
[Queen's Paradise: Special - Shadow]

Aug 20th, 2013
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  1. [23:03] <!CYOA-sama> [Queen's Paradise: Special - Shadow]
  2. [23:03] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas stands atop the highest of the castles ramparts overlooking the moonlight streets of the capital.
  3. [23:04] <!CYOA-sama> "I see you got my present."
  4. [23:04] <!CYOA-sama> The snarky condescending female voice is unmistakable.
  5. [23:04] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas turns swiftly.
  6. [23:05] <!CYOA-sama> The girl stands above him looking down as she always had.
  7. [23:05] <!CYOA-sama> Her body entirely covered by black leather armor and a hood pulled up over her blonde hair.
  8. [23:05] <!CYOA-sama> Only her long bangs hang down over her wicked blue eyes.
  9. [23:06] <!CYOA-sama> The cloth mask over the lower half of her face does nothing to hide her identity.
  10. [23:06] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas looks up at her silently.
  11. [23:06] <!CYOA-sama> If he speaks.... if he gives her something to take hold of she'll weave his words into a trap.
  12. [23:06] <!CYOA-sama> She's a master of that.
  13. [23:07] <!CYOA-sama> He longs to embrace her and ask her to come home.... but that's not a possibility.
  14. [23:07] <!CYOA-sama> "You're not even going to say hi to your loving big sister?" She says, the movement of her mouth making her mask shift as she speaks.
  15. [23:07] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas closes his eyes.
  16. [23:08] <!CYOA-sama> "Fine..... I understand." She says as she looks down at him.
  17. [23:08] <!CYOA-sama> Her long eyelashes flutter as she closes her eyes.
  18. [23:09] <!CYOA-sama> "I won't stop baby brother...."
  19. [23:09] <!CYOA-sama> "Know that everything I do I do out of love for you." She says.
  20. [23:09] <!CYOA-sama> "For me.... or for father?" Aldeas finally asks.
  21. [23:10] <!CYOA-sama> "For you." Aleira affirms as she falls backwards off the rampart.
  22. [23:10] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas move to catch her.
  23. [23:10] <!CYOA-sama> He doesn't think.
  24. [23:10] <!CYOA-sama> He just reacts to catch his dear sister.
  25. [23:10] <!CYOA-sama> In one instant, as soon as his eyes opened he showed his weakness.
  26. [23:11] <!CYOA-sama> As he reaches over the edge her hand shoots up from below grabbing him by his necklace and dragging him nearly over the ledge.
  27. [23:12] <!CYOA-sama> The spike on her feet have dug hard into the wall allowing her footing even on a sheer wall.
  28. [23:12] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas stumbles forward held up only by his sister.
  29. [23:13] <!CYOA-sama> "If I wanted I could drop you to your death right now little brother."
  30. [23:13] <!CYOA-sama> Even through her mask her smile is visible.
  31. [23:13] <!CYOA-sama> She could.... like it was easy she's placed the king in a position where he could "die".
  32. [23:13] <!CYOA-sama> She could hurl him a hundred feet to the ground.... but she doesn't.
  33. [23:14] <!CYOA-sama> Her hood falls away as her long ponytail unfurls in the moonlight and she lowers her mask.
  34. [23:14] <!CYOA-sama> Her soft lips lean in and press into Aldeas' as she kisses him.
  35. [23:15] <!CYOA-sama> "I won't let them take you from me Aldeas..." She says as she pulls away.
  36. [23:15] <!CYOA-sama> "Just leave everything to big sister..."
  37. [23:16] <!CYOA-sama> The look on Aleira's face is not one of malice, but sorrow... and regret... and longing.
  38. [23:16] <!CYOA-sama> "I'll finish what father was too weak to do..."
  39. [23:16] <!CYOA-sama> "Lei don't do thi-" Aldeas attempts to speak as his sister releases her grip.
  40. [23:17] <!CYOA-sama> He falls.
  41. [23:17] <!CYOA-sama> He plummets towards the ground.
  42. [23:17] <!CYOA-sama> He won't die....
  43. [23:17] <!CYOA-sama> He'll land in a haystack, Aleira knows that.
  44. [23:17] <!CYOA-sama> The wind suddenly picks up.
  45. [23:18] <!CYOA-sama> As Aldeas falls an airship comes into view, a monstrosity of human engineering powered by steam.
  46. [23:18] <!CYOA-sama> It's small, a prototype at best.... but even still it's brimming with guns.
  47. [23:19] <!CYOA-sama> The sillouette of the craft eclipses the moon and the shadow it casts stops Aldeas from seeing his sister mouth the words "I love you" as tears roll down her cheeks.
  48. [23:19] <!CYOA-sama> A rope ladder drops and Aleira grabs onto it and is quickly lifted into the air.
  49. [23:20] <!CYOA-sama> The noise of the craft stirs the guards, but it's long gone before any can catch a glimpse of it.
  50. [23:20] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas lays in the golden stack of straw and looks up at the moon.
  51. [23:20] <!CYOA-sama> He covers his face.
  52. [23:21] <!CYOA-sama> A king cannot show his tears.
  53. [23:21] <!CYOA-sama> [Shadow - End]
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