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a guest
May 22nd, 2018
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  1. Challenge - This flair is reserved for official /r/worldbuilding challenges. You generally should not use this flair without first getting moderator approval for your challenge.
  2. Discussion - This flair is used for general worldbuilding discussions. If you can't find any other flair to use, use this one.
  3. Language - Use this flair for posts about any or all forms of communication, be they visual or auditory.
  4. Lore - This is a general flair that should be used for all non-map posts about your world that do not fit under any other category like Science, Language, or Wiki.
  5. Map - If your post is a map, you should use this flair. Context rules still apply.
  6. Prompt - Use this if you are asking people for specific examples of worldbuilding. For example, a post asking "What sort of Dragons do you have in your world?" is a prompt.
  7. Question - A general flair used to indicate that you have a question about worldbuilding. If you are asking for assistance with building your world, please be sure to include context so that we can see you aren't simply trying to have our subreddit create your content for you. If it's a newbie question, please follow [This Link]().
  8. Resource - This flair is used to indicate a guide, tool, program, or other resource that can assist worldbuilders in creating their worlds.
  9. Logistics - Use this flair when you want to discuss how you magic system functions, how you're applying real world science, etc. and how it applies to worldbuilding.
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