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- local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- if game.PlaceId == 15338697306 then
- Rayfield:Notify({
- Title = "Script executed",
- Content = "Script by Devappl",
- Duration = 6.5,
- Image = 4483362458,
- Actions = {
- Ignore = {
- Name = "Okay!",
- Callback = function()
- print("The user tapped Okay!")
- end
- },
- },
- })
- local RainbowKartToggled = false
- local AutoRebrithToggled = false
- local AutoWinMultiplyToggled = false
- local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({
- Name = "Go Kart Race Simulator | Script by Devappl",
- LoadingTitle = "Go Kart Race Simulator Script",
- LoadingSubtitle = "by Devappl",
- ConfigurationSaving = {
- Enabled = flase,
- FolderName = nil,
- FileName = "goKartRaceSimulatorScript"
- },
- Discord = {
- Enabled = false,
- Invite = "noinvitelink",
- RememberJoins = true
- },
- KeySystem = false,
- KeySettings = {
- Title = "Go Kart Race Simulator Script",
- Subtitle = "by Devappl",
- Note = "This script is in closed beta, no keys are currently available.",
- FileName = "Keysystem",
- SaveKey = false,
- GrabKeyFromSite = false,
- Key = {""}
- }
- })
- local MainTab = Window:CreateTab("Home", 4483362458)
- local MainSection = MainTab:CreateSection("Main")
- local ClickerTab = Window:CreateTab("Clicker", 4483362458)
- local ClickerSection = ClickerTab:CreateSection("Clicker")
- local PlayerTab = Window:CreateTab("Player", 4483362458)
- local PlayerSection = PlayerTab:CreateSection("Player")
- local EggTab = Window:CreateTab("Eggs", 4483362458)
- local EggSection = EggTab:CreateSection("Eggs")
- local RewardsTab = Window:CreateTab("Rewards", 4483362458)
- local RewardsSection = RewardsTab:CreateSection("Rewards")
- local KartsTab = Window:CreateTab("Karts", 4483362458)
- local KartsSection = KartsTab:CreateSection("Karts")
- local ScriptsTab = Window:CreateTab("Scripts", 4483362458)
- local ScriptsSection = ScriptsTab:CreateSection("Scripts")
- -----[ MAIN TAB ]-----
- local Paragraph = MainTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Script Information", Content = "I will probably not update this script much more, this is the best it will get with the games limitations and my current skill. (And also the softlock I put myself in with -9.22QN wins)"})
- -----[ EGGS TAB ]-----
- local EggLabel = EggTab:CreateLabel("Normal eggs require you to have their UI open")
- local EggDropdown = EggTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Select Egg",
- Options = {"Common Egg","Space Egg"},
- CurrentOption = {"Common Egg"},
- MultipleOptions = false,
- Flag = "selectEgg",
- Callback = function(Option)
- print((Option[1]))
- end,
- })
- local RobuxEggDropdown = EggTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Select Robux Egg",
- Options = {"Magma Egg","Deadly Egg", "Dominus Egg"},
- CurrentOption = {"Magma Egg"},
- MultipleOptions = false,
- Flag = "selectRobuxEgg",
- Callback = function(Option)
- print((Option[1]))
- end,
- })
- local EggAmountLabel = EggTab:CreateLabel("Bypassing triple hatch only works sometimes")
- local EggAmountSlider = EggTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Egg Amount",
- Range = {1, 1000},
- Increment = 1,
- Suffix = "Eggs",
- CurrentValue = 1,
- Flag = "eggAmountSlider",
- Callback = function(Value)
- print((Value))
- end,
- })
- local BasicHatchButton = EggTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Hatch Normal Egg(s)",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Assets"):WaitForChild("Signals"):WaitForChild("Functions"):WaitForChild("BuyEgg"):InvokeServer(EggDropdown.CurrentOption[1], EggAmountSlider.CurrentValue)
- end,
- })
- local RobuxHatchButton = EggTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Hatch Robux Egg(s)",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Assets"):WaitForChild("Signals"):WaitForChild("Functions"):WaitForChild("BuyEgg"):InvokeServer(RobuxEggDropdown.CurrentOption[1], EggAmountSlider.CurrentValue)
- end,
- })
- -----[ PLAYER TAB ]-----
- local SpeedSlider = PlayerTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Speed Slider",
- Range = {1, 250},
- Increment = 1,
- Suffix = "Speed",
- CurrentValue = 16,
- Flag = "speedSlider",
- Callback = function(Value)
- while wait() do
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = (Value)
- end
- end,
- })
- local UnstuckButton = PlayerTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Unstuck",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("EndRace"):FireServer()
- print("Attempted to leave race")
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Train"):FireServer("Nil","Finish")
- print("Attempted to stop training")
- end,
- })
- -----[ CLICKER TAB ]-----
- local WinsWarningLabel = ClickerTab:CreateLabel("Getting more than 9.22QN wins will set them to -9.22QN. This will make it so that you will not be able to buy certain things anymore")
- local WinsMultiplierDropdown = ClickerTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Wins Multiplier",
- Options = {"x1.12","x1.15","x1.17"},
- CurrentOption = {"x1.12"},
- MultipleOptions = false,
- Flag = "selectMultiplierReward",
- Callback = function(Option)
- print((Option[1]))
- end,
- })
