

Nov 17th, 2017
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  1. # Curse Script Developed by Aura(@Aura#9763)
  2. # Entitled for Absem (Curse)
  3. # Version Token: -1
  5. # ################################################################################################################################### #
  7. on join:
  10. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::firstJoin} isn't set:
  11. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::firstJoin} to true
  12. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} to 0
  13. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::Kills} to 0
  14. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::Deaths} to 0
  15. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::League} to "Unranked"
  16. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::Rank} to "Player"
  17. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::rankPrefix} to "&a"
  19. set join message to "&d&lCURSE &7&l» &r%player% has connected."
  20. wait 5 ticks
  21. make player execute "spawn"
  22. loop 100 times:
  23. send "&r" to player
  24. send " &d&lCURSE &7&l» &rRanked FFA" to player
  25. send "" to player
  26. send " &7&l» &rUser&7: &d%player%" to player
  27. send " &7&l» &rLeague&7: &d%{pdata::%uuid of player%::League}%" to player
  28. send " &7&l» &rRank&7: &d%{pdata::%uuid of player%::Rank}%" to player
  29. send "" to player
  30. send "" to player
  32. on disconnect:
  33. set leave message to "&d&lCURSE &7&l» &r%player% has disconnected."
  35. on right click:
  36. player's tool is a clock:
  37. name of player's tool is "&d&lJoin &7(Right Click)":
  38. make player execute "join"
  39. cancel the event
  41. on right click:
  42. player's tool is a player's skull:
  43. name of player's tool is "&d&lStatistics &7(Right Click)":
  44. send "&dOpening %player%'s statisitcs" to player
  45. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Displaying your game statisitcs:" to player
  47. format slot 10 of player with iron fence named "&r" to be unstealable
  48. format slot 12 of player with name tag named "&d&lUser Data" with lore "&8All %player%'s user statisitcs||||&d&lLeague|| &7&l» &r%{pdata::%uuid of player%::League}%||&d&lRank|| &7&l» &r%{pdata::%uuid of player%::Rank}%||&d&lShards|| &7&l» &r%{pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}%" to be unstealable
  49. format slot 14 of player with name tag named "&d&lGame Data" with lore "&8All %player%'s game statistics||||&d&lShards|| &7&l» &r%{pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}%||&d&lKills|| &7&l» &r%{pdata::%uuid of player%::Kills}%||&d&lDeaths|| &7&l» &r%{pdata::%uuid of player%::Deaths}%" to be unstealable
  50. format slot 16 of player with iron fence named "&r" to be unstealable
  51. cancel the event
  53. on right click:
  54. player's tool is a brewing stand:
  55. name of player's tool is "&d&lMarket &7(Right Click)":
  56. send "&dOpening the market" to player
  57. open chest with 4 rows named "&8Market" to player
  59. format slot 10 of player with name tag named "&d&lPlayer Tags" with lore "||&7Purchase player tags to make your||&7name in chat stand out!||||&dNOTE: Donators can have custom tags||&dusing the &r/tag &dcommand!" to close then run [make player execute "buy tags"]
  60. format slot 11 of player with blaze powder named "&d&lKill Effects" with lore "||&7Purchase kill effects to gain||&7an advantage over cleaners!||||&dNOTE: You can only equip one||&dkill effect at a time!" to close then run [make player execute "buy killeffects"]
  61. format slot 12 of player with iron chestplate named "&d&lClasses" with lore "||&7Purchase classes to experiment with||&7other gear and use different strats!||||&dNOTE: Classes are not refundable||&dand you can only equip one!" to close then run [make player execute "buy classes"]
  62. format slot 13 of player with golden apple named "&d&lItems" with lore "||&7Purchase an extra item to stay alive for||&7longer and gain more shards!||||&dNOTE: You can only equip one||&ditem at a time!" to close then run [make player execute "buy items"]
  63. format slot 25 of player with barrier named "&d&lMore coming soon" with lore "||&7You've got an idea on what to sell||&7in the market?||||&7Let us know on our &ddiscord &7server!||&7Connect to our discord using||&7the &d/discord &7command!" to close then run [make player execute "discord"]
  64. cancel the event
  66. # Inside of arena or spawn
  67. on break:
  68. player doesn't have permission "perm.admin":
  69. cancel the event
  70. stop
  71. player has permission "perm.admin":
  72. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::settings::grief} isn't set:
  73. cancel the event
  74. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::settings::grief} is "Off":
  75. cancel the event
  76. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::settings::grief} is "On":
  77. stop
  79. on place:
  80. player doesn't have permission "perm.admin":
  81. cancel the event
  82. stop
  83. player has permission "perm.admin":
  84. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::settings::grief} isn't set:
  85. cancel the event
  86. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::settings::grief} is "Off":
