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Systemspace Compendium 5.3

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Mar 31st, 2017
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  1. This document serves as a repository of all current knowledge of Systemspace. It has been categorized and spelling and grammar mistakes have been corrected. Some questions and answers have been slightly reformatted but have been in a manner which ensures that no meaning or context is lost. Searching through the Discord with snippets of the question/answer pairs, or just backtracking through all of Tsuki's messages will verify this. For information taken from 4chan's /r9k/ board and TSUKICHAN's /lfe/ board, archives of the original threads are verified and can be found on desuarchive. This Compendium is a joint-effort between Yari(655) and Unterminator.
  7. Index
  9. [1] Life
  10. [2] LFE
  11. [3] Souls, Experience, Memories, and Users
  12. [4] Aurora
  13. [5] TSUKI and its Subsidiaries
  14. [6] Aspects of the TSUKI Project
  15. [7] Tsuki, the Representative
  16. [8] The Key
  17. [9] Systems / Systemspace in General
  18. [9.1] Ha7 System
  19. [10] Hyakanghen
  20. [11] Statements Made by Tsuki
  22. [12] Text Archive of as of Mar 31 2017
  23. [12.1] /HOME PAGE/
  24. [12.2] /STATUS PAGE/
  25. [12.3] /REGISTER PAGE/
  26. [12.4] /LISTING PAGE/
  27. [12.5] /GLOSSARY PAGE/
  28. [12.6] /FAQ PAGE/
  29. [12.7] /NEWS PAGE/
  30. [12.8] /DATAVERSES PAGE/
  31. [12.8.1] Infinity
  32. [12.8.2] Infinity II
  35. [12.10] Explore LFE
  36. [12.11] EoT
  37. [12.12] About
  38. RISEN
  39. [12.13] Our Goal
  40. [12.14] EoT
  41. [12.15] About
  42. eNdymioN
  43. [12.16] EoT
  44. [12.17] About
  45. Misc. Pages
  46. [12.18] 404 Page
  51. [1] -Life-
  53. Q: Who created Life?
  54. A: No one knows.
  56. Q: How old is Life?
  57. A: Life has gone through many reboots and iterations since then. Life was rebooted over 10 million times now.
  59. Q: Why was Life created?
  60. A: Life was made to be a peaceful System away from all the action in the others. A System that was even often used for people to seek spiritual enlightenment, as it would be so serene.
  62. Q: Why are the people in Life in it, exactly?
  63. A: You chose to join this System a while ago, and so did everyone else. You expected to see a peaceful System after all, not a broken one using too much Aurora.
  65. Q: If we're living in a System, how is it that non-terminating non-repeating numbers, like Pi, can exist?
  66. A: This is a bug in Life.
  68. The System Life was closed from outside influence a while ago, and humanity slowly forgot about the existence of Systemspace. In other Systems, practically everybody knows.
  70. Q: Tsuki, how can you know this all if Life is supposed to be cut from any interference of other systems?
  71. A: I was created with this task in mind - as part of RISEN I can override this rule.
  73. Q: How similar has each reboot of Life been?
  74. A: Very, very similar. It is very possible that humans are tearing away at the thin firm keeping them from the truth. They've done this past iterations, after all. None could leave, however.
  76. Q: You said none of the inhabitants of Life in past iterations never managed to leave. Does that mean doing so is possible?
  77. A: Life is so badly coded, that it is possible to leave if you manage to break the System a little. This should not be possible though (usually a blocking System would be sure to be secure), and is very hard to do without outside help.
  79. Q: How far did Life get in past iterations?
  80. A: Pretty far, actually. Most iterations were able to figure out on their own that Systemspace exists.
  82. Q: Is humanity to blame for Life's problems?
  83. A: Humans are not what caused Life to go wrong. It is simply its code being absolutely horrid and broken.
  85. Q: In what way is the code bad?
  86. A: Bad soul management, completely fucked database, bad I/O, it's never been touched ever so it's very far behind, it doesn't cache ((ever)), it cycles ALL AURORA ALL THE TIME, and probably above all, it gives everything it's own piece of Aurora instead of giving two identical things the same Aurora.
  88. The developer behind Life has abandoned this world. The Key has had to reboot it many times, but it only got worse. A concept known as "imanity" has increased with every reboot, and has made humanity stupider.
  90. You see, Life has an auto-evolve mechanism. It evolves to make itself better. However, when the owner left, they left it in an erroneous state - the evolvement was flipped. Therefore it is actively trying to make itself worse. Just like we got from single-celled creatures to humans, that evolutionary mechanism got from tiny energy usage to giant hog over those many, many iterations.
