
Any% No PW thoughts

Apr 17th, 2014
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  1. My thoughts on Any% No PW being a category/filter setting on the leaderboards.
  2. First of all, the reason why we want it created is because it was a state of the game that was very enjoyable and when the game is most active, most of us can agree that we do not really enjoy any% as much and most of us have tried it. So we simply wanted to create our own little category to play with where we can compete with each other, obviously this should be fine right? But no it cannot be that simple. People are in favor of a filter system, which I think is an okay idea that some other games implement correctly. However, people must realize that it is quite different than the new any% in many aspects, so I think it should be entitled to its own little spot. Second of all, the people who are in favor of it not being a category I would say for the majority of them do not completely understand the situation as they have not really experienced playing the game and its different categories. They say if you like what any% no pw had then play all cards, but I think we can say that they are both very different categories in their own right you experience those chapters differently. As for being "uncompromiseable" I think this is completely unfair to say. So who are we compromising with? Ah yes that is right just a few people who complained that either do not play or barely play the game. I will continue to ask this question. Why does it bother people that we want to compete with each other in our own little category? It simply should not. Any% and All Cards are still there. If this is the way some people want to play why do we have to have people telling us that we cannot. If it was in a filter system I feel that it is like trying to hide a category b/c it should not be one, but if people will play it then it should be one. Some other arguments that were used is that it is too arbitrary or that we are too small to create this category both of which I feel do not hold any weight. Any category that is not pure beat the game any%, or in some cases 100%, is arbitrary. I am sure if we got rid of arbitrary categories from all games there would be a lot less speedrunners. Plenty of people play and enjoy things like OOT Any% No RBA/WW or SM64 16 Star. People will play them, that is why they are around. People will also play Any% No PW. It is a nice medium if you do not take a liking to new any% or to all cards. As for us being too small and splitting up the competition that makes no sense. There is little to no competition in any of the categories as of right now, and this new category can if anything, draw in more players to the game who may move on the the other categories if they want to. Finally I heard the argument that Paper Mario was not dead while Any% and All Cards where the only main categories. My response to this is that while some people may not have been playing due to other activities, right before peach warp was discovered there were plenty of runners playing even while school was going on. It may not have been that literally no one was playing it, as people including myself were still playing it a little, but it was significantly less than it was. One last thing addressing the people's concern with a solution for the future: A filter system is not technically a permanent solution either, it is simply a more organized looking one. If we had a filter or category for literally every trick in the game that would be dumb, we can split up things if we need to or take away filters and categories if we need to. With all of that I think I can spell out a conclusion. A filter system simply tries to hide the category, making it appear very silly to run, when it should in fact be a category if people want to play it. We should not try to compromise if a few people disagree especially those who aren't informed or in the community. If everyone who has played the categories was against a No PW category then I would consider the filter as more of a solution, but we agreed on the creation of the category in the first place, not to mention all the reasons why a filter would not really do the category justice. We just want to be able to compete with each other and welcome anyone who wants to play it also, again I ask why can't we just have this one little section to track the competition without it being mixed in with something else?
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