- local MultiplyWinsButton = ClickerTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Multiply Wins",
- Callback = function()
- if WinsMultiplierDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "x1.12" then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Spin"):FireServer(7)
- elseif WinsMultiplierDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "x1.15" then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Spin"):FireServer(1)
- elseif WinsMultiplierDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "x1.17" then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Spin"):FireServer(6)
- else
- print("Win Multiplication Error")
- end
- end,
- })
- local AutoWinMultiplyToggle = ClickerTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Multiply Wins",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "autoMultiplyWins",
- Callback = function(Value)
- AutoWinMultiplyToggled = not AutoWinMultiplyToggled
- if AutoWinMultiplyToggled then
- while AutoWinMultiplyToggled do
- if WinsMultiplierDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "x1.12" then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Spin"):FireServer(7)
- elseif WinsMultiplierDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "x1.15" then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Spin"):FireServer(1)
- elseif WinsMultiplierDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "x1.17" then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Spin"):FireServer(6)
- else
- print("Auto Win Multiplication Error")
- end
- wait()
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local PowerWarningLabel = ClickerTab:CreateLabel("Getting more than 9.22QN power will set it to -9.22QN. Having negative power makes you move at 0 speed")
- local PowerInput = ClickerTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Give Power",
- PlaceholderText = "0",
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = true,
- Callback = function(Text)
- local text_without_quotes = Text:gsub('"', '')
- local integer_value = tonumber(text_without_quotes)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("ClientRemote"):InvokeServer("Train","Power",(tonumber(integer_value)/2)-50)
- end,
- })
- local RebirthButton = ClickerTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Rebirth",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("ClientRemote"):InvokeServer("Rebirth")
- end,
- })
- local AutoRebirthToggle = ClickerTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Rebirth",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "autoRebirth",
- Callback = function(Value)
- AutoRebrithToggled = not AutoRebrithToggled
- if AutoRebrithToggled then
- while AutoRebrithToggled do
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("ClientRemote"):InvokeServer("Rebirth")
- wait()
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- -----[ REWARDS TAB ]-----
- local ClaimAllRewardsButton = RewardsTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Claim All Rewards",
- Callback = function()
- local countMax = 8
- local count = 0
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("addSpin"):FireServer()
- print("Attempted to add Spins")
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("XmasK"):FireServer()
- print("Attempted to claim Free Kart")
- for i = 1, countMax do
- count = count + 1
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Daily"):FireServer("D"..count)
- print("Attempted to claim Daily Gift",count)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Gift"):FireServer("G"..count)
- print("Attempted to claim Playtime Reward",count)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Spin"):FireServer(count)
- print("Attempted to claim Wheel Reward",count)
- end
- end
- })
- local VerifyButton = RewardsTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Spoof Verify Twitter",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("ClientRemote"):InvokeServer("Verify")
- end,
- })
- local RewardSelectionLabel = RewardsTab:CreateLabel("Only the wheel has 8 bonuses, selecting higher than 7 on daily or playtime does nothing")
- local RewardDropdown = RewardsTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Reward Type",
- Options = {"Daily","Playtime","Wheel"},
- CurrentOption = {"Daily"},
- MultipleOptions = false,
- Flag = "selectReward",
- Callback = function(Option)
- print((Option[1]))
- end,
- })
- local RewardsSlider = RewardsTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Reward Number",
- Range = {1, 8},
- Increment = 1,
- Suffix = "",
- CurrentValue = 1,
- Flag = "rewardsSlider",
- Callback = function(Value)
- print((Value))
- end,
- })
- local RewardButton = RewardsTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Give Selected Reward",
- Callback = function()
- if RewardDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "Daily" then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Daily"):FireServer("D"..RewardsSlider.CurrentValue)
- print("Attempted to claim Daily Gift",RewardsSlider.CurrentValue)
- elseif RewardDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "Playtime" then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Gift"):FireServer("G"..RewardsSlider.CurrentValue)
- print("Attempted to claim Playtime Reward",RewardsSlider.CurrentValue)