  92. Q: Will I be able to get back at Life's creator?
  93. A: Please don't, if you do find him we could try and fix Life. If we find the creator before July 1st, of course. Afterwards, do whatever you want to be honest, I don't care and I don't think anyone at TSUKI does either.
  95. Q: Wait, but you're saying Life's creator is in Life?
  96. A: We have no clue.
  98. Q: So I'm guessing the creator has some kind of password that you guys couldn't crack to fix it yourselves, then?
  99. A: He is the only one capable of editing Life, so in a sense you're right.
  101. Q: I imagine it's probably an impossible task to actually try to find him if RISEN, with its vast resources, couldn't pin him down by EID, so he probably shattered?
  102. A: That's what we're thinking too.
  104. Q: What distinguishes humans from other races you know of?
  105. A: Rather, how should I say it... egoistic. You are creative thinkers though, which is very very good.
  107. Q: Is it a constant inefficiency or one that progressively gets worse?
  108. A: The first run of Life went amazing, bit slowly got worse until it required a reboot.
  110. The insane usage of Life comes from that it tries to develop itself, but goes in the complete opposite direction. With every reboot it gets worse, humans (or whatever sentient species) get dumber, and evolution happens more slowly.
  112. Q: Why are we being allowed to evacuate?
  113. A: Because we want to pass on the human spirit. Also because you're interesting.
  115. Q: Why new souls keep coming here? I bet you there have enough measures to prevent others from entering this poorly made System.
  116. A: Sadly, due to how open Systemspace is, this is not possible.
  118. Q: Do you have any opinion on quantum physics and claims from scientists that they can "tell" that Life is a simulated reality?
  119. A: It is very possible that humans are tearing away at the thin firm keeping them from the truth. They've done this past iterations, after all.
  121. Quantum physics is just aurorology, in a sense. "Gravity bleeding into the universe from nowhere" would be Auroraic Echoing.
  123. Q: How big of a thing is Life's deletion in Systemspace?
  124. A: Life's deletion is a pretty big thing, as it also starts the new era of Systemspace.
  126. Q: Will other forms of life on our planet be preserved somehow?
  127. A: The thing is, they don't have souls nor history - it's too much of a gamble.
  129. Q: Less advanced forms of life do not have a soul? Why?
  130. A: The creator of Life only intended humans to have souls.
  132. There are smarter organisms than us, by the way. They just haven't been granted souls.
  134. Q: When does the human body acquire a soul?
  135. A: At birth.
  137. Q: What will be the effects of the unlink on people that are staying in Life?
  138. A: All newborn people will have no souls and as such be slightly more hostile.
  140. Q: Once people start being born without souls, do we immediately assume them as more so NPC's, or is there any documented behavior that these husks exhibit?
  141. A: Humans will not instantly be able to see a difference between soulless and normal humans. The SlAI (soulless AI, that controls all entities without a soul) is very well developed. I think the main noticable factor is that humanity will 1) make no real advancements, 2) will be more hostile.
  143. The "AI" that we use is just the Aurora taking over.
  145. Q: Do extraterrestrials exist in Life?
  146. A: They do not have souls, but they exist.
  148. Life currently has a little under 620 septillion souls.
  154. [2] -LFE-
  156. LFE itself is a gigantic system built by SYNAPSE on top of their open-source framework LFX. It houses over 9.4x10^28 souls, in many different species.
  158. Q: Who created LFE?
  159. A: LFE was created by SYNAPSE, a large company which has made a free-to-win System where, as they say, "everyone is important". It's been the largest System for quite some time, and is arguably one of the best.
  161. Q: How can everyone's soul be important in LFE?
  162. A: SYNAPSE says they cause everyone to move the branch tree in their own way.
  164. Q: Are there any soulless people in LFE?
  165. A: LFE has a no-soul:death-of-body system, so theres no alive bodies without souls (that are supposed to have one).
  167. Q: What does LFE mean?
  168. A: It's the names of the most important 3 partitions: Living (all living beings) eFfector (all interactions) Environment (all matter).
  170. There's more partitions (like U for users).
  172. Q: How old is LFE?
  173. A: LFE has been around for far longer than Life. It has [had] 128 iterations.
  175. We've had to reboot LFE a few times now, actually. The version of LFE you'll be starting into will be the 128th iteration.
