
Character Paintings

Dec 1st, 2020
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  1. **Character Paintings/Sketches**
  3. 1. To Rarywey
  5. (This novice sketch has been surrounded by a border of intertwined vines. At the
  6. top of the page, in exacting script, are the words: 'A Few of My Favorite
  7. Things')
  9. Centered in the middle of the page is a large picnic basket. The proportions on
  10. this basket are questionable at best - with the handles being nearly twice the
  11. height of the basket. A blanket peeks out of far corner of the basket. A plaid
  12. pattern has been carefully cross-hatched with a charcoal pencil, though the lack
  13. of shape and shadow gives it an appearance more akin to a sheet of stationary.
  14. On the right side of the page sits a duck that stares towards the basket with
  15. narrowed eyes and a open bill. The artist clearly attempted to draw feathers -
  16. as some vaguely oblong shapes grace the duck's left wing. Strangely enough,
  17. these markings have been smudged across the length of the wing. The word
  18. 'Quackers' has been hastily scribbled beneath the duck with an arrow pointing
  19. towards the bird.
  21. To the bottom left of the basket is a lyre that is perfectly symmetrical. If one
  22. looks closely enough, it is evident that the indents in the paper are the result
  23. of the lyre being traced from a reference book. The strings of the lyre have
  24. been highlighted with a bright yellow ink. A single word can be found beneath
  25. the instrument - 'harp'. It is underlined twice for some unknown reason.
  27. The top right of the page is dedicated to an over-sized crescent moon. Some
  28. shading has been attempted here, and a dusting of silver ink has been stippled
  29. onto the surface of the moon.
  32. 2. Neajess
  34. (This novice sketch has been drawn on a sheet of plain parchment bordered
  35. by a series of strange squiggly lines penned in various colors of ink.)
  37. The most noticeable element of this amateur drawing is the massive tower that
  38. takes up the center of parchment. Great detail has been paid to the smooth
  39. stones that make up the tower exterior. While the majority of the shading has
  40. been done with a charcoal pencil, some light pastel paints feather out from the
  41. edges of the bricks. While this is clearly supposed to be the mystical tower of
  42. the Barons, the uneven application of the paint renders it more gaudy than
  43. majestic.
  45. At the base of the tower is a scowling fire giant. He stands at the ready next
  46. to the tower's elemental guardian. The depiction of the alemental is perhaps the
  47. most regrettable part of this artwork. While the actual elemental is an
  48. testament to the power of magic, this misshapen rendering looks more like a
  49. creature made out of mousse.
  51. To the right of the elemental is a Hamsah mage merchant. Her gaze follows the
  52. mystical path back towards the river. Her furrowed eyebrows make it clear that
  53. she isn't amused by her circumstances. On the ground beneath the trio is the
  54. shadowed silhouette of an elven woman. While her body is obscured entirely by
  55. charcoal, the pointy (and demeaning) hat on top of her head has been detailed
  56. carefully with inks and pens. If one were to squint, they could see a small
  57. ribbon trailing from the top of the hat.
  59. At the bottom of the artwork is a simple caption:
  60. "Chaos, Loss, and Guile… with Neajess"
  63. 3. Sebenso
  64. (This amateur sketch has been drawn in haste with an ink pen. There is no border
  65. or explanation other than a simple script at the top that reads: Sebenso,
  66. Imperial War Master)
  68. A large minotaur with strong muscles has been sketched in the center of the
  69. page. While the proportions of the body are off - certain details - such as the
  70. sharp horns and hairy skin, have been reproduced rather well. The area around
  71. the minotaur is filled with all sorts of foods and confections - from cakes and
  72. pastries filled with mincemeat to hunks of raw meats that have been crosshatched
  73. to draw attention to the bones that jut from the muscle and fat. The mountain of
  74. food would be considered intimidating to a king's retinue, but this large
  75. minotaur seems perfectly at home.
  77. To the far right of the drawing is a small grouping of dark elf patrollers,
  78. trussed together, awaiting some form of judgement.
