
Supernova debunk

Jun 10th, 2017
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  1. +XKINGX Gaming​
  2. +Facefull Void​
  3. +NickMatt94​
  4. +Zvonimir Tomac​
  5. +Madolche Ally Boo​
  6. +Ichigo Kurosaki 黒崎一護​
  7. +vegeta the prince of all two saiyans​
  8. +Endless​ (Urgh)
  9. +Man from Shadow​
  10. +Sҽphιroтн安哥拉
  11. +Tobias Foxtrot​
  12. +The Dragon Ball Editor​
  13. +SuperBoy Prime​
  14. +Baron, 从启示录​
  15. +The SuperGhost​
  16. +RaphaniacZX​
  17. why did I even have to tag....
  19. I've still heard other DBZ fans try to argue with it it and I feel the need to address it, as a result - the feat in question is found in the "Superman: Brainiac" graphic novel, in which Superman searches for Brainiac all over the Milky Way Galaxy in his own attempt to retrieve the shrunken Kryptonian City of Kandor, and he discovers Brainiac doing the same thing to another Planet, before then blowing up said Planet's Sun as Superman gets caught in the explosion: 
  23. Now, we first have to note that this was a younger Superman, who had just found his cousin, Kara Zor-El AKA Supergirl, and was heading into his first encounter with Brainiac - Superman: Brainiac was chronologically set earlier on in Superman's career, so we still have to take firmly into account what's happened both earlier in a character's fictional history and later on, as well as take character progression into account. I've actually also heard of many other different ways to either debunk or to downplay this feat - some DBZ fans have tried to use this one scan out-of-context and state that Superman was near-death, barely able to survive the explosion, while others try to use Physics and thereby state that Superman was too small to even tank the entire impact, therefore only being able to tank either the Moon-busting or the Planet-busting impact that had actually hit him. The former, however, is false reasoning, for two reasons: 
  25. 1) Superman was taken off-guard: now, while some might automatically try to simply argue that Superman's durability doesn't depend on his mental concentration, you would, granted, be half-right in that his physical durability is what doesn't depend on it. This still doesn't, however, hold true to his mental fortitude, and just because you could resist something, even with little-to-no damage to yourself, it doesn't mean that it doesn't still hurt. Superman's also been sometimes shown in various other comics to need to "steel himself" in order to tank an extremely powerful force or impact without losing consciousness, so this further reinforces my point that Superman needs to mentally prepare himself to remain conscious when taking such a large amount of damage: 
  28. 2) Superman was not physically-harmed: Now, while some of you might still argue that being knocked out by any impact as large as a exploding Sun, or a Nova, equates to being "physically harmed", the fact still remains unchanged that in the very next panel, when Brainiac is shown as he retrieves Superman and brings him aboard his ship, Superman appears to not have a single physical injury on him - there's no sign of even a scratch or a bruise on him, which means that the Bio-Electric Aura that had granted him his durability had still held true, and that this wasn't nearly close to the limits of his durability because his body showed no physical damage, at all. As a comparison, you can take a quick look at Superman's fight with Doomsday, during "The Death of Superman" Story Arc - Superman still had his Bio-Electric aura protecting him there, and yet he was visibly bleeding from that fight. So, what does that mean? It means that his Solar reserves were running low and his Bio-Electric Aura wasn't holding, letting Doomsday breach it to inflict significant amounts of damage to Superman's body. The contrast between the physical damage shown in those two feats proves my point, that Superman wasn't truly, physically-harmed during the Brainiac Nova feat, and had only suffered from a prolonged stun at most:
  31. Therefore, we can say that Superman was not at the limits of his durability in this scan, and this is further supported in the comic itself - within minutes of him being stunned, he's still able to get up from the Medical Bay under his own power, track down the faint Kryptonian speech that he was able to hear while being on the ship itself, fight off a army of Brainiac Drones in his path, navigate Brainiac's ship according to the sounds that can he hear, and then finally tracks down the Shrunken Kryptonian City of Kandor before confronting and beating Brainiac himself. So, if Superman was ever noticeably damaged, either physically or mentally, at this time, there is no way that he could do all of this as fast as he evidently did - even just getting up minutes after tanking a Supernova would've been a feat, let alone fighting a major battle and simply tearing your way through legions of Brainiac Drones while, at the same time, also mentally navigating a unfamiliar ship based on faint Kryptonian speech. 