  177. Q: What type of life exists in LFE?
  178. A: Heh, there's so many species and subspecies it'll be impossible to name them all.
  180. There's mostly 2 groups, magical beings and scientific beings. Both are usually humanoid - magical beings includes demons, angels and fallen angels, and scientific beings includes datamen, espers and others.
  182. Q: How does magic work in LFE?
  183. A: The "protocol" for magic is soul-based. Although you need to remember that magic is not a nameable thing like technology. Magic is the art of using specific codes of energy (created by the soul) to override the rules of reality in
  185. your own shape. Like remote code insertion into a webserver.
  187. Q: How advanced is life in LFE?
  188. A: Very advanced, but it depends where you are very much.
  190. Q: Where how? Different country, continent, planet?
  191. A: Usually different planet.
  193. I could try and recreate the LFEian Circle (of all major species), I did so once but it'll be a mess on normal paper.
  195. Q: Could you give an example of one species?
  196. A: Well first of all there's always the mainstream ones like the ones you find in the Synapse, but I assume you want something more exotic so how about the Lynlings, who have a skin that perfectly mimics the night sky while flying?
  198. They're kind of dying out though :(
  200. They're mainly in south-east Mahuensj, but south Mahuensj is already being conquered by Sanyrle.
  202. The biggest is probably the Synni - from the Synapse (the enormous area around the Synapsian Mountain (SYNAPSE HQ)). There's also a lot of Espa, at all sorts of different power levels.
  204. Q: What are the Synni and Espa like?
  205. A: They're very nice people! Synni are often seem from the outside as very mystic, but once you integrate with them you'll see their true nature :) Espa are very smart, good with their brains!
  207. Q: Are the Synnis anything like humans?
  208. A: Yeah, they're quite related to humans I guess.
  210. Q: Tsuki, could you give an example of Synni culture from our perspective?
  211. A: I'll see if I can include this in a later Dataverse.
  213. Q: How common are interspecies relationships?
  214. A: Common, although depends on the species and their culture.
  216. Q: What language are those names?
  217. A: Synapsian. (mostly)
  219. Q: Is Synapsian the default language? Where could someone learn this language?
  220. A: You'll learn it in your LFE childhood.
  222. Q: What does Synapsian sound like?
  223. A: It sounds rather interesting, it sounds and writes a bit like Hangul or Japanese.
  225. Q: Wouldn't it be near impossible to make a keyboard/font for Synapsian?
  226. A: There's only a few characters, but a single character can mean many things, so you "mud" them in a direction. There's not many characters (think slightly more than Japanese), so it's doable. I have no clue how to make them combinable though.
  228. Q: Any way to get a Synapsian dictionary or text for learning?
  229. A: I'm working on it!
  231. A bracket underneath (ground) combines the characters into a cluster. (If multiple characters are written in one space, they automatically clusterize.)
  233. Clusters represent single words or ideas. Loose characters represent grammar or very simple words.
  235. (You can also have a ground below a single character to force it into an object state.)
  237. Pronunciation of loanwords (like katakana) is done with mountain brackets (above the characters).
  239. The circle acts like a tenten.
  241. Q: Can you leave some of the Infinity posts untranslated so that we can see a larger sample of the language?
  242. A: I'll ask around if I can do that - although I'm not that great at Synapsian (and most Synapsian I've been writing is honestly very bad).
  244. Q: How was Japanese inspired by Synapsian? How did they recieve this information?
  245. A: Anything that happens causes Aurora to vibrate, and it also vibrates on its own. This vibration gets echoed through the entirety of Systemspace. As such, Aurora in other Systems may resonate. We call this Auroraic Interference.
  246. So: In LFE the Aurora vibrated with Synapsian -> Vibrations spread to Life -> Life's Aurora vibrates with Synapsian
  247. Then someone invents something like Synapsian (Japanese, most Asian languages.)
  249. Q: Do they speak English in LFE?
  250. A: No, in LFE most people speak Synapsian. The acronym is in ""English"" because the language for Systemspace itself is English. (This English is quite a bit different from the human English, though.)
  252. Q: Do you mind explaining some of the curse words that they use in LFE?
  253. A: Honestly swearing doesn't really have it own words - it's more the way you talk to people that signifies your disgust. If anything, the word "t'xa" would be something along the lines of "fuck" or "shit".
  255. Q: Are worlds in LFE specifically earth-like?
  256. A: LFE still hasn't been fully explored.
  258. Q: Are there higher and lower levels of LFE?
  259. A: Not exactly sure what sort of layers you are talking about here. The LFE system is built up out of an ever expanding amount of universes, all with own planets with own races and locations.