  87. cancel the event
  88. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::settings::grief} is "On":
  89. stop
  91. on inventory click:
  92. player doesn't have permission "perm.admin":
  93. cancel the event
  94. stop
  95. player has permission "perm.admin":
  96. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::settings::grief} isn't set:
  97. cancel the event
  98. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::settings::grief} is "Off":
  99. cancel the event
  100. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::settings::grief} is "On":
  101. stop
  103. on respawn:
  104. wait 5 ticks
  105. make player execute "spawn"
  107. on damage:
  108. if {pdata::%uuid of victim%::inSpawn} is set:
  109. cancel the event
  110. if {pdata::%uuid of attacker%::inSpawn} is set:
  111. cancel the event
  113. on death:
  114. clear drops
  115. if attacker is a player:
  116. if victim is a player:
  117. set death message to "&c%victim% has been slain by %attacker%"
  118. add 1 to {pdata::%uuid of victim%::Deaths}
  119. add 1 to {pdata::%uuid of attacker%::Kills}
  120. add 5 to {pdata::%uuid of attacker%::Shards}
  121. stop
  122. set death message to "&c%victim% has been slain"
  123. stop
  124. set death message to "&c%victim% has been slain"
  125. stop
  126. on death:
  127. if {pdata::%uuid of attacker%::effect} is "Speed1":
  128. apply speed 1 to attacker for 5 seconds
  129. stop
  130. if {pdata::%uuid of attacker%::effect} is "Speed2":
  131. if {pdata::%uuid of attacker%::class} is "Pyro":
  132. stop
  133. apply speed 2 to attacker for 5 seconds
  134. stop
  135. if {pdata::%uuid of attacker%::effect} is "Regen2":
  136. if {pdata::%uuid of attacker%::class} is "Ranger":
  137. stop
  138. apply regeneration 2 to attacker for 5 seconds
  139. stop
  140. if {pdata::%uuid of attacker%::effect} is "Strength1":
  141. apply strength 1 to attacker for 5 seconds
  142. stop
  143. if {pdata::%uuid of attacker%::effect} is "Strength2":
  144. if {pdata::%uuid of attacker%::class} is "Axemen" or "Bubble":
  145. stop
  146. apply strength 2 to attacker for 5 seconds
  147. stop
  149. on right click:
  150. player's tool is a nether star:
  151. name of player's tool is "&d&lLucky Charm":
  152. set slot 8 of player to barrier named "&d&lItem Used" with lore "||&7You can only use your lucky||&7charm once every match."
  153. set {_effect} to random integer between 0 and 2
  154. if {_effect} is 0:
  155. send "&d&lLucky Charm &7&l» &rGolden Apples" to player
  156. give player 10 golden apples:0
  157. stop
  158. if {_effect} is 1:
  159. send "&d&lLucky Charm &7&l» &rKnockback Stick" to player
  160. give player stick of knockback 3
  161. stop
  162. if {_effect} is 2:
  163. send "&d&lLucky Charm &7&l» &rTake Flight!" to player
  164. push player upwards at speed 1
  165. stop
  166. cancel the event
  168. on chat:
  169. cancel the event
  170. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::tag} is set:
  171. broadcast "%{pdata::%uuid of player%::tag}% %{pdata::%uuid of player%::rankPrefix}%%player%&7: &r%message%"
  172. stop
  173. broadcast "%{pdata::%uuid of player%::rankPrefix}%%player%&7: &r%message%"
  175. # ################################################################################################################################### #
  177. command /buy [<string>] [<string>]:
  178. trigger:
  179. if argument 1 isn't set:
  180. wait 3 ticks
  181. send "&dOpening the market" to player
  182. open chest with 4 rows named "&8Market" to player
  184. format slot 10 of player with name tag named "&d&lPlayer Tags" with lore "||&7Purchase player tags to make your||&7name in chat stand out!||||&dNOTE: Donators can have custom tags||&dusing the &r/tag &dcommand!" to close then run [make player execute "buy tags"]
  185. format slot 11 of player with blaze powder named "&d&lKill Effects" with lore "||&7Purchase kill effects to gain||&7an advantage over cleaners!||||&dNOTE: You can only equip one||&dkill effect at a time!" to close then run [make player execute "buy killeffects"]
  186. format slot 12 of player with iron chestplate named "&d&lClasses" with lore "||&7Purchase classes to experiment with||&7other gear and use different strats!||||&dNOTE: Classes are not refundable||&dand you can only equip one!" to close then run [make player execute "buy classes"]
  187. format slot 13 of player with golden apple named "&d&lItems" with lore "||&7Purchase an extra item to stay alive for||&7longer and gain more shards!||||&dNOTE: You can only equip one||&ditem at a time!" to close then run [make player execute "buy items"]
  188. format slot 25 of player with barrier named "&d&lMore coming soon" with lore "||&7You've got an idea on what to sell||&7in the market?||||&7Let us know on our &ddiscord &7server!||&7Connect to our discord using||&7the &d/discord &7command!" to close then run [make player execute "discord"]
  189. if argument 1 is "tags":
  190. if argument 2 isn't set:
  191. wait 3 ticks
  192. open chest with 4 rows named "&8You are viewing the tags section:" to player
