
Losing the fire

Aug 28th, 2020
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  1. So how long are you going to do this for.
  3. Oh dont look surprised at the question you know damn well what I mean. It's been how long since you last came back home since running off with your abuser? Best not disguise what happened now, seeing how it all went in the end.
  5. You had power behind you, making sure she would be stopped. The boon of literal Gods, one still backing you and waiting for you to be done playing, and for what? For you to choose her over finally ending it. For you to take her hand and walk away with her so she could teach you. Did you really think no one else was capable of that, in the vast expanse of the universe, that there was no one ever able to teach you what she can?
  7. Oh hush, I dont want to hear the excuses. Her people dont need her they need a Leader. Someone that wont twist their minds to her whims and designs. They need someone that knows what they are doing and there is someone else out there that can do it. You are just afraid. Afraid of her, afraid of losing some sliver of maybe learning something, afraid of losing the false comfort she now dotes on you.
  9. You know the kicker though, love? Your Father asked us to be there for you, to help you because somehow he knew you would need some defense against the challenges. Against her. Now tell me, how are we supposed to follow his last wishes when you chose her over him after his death?
  11. Hush, I still dont need your excuses. You know you have that power still backing you, willing to teach you and waiting for you to finally ask them to make her disappear. He can do it, damn what she thinks, he can end her with a snap. You know this but here you are, sneaking away only moment at a time, rarely visit and when you do it's when you being trouble to the door.
  13. You've dimmed. You used to have such a fire in you, unafraid to speak your mind and cuss out anyone and anything regardless if the very thing you are insulting is in the other room. You were alive back then. Now, look at you now. She has succeeded in beating the fire out of you.
  15. Only this time she didnt have to touch you.
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