and Escavalier are the devourers of worlds so try to use Cofarigus to deal with rare Mach Punches for Exploud and retaliate with a Nasty Plot boosted Shadow Ball and use Aromatisse to help out Escavalier with her Hidden Power Ground. Abomasnow is best kept to the late game after Exploud or Escavalier do massive damage.
  29. ~LeekSlap/ChewyDonuts
  32. So I wanted to base a team around Moltres and Mega Banette. I knew Moltres would need Defog and Banette would like ghost types to be gone so I added Skuntank. Banette would also need wish support so Aromatisse. I thought Moltres would have problems against water types so I added Rotom Mow. At last I needed a offensive steel type and better overall coverage so Coballion. EDIT: Rotom Mow is probably the best lead here as you can just Volt Switch and go to the proper pokemon. Banette helps Moltres sweep by disrupting and with weakening strong pokemon or walls with Will O' Wisp and Taunt respectively so do your very best to mega evolve Banette as soon as possible to activate Prankster because you will need it. Skuntank is essential to both Moltres and Coballion, the star sweepers, with Defog and Pursuit respectively so never let it faint until it's job is done. Aromatisse is best mid-game and can never be the last pokemon healthy on your team so make sure it heals as much pokemon as possible before letting it faint.
  33. ~LeekSlap/ChewyDonuts
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