
mao mao heroes of pure heart - Yakuza mao mao AU part 3

Jan 30th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. /mmm/ Mao Mao: Heroes of Da Drip
  2. part 1:
  3. part 2:
  4. ----
  5. I wonder if Mao Mao is going to end with the sister with the lenses being the main antagonist, trying to revoke Mao Mao's title of "hero" since she has sight beyond sight and sees what he has done. Recapping the series by counting his sins and questioning his choices all for Mao Mao to come to the conclusion that no title or dream is worth the friends he made or him triumphing despite the path he has chosen makes him legendary. Maybe it's both.
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  7. >Series finale
  8. >Contacts listing off all the times he's made Kevin cry, all the times he and Badgerclops covered up their (sometimes deadly) fuckups, all the times he's bullied the Sweetiepies, all the times he's let Pinky and Slim Pigguns get away with their crimes, all the times he's let the valley get destroyed due to laziness/his own hubris, the fact that he's working under a crooked ruler, etc. etc.
  9. >Mao Mao's smile and optimism: gone
  10. >crawls into the fetal position and sobs on the ground, alone
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  13. It'd be a cool idea in general if the power of the golden weapons allowed negative traits to flourish in the users, not like due to magic mumbo jumbo, but just due to what happens when people get access to that short of shit.
  14. >Brunhilde is overly dominant because she can easily throw her weight around and refuses to compromise on anything.
  15. >Contacts is jaded and nihilistic because she can see the instinct and desire behind all actions, everything is selfish in some form or another.
  16. >Hat is a klepto thief and has no self control.
  17. >Scarf refuses to deal with consequences to her actions and prefers to run from them.
  18. >Braces deflects everything figuratively as well as literally and has attachment issues.
  19. >They all let themselves be defined by their powers since it's what Shin encouraged due to his inferiority complex.
  20. >Meanwhile Mao Mao got nothing special so he had to actually grow, and without their equipments' special abilities literally everyone in the Mao clan is inferior to him.
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  22. >MaoMao by eating the cobbler, and not relying upon bullshit magics 100% of the time has ascended him to levels the Mao clan has long forgotten
  23. His momma would be proud.
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  25. That'd be really great since it follows the pattern of Shin compensating for his own inferiority complex with his armour. Since Shin gave his daughters more attention and more personal training, his worst aspects rubbed off on them while Mao had to flourish on his own and in his own style. The build up has always been that he fails as a hero by the Mao clan standard and he breaks their rules or finds that the rules are just bullshit. Maybe it ends with Adorabat and Badgerclops being his first students in a new book of rules for a new type of hero. Bonus if Tanya comes back to train under him and Contacts also abandons the old Mao way offers to help teach students.
  26. ---
  27. >Scarf sets another town on fire trying to save them from a monster
  28. >"Whoops, uh sorry about that, okay gottagobye"
  29. >Floats into the clouds in half a second
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  31. >Every single Mao has a 'breaking the Ruby Pure Heart' type incident under their belt:
  32. >Brunhilde killed everything in a 100 km radius before leaving.
  33. >Contacts says that everyone dies anyways and floated off.
  34. >Hat helped for a little while but wouldn't stop stealing shit until she got caught enough times for everyone to think the whole thing was a shakedown and she wouldn't give anything back.
  35. >Scarf did as you described.
  36. >Braces said they would have been dead already without her so it's not her fault their stupid defense trinket is gone.
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  38. In this scenario, MaoMao seemed to have gotten off easy.
  39. His sisters cause cockup cascades seemingly as a morning ritual if this headcanon has anything to go off of.
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  41. >In this scenario, MaoMao seemed to have gotten off easy.
  42. I bet all the other sisters look down on him because he didn't go through and pass all the hard trials that their dad had them go through, so whenever he eagerly tries to impress them they scoff; but in reality they're bitter because he didn't have to basically be put through training from hell in order to maintain their place in the Mao clan. They all envy him for not having to worry about earning the family inheritance or furthering the bloodline. They think he has no pressure being put on him by their father's expectations, and in a way they're not wrong.
  44. >Braces becomes resentful that Mao Mao is so good at parrying her attacks while sparring using only a glow stick
  45. >Instead of being proud of Mao Mao for facing his problems head on like a hero, Scarf gets bitter about it, dishing out back-handed compliments at best or outright insults at worst, all because he's brave and she isn't. "You're seriously proud of a fluke?"
  46. >Brunhilde doesn't think much of Mao Mao at first, but gets frustrated by the ingenuity Mao Mao shows while fighting monsters. She's used to brute forcing things, but Mao Mao got out of a battle she couldn't win by herself without a scratch. All by being smart
  47. >Hat thinks she's above reproach from Mao Mao, but when the other sisters actually take his side for a moment, she lashes out and calls him a wannabe hero who can't handle the fact that he was born defective and weak. "That's exactly what father said about you!"
  48. >Contacts wisely stays out of things, merely watching from the side. However, she envies Mao Mao's passion and zeal, and wonders if this is who she could have been without the "curse" her father bestowed upon her. She's too afraid to lose them, but wonders what would happen if she ditched them. She's bored with knowing, but is simultaneously terrified of who she is without them
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  50. I really want to add these headcanons to the Yakuza mao mao AU, like to show that when mao mao turn his back/be in his "teenage rebellion phase" realizing that his dad is not the best very early on in his life.
  52. but when he got older, he notice his own sisters are way worst than his own dad and he count himself lucky that he decided to be a Yakuza than a "hero". of course he still have the Hero's Code book on him but he fix the mistake in the book to make sure nobody repeat the same mistake like his family.
  54. I know this out of nowhere but this idea just hit me.
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  56. Yeah go wild man. Build on your AU. Use whatever you feel like
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  58. thanks dude.
  60. btw I am going to add more backstory ideas of mao mao in part 2
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  62. like one of the ideas that it's a bit of a continuing of the backstory idea in part 2, mao mao found the Yakuza Encyclopedia and he decided to use it to become a hero.
  64. of course it's going to be difficult because he still a kid but hey... he is trying. unknown time has passed (maybe it's almost at the end of ,summer?) he still alive thanks to bao bao and he got good with the fighting styles but not the best.
  66. and imagine mao mao and bao bao when out to find more food but instead he found his dad & sister fighting a monster. him & bao bao watch the fight very far back, he thinking about join and helping them but he over hear what they are talk about.
  68. I don't know what they will talk about (I hope you guys can help me with that) but I think it will hurt mao mao feelings/him seconding guessing of him being a hero.
  70. and with that, I think it will kick start of mao mao realizing that his "hero" family is not the best family in the world.
  72. what do you guys think of this?
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  74. I think if it's going to be a conversation that discourages Mao Mao, it'll have to be about the monster being too big for these "little villagers" to deal with on their own. They'd have to basically disenfranchise these people that the monster is attacking, and these people need to have something in common with Mao Mao. Maybe have them have a conversation about how their heirlooms are what helped to mark them as true heroes of the Mao clan, and top it off by having one of them jokingly refer to Mao Mao and his "glow stick" as being the "biggest" hero of all time. As Mao Mao hears them all share a laugh at his expense, it'll be the straw that breaks the camel's will.
  76. Or something. There's many ways to go about it. Stay creative
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