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Nov 20th, 2019
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  1. the group was supposed to provide 28 ps4s and monitors, which they did. and they were supposed to provide all games + DLC
  2. so: SFV, DBFZ, Tekken 7, Samsho, MK11, UNist, Skullgirls with ALL dlc
  3. only 2 of the dbfz setups had dlc, none had android 21
  4. none of the mk11 setups were up to date
  5. they had ONE samurai shodown disc for four consoles
  6. so effectively we had one setup
  7. NONE of the mk11 setups were up to date or had the latest kombat pass, we had to update each ps4 manually
  8. NONE OF THE PS4S HAD UNIST despite me telling them, multiple times, "this game's physical version is very rare, gamestop won't have it, just buy it digitally"
  9. none of the sfv setups had kage, despite me explaining several times how to buy him
  10. the only game they didn't fuck up was skullgirls because i gave them the codes
  11. chair arrangement was such that it was one chair for one ps4s, we had to redo all of it
  12. im putting this there before i forget
  13. I think tekken 7 was OK
  14. that's the only game aside from SG that wasn't messed up somehow
  15. many of the game boxes in the box of discs were empty
  16. one of the playstation 4 and 2 of the monitors did not work
  17. (it might have been 3 broken monitors, i don't exactly remember)
  18. We were promised 2 full tables and then smash was offered last minute
  19. and cannibalized our space
  20. no trophies, despite us having some of the biggest presence there and other communities getting theirs
  21. no staff badges (i don't know if this is technically on kcgameon but this is also fucked)
  22. our name wasn't on any of the banners
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