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a guest
Sep 22nd, 2023
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  1. Potato Soup
  3. 1 med onion diced 3 stalkes of celery diced
  4. Peeled & diced potatoes 1 stick of real butter
  5. 1 can of cream of celery 1 can cream of chicken
  6. 1 pk of cubed ham cut up 1 cup of milk
  7. 1 can of evaporated milk salt & pepper to taste
  8. 3 cups of water
  10. In large stock pot, depending on how much you want to make or how large your cooking pot is, bring your water to a boil & then add your onions and celery & ham. Cook until onion & celery are soft. You may have to add more water after adding your potatoes, add butter. Cook potatoes until soft. Turn down your heat when adding your soup & milk so it don't stick, also store while adding salt & pepper to taste.
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