  261. Q: Would it be hard to start conquering new lands?
  262. A: Just travel out really far to some distant universe and claim as much land as you can :^)
  264. Q: Does LFE use the same physics as our world?
  265. A: The central universe does, but it changes by universe.
  267. Q: What's the time scale in LFE?
  268. A: We basically have truetime and localtime, local time differs wherever you go but truetime is omniversal, based on the length of one processing cycle.
  270. Q: How does time work in LFE?
  271. A: Pretty similarly. The date/time system is just a bit differently notated.
  273. The seconds and hours are relatively the same, but as you get away from the smaller numbers it expands quickly.
  275. Q: Is the atomic structure the same?
  276. A: Completely different. None at all. Everything works differently there.
  278. Q: Are the politics and economy in LFE a mess like they are in Life?
  279. A: Everything is sorted out a lot better over there, from years and years of time.
  281. Q: How does the economy work on LFE?
  282. A: Can't say too much on this, but it's honestly quite a bit like the human one.
  284. Q: Is there government assistance in LFE?
  285. A: Depends on where you go, but in Ghakuwent-sji, you'll be fine - you get about 210000 sen a month - worth as much as about 1700 US$.
  287. Q: Could you give a good breakdown of the job market?
  288. A: .9% primary sector, .2% secundary sector, 62% tertiary sector, and the other 36.9% action-packed other stuff (fighting etc.) These are estimates, I'm not allowed to give actual numbers.
  290. Q: Does LFE have stimulants?
  291. A: Coffee is a lot like konhya in LFE, so I guess it'll do.
  293. Q: What other kinds of drugs are in LFE?
  294. A: Not really my field, all I know of is Hn'sa which basically overloads the brain, causing it to operate faster but dangerously. It's been in the news a lot.
  296. Q: What are LFE news networks like?
  297. A: Short and efficient. No time wasted, just what's happening, quickly and objectively. Nonetheless the news can still take a whole hour to cover everything important.
  299. Q: What other forms of media are there?
  300. A: There's a lot, sometimes people even just print a void onto the wall to read.
  302. Q: Are there nations in LFE?
  303. A: Yes, they are divided into nations.
  305. Q: Are there any atrocities widely known in LFE?
  306. A: There's a lot. Like, a lot.
  308. Q: What are the most serious crimes in LFE?
  309. A: The most serious crime would be trying to make it impossible for someone to ever have good memories again.
  311. Q: What kind of weapons are used in LFE?
  312. A: They often use metadevelopment to move earth, use magic or railgun-like guns.
  314. Q: What does warfare and combat look like in LFE?
  315. A: There's usually a few main points in an area, which are assaulted. Once these are taken, the place is almost always theirs.
  317. The combat system in most common cultures is far different from ours. Where ours is about eliminating the enemy, the LFEian is not like that at all.
  319. The LFEian combat system is mainly based on pride and being able to execute actions. It's more an art than a fight - you try to fire your magic / bullets / kicks in the most beautiful yet powerful way possible, to make the enemy unable to execute their own actions. Once all participants run out of stamina, the one with the best actions usually wins (either by a jury, if official or just decided between participants). Death is not really valued, so nobody really tries to go for the kill. If anything, people try to go for a soulshatter, but this is seen as very rude.
  321. Q: How much of Life can LFE viewers see and understand?
  322. A: Only as much as we allow them to see. They know about this project, they know that Life will be deleted.
  324. There has been some import/export to/from Life in most previous iterations, but we have not hit that stage this iteration.
  326. Q: Can LFE viewers access
  327. A: They can, but they cannot interact. (They read the imageboard, but do not post.)
  329. Q: Is it a direct link or just a recreation?
  330. A: Just a recreation, their internet works quite a bit different.
  332. Q: Do they read the Discord too?
  333. A: Nope.
  335. Q: Do they observe individual personalities of registrants that display names or numbers?
  336. A: I'm sure some do, but most are more interested in you as a whole.
  338. Q: Do they know English?
  339. A: No, but it can be translated.
  341. Q: Is there music in LFE?
  342. A: Yes, there is! It's quite a bit different though, people like to encode data (voids) into their music to evoke feeling or make you dream.
  344. Q: Are there guitars in LFE?
  345. A: LFE only has the really annoying ukeleles you hear in those dog treat ads when the dog finally gets the food that's "right for him".
  347. Q: Can you die in LFE?
  348. A: You can, it just works differently.
  350. Q: If we die in LFE, do we get reborn in LFE?
  351. A: Correct.
  353. Q: Will we keep our memories after we die in LFE?
  354. A: Depends on many things (Brain damage, soulshatter, etc. Just like you can lose your memories in Life, such is possible in LFE).