  193. format slot 10 of player with name tag named "&d&lPlayer Tag One" with lore "||&d&lTag Information||&dPrefix|| &7&l» &c[AURA]||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$1,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy tags aura"]
  194. format slot 11 of player with name tag named "&d&lPlayer Tag Two" with lore "||&d&lTag Information||&dPrefix|| &7&l» &e[16CPS]||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$2,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy tags 16cps"]
  195. format slot 12 of player with name tag named "&d&lPlayer Tag Three" with lore "||&d&lTag Information||&dPrefix|| &7&l» &9[HACKER]||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$3,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy tags hacker"]
  196. format slot 13 of player with name tag named "&d&lPlayer Tag Four" with lore "||&d&lTag Information||&dPrefix|| &7&l» &a[DONUT]||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$4,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy tags donut"]
  197. format slot 14 of player with name tag named "&d&lPlayer Tag Five" with lore "||&d&lTag Information||&dPrefix|| &7&l» &d[CURSE]||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$5,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy tags curse"]
  199. format slot 25 of player with barrier named "&d&lGo back!" with lore "||&7Go back to the market homepage." to close then run [make player execute "buy"]
  200. else if argument 2 is set:
  201. if argument 2 is "aura":
  202. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::aura} is set:
  203. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::tag} to "&c[AURA]"
  204. send "&d&l(Tag) &dSuccessfully equipped tag!" to player
  205. stop
  206. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 999:
  207. remove 1000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  208. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::aura} to true
  209. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::tag} to "&c[AURA]"
  210. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  211. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 999:
  212. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  213. stop
  214. if argument 2 is "16cps":
  215. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::16cps} is set:
  216. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::tag} to "&e[16CPS]"
  217. send "&d&l(Tag) &dSuccessfully equipped tag!" to player
  218. stop
  219. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 1999:
  220. remove 2000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  221. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::16cps} to true
  222. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::tag} to "&e[16CPS]"
  223. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  224. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 1999:
  225. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  226. stop
  227. if argument 2 is "hacker":
  228. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::hacker} is set:
  229. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::tag} to "&9[HACKER]"
  230. send "&d&l(Tag) &dSuccessfully equipped tag!" to player
  231. stop
  232. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 2999:
  233. remove 3000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  234. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::hacker} to true
  235. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::tag} to "&9[HACKER]"
  236. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  237. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 2999:
  238. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  239. stop
  240. if argument 2 is "donut":
  241. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::donut} is set:
  242. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::tag} to "&a[DONUT]"
  243. send "&d&l(Tag) &dSuccessfully equipped tag!" to player
  244. stop
  245. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 3999:
  246. remove 4000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  247. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::donut} to true
  248. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::tag} to "&a[DONUT]"
  249. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  250. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 3999:
  251. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  252. stop
  253. if argument 2 is "curse":
  254. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::curse} is set:
  255. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::tag} to "&d[CURSE]"
  256. send "&d&l(Tag) &dSuccessfully equipped tag!" to player
  257. stop
  258. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 4999:
  259. remove 5000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  260. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::curse} to true
  261. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::tag} to "&d[CURSE]"
  262. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  263. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 5999:
  264. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  265. stop
  266. else if argument 2 isn't "aura", "16cps", "hacker", "donut" or "curse":
  267. send "&d&l(Market) &dUnknown tag!"
