

May 23rd, 2013
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  1. >You are Celestia
  2. >And you didn't see that coming either...
  3. >twice....twice these creatures and their golem have gotten the jump on you.
  4. >Their...armament indeed was varying.
  5. >Those...ballistic shells the first time striking your tower, now these fast moving flying things were another to add to the check-list of this golems weapon systems.
  6. >It made you slightly concerned what OTHER surprises they had, but for the moment, you had to get your bearings.
  7. >The fire washed over you, it was warm, if not unsettling for its power; it almost rivaled that of the sun as you could see the missiles explosion wash over the improtue sheild you errected.
  8. >You had flapped your wings before you, adding another layer as you felt the pressure of the explosion, and lost your flight, sending yourself to the ground in a heap, but realtivly unhurt from the attack.
  9. >The fires warming fury was welcoming as you flapped it away, shaking your head as your mane and coat were tainted with a dark soot as you let out a cute cough as you shake yourself clean.
  10. >The glint you had seen no longer was there, and you tsked, trying to remember where the flash had come from.
  11. >Certainly they had the higher ground this time, smart, very smart, you'd have to be more cautious than ever when dealing wi-
  12. >Boom
  13. >A round whizzes by, slamming into the ground just by your right as you jump away on reaction alone.
  14. >They certainly did have the higher ground, but where? That mountain's upper tree-line wa-
  15. >Another round strikes to your direct left, nearly clipping your left wing as you had them splayed to stabilized yourself from your last jump.
  16. >They were getting closer, but....if they had such clear shots, why did they miss twice as you shake your head, getting the ringing from your ears as you look at the mountains.
  17. >You cannot see the glint anymore...nor hear them....
  18. >You huff, back to square one as you flap your wings and take flight again, going up at a faster pace towards the mountains tree-line.
  20. "Round out!" your gunner said as the second shot impacted right beside Celestia.
  21. "Good, get us out of here comrade driver!"
  22. >Your driver nods, putting the tank into reverse as you pull away from the bush you hid in, right down into the make-shift dirt-path you had carved into the ground with your tank.
  23. >You didn't have the foarding equipment, let alone woods-clearing mounts as you were fighting in a desert, but your weight and mass alone was enough to get through this wilderness.
  24. >You start taking the path forward, having found it spiraling all the way around the mountain as your driver handles it flawlessly, keeping the tank nestled deep under the canopy, hidden from anything that may fly above, especially nosy alicorns.
  25. >You're not sure if Celestia will be able to make it to this spot by the time you drive of, hopefully your second-phase plan will be able to work if you confused her long enough.
  26. >Then there was the fact if she was going to fly here double quick, or take her time searching again.
  27. >Whatever the case, you had to get OFF the moutain, and stat.
  28. >The low ground is what you needed if she was going to the high ground, and with luck, you could get her in the back.
  29. "Dis is insaine..." your loader mutters as you kept checking all around with your infa-red scope "she sruvived direct hit v'ith AT-10? Dat makes NO SENSE, she should been blown apart!"
  30. "She did comrade, v'e can't change v'hat happened." you retort "she is magic, magic creatures are trickery."
  31. "Dah..." your gunner mutters "Im sure dat sheild she had v'ould have stopped shell to...dat v'hy you made me shoot sides of her?"
  32. >You nod "Direct attack v'ould be silly, she can block dem, v'e have to flank and surprise here, but...dat is tricky in itself."
  34. >You are Celestia
  35. >And this certainly was puzzling.
  36. >You had arrived at the spot you had seen the glint, but all you were able to find were a pair of tracks leading off into the woods.
  37. "They were here...before...but now they moved? How curious...such speed in which they go on the offensive to the defensive..."
  38. >You rub your chin, looking closely at the tracks as you start to follow them into the brush.
  39. >They went around the mountain, taking a rather long way of going from the top perch to wherever they went too, but you certainly weren't willing to follow these tracks right too them, for all you know it could be a trap.
  40. >With a smirk, you look at the ground and cast your horn up, closing her eyes as her horn brillianced and within a second, the tracks began to light up like a bright light as you smirked.
  41. "Now then, shall we begin this game anew?" you ask as you take flight over the trees, eying the brilliant line of golden energy you had cast upon the trail this golem made.
  42. >It should be easy to spot now as you follow the tracks almost completely around the mountain, seeing it pull out around the base.