  33. On the other hand, like I've said, many people try to use the Laws of Physics and thereby claim that Superman hadn't tanked the full explosion, due to its energy output being dispersed over a much wider area. Many have used this excuse to imply that Superman cannot even tank Moon-busting force, but I'll just debunk this thinking right off the bat and say flat-out that it's wrong - not only is it contradicted by feats and facts that have already been clearly presented on-panel, but this shows ignorance in how Supernovas actually work. While it's true that the full force of a Nova or a Supernova does dissipate exponentially while traveling in the vacuum of Space, due to the Inverse Square Law, the full effect of this only comes into effect at extremely large distances. For example, if a sufficiently large Star had went Supernova 100 Light-Years away or about 94.60 trillion kilometers from us, we'd still see it on Earth but it would pose no threat to us at all as a cosmic event. If, however, that same exact Star went Supernova 50 Light-Years away or 47.30 trillion kilometers from us, the blast wave would both destroy the Earth's Ozone layer and negatively affect the Planet's magnetic field, thereby killing all life on our World. Finally, if the Supernova occurred just 1 Light-Year away or 9.46 trillion kilometers from us, the resulting blast would vaporize Earth entirely and all but completely destroy our entire Solar System as a whole. The blast itself would tear our entire Solar System to shreads and even the force of just the shockwaves of the event would easily destroy every nearby Celestial Object orbiting our Sun, leaving our Solar System as a Nebula remnant that would eventually lead to the formation of new Stars and Planets over time.  
  37. Yet, Superman was still on the Planet next to the Star in question, not even a Light-Year away from the explosion, and had yet survived - our Solar System isn't even a Light Year in diameter, and so while one Supernova isn't able to vaporzie literally everything within our Solar System, it'd still certianly have enough Kinetic Energy to cover and tear apart the total area of it. All of that being said, although Superman likely still didn't tank all the force behind the Nova due to both his body's surface area and his distance away from the actual event, it's still one extremely impressive feat of durability overall. Regardless, there are also still plenty of additional feats to consider here: for example, during the "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies" story arc, Superman was punched by Hawkman with the Claw of Horus, which was stated on-panel to actually draw power from the Earth's magnetic core in order to thereby essentially strike its target "with the Planet" or, in other words, with a amount of energy that would be equal to the mass of Planet Earth hitting him: 
  42. Planet Earth weighs in at 5.972 Sextillion tons, or 5.417 Septillion kilograms, and so the Claw of Horus would've hit Superman with at least the equivalent of that amount of mass and a Earth-sized Planetary collision on that scale with Superman's body would've obviously approached towards generating a significant amount of force, even potentially enough to bust a Earth-sized Planet. It's also worthy to note that the Claw of Horus has actually made several appearances within DC Comics and has several feats behind it, in of itself - for example, it was originally used to return the first Flash, Jay Garrick, to the Present after he had gotten himself lost in Time. In addition, any punch from the Claw of Horus would've additionally been enhanced by the Superhuman strength that Hawkman's Nth Metal Armor affords him which, while maybe not great enough to naturally be classified as in Superman's class, allows Hawkman to accomplish such feats as throwing Tanks around with relative ease or trading blows with various other Superhumans. Considering that the Claw of Horus was a piece of Thanagarian technology that had likely been capable of concentrating that much raw energy into such a condensed area, to the point that Superman's body would've been able to be struck with the full force, this would've already disproven Superman's durability as being limited to mere Moon-busting force. It's also very noteworthy to mention that Superman evidently wasn't even injured by the punch - Superman was indeed shown to be knocked out, granted, but it was later revealed within the comic that Superman had actually feinted unconsciousness for both him and Batman to buy Power Girl and Katana more time, taking Hawkman and Captain Marvel by surprise before having stole their costumes in an attempt to get close enough to Lex Luthor, who was actually in-office as the President of the United States, at the time: 
  47. This was even shown in the fight during the Animated Movie adaptation of the comic:
  51. Now, with all of this being said, Superman is far beyond Planet-busting in terms of durability - this isn't much for the Man of Steel, however, and there are feats that prove him as having far greater durability in terms of his maximum limis. Even early in Post-Crisis, while fighting Starbreaker alongside Booster GOLD, Superman was hit with "the destructive force of a Nova" and yet was still only briefly incapacitated without injury: 