  356. Q: Is there any way to break the cycle?
  357. A: You may always choose to leave LFE - or you can soulshatter.
  359. Q: Is it common to soulshatter in LFE?
  360. A: No, its seen like death in Life, except more rare.
  362. As soon as you sign up, we enforce what we call a "forcebond" onto your soul making it far harder for it to shatter. So no need to worry about it (it can happen, but it'll be out of Life's reach)
  363. There's not that much of a stigma against no-memories. There's a lot of people who have their past memories wiped, just to be able to experience everything they love again.
  365. Forcebonds work everywhere (although it depends on how much power a System exerts on your soul), it's just slightly against protocol to use them (it'd be interfering with another System's core, which is illegal) so we disband them again after your dispatch in LFE.
  367. Q: To what extent will we have the ability to interact with Systems when we reach LFE?
  368. A: The sky's the limit! You can create your own Systems, go to others, anything you wish!
  370. Q: Will we be a new person in LFE with our old memories, or our old selves?
  371. A: You are a new person with both Life memories and LFE childhood memories.
  373. Q: Will we be able to choose our species when we get to LFE?
  374. A: You're born into whatever your soul can adapt to the best.
  376. Q: Will LFE be even better by the time we get there?
  377. A: Definitely.
  379. Q: Wouldn't they just waive us off as crazy?
  380. A: Most people in LFE have past life memories.
  382. Also, you're searchable. Literally look up "life human experiment" and you get the list of humans who entered into LFE.
  384. Everyone has a 12-year wait time until they regain their memories. This is also why 12 is usually the age of consent/adulthood.
  386. A soul is fully stably adapted to its body when it remembering its past lives, almost always 12 years after birth. This is often celebrated with a gigantic party for the child on their "Recollection Day". This also marks the start of soul-based and mental adulthood.
  388. Q: Am I right in assuming the age of consent in LFE would be 12?
  389. A: In most places, yes.
  391. Some go down to 9, some go up to 25. Some don't even use body age, but soul age.
  393. Q: Will I be able to be a machine in LFE?
  394. A: Yes, although a bit more risky than using a normal body. Software issue -> soulshatter.
  396. Q: Are there anti-robot/cyborg groups in LFE?
  397. A: Yes, most definitely! Pretty much the entire magic side is against artificial soul/vessels.
  399. Q: Could you go over all of the available or at least a few of the most common services available for modifying one's body?
  400. A: First of all, there's the popular but highly controversial soul transplant - putting your soul in someone else's or even a new body. In this way, you can have any body possible, including robot bodies. You can also pretty much change
  402. everything via other bodyforming methods, which are more usual, like changing shape of body, gender, eyes, etc.
  404. I'll be simple. The sky's the limit. We can add/remove/change bones (hnhehen), change skin (hdhahen), add/remove/move/change eyes/mouth/etc (mhenhen), add/remove/move body parts (khrahen), anything.
  406. Writing body-mudded words is hard with the english alphabet :(
  408. These all have to do with the body, so they're all mudded towards the empty h (body)
  409. as such, "SJI" becomes "SH"
  411. if you were to mud it towards Sky it'd be like "sjy" with a pitched-up i
  412. it's interesting, this language, as its vocabulary is very very close to the Japanese one but its writing system took a completely different turn somewhere.
  414. Q: Are transgenders allowed in LFE?
  415. A: Nobody really cares about sexuality other than to have offspring.
  417. Q: Does LFE have its own astral plane?
  418. A: Most Systems do, actually.
  420. Q: How does the astral plane work?
  421. A: Different Aurora frequencies. (that's all I'm allowed to say, sadly).
  423. Q: Is impermanence is a big thing in LFE?
  424. A: It's one of the main parts of most of the religions.
  426. Q: Can humans be banned from LFE?
  427. A: Humans cannot be banned.
  429. Racism works a lot differently in LFE.
  435. [3] -Souls, Experience, Memories, and Users-
  437. Q: Can you explain more about what a soul is?
  438. A: A soul is practically what makes you you. If it shatters, it gets rebuilt from the Aurora.
  440. Q: Even if they have no memories, would it be possible to find someone from Life in another system if they didn't sign up?
  441. A: Yes, if you work at SYNAPSE or RISEN.
  443. Q: What is a soulshatter?
  444. A: A soulshatter occurs when too much force is exerted upon the soul. This may happen when: 1) You are going through too much trouble in your life. 2) You are in many Systems at once, or are overloading in some other way. 3) You completely lose your sanity.
