

Jan 25th, 2019
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  1. In the world there are a lot of people, that have different types of personalities. Type As are person who are competitive, Type Bs are person who are easy-going, Type Cs are person who are introverted and type Ds are person who like routines. I think that i have more tan one personality , but one comes closer than all others. The personality category that fits me more closely is type B. Type Bs are social people who are basically extroverts.
  3. The type B likes to be around of people that makes them confortable , the type Bs are very social, they usually like to be acoompained, type Bs tend to be procastinators that means that they like to make things at the last time, but type Bs are also creative for example, i like to draw and i do it well ,i usually draw strange things that makes sense for me.
  4. But a person could have a lot of personalities, in some cases i feel that im type D because sometimes i like to be in my house a lot of time and dont want to go out also, i dont like to have a lot of changes in my life because i feel insecure. Another example of multipersonalities is a friend, whose name is Jose, he is more close of type As but he is also type B because he like to do things at the last time but in the end he gets Good grades.
  6. In conclusión, there are different types of personalities. A person could have more that one personality , a person who is self-driven and competitive, also can be charismatic and easy going, for example in my case i think that im Type B and Type D.
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