
Magiks for Fauzhaven

May 21st, 2015
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  1. Magiks:
  3. Rune Magic: Runes are used for augmenting and creating magic within objects and people. Rune magic is often found heavily within houses and lineage, babies being marked with their first rune straight after birth. The runes given are dependent on the deity the family worships.
  5. Runes are the main use of magic across the globe, being found on buildings and entrances, to both bring good luck and ward off evils. In order to achieve godhood (the less deadly way), one must take years upon years of rune studying and meditation. Some tomes vary from others about how the process works, but the main idea is lie long rune studying.
  7. Runes can cause things to change shape, can give protective barriers, can heal, etc.
  9. Chi: Chi is the magic that some souls provide, increasing strength and dexterity within the body. Chi normally produces people akin to athletes and fighters. Those abnormal people who have chi can learn to direct the chi into blasts of energy, whether it be to heal wounds or deal deathly bolts.
  11. Dark magic: Magic produced through acts of some sort of sacrifice. Categories of this includes sacrificial magic, blood magic, and demonic magic. Demonic magic is the hardest to control, for the soul has to be bound to a demon for an influx of magic.
  13. Blood magic can be accessed and used in a variety of ways. The most common is self mutilation, where the user cuts open their skin to allow blood to flow freely from their bodies. The more blood used, the more power they have. Masters of this have found ways to use blood that isn't their own. Another form is a type of shape-shifting, where the body uses the magic in its veins to mutate limbs into weapons. Examples are things such as bone swords for arms, meat clubs, perhaps exoskeletal armor.
  15. Sacrificial magic is magic gained from sacrificing beings with souls to demonic powers. The demons reward the one sacrificing spirits with magic, which in turn is used by the magic user for whatever they choose.
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