  268. if argument 1 is "killeffects":
  269. if argument 2 isn't set:
  270. wait 3 ticks
  271. open chest with 4 rows named "&8You are viewing the kill effects section:" to player
  272. format slot 10 of player with feather named "&d&lKill Effect One" with lore "||&d&lEffect Information||&dEffect|| &7&l» &rSpeed 1||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$1,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy killeffects speed"]
  273. format slot 11 of player with 2 feather named "&d&lKill Effect Two" with lore "||&d&lEffect Information||&dEffect|| &7&l» &rSpeed 2||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$2,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy killeffects speed2"]
  274. format slot 12 of player with 2 golden apple:0 named "&d&lKill Effect Three" with lore "||&d&lEffect Information||&dEffect|| &7&l» &rRegeneration 2||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$3,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy killeffects regen2"]
  275. format slot 13 of player with blaze powder named "&d&lKill Effect Four" with lore "||&d&lEffect Information||&dEffect|| &7&l» &rStrength 1||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$4,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy killeffects strength"]
  276. format slot 14 of player with 2 blaze powder named "&d&lKill Effect Five" with lore "||&d&lEffect Information||&dEffect|| &7&l» &rStrength 2||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$5,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy killeffects strength2"]
  278. format slot 25 of player with barrier named "&d&lGo back!" with lore "||&7Go back to the market homepage." to close then run [make player execute "buy"]
  279. else if argument 2 is set:
  280. if argument 2 is "speed":
  281. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::speed1} is set:
  282. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::effect} to "Speed1"
  283. send "&d&l(Effect) &dSuccessfully equipped effect!" to player
  284. stop
  285. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 999:
  286. remove 1000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  287. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::speed1} to true
  288. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::effect} to "Speed1"
  289. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  290. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 999:
  291. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  292. stop
  293. if argument 2 is "speed2":
  294. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::speed2} is set:
  295. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::effect} to "Speed2"
  296. send "&d&l(Effect) &dSuccessfully equipped effect!" to player
  297. stop
  298. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 1999:
  299. remove 2000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  300. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::speed2} to true
  301. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::effect} to "Speed2"
  302. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  303. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 1999:
  304. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  305. stop
  306. if argument 2 is "regen2":
  307. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::regen2} is set:
  308. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::effect} to "Regen2"
  309. send "&d&l(Effect) &dSuccessfully equipped effect!" to player
  310. stop
  311. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 2999:
  312. remove 3000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  313. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::regen2} to true
  314. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::effect} to "Regen2"
  315. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  316. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 2999:
  317. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  318. stop
  319. if argument 2 is "strength":
  320. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::strength1} is set:
  321. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::effect} to "Strength1"
  322. send "&d&l(Effect) &dSuccessfully equipped effect!" to player
  323. stop
  324. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 3999:
  325. remove 4000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  326. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::strength1} to true
  327. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::effect} to "Strength1"
  328. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  329. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 3999:
  330. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  331. stop
  332. if argument 2 is "strength2":
  333. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::strength2} is set:
  334. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::effect} to "Strength2"
  335. send "&d&l(Effect) &dSuccessfully equipped effect!" to player
  336. stop
  337. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 4999:
  338. remove 5000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  339. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::strength2} to true
  340. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::effect} to "Strength2"
  341. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  342. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 4999:
  343. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  344. stop
  345. else if argument 2 isn't "speed", "speed2", "regen2", "strength" or "strength2":
  346. send "&d&l(Market) &dUnknown effect!"
