
fishe <><

Aug 22nd, 2014
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  2. Apollonius wrote:
  3. but our goal is for everyone to feel good at this very forum
  7. No it's not, the difference here is that you want everyone to be accepted into the community regardless of their overall value as a poster. Yes, I value posters differently, as it's pretty fucking clear that people who dismiss the arguments made against them should be considered digital subhumans.
  9. Anyway since I'm apparently here to clear up things, hopefully you'll understand if there are some aspects which I haven't grasped due to not having been around before your retardedly long absence.
  11. First of all let me get out of the way that I fucking hate your attitude. No, it's got nothing to do with confrontation or jack shit like that, but the passive-aggressive bullshit you're pulling about not just being straightforward and dealing with this in the thread and instead trying to grace everyone with your QUALITY posts is what annoys me. I've clearly stated that there's no need to sugarcoat things in an argument just to make yourself out as more understanding or whatever, and I'd rather be called a motherfucking cocksucker than have to deal with pseudo-intellectual bullshit that does it's best to dance around the subject in a civilized manner.
  13. From what I understand the bad blood came from you acting like an unlikeable twit. You probably realize how little tolerance I have for posts like yours, and while I can imagine that others with similar mentality to mine still take it lighter, that doesn't change that it makes you instantly unlikeable. There doesn't have to be a sequence of events which makes people want you to go when your overal behaviour is what annoys the shit out of me. No, I'm not telling you to be a dick, Ike manages perfectly fine at moderating while staying civil or whatever, but at least he's straightforward.
  15. The way you're describing the Skype group as some kind of 3rd rate tsundere "It was fun but I-I didn't want to be in that group anyway!" is unbearable. Just straight-up ask what the fuck was up with that. If you actually gave enough of a shit to care then it wouldn't exactly take a detective to figure out all the shit that happened between the community and the moderators to make them want to take as many steps away from them as possible. Develop a framework of mutual understanding for my dick, you're literally just using phrases to make yourself appear as better than you are.
  17. You clearly do have a problem with some of us, if you don't then that's simply inhumane as there've been plenty of reasons handed to you. Might not be referring to me when you bring up the example, but honestly I try not to bring in any personal issues I have with someone unless I specifically disagree with them on a topic. When someone I clearly dislike has a point, then I'm still going to defend that shit, it's one of the reasons I can still get behind Ikcen despite calling him a fucking retard since I know that the guy has a straight-up nice attitude about shit like that. I'm thinking that Lex and Hellsync have the same idea concerning that, just because they don't actively oppose you in every conversation doesn't change the fact that they're still going to oppose you whenever it actually fits rather than just for the sake of it.
  19. Nobody has percieved your posts as degrading or anything like that, it's more just from how you act like some kind of superior authority. Yeah, I consider myself fucking amazing and above everyone else, but I make it so goddamn obvious that it's obvious that I'm doing it for that reason specifically. However by not being direct it becomes more demeaning if anything, not to myself personally, but to other posters as not everyone is willing to tell a mod to suck their dick. The part that's keeping people from being comfortable participating is that the moderation is literally godawful. It's been better since very recently by the sound of it, but all the shit that happened made it hard to have any faith at all in this forum, especially since apologetic posts tend to be hard to classify as legitimate or fake.
  21. Never really participated that much in the Skype chat, or at least not enough to know what you're talking about, but really I can understand them. You leave for obligation, that shit is fine, fucking primo, but insisting on being a moderator when you're barely in touch with the community is not. Nobody has anything against you writing articles and such, but just because someone can take a piss at an office every once in a while doesn't make them a certified janitor. Don't know if there's any dislike towards Ike, I haven't really felt that there's any part of what he says that's annoyed me. Like I said he's pretty direct, can't really hate the guy, only issue I've heard is him spreading misinformation unintentionally but that can be fixed. We're not going to be grateful for you fufilling your position, it's something that's going to be taken for granted as it's why you've got that position in the first place. Your authority means jack shit when you're rarely around to actually solidify the foundation for it.
  23. Yeah, I'm more hostile than normal, because there's a limit to how far I can go on the forum, and the fact that you're bringing this shit up in a PM rather than the forum pisses me off. Not going to mask it, just going to tell you that you're a terrible fucking moderator, and I understand why you get the shit that you get. I've only seen you around for a few days, but jesus christ your attitude pisses me off.
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