  55. In fact, we've actually already talked about at least one of these feats up above, while we were discussing Superman's speed and acceleration - the Sun-Eater explosion that Superman had been shown to have tanked was still directly stated on-panel as it being "50 times larger than Keplar's Supernova" and, considering that the real-life Keplar's Supernova had actually been just slightly larger than your average 10 Octillion Megaton Supernova already, this would put us at least at 500 Octillion Megatons: 
  65. Oh, and before anyone comments below to point this out, Superman did still, in fact, tank that Sun-Eater explosion - the actual Supernova had exploded just a little while afterwards, granted, while the Electromagnetic Shockwave had occurred just before that, but it was still clearly the Sun-Eater exploding as a result of the Entropy Bomb that Superman had tanked on-panel, and that large explosion is what was actually said to be "50 times larger than Keplar's Supernova". A Sun-Eater in DC Comics is a creature, generally the size of a Nebula, that survives in the vacuum of Space via devouring nearby Stars and their radiation - After tanking the explosion, Superman had been de-powered in both flight speed and durability, and so was in danger of being incinerated by the "expanding ball of radiation" that had been either a) a resulting fallout or after-effect of the Entropy Bomb's detonation, similar to the radiation fallout from a Nuclear Warhead, or b) from the remains of the dead Sun-Eater, a member of a species that actually survives via devouring both Stars and their radiation. An actual Supernova merely occurring right after this, as a result of the Sun-Eater destabilizing the Red Giant Star that it was devouring, still has absolutely nothing to do with the Entropy Bomb having already been detonated within the Sun-Eater itself, nor was that Supernova ever specifically implied on-panel to be the explosion in-question, which had supposedly been "50 times larger than Keplar's Supernova" 
  67. For a second durability feat, I'll now refer you towards the Mini-Series entitled "Death of the New Gods", which was supposed to be a precursor to the larger "Final Crisis" story arc and had featured Superman tanking the collision of both Apokolips and New Genesis, two Planets located within the "Fourth World", which the Source/Presence had 
  72. Now, the big question is "How large were these two Planets?" Well, currently ignoring the fact that such uninformed debaters as Kakarrot88 would want to shrink these two Planets down to merely Jupiter's size, there's still ample evidence that those Planets that the "New Gods" inhabit while living on both on Apokolips and New Genesis are much larger than any Planets that could physically exist within our Universe. The Comics often make a point to emphasize just how large these Planets are, even at one point comparing the Planet that they were a part of to a size that could "dwarf Galaxies": 
  76. This is complicated by the fact that, as I've already mentioned, both of these Planets and "New Gods" who reside on them are all existing in a separate larger dimension known as the "Fourth World" or "Fourth Dimension". Usually, the preferred method used to travel between the "Fourth World" and a normally-sized Dimension is via wormhole-like dimensional portals that are known as "Boom Tubes", and it's also been hinted at, even being outright stated, that anyone or anything that is traveling though a "Boom Tube" normally has its physical size adjusted to fit more comfortably in its destination Universe. Being at their normal size in our own Universe, "New Gods", such as Darkseid and his Son, Orion, have already been shown to be physically large enough to quite literally hold entire Planets within the palms of their hands: 
  84. That being said, the New Gods on New Genesis and Apokolips are actually pretty over-powered, even by DC Comics standards - keep in mind that this was Orion's normal size, and yet Superman's eyeball was more than large enough to physically dwarf one of these presumably Earth-sized Planets. Although Superman had still traveled through a Boom Tube and had gotten his size adjusted, it's been shown that Apokolips and New Genesis are still huge Planets, even to New Gods in their Home Dimension, and that, for the Planets to merge, the collision would've had to at least overcome both of the Planets' Gravitational Binding Energy (GBE) to do so - this also doesn't take into account the Mass of either Superman or of the Planets and so, since this calculation is quite clearly way over my head, to be completely frank, I refer you to Endless_Mike on NarutoForums, and wil simply stick with his calculation of the feat: 