  43. "Hrmmm now where did the-"
  44. >You didn't have a chance to finish as another whoosing sound erupted from afar, and another one of those flying shells whisked towards you.
  45. >You grinned this time, suddenly catching the missile mid-flight before you, eyeing it with curiosity.
  46. "Hrmmm..." you said, looking back down the way it came as you reverse its direction an send it on its way.
  47. "Now then... take me to your master little flying thing..."
  48. -
  49. >You are Kaptian Anon
  50. >And now your missile is flying right towards you.
  51. "Cyjot!" You exclaim as your whole crew is staring in disbelife "FULL REVERSE!"
  52. >Your driver wastes no second putting the tank in reverse as the missile, now plotted of course, swivels and fish-lines towards you, slamming only a few feet ahead of you just as you pulled away from the blast.
  54. "She can do dat to missiles!?" Your gunner exclaims as you recoil from the shockwave of the near-hit to your hull.
  55. >You knew full well that one of those AT missiles would be the end of you, your armour was strong, but not THAT strong, and certainly not against your own missiles.
  56. "V'e have to get a'vay, she's smart, v'eal smart." you mutter as you look through the scope as your tank comes to a halt.
  57. >Dust still covering your view.
  58. "V' she."
  59. >Your question is answered as you suddenly see a pair of golden hoove tap onto the hull.
  60. >The Princess violet eyes glancing through your scope.
  61. "Gotcha..." was all she said with a smirk as you blink.
  62. "Punch it!" you order as your driver scrambles for the controls.
  63. >Unbenouced to him, you were still in reverse as you suddenly start driving backwards, seeing the Princess suddenly lift off your vehicle as you drove backwards...
  64. >She followed, gingerly hovering as you couldn't get a shot off with her this close.
  65. >She only smiled, her horn brilliancing as your driver, huffed, slamming the second reverse gear as you sped up, driving backwards...then for a moment stalling before you felt a change of pace...
  66. >and then suddenly started to fall downwards.
  67. >The vertigo hit instantly as you felt the sheer weight of the tank dropping down as you looked up to see the cliff you just drove off of, and the princess looking down.
  68. >Her expression is of shock as she suddenly magicked her horn.
  69. >Then everything stopped.
  70. >For a moment it was silent, you felt you were falling, but for a moment everything had just went dead.
  71. >It all returned in an instant as you felt the tank slam down, not too hard, onto the ground as you look out to see the Princess standing there.
  72. "I guess you could say I had bested you and saved you, does that count as a victory for me?" she asked, putting a hoof to her chest in triumph as she only smiled...and you looking quite...dumbfounded.
  74. >You sigh, certainly suprised by the events that had unfolded. Not only did she learn how to adapt to your tactics, but she was even so able to change the direction of a guided missile right back to you.
  75. >You couldn't argue with the fact she saved you either. In reality, had she not been there, you would have all been killed.
  76. >Without really wanting to admit it, she had won, not only that, she had saved you when she could have let you fall.
  77. >Perhaps it was some sort of irony or karma, but whatever the case, she had bested you as you sigh.
  78. "Guess she's v'ight."
  79. "Comrade Kaptian!" Your loader barks "You cannot be so willing to let her vin!"
  80. "She had rescued us, and if not, v'e would be DEAD, do not make guess, v'e already knew she v'as out of leauge."
  81. "I have to admit to Kaptian loder...she followed our trail perfectly round mountain, v'as stroke of luck she did it airborne to knock shot off, but fact she saw it, stopped it, and turned it v'as...impressive.
  82. "Her sheild too." your driver adds "Dat could stop missile, it coul stop shell too, doubt v'e could break through it v'ith anyting else."
  83. >Your loader huffs in desbleife.
  84. "I cannot let you be taken comrade. I v'ill fight her hand for you."
  85. >You shook your head.
  86. "Neit comrade, v'e lost, she v'on, you knew risks, you fought v'ell, but magical creature superior to armour and tactics v'e could time v'e do better."
  87. >Your loader grumbles, turning away as you slowly nbutton the hatch and ease out.
  88. >Looking behind you, there indeed was a steep cliff that...was quite difficult to see as you turned to the Princess.
  89. "I guess that means we settle our deal?" she asked as you nodded, slowly easing out of the hatch as you climb down to the ground.