  347. if argument 1 is "classes":
  348. if argument 2 isn't set:
  349. wait 3 ticks
  350. open chest with 4 rows named "&8You are viewing the classes section:" to player
  351. format slot 10 of player with blaze powder named "&d&lClass One" with lore "||&d&lClass Information||&dGear|| &7&l» &rFull Chain||&dName|| &7&l» &rPyro||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$6,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy classes pyro"]
  352. format slot 11 of player with feather named "&d&lClass Two" with lore "||&d&lClass Information||&dGear|| &7&l» &r1/2 Chain, 1/2 Leather||&dName|| &7&l» &rSonic||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$6,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy classes sonic"]
  353. format slot 12 of player with iron axe named "&d&lClass Three" with lore "||&d&lClass Information||&dGear|| &7&l» &r1/4 Iron, 3/4 Chain||&dName|| &7&l» &rAxemen||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$6,500" to close then run [make player execute "buy classes axemen"]
  354. format slot 13 of player with cobweb named "&d&lClass Four" with lore "||&d&lClass Information||&dGear|| &7&l» &r1/2 Iron, 1/2 Chain||&dName|| &7&l» &rBubble||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$5,500" to close then run [make player execute "buy classes bubble"]
  355. format slot 14 of player with bow named "&d&lClass Five" with lore "||&d&lClass Information||&dGear|| &7&l» &rFull Chain||&dName|| &7&l» &rRanger||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$5,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy classes ranger"]
  357. format slot 25 of player with barrier named "&d&lGo back!" with lore "||&7Go back to the market homepage." to close then run [make player execute "buy"]
  358. else if argument 2 is set:
  359. if argument 2 is "pyro":
  360. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::pyro} is set:
  361. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} to "Pyro"
  362. send "&d&l(Class) &dSuccessfully equipped class!" to player
  363. stop
  364. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 5999:
  365. remove 6000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  366. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::pyro} to true
  367. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} to "Pyro"
  368. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  369. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 5999:
  370. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  371. stop
  372. if argument 2 is "sonic":
  373. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::sonic} is set:
  374. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} to "Sonic"
  375. send "&d&l(Class) &dSuccessfully equipped class!" to player
  376. stop
  377. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 5999:
  378. remove 6000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  379. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::sonic} to true
  380. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} to "Sonic"
  381. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  382. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 5999:
  383. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  384. stop
  385. if argument 2 is "axemen":
  386. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::axemen} is set:
  387. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} to "Axemen"
  388. send "&d&l(Class) &dSuccessfully equipped class!" to player
  389. stop
  390. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 6499:
  391. remove 6500 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  392. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::axemen} to true
  393. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} to "Axemen"
  394. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  395. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 6499:
  396. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  397. stop
  398. if argument 2 is "bubble":
  399. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::bubble} is set:
  400. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} to "Bubble"
  401. send "&d&l(Class) &dSuccessfully equipped class!" to player
  402. stop
  403. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 5499:
  404. remove 5500 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  405. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::bubble} to true
  406. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} to "Bubble"
  407. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  408. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 5499:
  409. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  410. stop
  411. if argument 2 is "ranger":
  412. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::ranger} is set:
  413. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} to "Ranger"
  414. send "&d&l(Class) &dSuccessfully equipped class!" to player
  415. stop
  416. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 4999:
  417. remove 5000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  418. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::ranger} to true
  419. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} to "Ranger"
  420. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  421. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 4999:
  422. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  423. stop
  424. else if argument 2 isn't "pyro", "sonic", "axemen", "bubble" or "ranger":
  425. send "&d&l(Market) &dUnknown class!"
  426. if argument 1 is "items":
  427. if argument 2 isn't set:
  428. wait 3 ticks
  429. open chest with 4 rows named "&8You are viewing the items section:" to player
  430. format slot 10 of player with 8 golden apples:0 named "&d&lExtra Item One" with lore "||&d&lItem Information||&dEffect|| &7&l» &rGain 8 golden apples.||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$2,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy items gapples"]
  431. format slot 11 of player with {sdata::item::speedpotion} named "&d&lExtra Item Two" with lore "||&d&lItem Information||&dEffect|| &7&l» &rGain 2 speed 2 potions.||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$2,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy items speedpotions"]
  432. format slot 12 of player with glowing nether star named "&d&lExtra Item Three" with lore "||&d&lItem Information||&dEffect|| &7&l» &rGain a lucky charm.||&dCost|| &7&l» &r$3,000" to close then run [make player execute "buy items luckycharm"]
  434. format slot 25 of player with barrier named "&d&lGo back!" with lore "||&7Go back to the market homepage." to close then run [make player execute "buy"]
  435. else if argument 2 is set:
  436. if argument 2 is "gapples":
  437. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::gapples} is set:
  438. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::item} to "GoldenApple"
  439. send "&d&l(Item) &dSuccessfully equipped item!" to player
  440. stop
  441. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 1999:
  442. remove 2000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  443. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::gapples} to true
  444. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::item} to "GoldenApple"
  445. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  446. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 1999:
  447. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  448. stop
  449. if argument 2 is "speedpotions":
  450. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::speedpotions} is set:
  451. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::item} to "SpeedPotion"
  452. send "&d&l(Item) &dSuccessfully equipped item!" to player
  453. stop
  454. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 1999:
  455. remove 2000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  456. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::speedpotions} to true
  457. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::item} to "SpeedPotion"
  458. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  459. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 1999:
  460. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  461. stop
  462. if argument 2 is "luckycharm":
  463. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::luckycharm} is set:
  464. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::item} to "LuckyCharm"
  465. send "&d&l(Item) &dSuccessfully equipped item!" to player
  466. stop
  467. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} is greater than 2999:
  468. remove 3000 from {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards}
  469. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::owned::luckycharm} to true
  470. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::item} to "LuckyCharm"
  471. send "&d&l(Market) &dTransaction has successfully been made!" to player
  472. else if {pdata::%uuid of player%::Shards} isn't greater than 2999:
  473. send "&d&l(Market) &dYou don't have enough Shards to purchase this item!" to player
  474. stop
  475. else if argument 2 isn't "gapples", "speedpotions" or "luckycharm":
  476. send "&d&l(Market) &dUnknown item!"