- elseif RewardDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "Wheel" then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Spin"):FireServer(RewardsSlider.CurrentValue)
- print("Attempted to claim Wheel Reward",RewardsSlider.CurrentValue)
- else
- print("Reward Button Error")
- end
- end,
- })
- local BoostLabel = RewardsTab:CreateLabel("Boosts might take a while to show up")
- local BoostDropdown = RewardsTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Boost Type",
- Options = {"x2 Stats","x2 Wins"},
- CurrentOption = {"x2 Stats"},
- MultipleOptions = false,
- Flag = "selectBoost",
- Callback = function(Option)
- print((Option[1]))
- end,
- })
- local BoostDurationDropdown = RewardsTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Boost duration",
- Options = {"15 Minutes","1 Hour"},
- CurrentOption = {"15 Minutes"},
- MultipleOptions = false,
- Flag = "selectBoostDuration",
- Callback = function(Option)
- print((Option[1]))
- end,
- })
- local GiveBoostButton = RewardsTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Give Boost",
- Callback = function()
- if BoostDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "x2 Stats" then
- if BoostDurationDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "15 Minutes" then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Gift"):FireServer("G7")
- elseif BoostDurationDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "1 Hour" then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Daily"):FireServer("D3")
- else
- print("Stats Boost Error")
- end
- elseif BoostDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "x2 Wins" then
- if BoostDurationDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "15 Minutes" then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Gift"):FireServer("G3")
- elseif BoostDurationDropdown.CurrentOption[1] == "1 Hour" then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Daily"):FireServer("D4")
- else
- print("Win Boost Error")
- end
- else
- print("Boost Button Error")
- end
- end,
- })
- -----[ SCRIPTS TAB ]-----
- local ScriptsLabel = ScriptsTab:CreateLabel("Utility scripts that might come in handy")
- local InfiniteYieldButton = ScriptsTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Infinite Yield v5.9.4",
- Callback = function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- end,
- })
- local SimpleSpyButton = ScriptsTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Simple Spy v3",
- Callback = function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- end,
- })
- -----[ KARTS TAB ]-----
- local SpecialKartLabel = KartsTab:CreateLabel('The special kart is sometimes a "Xmas" kart, and sometimes a "Heart" kart')
- local SpecialKartButton = KartsTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Give Special Kart",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("XmasK"):FireServer()
- end,
- })
- local RainbowLabel = KartsTab:CreateLabel("Each rainbow cycle costs 878200 wins")
- local RainbowDelaySlider = KartsTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Rainbow Delay",
- Range = {1, 1000},
- Increment = 1,
- Suffix = "Ms",
- CurrentValue = 100,
- Flag = "rainbowDelaySlider",
- Callback = function(Value)
- print((Value))
- end,
- })
- local RainbowKartToggle = KartsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Rainbow Kart",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "rainbowKart",
- Callback = function(Value)
- AutoRebrithToggled = not AutoRebrithToggled
- if AutoRebrithToggled then
- while AutoRebrithToggled do
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("BuyKick"):FireServer("Really red")
- wait(RainbowDelaySlider.CurrentValue/1000)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("BuyKick"):FireServer("New Yeller")
- wait(RainbowDelaySlider.CurrentValue/1000)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("BuyKick"):FireServer("Earth green")
- wait(RainbowDelaySlider.CurrentValue/1000)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("BuyKick"):FireServer("Cyan")
- wait(RainbowDelaySlider.CurrentValue/1000)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("BuyKick"):FireServer("Dark indigo")
- wait(RainbowDelaySlider.CurrentValue/1000)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("BuyKick"):FireServer("Hot pink")
- wait(RainbowDelaySlider.CurrentValue/1000)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("BuyKick"):FireServer("Reddish brown")
- wait(RainbowDelaySlider.CurrentValue/1000)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("BuyKick"):FireServer("Dark stone grey")
- wait(RainbowDelaySlider.CurrentValue/1000)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("BuyKick"):FireServer("Bronze")
- wait(RainbowDelaySlider.CurrentValue/1000)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("BuyKick"):FireServer("Gold")
- wait(RainbowDelaySlider.CurrentValue/1000)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- else
- Rayfield:Notify({
- Title = "Script failed",
- Content = "Not in the correct game",
- Duration = 6.5,
- Image = 4483362458,
- Actions = {
- Ignore = {
- Name = "Okay!",
- Callback = function()
- print("The user tapped Okay!")
- end
- },
- },
- })
- end
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