  88. The Kinetic energy of the collision thereby comes out to about 2.439292543E+31 Megatons of TNT or 24 Nonillion Megatons of force - in comparison, this amount of energy is just about 2,400x the force of a 10 Octillion megaton Supernova as condensed into one Planetary collision, and the collision had possessed enough kinetic energy to destroy the Solar System 176.47x over. Not only that, but take notice that this feat would've also constituted as being a inelastic collision - most of the energy was squarely focused at the point of impact, in contrast to a explosion, and Superman was also attempting to at least slow the collision, as well, so he would've tanked a lot more of that Kinetic Energy. Also, do take note that even as is mentioned within the calculation itself and the comments below it, this is still a major low-end calc for the feat - Endless_Mike had taken the statement of "the Earth would barely displace the waters of a small lake" on New Genesis, to use the shallowest lake on a list of the deepest lakes on Earth, and then had taken the words "barely displace" to mean that the Earth would've equated to the entire diameter of that "small lake", when the Planet would've still also had to be much smaller than the entire diameter, in order to "barely displace the waters" as was stated. Even with this huge handicap in terms of scaling, the overall sizes of New Genesis and Apokolips come out as rivaling the size of two Hypergiant Stars, and the total energy of the collision, considering the low-end, would come out as being at least Solar System busting. This definitvely proves that Superman's durability is far beyond Supernova-level and is also at least at low-tier Solar System+, if not even greater, considering that Superman was able to recover soon afterwards.
  90. As a third durability feat, I'll reference Justice League of America Vol. 1 #112, where Superman and the rest of the JLA had fought off a Qwardian attack on Earth, during the fight, was tanking the weaponry of their Supwerweapon, called the Void Hound: 
  94. Why is this significant? Because the last time that the Qwardian Void Hound had been tested, 10 Star Systems had died just from it being activated:
  99. The Qwardians, for those who don't know, are an alien species residing on Qward, a Planet that is located within the Antimatter Universe of the DC Comics Multiverse. The Qwardians were known for their skill in creating weapons, in particular - for example, directly after being exiled to the Antimatter Universe by the Guardians of the Universe, Sinestro had his Yellow Power Ring and Lantern Battery forged on Qward. The Void Hound had been constantly referenced as busting Planets, Stars, and even entire Solar Systems at a time, so the fact that Superman has tanked attacks from this thing reinforces the fact that he can tank Multi Solar System-busting attacks and serves as yet another tribute to his durability. Also take note that, while the entire Justice Leauge had been charging the Void Hound with several New Gods, only Superman, Captain Marvel/Shazam and Power Girl had actually been tanking direct attacks from it - Wonder Woman was using her indestructable Bracelets of Submission to deflect its blasts, instead, and the rest of the JLA were evading the energy beams.
  101. As a final durability feat, I take you to Justice League of America Vol. 1 #41, where Superman drains the Mageddon Superweapon by absorbing the Anti-Sunlight radiation that had been contained within its Anti-Sun, having enough force to vaporize half of the Milky Way Galaxy: 
  113. Now, I've had DBZ fanboys even try to debunk this feat, and while it's clearly a pretty rare one, in terms of Superman showing that kind of sheer durability, it does still count as being a feat of durability, for the simple reason that it was written that way. Many say that Superman absorbing the Anti-Sunlight doesn't equate to him being able to physically tank that much force because he a) could've been super-charged or b) could've otherwise still not been durable enough to tank the energy without his Kryptonian ability to absorb Yellow Sunlight, but both of these claims are false, being desperate and futile attempts to undermine the feat. First of all, just take a look at the second and third pages - be sure to tell me in the comments below if that actually looks like Superman was Super-Charged, because the "Our Worlds at War" story arc has already shown us what a Super-Charged Superman looks and acts like, and that's not it at all. Hell, even Red Sunlight, which is shown to take away Superman's powers and reduce him to human-like levels, has never been shown to affect Superman in such a negative way, so we can easily conclude that there was no Super-Charge or other Sun-based buff involved. Now, in terms of Superman absorbing the Anti-Sunlight and not tanking it, it's a mute point as The Anti-Sun bomb had still clearly detonated in our third scan and the mere fact that the Kryptonian cells of Superman's body had absorbed all of the resulting Anti-Sunlight, without bursting from over-saturation, in itself is a testimony to how durable his individual cells are and, through extent, his body is. In short, Superman's absorbtion of the Anti-Sunlight doesn't suggest nor prove that Superman isn't durable enough to tank the Anti-Sunlight - it just proves that Superman's that durable on a much lower cellular level, to an extent, and not merely on that bodily level with his Bio-Electric Aura. 