  478. command /discord:
  479. trigger:
  480. send "&d&lJoin our discord @ &r"
  481. make console execute "/msg %player%"
  483. command /set:
  484. trigger:
  485. player is op:
  486. set {sdata::item::speedpotion} to player's tool
  487. stop
  488. stop
  490. command /removetag:
  491. trigger:
  492. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::tag} is set:
  493. delete {pdata::%uuid of player%::tag}
  494. send "&d&l(Tag) &dTag removed successfully." to player
  495. stop
  496. send "&d&l(Tag) &dYou do not have a tag equipped."
  498. command /settings [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]:
  499. permission: perm.admin
  500. permission message: &cYou don't have sufficent permissions to execute this command, if you feel that this is a mistake please contact one of the server administrators.
  501. trigger:
  502. if argument 1 isn't set:
  503. send "&d&l(Settings) &d/settings <setting> <boolean>" to player
  504. stop
  505. if argument 2 isn't set:
  506. send "&d&l(Settings) &d/settings <setting> <boolean>" to player
  507. stop
  508. if argument 1 is "grief":
  509. if argument 2 is "true", "on" or "1":
  510. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::settings::grief} to "Off"
  511. send "&d&l(Settings) &dAntiGrief has been enabled for you." to player
  512. stop
  513. if argument 2 is "false", "off" or "0":
  514. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::settings::grief} to "On"
  515. send "&d&l(Settings) &dAntiGrief has been disabled for you." to player
  516. stop
  517. if argument 2 isn't "true", "false", "on", "off", "1" or "0":
  518. send "&d&l(Settings) &dSorry, I couldn't understand that setting!" to player
  520. command /shards [<player>] [<string>]:
  521. permission: perm.admin
  522. permission message: &cYou don't have sufficent permissions to execute this command, if you feel that this is a mistake please contact one of the server administrators.
  523. trigger:
  524. if argument 1 isn't set:
  525. send "&d&l(Shards) &d/shards <player> <amount>" to player
  526. stop
  527. if argument 2 isn't set:
  528. send "&d&l(Shards) &d/shards <player> <amount>" to player
  529. stop
  530. set {pdata::%uuid of argument 1%::Shards} to argument 2 parsed as an integer
  531. send "&d&l(Shards) &dSet %argument 1%'s shards to %argument 2%" to player
  532. send "&d&l(Shards) &dShards set to %argument 2%" to argument 1
  534. command /join:
  535. trigger:
  536. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::inArena} is true:
  537. send "&d&lWoah %player%, &dYou're already in the arena. To leave use the &r/spawn &dcommand." to player
  538. stop
  539. delete {pdata::%uuid of player%::inSpawn}
  540. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::inArena} to true
  541. execute console command "mvtp %player% arena"
  542. execute console command "tp %player% 44.4 67 692.8"
  543. remove strength from player
  544. remove speed from player
  545. remove jump boost from player
  546. remove fire resistance from player
  547. clear player's inventory
  548. gamemode of player isn't survival:
  549. set gamemode of player to survival
  550. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} isn't set:
  551. equip player with chainmail helmet named "&7Chain Armor"
  552. equip player with leather chestplate named "&7Leather Armor"
  553. equip player with chainmail leggings named "&7Chain Armor"
  554. equip player with leather boots named "&7Leather Armor"
  556. set slot 0 of player to stone sword of sharpness 2 named "&7Stone Weapon"
  558. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} is "Pyro":
  559. equip player with chainmail helmet named "&7Chain Armor"
  560. equip player with chainmail chestplate named "&7Chain Armor"
  561. equip player with chainmail leggings named "&7Chain Armor"
  562. equip player with chainmail boots named "&7Chain Armor"
  563. apply fire resistance to player for 999 days
  564. apply speed 1 to player for 999 days
