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- EncodeWorker:.
- | go.bat
- | go.vpy
- |
- +---Binaries
- | ffmpeg.exe
- | x264.exe
- | x265.exe
- |
- +---Fonts
- \---Tools
- | 7z.dll
- | 7z.exe
- |
- | AVFS.exe
- | concrt140.dll
- | d3dcompiler_47.dll
- |
- | libcrypto-1_1.dll
- | libEGL.dll
- | libffi-7.dll
- | libGLESV2.dll
- | libssl-1_1.dll
- | LICENSE.txt
- |
- | msvcp140.dll
- | msvcp140_1.dll
- | msvcp140_2.dll
- | msvcp140_codecvt_ids.dll
- |
- |
- | opengl32sw.dll
- | pfm-192-vapoursynth-win.exe
- | portable.vs
- | pyexpat.pyd
- |
- | python.exe
- | python3.dll
- | python38.dll
- |
- | python38._pth
- | pythonw.exe
- | Qt5Core.dll
- | Qt5Gui.dll
- | Qt5Network.dll
- | Qt5Svg.dll
- | Qt5WebSockets.dll
- | Qt5Widgets.dll
- | Qt5WinExtras.dll
- | select.pyd
- |
- | sqlite3.dll
- | unicodedata.pyd
- | vapoursynth.cp38-win_amd64.pyd
- | VapourSynth.dll
- | vccorlib140.dll
- | vcruntime140.dll
- | vcruntime140_1.dll
- | vsedit-job-server-watcher.exe
- | vsedit-job-server.exe
- | vsedit.exe
- | vsedit.ico
- | vsedit.svg
- | VSPipe.exe
- |
- | VSScript.dll
- | VSVFW.dll
- | winsound.pyd
- | _asyncio.pyd
- | _bz2.pyd
- | _ctypes.pyd
- | _decimal.pyd
- | _elementtree.pyd
- | _hashlib.pyd
- | _lzma.pyd
- | _msi.pyd
- | _multiprocessing.pyd
- | _overlapped.pyd
- | _queue.pyd
- | _socket.pyd
- | _sqlite3.pyd
- | _ssl.pyd
- |
- +---bearer
- | qgenericbearer.dll
- |
- +---doc
- | | .buildinfo
- | | about.html
- | | apireference.html
- | | applications.html
- | | avfs.html
- | | avisynthcomp.html
- | | functions.html
- | | genindex.html
- | | gettingstarted.html
- | | includedplugins.html
- | | index.html
- | | installation.html
- | | objects.inv
- | | plugins.html
- | | pythonreference.html
- | | search.html
- | | searchindex.js
- | | vspipe.html
- | |
- | +---api
- | | vapoursynth.h.html
- | | vshelper.h.html
- | | vsscript.h.html
- | |
- | +---functions
- | | addborders.html
- | | assumefps.html
- | | binarize.html
- | | blankclip.html
- | | boxblur.html
- | | cache.html
- | | clipinfo.html
- | | cliptoprop.html
- | | convolution.html
- | | coreinfo.html
- | | crop.html
- | | deflate_inflate.html
- | | deleteframes.html
- | | doubleweave.html
- | | duplicateframes.html
- | | expr.html
- | | flip.html
- | | frameeval.html
- | | framenum.html
- | | frameprops.html
- | | freezeframes.html
- | | interleave.html
- | | invert.html
- | | levels.html
- | | limiter.html
- | | loadplugin.html
- | | loadpluginavs.html
- | | loop.html
- | | lut.html
- | | lut2.html
- | | makediff.html
- | | maskedmerge.html
- | | median.html
- | | merge.html
- | | mergediff.html
- | | minimum_maximum.html
- | | modifyframe.html
- | | pemverifier.html
- | | planestats.html
- | | premultiply.html
- | | prewitt_sobel.html
- | | proptoclip.html
- | | resize.html
- | | reverse.html
- | | selectevery.html
- | | separatefields.html
- | | setfieldbased.html
- | | setframeprop.html
- | | setmaxcpu.html
- | | shuffleplanes.html
- | | splice.html
- | | stack.html
- | | text.html
- | | transpose.html
- | | trim.html
- | | turn180.html
- | |
- | +---plugins
- | | avisource.html
- | | eedi3.html
- | | imwri.html
- | | misc.html
- | | morpho.html
- | | ocr.html
- | | rgvs.html
- | | subtext.html
- | | vinverse.html
- | | vivtc.html
- | |
- | +---_sources
- | | | about.rst.txt
- | | | apireference.rst.txt
- | | | applications.rst.txt
- | | | avfs.rst.txt
- | | | avisynthcomp.rst.txt