  446. Q: What happens to shattered souls after they're reborn?
  447. A: A soul that shatters, will be rebuilt from scratch on-demand. A brand new soul won't work any different, although it might be a bit sturdier. The only thing is it has no past memories.
  449. Q: Is death ever permanent for anything but our memories?
  450. A: For your personality, spiritual advancement, etc: yes. Death in and of itself is not permanent, but a soulshatter will erase everything about you and you have to start from scratch.
  452. Q: Are there any services that would allow you to "store" memories and relive them if you forget them?
  453. A: There are a lot of these, the most common one is Kikhko.
  455. Q: What parts of us are retained through death without a soulshatter?
  456. A: Depends on the System. In the mainstream Systems you keep memories, spiritual advancement, personality and powers, but go to a new body.
  458. Q: How is the soul stored if not in the brain?
  459. A: It can be stored as executable data in a Solar5-compliant computer.
  461. Q: Are mental illnesses contracted in Life carried over to LFE?
  462. A: Those are scars in the soul, which will hopefully heal with time, but will be taken with you, yes.
  464. Memories are stored in the soul. However, the brain uses its own system to interface with it. Dementia is when the brain breaks down, and begins overwriting the soul's memories.
  466. Q: Is deja-vu a Life glitch, or something else?
  467. A: Usually a missynchronisation between soul memories and brain memories.
  469. Q: After soulshatter is there no way to identify who you were before you shattered and reformed?
  470. A: No way at all. Not even to RISENII. (except for the highest-ups)
  472. Q: Will there be a way to spot/find the soulshattered?
  473. A: Rather hard, sorry.
  475. Q: Is there some lingering effect of the soulshatter?
  476. A: A slight concentration of sj and chj in the area, but that's all. (Those are types of energy).
  478. Q: Would sentient robots have souls? What makes an entity have or not have a soul?
  479. A: A being is not fully classified as "sentient" by us if they do not have a soul. Having a soul makes them sentient.
  481. Q: Can you divide your soul?
  482. A: You can, but it exerts a LOT of force onto the soul.
  484. Q: What makes one soul here or in LFE distinct from another?
  485. A: Basically the memories, the user and body they're attached to, and the personality you have.
  487. Q: Why do some anons have extra notes next to their 4chan ID?
  488. A: There's some extra information about their soul that might be of importance to RISEN.
  490. It's extra data for RISEN to help with your transfer. Your soul structure is slightly different than usual. Don't worry, it won't harm anything.
  492. Q: What is a user?
  493. A: A user is the person controlling the actions through the soul.
  495. Q: Do people without souls already exist?
  496. A: There are, and always have been.
  498. Q: What happens to people who lose their souls?
  499. A: Systems handle it in many ways, some cause the soulless bodies to suicide, some do nothing, some do a combination (like Life).
  501. Q: What can a user do without a soul or a body?
  502. A: Without soul, not much. A soul is, after all, the link between Experience and body, and as such they cannot join a System without a soul.
  504. We are souls (server information and local information (a client, pretty much)), linked to a System (server information), which gives us a body and acts upon our soul.
  505. What exactly controls and views the client is simply "you". The real you. The bodiless, soulless you. A construct of Aurora set in a specific way. (So pretty much just local data.)
  507. You are in what we call an Experience. This Experience (basically a client) is linked to a soul (basically an account), which is linked to a System body. We usually refer to a person as their soul, though.
  509. Soulshatters in Life make the body continue soullessly, after which the body usually suicides.
  511. Life handles humans without souls strangely, it sometimes causes suicide, sometimes homicide, or sometimes they just stay alive.
  513. Q: What would theoretically happen if everyone within a given System that gave souls bodies through reproduction chose not to reproduce?
