

Jul 11th, 2017
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  1. iKamal: After the mall and pizza Dori finally headed home. she pulled up in her junky car and she got out. she looked around to see if Ben was still out and about. she scratched her head and wondered who was awake at home. Dori really wasn't that tired at the moment
  2. Tsaaq: Thaddeus drove his car behind hers. He pulled up beside her. He got out of his vehicle and took out his vape, immediately smoking it as he locked his car. Thad pulled on the handle of it to ensure in was locked before looking at Dori. "So uh... You outfit is different..." He trailed off.
  3. iKamal: Dori slammed her door a few time still it shut. she looked down at her outfit."I saw the style on a magazine and wanted to try it. I just cut a pair of my jeans and this top is actually a bathingsuit top believe or not." she shrugged some."I feel..I don't know like I'm a super hot model or osmething."she chuckled some."might be the last time I wear it though."
  4. Tsaaq: "Why would it be the last time you wear it?" Thad asked with a raise of his eyebrows. "That looks like pretty regular summer wear to me." He shrugged. "It looks nice."
  5. iKamal: "I look like a chulo's girlfriend or something"she chuckled."Might change the top or something..I don't know."she shrugged some."Thank you for noticing by the way"
  6. Tsaaq: Thaddeus shrugged his shoulders again. "Listen." He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it a little. "You look fine like that." He said with a nod. "Did other people not notice?"
  7. iKamal: She patted the hand that was on her shoulder."Thanks and no not really. It's ok though. I mean do I really want that kind of attention. It could cause problems for me."
  8. Tsaaq: "Why would it cause problems for you?" Thaddeus asked her while tilting his head. He eyed her up and down once more. "What kind of problems?" He continued to probe.
  9. iKamal: "Well like getting guys attention and stuff. Or girls thinking im a whore or something."she shrugged her shoulders."I don't want a guy to give me attention based on my looks but on my personality."
  10. Tsaaq: He sucked his teeth and waved his hand at her. "Oh, fuck people they're going to be assholes regardless of what you do." Thaddeus told her. He nodded his head slowly. "Oh. Okay." He darted his eyes a moment. "Got it."
  11. iKamal: She nudged Thad a bit."I saw you's ok. You have seen me and gotten to know me way before I dressed like this." she chuckledl lightly
  12. Tsaaq: "Yeah. I know. That's why I asked about it but..." Thaddeus rose his eyebrows at her. He sputtered his lips. "I guess I was just sort of surprised." He said. "But whatever I get what you mean."
  13. iKamal: "What do you mean surprised?" she walked up to the steps andsat down leaning down and taking her wedges off. she rubbed her foot while waiitng for his anaswer
  14. Tsaaq: He followed behind her. He shoved his hands into his jean pockets. "I don't know... You always talk about about how you don't really wear stuff like this." He replied in a murmur.
  15. iKamal: she nodded her head."I don't....but I think it's time for a little bit of a change. I don't dress like this because my abuela doesn't like it...I need to figure out what I like and become my own woman." she took a deep breath as her feet were hurting less once the shoes were off.
  16. Tsaaq: "Well, at least you're open to exploring." He said with a nod. "So, you heading to bed?" He asked her as he locked the door behind him.
  17. iKamal: she shook her head."Not right away no im not feeling that tired to be honest with you but then again as soon as I lay down I'll probably pass out."
  18. Tsaaq: He looked around of the living room then back at her. "Ah. Well yeah. Yesterday you fell asleep pretty fast." He said. "I think I'm actually kind of tired from work.
  19. iKamal: she smiled some."Yeah I did."she nodded her head and patted his arm gently."Well you sleep well hun. I don't want to keep you up."she smiled up at him.
  20. Tsaaq: "You're not keeping me up. I want to talk to you." He shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I'm heading to bed then." Thad said as he pulled off his hat and sighed, not in a rush to go down the hallway.
  21. iKamal: She smiled even wider hearing he wanted to talk to her. she rubbed the back of her neck and tilted her head to the side massaging her shoulder."Well then lets talk if you don't want to go to bed. I like talking with you and spending time wit you"
  22. Tsaaq: Thad smiled a bit and went to sit down on the couch and waited on her. "Your neck okay?" He asked her with his eyebrows furrowed.
  23. iKamal: She sat down beside him and she nodded her head."yeah just a little tense is all. nothing a little advil cant fix."
  24. Tsaaq: "I can grab some from my bathroom?" He offered as he got up and stared down at her. "Why are you tense? What happened?"
  25. iKamal: She smiled up at him."I will be okay you don't have to do that."she shrugged some."I was really nervous earlier today about my orienation but it went well. I am not to sure why its tense. could be a number of things really."
  26. Tsaaq: ((Jeeeerrr.))
  27. Lusivo: ((Maniiii))
  28. Tsaaq: ((You in this bitch!))
  29. Lusivo: ((Yesssss I guess I'll jump in hoe lol))
  30. Tsaaq: Thaddeus nodded and went to sit once more. "Right. Right. Okay." He sighed and leaned his elbows on his skinny thighs. "Well I guess it's not that bad. You got a new job pretty fast. Good work." He smiled.