  81. 4. Terenthial
  82. (This amateur sketch has been detailed with ink, charcoal pencils, and water
  83. color paints. The paint has went through the thin parchment in some places,
  84. leaving it prone to appearing translucent when held up to the light.)
  86. The image of this dark elf is clearly meant to be the High Priest, though most
  87. of his face is shrouded in shadow as he gazes across the length of an expansive
  88. bedroom. A painting of an elven woman - framed in gold - hangs above a large bed
  89. that is covered in a sumptuous duvet.
  91. Nearest to the bottom of the page is a desk. The drawers have been sketched
  92. poorly and a few blots of paint that represent handles have clearly been placed
  93. to distract the viewer from the uneven depiction. A copy of the Imperial Codex -
  94. identified by the insignia, has been placed to the right side of the desk.
  96. The wall across from the bed houses a few windows that have been covered by
  97. large curtains. A depiction of Lord Morius - similar to the one found in his
  98. temple - hangs just above the windows.
  100. Below the painting are a few words, with no explanation offered:
  101. "It takes more than Order to make a home!"
  104. 5. Narra
  105. (This amateur drawing has been sketched quickly, and a small wine stain has
  106. stained the right side of the parchment a deep red.)
  108. A particularly feisty looking vampire bat with oversized wings and fangs graces
  109. the middle of the page. The wings are cross-hatched to provide a level of depth.
  110. A squiggle of lines serves as a shadow beneath the creature.
  112. A speech bubble trails just behind the bat. The words within it read.
  113. "Moriusssss I'm all alone with my chasm. I miss you!"
  116. 6. Edelrock
  117. (This simple painting has been sketched in charcoal and is clearly the work of
  118. an amateur artist).
  120. Taking up the center of the image is a silhouette of a male deep gnome. Silver
  121. ink outlines shackles that have been broken and now dangle from his wrists. To
  122. the right of him is the form of a falcon, flying off into the distance. To the
  123. left of him is a strong (if misshapen) lion. Spread out before him is the
  124. wondrous world of Thera - and all of the bounty that nature has to offer.
  126. While the gnome is standing on a precipice, an entire forest teeming with life
  127. stretches out in front of him. Large spindly trees with shadowy treetops provide
  128. ample cover to rabbits, snakes, and birds that move across the bottom of the
  129. forest floor. A sun has been painted in the corner of the parchment. Straight
  130. rays of light illuminate the forest.
  132. At the bottom of the drawing is are a few words:
  134. "Freedom. Nature. Life."
  136. 7. Lobster
  137. (This novice drawing has been accented by a series of brushstrokes in vibrant
  138. paints. The background of the sketch has been painted a bright blue.)
  140. The drawing is centered around an alarmingly detailed wooden stove. The stove is
  141. powered by boughs of cedar that have been chopped in half. Due to the lack of
  142. skill of the artist in question, these blocks of wood resemble boxes with some
  143. strange shading and undersized leaves. A large metal pot has been placed on top
  144. of the stove and is filled with water. Steam billows out the top of the pot and
  145. stretches to the ceiling in the form of smudged charcoal swirls. A label across
  146. the pot reads: 'Alpha predators only'.
  148. On the countertop nearest the stove is a particularly vibrant - and poorly
  149. proportioned - lobster. It is clear that the artist has spent most of their time
  150. on this element. The antennae and carapace are shaded with soft pastel hues. The
  151. pincer claws are larger than the carapace, though it is unclear whether this was
  152. an intentional choice or mistake. The lobster is clearly alive - and not happy
  153. to be in this kitchen.
  155. The silhouette of a bulbous chef can be seen to the bottom left of the
  156. parchment. A large chef's hat graces their head at a lopsided angle. The words
  157. 'the Law' have been stitched into the fabric of the hat.
  159. 8. Aynwinria
  160. (This novice painting has been sketched on a sheet of parchment in charcoal.
  161. Select aspects of the artwork have been filled in with paints or highlighted
  162. with cross-hatching and shading.)