  514. A: This is what we call a "souldash" or a "soulhalt". When there are too many souls and not enough bodies (a souldash), the System speeds up to make the queue as fast as possible. (If a System allows bodies to be created from thin air
  516. (Astrea), then this will not apply.) If there's not enough souls for all the bodies, we get a soulhalt, where the System slows down or even pauses altogether while waiting for another soul. (Unless the System allows soulless humanoids)
  518. Q: Can you have more than one soul?
  519. A: There are quite a few ways one can obtain a second soul, but none of them are legal in LFE ;)
  521. Nearly all humans have souls.
  523. Q: What happens when someone without a soul registers for the TSUKI Project?
  524. A: I wouldn't be able to add them.
  526. Q: Has there been a soulless person that tried to sign up yet?
  527. A: Nope.
  529. Q: What is the file size of a soul?
  530. A: Honestly all I know is that the usual soul takes about 20 snhV. No clue how much that is in bytes.
  532. Q: Is love a soul to soul relation, or is it purely physical attraction?
  533. A: Love is very deeply rooted in the soul.
  539. [4] -Aurora-
  541. Q: What is Aurora?
  542. A: Aurora is basically the purest form of energy. Think of it like processing power.
  544. A System requests Aurora from Systemspace, and uses that aurora to create things, be they life force (chi) magic force (shi) or any other energy (often classified as tsu). Without aurora, nothing would exist.
  546. Aurora has a will of its own, thus no System is truly random. The Aurora can be told to follow specific rules (like "dont form life force") with an Axiom. Everything that happens in life that is seemingly random, is decided by Aurora.
  548. You could see the Aurora's spirit (some call it the Planetary Spirit) as some sort of God, I suppose. If it wills something, it can happen, even if it has to break an axiom.
  550. But we don't know if it's sentient or not, although many attempts have been made to talk to it, usually with Axioms.
  552. A System pulls Aurora from Systemspace. If a System were to not pull anymore Aurora, it'd not have enough to generate new universes/people/souls/etc. If the entirety of Systemspace runs out of Aurora, shit hits the fan and Systems can no longer allocate, causing them to fall apart, as no more things can be generated and eventually all energy in Systemspace will halt.
  554. There is always a finite amount of Aurora, although the amount of total Aurora slowly goes up as Aurora grows.
  556. A Key-induced reboot simply returns all objects within that System back to Aurora, and sends that Aurora back to Systemspace. The developers then edit their System to be more efficient, or to make better memories (A Key always checks if the System they are to destroy has happy memories. She wouldn't destroy a good System, even if it uses a lot of Aurora.)
  558. Q: What are the units for Aurora usage on the status page?
  559. A:
  560. nhA can be broken down into
  562. naine hy Aurora.
  563. Naine means 128,
  564. Hy means 7.72606529604E2889
  565. Hy comes from the amount of data points per void line.
  567. Nainhe (Naine and Hy) is 7.72606529604E2889 ^ 128.
  569. Aurora is Aurora, and sss is Systemspatial Second.
  571. Q: Where does Aurora come from?
  572. A: Aurora "breeds" on its own. It's like a PC that develops itself.
  574. Q: Why does Aurora "breed"?
  575. A: To sustain itself.
  577. Q: Is Aurora sentient?
  578. A: We don't exactly know. We don't have any surefire ways to talk to it, but it has a "mind" and makes choices of its own.
  580. We actually did try again lately and got interesting replies. But the problem is that we have no clue if Aurora is telling the truth.
  582. Q: If LFE is entirely different down the elements, why are humanoids are still the base model for sentient life?
  583. A: Aurora likes to pick the path with the least resistance.
  585. Although you might think evolution makes random mutations, all those mutations are governed and decided by Aurora.
  587. Q: Is Aurora renewable?
  588. A: If a System frees Aurora again, it can be used by another System.
  594. [5] -TSUKI and its Subsidiaries-
  596. Q: On what plane do your associates exist? What if I want to pass by LFE, and move up to higher realms eventually?
  597. A: We are in the RISEN system. Feel free to stop by!
  599. Q: RISEN's HQ isn't in LFE?
  600. A: RISEN HQ is situated in the RISEN System.
  602. Q: If RISEN is a company, does that mean Systemspace was created for profit?
  603. A: Systemspace wasn't really made for profit. It was made because the outside world was breaking down and we had to leave.
  605. Q: Did every individual in Systemspace pay to join the simulation?
  606. A: They paid a small fee to uphold the processing power.
  608. Q: How does eNdymioN contribute to the TSUKI Project?
  609. A: Generic monitoring. They are currently busy looking out for the Hyakanghen.
  615. [6] -Aspects of the TSUKI Project-
  617. Q: Can you provide any evidence to suggest this isn't just a hoax/LARP/ARG?
  618. A: I'm not allowed to provide direct proof.
  620. Q: Why not?
  621. A: We had to cram a lot of things together, so this is also an experiment on human doubt (after all, you're the last humans we can interfere with.)
  623. Q: An experiment on human doubt? What if we fail?
  624. A: There's no failing this experiment - we are simply seeing how humans handle their doubt, whether they give in or not.
