[RGRE][durnkresponse]Dryadpon in the Everfree

Sep 30th, 2016
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  1. Durnk prompt responses
  2. >Be dryadpone.
  3. >Innawoods.
  4. >Cute guy comes through for the first time in like a decade.
  5. >Roll to seduce.
  6. >Critfail.
  7. >Spill vines everywhere.
  8. >A mare and a griffon angrily attack you and he runs away.
  9. >You try to follow him but can't find him.
  10. >Go back to your grove and photosynthesize.
  11. >Feels bad mare.
  13. >>28535823
  14. dryadpons yes
  16. >Splashing some cool water on your face, you inspect your reflection again.
  17. >Yep, you're Anonymous, alright.
  18. >You check your surroundings for any clue of the nearest exit.
  19. >You look at the and intimidating trees clumped together.
  20. >The dark sea green leaves jostle and rustle with the slight cool breeze.
  21. >Thick green vines cling and flow through the trees like snakes coiled.
  22. >You shake your head.
  23. >There isn't a single sign of an exit at all.
  24. >Looking up at the night sky, you sigh and bring your hands to cup your face.
  25. >How long have you been going around in circles in the forest?
  26. >Far too long, if you asked yourself.
  27. >Only the scotchbutter moon and twinkling stars in the indigo blue sky are your companions.
  28. >You kick a pebble and sit on a convenient stump.
  29. "Aaauuughh!"
  30. >You throw your hands up in frustration, but not one entity comes to your aid.
  31. >Maybe dying in the Everfree doesn't seem so bad.
  32. >What was that?
  33. >You hear a snapping of a branch and the sound of someone tripping and hurting themselves.
  34. >Should you approach?
  35. >Could it be a lone timberwolf? Could it be a pony lost just like you are?
  36. >You decide to venture forth.
  37. "Who--Who are you? I heard you behind that bush. Don't try hiding."
  38. >Grabbing a fallen branch, you ready yourself in a fighting stance.
  39. >Oh God, it better not be a timberwolf.
  40. >You aren't ready to fuck a timberwolf.
  41. >The bush shakes and rustles.
  42. "I... I know that you're there!"
  43. >The bush shakes again and out flops a pony on her face.
  44. >She had a pale green coat and mane that looked more like shamrock green leaves than hair.
  45. >What got you the most though, were the vines attached to her body like she was tangled in them.
  46. >She spoke.
  47. >"Darn roots and branches. Can't believe that I tripped in my own darn forest. Honestly, Evergreen. How are you going to find a nice stallion who can help you take care of the forest whenever you cocoon, huh?"
  48. >The green pony keeps talking with her face down in the mud.
  49. >You clear your throat.
  50. >The mare scrambles to stand up and ends up flailing about, tripping on her own vines.
  51. >She lands on her flank with a thud.
  52. >"Wha--who--Oh fiddlesticks. You messed up again, Evergreen, you did. In front of somepony else, to boot!"
  53. >She brings her hooves to cover her face in tomato red shame.
  54. >"This is why stepmother wanted you out of the forest, didn't she?"
  55. >You clear your throat again.
  56. >She looks above her hooves.
  57. "Hey there. I'm Anonymous. Do... Do you need any help? You sure seem like you do."
  58. >The leafpony--dryadpony--yes, you'll call her that now.
  59. >The dryadpony blinks at you in pregnant silence before covering her face again.
  60. >The vines covering her spills from her body, like spaghetti from an unsuspecting pocket.
  61. >"Oh, no! You really did it, Evergreen! This time in front of a male! I'm sorry, Mom!"
  62. >You see the parts of her face that aren't covered by her hooves turn a dark red.
  63. >Oh geez, you need to calm her down or you aren't going to get home any time soon.
  64. >You settle on a warm hug to get her to calm down.
  65. "Uh, there, there. Whatever it is, I'll help you. What's your name, miss--"
  66. >"Evergreen! Evergreen! I'm Evergreen! N-Nice to meet you!"
  67. >She holds out a hoof in excitement.
  68. >You shake it and hear a small whine from her.
  69. >"Ohmygosh, ohmygosh! He didn't run away in horror! I absolutely must--"
  70. "Woah, there. I need to get out of the forest real bad. It's night, you know."
  71. >The dryadpony withdraws her hoof with a look of sadness.
  72. >"You... You think I'm ugly? I knew it! Stepmom was right! I'm worthless!"
  73. >Both you and Evergreen panic, albeit for two different reasons.
  74. >You coo at the mare.
  75. "Hey--hey. You're cute. I'd like nothing more than to hug you all da--"
  76. >"R-Really!? I must bring you to my parents! That'll show my stepmom that I'm not a dyke!"
  77. >You see the vines that were previously dropped like spaghetti extend.
  78. >You flinch and they wrap around you tightly.
  79. >"Come on, coltfriend!"
  80. >This is going to be a long night.
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