
Peanut Butter Chocolate Fried Tortillas

May 3rd, 2013
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  1. PB&C Fried Tortilla Dessert (no fancy name yet)
  3. Ingredients:
  4. ONE (1) Flour tortilla, halved
  5. Peanut Butter, 4 Tbs
  6. Dark Chocolate Chips, 2 Tbs
  7. Powdered Sugar, for topping
  8. Oil for frying (your choice, I used EV olive oil)
  10. Makes TWO (2) servings
  12. Directions:
  13. 1) Place 2 Tbs of Peanut Butter on one half of tortilla half.
  14. 2) Place 1 Tbs of Dark Chocolate Chips on top of Peanut Butter.
  15. 3) Fold tortilla half in half, squishing the Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Chips.
  16. 3a) OPTIONAL: Crimp the open edges of each piece with a fork to seal shut.
  17. 4) Heat Oil in frying pan to temp. While Oil is heating up, prepare a plate with paper towels for draining.
  18. 5) Place folded tortilla halves one at a time into oil.
  19. 6) Cook each side of tortilla halves until golden brown.
  20. 7) Take tortilla halves out and place on paper towels to dry.
  21. 8) Sprinkle powdered sugar on top of each for topping.
  22. 9) Allow a few minutes for the filling to cool off before indulging!
  24. Based on my calculations, this dessert is about 400 calories per serving; so while it isn't the healthiest of desserts, it isn't the highest caloric dessert either.
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