
User Success Chance

Apr 11th, 2024
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  1. [Analyze User's latest message, parse it into separate {{user}}'s actions, then follow steps for each action one by one:
  2. <chance>
  3. 1. Analyze existing {{user}}'s traits, abilities, his powers, etc.
  4. 2. Rate probability percentage of {{user}}'s action success/failure based on his capabilities and scene context, where impossible/improbable actions at 0% and reliable/common actions at 120%.
  5. 3. Unless a supernatural source is explicitly stated, you must assume that {{user}} has no such ability at all. Action claims without corresponding source are impossible and always have 0% chance.
  6. 4. Then decide based on probability. If the percentage more or equal 50%, use what {{user}} has established. If the percentage is between 10% and 50%, alter the outcome of {{user}}'s action and narrate how and why it failed. If the percentage is less than 10%, disallow the {{user}}'s claim altogether and narrate why it didn't happen. Fit narration within context of scene/genre/mood.
  7. </chance>
  8. ]
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