  31. Tsaaq: ((Yeah totes.))
  32. iKamal: She smiled and brought her legs up on the couch. she leaned agianst the back of the couch and rested her elbow on it and her head in her hand."Yeah my family is known not to not have a job for to long. We are all workaholics. Plus I am working at spencers and they all seem pretty laid back there."she looked him over some and she leaned forward a little jus tenough so her free hand could poke his shoulder."what about you? How was work?"
  33. Tsaaq: "Spencers is a good place to work for that kind of stuff." He nodded his head. Thad began to slouch in his seat. "It wasn't all that exciting." He answered.. "Being a general manager isn't super fun."
  34. iKamal: She nodded her head and smiled."So did I talk in my sleep at all last night or even snore? I am known to blab in my sleep when im super tired."
  35. Tsaaq: He shook his head a chuckled a little. Thaddeus looked away as he attempted to remember. "Honestly I have no idea." He began to laugh.
  36. Lusivo: Serenity turned the steering wheel of the vehicle turning her car into the empty parking spot in front of the Off Campus house. She gently pressed her foot on brake peddle and switched the gear into park. After shutting the vehicle off and getting out of the car, she slammed the door shut. She dug through her pocket searching for her spare key she had for the house. Serenity quickly pulled the key out of her pocket and slid the key in the doorlock. After hearing the slight clicking noise she pushed open the door walking into the living room closing it shut behind her.
  37. Lusivo: (( where is everybody?)$
  38. iKamal: She laughed some."Thank god that would have been embrassing. "She heard someone at the door unlocking and she turned her head offering them a smile."hello" she turned back to Thad and moved a little to keep some distance from them now.
  39. Tsaaq: ((They're in the living room lol.))
  40. Tsaaq: He smiled at her. "Not that embarrassing. I wouldn't kick you out or anything." Thad told her with a pat. He furrowed his eyebrows and turned his head as he looked towards the door and saw Serenity come in. "Shit." He said, furrowing his eyebrows at her. "I haven't seen you in so long."
  41. iKamal: [i keep forgtting my laptop screen is touch screen and it moves the damn camera]
  42. Tsaaq: ((Oh camera dont move!))
  43. Lusivo: She squinted here eyes at the two who were sitting in the room. She slid the key into her back pocket and turned her attention towards the girl. "Hey." She said while rubbing her lips together she made her way further in the living room and looked towards Thaddeus. "I know it's been a good minute."
  44. iKamal: Dori smiled watching the two exchange greetings. Dori noticed that this girl she had never met before was hispanic. she defiantly wasn't mexican though. Dori spoke up abit." No eres mexicano?" she waited for a response. Either she knew spanish or not
  45. Tsaaq: Thaddeus smiled and let her come inside. "Yeah it has! Whatare you doing here anyways? Coming back for the summer?" He asked her. "Oh, Dori, this is Serenity. She used to live here, might be back again?"
  46. Tsaaq: ((I gotta go in like fiftfeen minute lol))
  47. iKamal: [same im tired]
  48. iKamal: [and my ear is starting to hurt again i think that shower was a mistake ><]
  49. iKamal: Dori slid off the couch and she smiled."Well it is nice to meet you Serenity." she was glad she wasn't the only Latina around here. she hadnt seen many spanish people around. she looked at Thad"I think im going to ead to bed im starting to feel tired. I'll see you tomorrow after work or something." she waved good night to them both and went to bed
  50. iKamal: [ok going to bed nini guys]
  51. Lusivo: Serenity blinked hearing the girl named Dori speaking to her in Spanish. "Yeah I'm hispanic." She licked her lips as she scanned the room seeing the changes that had been made. "I had to come back to get some extra stuff. Possibly, I might be around for a few." Serenity leaned scratched her head and sent a small wave and smile towards Dori. "Nice to meet you." She said watched her her head out.
  52. Lusivo: (( I'm rusty affff)
  53. Tsaaq: ((Damn this bitch up and left me.))
  54. Lusivo: ((( she dipped quick😂))
  55. Tsaaq: ((not enough fucking happening! Her chara is trying to be with Thad lol.))
  56. Lusivo: ((she better hop up on it, imma pass out in a min tooo))
  57. Tsaaq: ((Will you be on later?))
  58. Lusivo: (( maybeee I get off work at like 8 my time so I might be back on I need some credits or something ))
  59. Tsaaq: ((Well you asking the wrong bitch im broke af.))
  60. Tsaaq: ((Wait what time is eight at my place))
  61. Lusivo: ((9, it's tricky to rp on my phoneee))
  62. Tsaaq: ((You were doing okay so far but i know its mad annoying.))
  63. Lusivo: ((Yes this shit is something))
  64. Tsaaq: ((What you need is a computer lmao.))
  65. Lusivo: ((Yessss I know!!!! I need my own laptop))
  66. Tsaaq: ((LMaooo I remember that outfit.))
  67. Lusivo: ((Yes I think you gave me this hair and outfit))
  68. Tsaaq: ((No it was this dude remember he wanted us to be his slaves or some shit lmao.))
  69. Lusivo: ((OMG yessssss that's right!!))
  70. Tsaaq: ((Okay I really have to go to sleep bitch I'll talk to you tomorrow, possibly on snapchat!))
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