  566. set slot 0 of player to iron sword of sharpness 1 and fire aspect 1 named "&7Iron Weapon"
  568. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} is "Sonic":
  569. equip player with chainmail helmet named "&7Chain Armor"
  570. equip player with leather chestplate named "&7Leather Armor"
  571. equip player with leather leggings named "&7Leather Armor"
  572. equip player with chainmail boots named "&7Chain Armor"
  573. apply speed 2 to player for 999 days
  575. set slot 0 of player to stone sword of sharpness 3 named "&7Stone Weapon"
  577. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} is "Axemen":
  578. equip player with chainmail helmet named "&7Chain Armor"
  579. equip player with iron chestplate named "&7Iron Armor"
  580. equip player with chainmail leggings named "&7Chain Armor"
  581. equip player with chainmail boots named "&7Chain Armor"
  582. apply strength 1 to player for 999 days
  584. set slot 0 of player to iron axe of sharpness 2 named "&7Iron Weapon"
  586. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} is "Bubble":
  587. equip player with chainmail helmet named "&7Chain Armor"
  588. equip player with iron chestplate named "&7Iron Armor"
  589. equip player with iron leggings named "&7Iron Armor"
  590. equip player with chainmail boots named "&7Chain Armor"
  591. apply strength 1 to player for 999 days
  592. apply jump boost 3 to player for 999 days
  594. set slot 0 of player to iron sword of sharpness 2 named "&7Iron Weapon"
  596. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::class} is "Ranger":
  597. equip player with chainmail helmet named "&7Chain Armor"
  598. equip player with chainmail chestplate named "&7Chain Armor"
  599. equip player with chainmail leggings named "&7Chain Armor"
  600. equip player with chainmail boots named "&7Chain Armor"
  601. apply speed 2 to player for 999 days
  602. apply strength 2 to player for 999 days
  603. apply regeneration 1 to player for 999 days
  605. set slot 0 of player to bow of power 2 and infinity 1 named "&7Bow"
  606. set slot 6 of player to 1 arrow named "&7Arrow"
  607. set slot 7 of player to stone sword named "&7Stone Weapon"
  609. set slot 1 of player to 16 steak named "&7Cooked Food"
  610. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::item} isn't set:
  611. set slot 8 of player to barrier named "&d&lItem Slot" with lore "||&7Purchase an item in the market||&7these items can be very usefull||&7in some situations.||||&d&lItem List:|| &7&l» &r8x Golden Apples|| &7&l» &r2x Speed Potions|| &7&l» &rLucky Charm"
  612. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::item} is set:
  613. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::item} is "GoldenApple":
  614. set slot 8 of player to glowing 8 golden apple:0 named "&d&lGolden Apple"
  615. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::item} is "SpeedPotion":
  616. set slot 8 of player to glowing {sdata::item::speedpotion} parsed as an item named "&d&lSpeed Potion"
  617. if {pdata::%uuid of player%::item} is "LuckyCharm":
  618. set slot 8 of player to glowing nether star named "&d&lLucky Charm"
  619. apply resistance 1000 to player for 5 seconds
  620. send "&d&lSpawn Protection Activated" to player
  621. wait 5 seconds
  622. send "&d&lSpawn Protection Removed" to player
  625. command /spawn:
  626. trigger:
  627. wait 5 ticks
  628. clear player's inventory
  629. heal player
  630. set hunger of player to 20
  631. gamemode of player isn't survival:
  632. set gamemode of player to survival
  633. delete {pdata::%uuid of player%::inArena}
  634. set {pdata::%uuid of player%::inSpawn} to true
  635. execute console command "mvtp %player% curse"
  636. execute console command "tp %player% 0 50 0"
  638. set slot 3 of player to brewing stand named "&d&lMarket &7(Right Click)"
  639. set slot 4 of player to glowing clock named "&d&lJoin &7(Right Click)"
  640. set slot 5 of player to player's skull named "&d&lStatistics &7(Right Click)"
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