  115. Second, let's consider yet another claim of skeptics, that being that the Anti-Sunlight that Superman had absorbed doesn't equate to the total energy output of the Warhead. Now, this is actually a warrented one in terms of the feat, only because Oracle had, at one point, mentioned the Mageddon Anti-Sun as "going Hypernova" in 30 minutes: 
  119. As most real-life Supernovas and Hypernovas are capable of producing more Kinetic Energy in that one explosion than their respective Stars are able to produce over their entire life-span, this would mean that Superman had absorbed much less than the explosion's energy. This reasoning, however clever it is, still serves as a desperate attempt to downplay the feat - as I've said above, we can clearly see that the Mageddon Anti-Sun did, in fact, detonate as Superman was attempting to absorb it in our third scan and, since the Anti-Sun's "Hypernova" reaction had evidently happened as Superman had actually been absorbing its Anti-Sunlight radiation, he would've obviously had tried to take in and absorb that explosion's energy to avoid the vast majority of collateral damage to the Earth. Even when ignoring this point and assuming that the Anti-Sun didn't actually ever detonate during the feat, the Anti-Sunlight had also been stated to be "concentrated" and Superman's cellular absorbtion of this had also still disarmed the Anti-Sun, so that by itself would confirm that, at some point, Superman had still absorbed enough radiation to ensure that the Anti-Sun could no longer function, ergo taking at least most, if not all, of the Anti-Sunlight in question.
  121. With that being said, though, let's just humor that previous thinking and calculate this feat via another method - a real-life Hypernova has been estimated to emit about 1.0e+48 Joules of Energy or around 23.9 Nonillion Megatons of force, as a explosion. In contrast, via using our own Sun, Sol, as our reference point for the calculation, an average Star typically emits only 3.7656+e26 Joules of Energy or about 90 Billion Megatons of force per second of its 10 Billion year life. So, by dividing these two numbers, we'd get a respective difference of 2.6555193e+21 times in Joules, or 2.6555556e+20 times in Megatons - now, as it would've taken 5.709 Foe or 5.709e+44 Joules of Energy to vaporize the entire Solar System in one explosive blast and it's also been estimated that there's at least 200 Billion Stars, and therefore Solar Systems, within the Miky Way Galaxy, we could quite easily multiply these numbers to get a grand estimate of 5.709e+55 Joules of Energy, or 13.6 Duodecillion Megatons of force, to completely wipe out and vaporize everything within half of the Milky Way Galaxy. This isn't all of the required energy, though, due to how vast Solar Systems are spaced apart over many Light-Years, and it's already been estimated that it instead takes about 50 PetaFoe, or 5e+60 Joules, in order to completely encompass and vaporize half a Galaxy that's close to the size of the Milky Way in just one blast - that's about 1.195028681e+45 Megatons or 1.19 Quatturodecillion Megatons of force, enough kinetic energy to vaporize our Solar System 8.75 Quadrillion times over and 117 Quadrillion times via 10 Octillion Megaton Supernova. By using our difference from earlier and also by estimating that Superman had held onto Mageddon's Anti-Sun for at least 10 seconds, while absorbing the Anti-Sunlight radiation that it had been emitting per second, that would still give us a total amount of 1.874922156e+41 Joules of Energy or 44.8 Septillion Megatons of force, enough to destroy the Earth 845,504,056 times over. This is additionally a mere 3,044 times less kinetic energy than would be necessary to vaporize the Solar System and only 223 times less than enough to blow apart the Solar System via a 10 Octillion Megaton Supernova, all completely summed up into the Anti-Sunlight that Superman had absorbed into his Kryptonian cells with little-to-no injury afterwards
  123. There its settled
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