  164. An elven woman rests beside a tree, leaning against the rough textured bark.
  165. While the majority of her body has been sketched roughly, her braid has been
  166. carefully highlighted with a mixture of gold and yellow paint. A menagerie of
  167. small animals play at her feet. Most notable among them is a feisty fox that
  168. nips at the heels of her boots.
  170. The Fortress of the Light can be seen far in the distance, nestled within an
  171. expansive mountain range. The golden rays of the sun illuminate the Fortress
  172. from the top of the parchment, bathing the battlements in a soft glow. If one
  173. looks carefully, a small group of figures can be seen within the courtyard of
  174. the Fortress.
  176. Between the woman and the Fortress lies a series of intimidating foes. A group
  177. of bloodthirsty orcs and goblins wait behind a large boulder, blood-drenched
  178. weapons clenched in their grip. A small army of Imperial blades have chosen one
  179. of the valleys as their battlefield. They are gathered in a loose formation with
  180. pikemen forming the back ranks. Their faces are shadowed and scratchy -
  181. providing a distinct contrast to their detailed armor and weapons. Closest to
  182. the Fortress are a group of silhouettes of various races. Elves, humans, and
  183. others can be identified, but the horde quickly feathers into darkness past the
  184. first twenty figures.
  186. 9. Graevnik
  187. (This quick sketch depicts a duergar standing amid a forest. Half of the trees
  188. are vibrant, while the other half have been reduced to cinders and thin peaks of
  189. charred wood.)
  191. The duergar stands between the two opposing halves of the forest, his dark skin
  192. shining under the light of the full moon that hangs just above the treetops. A
  193. collection of small bones lie at his feet, though the reason for the placement
  194. is unclear.
  196. The densely forested land is oddly barren of any other creatures. While there
  197. would normally be a plethora of wildlife in such a place, the duergar stands
  198. alone, his eyes focused on some unknown point in the distance. There is an
  199. immense sense of loneliness depicted in this painting - most likely due to the
  200. dull matte paints that have been used to accent the brush strokes.
  202. At the bottom is a brief note: "May you find your purpose, whether it is in
  203. Arkham or elsewhere."
  205. 10. Ckhjorh
  206. Sumptuous layers of watercolor paint have been accented with smudged charcoal
  207. shadows and paper thin lines of deep black ink. Additional touches have been
  208. appended onto the canvas at the end, including small pieces of silver and gold
  209. foil. The entire effect is outrageously bold, demanding the attention of the
  210. viewer, but not allowing for any one focal point to overshadow the others.
  212. The background of the painting is unorthodox - featuring a field of poppies
  213. and tulips that have been painted with reckless abandon. The edges of the
  214. flowers melt into each other, while the stems have been painted as singular
  215. lines that have been hidden behind the foliage. A sparkling river cuts across
  216. the top of the canvas in an erratic wave. Fish swim just beneath the surface
  217. of the water, with their scales reflecting the radiant light of the sun.
  219. Sitting in the field of flowers is an emerald eyed dwarf, clad in a suit of
  220. mismatched armor. Curiously, an oversized mithril stein is balanced atop his
  221. right shoulder, with a small tube protruding from the bottom of the vessel.
  222. This strange accessory is easily forgotten in favor of the fiery orange hair
  223. that has been pulled away from his face and clasped with a thin length of
  224. leather cord. The sun shines fiercely on his head, revealing highlights of
  225. copper and terra cotta hair that have clearly been well cared for.
  227. As the viewer continues to take in the visage of this proud paladin, their eye
  228. will likely be drawn to his damaged ears. Painted with the same reverent
  229. attention to detail, the artist has highlighted the scars and shadows of his
  230. ears diligently, making sure that nothing has been missed. A cheery expression
  231. graces his face - likely the result of ale-drinking or a battle well fought.
  232. His knuckles are bruised and bloody, and he holds a bundle of dark brown
  233. fabric in his hands.
  235. At the bottom of the painting is a brief note, signed at the end with the
  236. initials 'CT',
  238. "Ckhjorh - I paint this in hopes that you can see yourself as I do. You are
  239. strong and a gift to the light, and you have nothing to hide."
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