

Aug 2nd, 2016
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 26 "Your proposal is very nice. For a collar that would slowly change her mind, she can't return to the Kingdom of Azure. The only real question I have is why? Why her, why that kingdom. Assuming that I believe you about it being a 'demon thing' that you can't slap the collar on her, given that you have her out like a light." You shook your head. It's clear that there were deals in the background, plans even... the reason why would say a lot. "I'm not saying no, but if you want me to do it, I would like to know this much at the least.": (derkan, NotAnHiro, Night_stalker, inverted_helix, tenchifew, mizzet, Darkened, akuma123, prandom, Piell, Reigor, Biigoh, Ct613hulu, SoulofaGremlin, theBSDude, Alexander, Erudite Hobo, kinny, angelofwhim, Garahs, Xicree, Oni, heralding_bubble, Hughmann, cl20, geolas94)
  3. [X] 1 "Your proposal is very nice. For a collar that would slowly change her mind, she can't return to the Kingdom of Azure. The only real question I have is why? Why her, why that kingdom. Assuming that I believe you about it being a 'demon thing' that you can't slap the collar on her, given that you have her out like a light." You shook your head. It's clear that there were deals in the background, plans even... the reason why would say a lot. "I'm not saying no, but if you want me to do it, I would like to know this much at the least."​: (CrossyCross)
  4. [X] 2 Accept... on conditions. First, that in no way is she to screw us over (except of course, screwing with us sexually). Second, we want an exploitation as to why, we'll decide as to if we should opt for it immediately or try a few other things first before doing so- after all, was our 'curing' of the Princess even truely a complete solution? Third, her assistance as well, but of course, if there's something we can do in turn, sure- but we get to decide on it as well depending on risk (if it isn't risky, sure why not. If it benefits us, sure why not. If it's stupidly risky... eh... MAYbe).: (K9Thefirst1, ReinZero)
  5. [X] 1 Agree to Take the collar and place it on the Princess if she becomes your slave as well: (Harpy81)
  6. [X] 2 Agree. Take the collar and place it on the Demon.: (Ephemeral_Dreamer, ward201)
  7. [X] 8 Agree. Take the collar and place it on the Princess.: (Tavarokk, Nianque, Drak4806, Mr. World, Familiar, HeWhoWasMarduk, Drakebane, Passing Pinecone)
  8. [X] 1 Agree. Take the collar and place it on yourself. Ha! Betcha didn't see that coming eh?: (Propagandalf)
  9. -[X] 6 And more than that... you're a greedy one. If you are going to take on this task, you at least want something out of it for yourself. Namely you want HER, the power you just sensed and the potential of magic which she's hinted at being yours. You want her to travel beside you as your lover and teacher and protector. You'll not seek to bind her or restrict her but dammit if you're not going to try for that ass.: (NotAnHiro, Night_stalker, Reigor, kinny, Xicree, Oni)
  10. [X] 7 Disagree. You will not be the cat's paw of some Demon. Tell her to never bother you again.: (Snake/Eater, Aleh, Basefan, frostgiant, jamie96969, Artemis1992, Da Boyz)
  11. [X] 1 Disagree. You will not be the cat's paw of some demon tell her to never bother you again.: (Dire Black Moose)
  12. [X] 1 Refuse the collar.: (Propagandalf)
  13. [X] 3 Refuse the collar. You will do this your way or not at all: (keenscythe, Crilltic, MonsterNightmare)
  14. [X] 15 Refuse the collar. You will do this your way or not at all.: (Serous, xxfuqqyocouch, Inahurry, ShadowAngelBeta, Lufio, 1986ctcel, Mortanius, bloodybutunbowed, Robotninja, Neurotic Indisposition, Bre Karn, Marthis, MysteriousOldGuy, Citina, taovkool)
  15. [X] 1 Take the collor and put it on the deamon: (edmantgoog)
  16. [X] 1 pretend to agree. Then when you get the collar put it on the demon.: (rogthnor)
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