- | | | functions.rst.txt
- | | | gettingstarted.rst.txt
- | | | includedplugins.rst.txt
- | | | index.rst.txt
- | | | installation.rst.txt
- | | | plugins.rst.txt
- | | | pythonreference.rst.txt
- | | | vspipe.rst.txt
- | | |
- | | +---api
- | | | vapoursynth.h.rst.txt
- | | | vshelper.h.rst.txt
- | | | vsscript.h.rst.txt
- | | |
- | | +---functions
- | | | addborders.rst.txt
- | | | assumefps.rst.txt
- | | | binarize.rst.txt
- | | | blankclip.rst.txt
- | | | boxblur.rst.txt
- | | | cache.rst.txt
- | | | clipinfo.rst.txt
- | | | cliptoprop.rst.txt
- | | | convolution.rst.txt
- | | | coreinfo.rst.txt
- | | | crop.rst.txt
- | | | deflate_inflate.rst.txt
- | | | deleteframes.rst.txt
- | | | doubleweave.rst.txt
- | | | duplicateframes.rst.txt
- | | | expr.rst.txt
- | | | flip.rst.txt
- | | | frameeval.rst.txt
- | | | framenum.rst.txt
- | | | frameprops.rst.txt
- | | | freezeframes.rst.txt
- | | | interleave.rst.txt
- | | | invert.rst.txt
- | | | levels.rst.txt
- | | | limiter.rst.txt
- | | | loadplugin.rst.txt
- | | | loadpluginavs.rst.txt
- | | | loop.rst.txt
- | | | lut.rst.txt
- | | | lut2.rst.txt
- | | | makediff.rst.txt
- | | | maskedmerge.rst.txt
- | | | median.rst.txt
- | | | merge.rst.txt
- | | | mergediff.rst.txt
- | | | minimum_maximum.rst.txt
- | | | modifyframe.rst.txt
- | | | pemverifier.rst.txt
- | | | planestats.rst.txt
- | | | premultiply.rst.txt
- | | | prewitt_sobel.rst.txt
- | | | proptoclip.rst.txt
- | | | resize.rst.txt
- | | | reverse.rst.txt
- | | | selectevery.rst.txt
- | | | separatefields.rst.txt
- | | | setfieldbased.rst.txt
- | | | setframeprop.rst.txt
- | | | setmaxcpu.rst.txt
- | | | shuffleplanes.rst.txt
- | | | splice.rst.txt
- | | | stack.rst.txt
- | | | text.rst.txt
- | | | transpose.rst.txt
- | | | trim.rst.txt
- | | | turn180.rst.txt
- | | |
- | | \---plugins
- | | avisource.rst.txt
- | | eedi3.rst.txt
- | | imwri.rst.txt
- | | misc.rst.txt
- | | morpho.rst.txt
- | | ocr.rst.txt
- | | rgvs.rst.txt
- | | subtext.rst.txt
- | | vinverse.rst.txt
- | | vivtc.rst.txt
- | |
- | \---_static
- | agogo.css
- | basic.css
- | bgfooter.png
- | bgtop.png
- | doctools.js
- | documentation_options.js
- | file.png
- | jquery-3.4.1.js
- | jquery.js
- | language_data.js
- | minus.png
- | plus.png
- | pygments.css
- | searchtools.js
- | underscore-1.3.1.js
- | underscore.js
- |
- +---iconengines
- | qsvgicon.dll
- |
- +---imageformats
- | qgif.dll
- | qicns.dll
- | qico.dll
- | qjpeg.dll
- | qsvg.dll
- | qtga.dll
- | qtiff.dll
- | qwbmp.dll
- | qwebp.dll
- |
- +---platforms
- | qwindows.dll
- |
- +---sdk
- | +---examples
- | | filter_skeleton.c
- | | invert_example.c
- | | vsscript_example.c
- | |
- | +---include
- | | VapourSynth.h
- | | VSHelper.h
- | | VSScript.h
- | |
- | +---lib32
- | | VapourSynth.lib
- | | VSScript.lib
- | |
- | \---lib64
- | VapourSynth.lib
- | VSScript.lib
- |
- +---styles
- | qwindowsvistastyle.dll
- |
- \---vapoursynth64
- +---coreplugins
- | avisource.dll
- | AvsCompat.dll
- | EEDI3.dll
- | libhistogram.dll
- | libimwri.dll
- | libsubtext.dll
- | MiscFilters.dll
- | Morpho.dll
- | RemoveGrainVS.dll
- | Vinverse.dll
- | VIVTC.dll
- |
- \---plugins
- .keep
- ffms2.dll
- fft3dfilter.dll
- flash3kyuu_deband.dll
- fmtconv.dll
- KNLMeansCL.dll
- libfftw3f-3.dll
- libmvtools.dll
- libnnedi3.dll
- nnedi3_weights.bin
- scenechange.dll
- temporalsoften2.dll
- vslsmashsource.dll
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