  90. >It felt...good to be out, but you could only guess your men were disappointing in failing you.
  91. >You wave them off as you turned to Celestia.
  92. "Dat be it...I am yours to take."
  94. "Celestia!" came a familiar cry as Luna touched down nearby, nearly stumbling as she quickly trotted to her sister, embracing her with glee.
  95. "Oh, we are glad thy is well!" she said as Celestia smiled, looking at her little sister.
  96. "It wasn't asy Luna, their golem certainly put me for a loop, but, I had bested them, and they have kept their word..."
  97. "Dah..." you said, fixing your tankers hat "v'e never break v'ord towards your sister, v'e took care of her to keep her out of harms v'ay..."
  98. >Celestia blinks "oh, is that true?"
  99. >Luna nods "They were indeed... hospitable, though hath been rather...uneasy at first."
  100. >Celestia only smiled as she looked at you.
  101. "Well, I am glad I put my faith in you, you and your associates had done a valiant effort, but, a deal is a deal, and as such, you shall be ours."
  102. >You nod, looking back at your tank as your entire crew dismount, rushing over to you.
  103. "Comrade!" they bark, but you raise a pal.
  104. "Neit, deal is deal..." you smirk "do not v'orry, dey may have v;on, but doubt dey v'ill keep me forever."
  105. " cannot be serious, den v'hat do v'e do?"
  106. >You only grin, looking at your team as your language changed.
  107. "<When you are ready, come and get me.>"
  108. >Of course, the princess didn't understand Russian as your men huffed, nodding as they stood at attention and saluted.
  109. "Good luck...comrade." they say as you turn and walk off with the Princess's.
  110. -
  111. "That was very...honorable of you..." Celestia said as you walked beside them. You could see a chariot of sorts ahead.
  112. "You shall be missed by them, shall you not?" Luna added, you keep your head down as the sisters look at one another.
  113. "Are you alright sir Kaptian?" Celestia asked "You had wagered yourself as a prize for me...I do hope you are not regretting such an act?"
  114. "No...." you responds "I was...just never good with defeat nor capture comrade..." you say, slowly taking a step onto their chariot and to wherever they would see fit to take you.
  116. >Your men remained by the tank long after you left, unsure of what to do as they sat there.
  117. >Your driver busied himself repairing what little damage had occurred from the 'fall back' after being rescued while your gunner and loader checked the ammunition.
  118. "Dis not right..." your loader grumbles "V'e had no chance to begin v'ith, dat magical v'ench..." he whispered as the gunner huffed.
  119. "Calm comrade, do not get angry v'ith dem, v'e vagered fair and square, and sure comrade Kaptian has plan for getting out.
  120. "But v'hat of us?" your driver muttered "ve' cannot do anything to dem v'ith dis, v'e....v;e need to get better at facing dese tings."
  121. "I know..." your gunner responds as your loader huffs "shame v'e do not have magic of our own."
  122. "Actually..." spoke another voice, from everywhere but...nowhere at the same time "I wouldn't mind offering some help to get your precious comrade back."
  123. "Who said dat?!" your loader exclaims, drawing his pistol as they look atop the tank to see...something....almost a beast that resembled a mis-match of limbs upon a dragon. His eyes glinted as he looked about your men.
  124. "You want your Kaptain yes? Well, perhaps I can be of some service to give you the edge you want."
  125. >Your men look about themselves, turning back to this strange beast.
  126. "Yah...Vv'hat can you do to help us, and...v;hy?"
  127. The creature only laughed "Why because I simply cannot stand to see such a skilled member of your crew be taken and locked away without much use, and besides, you had done such a wonderful job causing a stir that I couldn't help but notice of all the wonderful chaos you were causing."
  128. "Help but notice chaos?" your gunner mutters as the creature is suddenly beside him, pulling him tight.
  129. "You job is to make Celestia have as rough a day as possible, and seeing how she so wrongfully bested you, I couldn't resist to chance to help you.
  130. >Your men look about themselves as they turn back to the beast, the sheer fact alone he was against the Princess was a graceful thing, but the second notion of him being interested in your 'chaos' was unsettling.
  131. >Never trust a beast of chaos, but what choice did they have.
  132. "Ve;ll...' the gunner says slowly as he pulls away from Discord "v'hat do you have us do den?"
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