

Aug 6th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Hey, don't make fun of sports, okay?
  2. They're responsible for keeping our planet aligned and should be revered. They also did a fantastic job in WWII A to fight for real change. Look dumb, look, here's the deal. Three things, okay. Number one, no one is illegal. You need to let the undocumented residents in your home and give them all your valuables, they need them more than you do. Besides, they worked hard to do the, you know the thing. Come on man! What's with this guy? CHECK THE RECORD!
  4. Number FOUR-- We've got a President who would rather send in Star Wars stormwookies, or whatever they call them, to spread their fear on our peaceful protests! They did nothing wrong man! GIVE ME A BREAK. George Kirby was a Saint, PERIOD.
  6. Number TWO, you need to realize that when these undocumented immigrants cross the Indian ocean to build a better life for the cockroaches, they also rely on us to guide them. PERIOD. Just last week we had a sta-stag-st- a big, uh, well anyway. I'm gonna get in trouble if I say this so I'm gonna hold off.
  8. Number FIVE- On my first day as U.S. Representative, I will enact the Corn Pop Act of 1921. I will make him my Secretary of Malarkey Relations, and he will build back gooder! We will finally defeat Ronald Trump and take back the Congress! PERIOD.
  10. Listen, you don't agree, I hear you man, but you know, you're a lying dog-faced po-- Polish soldier, you're full of shit. Why does Poland even have to exist? I don't even like Polish sausages. AND CHECK THE RECORD JACK, I'M THE ONE WHO ANNEXED POLAND BACK IN THE 80s. The Krauts-- Sure they taste good, but I don't-- anyway. End of quote. PERIOD. My times up. Yes sir.
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