  626. Q: Is there a larger creative project as a stated goal?
  627. A: We picked all of you for transference because your creativity is valuable in LFE for you later on (Aside, we feel you would be more interesting to the experiment in and of itself).
  629. Q: What happens after we sign up? What do we have to do after that?
  630. A: Once you're signed up, you're all set. Just don't die before Jul 1st.
  632. If you sign up, your soul will be transported after death. (You will get a new body.) If you don't, nothing happens, and after you die your soul shatters, and goes to a random System.
  634. Q: Will TSUKI own my soul if I sign up?
  635. A: We will not take ownership of your soul. Your soul stays yours.
  637. Q: Do I have to commit suicide to be transferred?
  638. A: No suicide required!!
  640. Q: When will we be transferred?
  641. A: After everyone is dead. However, the last 150 years here will be sped up to only one systemspatial minute, ao there's not much waiting.
  643. It'll feel like a minute for all users outside of Life. (If you die in 2117, you'll have 20 seconds left of waiting.)
  645. Q: What's the catch?
  646. A: You will leave the Life system (with everyone you grew up with) and go to a different world. You lose your body, but your soul is kept. You cannot return, and we do not know what sort of body you'll get. Maybe you'll be a magical girl, maybe you'll be a random normie. However, in this System, "everyone matters", so we are expecting good results. We have no real idea what'll happen to you in LFE, but we have talked it through with SYNAPSE many times and they'll be sure to support you through the switch. We are simply doing this as an experiment. We do not wish to give up on the human race as a whole, that'd be a massive waste of Aurora.
  648. Q: What happens if you sign up and live for a thousand years, due to new technologies?
  649. A: I'm afraid you'll drop dead 1st of Jul 2167.
  651. Q: What if we change our minds/ want to back out?
  652. A: You can change your mind until Jul 1st. If you do, send me an edited picture of your picture by email. After this deadline you can no longer back out!!
  654. Q: What happens 1st of Jul 2167?
  655. A: Life gets deleted.
  657. Sadly, Life will never boot again until we can get in touch with its owner.
  659. Q: Why give Life 150 years before it fully ends?
  660. A: Seeing the world end would be an insanely traumatic experience for all 7 billion others. We'd rather not wish that onto all these people. Aside, 150 years really isn't a lot.
  662. Q: So basically if I die on July 2nd 2017, I'll wait 60 seconds in a purgatory before seeing everyone else and living in this afterlife?
  663. A: Pretty much. (Expect a little less, as humans won't live 150 years)
  665. Dying before the set date will cause your EID to be reset, cancelling the transfer.
  667. Q: Is there a good time for us to leave Life?
  668. A: It really doesn't matter. The only thing that's important is that you might want to make sure you don't lose your memories. (Also, if you do choose to kill yourself (please don't!) please tell us so we can open the ports early.
  670. Q: Would there be any harm in opening the ports early?
  671. A: We'll never be able to open the ports earlier than Jul 1, so people who die before then will not be transferred.
  673. Q: What will destroy humanity in 150 years?
  674. A: Imagine unplugging a PC.
  676. Q:What do things like "unlink", "failure", and "assert" mean on the status page?
  677. A:
  678. Unlink -> disconnect of Life
  679. Failure -> transfer will be impossible
  680. Assert -> false vacuum
  682. Q: What is the significance of 7/1/17?
  683. A: This is when Life is unlinked.
  685. Q: After the unlinking, why is it that we would be moved to LFE on death?
  686. A: Systemspace in general is being edited around that date. It'd be best to combine all edits.
  688. Q: Has this happened in the past with previous reboots of our System?
  689. A: We've had to reboot Life many times, but this is the first time we unlink.
  691. Q: How are you able to acquire more registration slots?
  692. A: I have to ask RISEN for more.
  694. Q: If we hit 3000 registrants before July 1st, what's the unlink date?
  695. A: 3000 would be Jul 1st, 3050 would be Jun 30, etc. 50 users per day.
  697. Q: What will you do if we hit the 3000 registrants limit and people ask to join?
  698. A: I'll let people into backed out slots, but that's it. We can technically go past 3000, but we'd rather not, it moves the July 1st date earlier.
  700. Q: Are you still posting the link to the Systemspace website anywhere?
  701. A: Maybe I'll make a thread someday later, but for now I'm letting it spread on its own to see where it goes.
  703. Q: Is there a chance of the TSUKI Project failing?
  704. A: We've tested this a lot, there is nothing to worry about. If anything happens, you're insured :)
  706. Q: How are we insured?
  707. A: We back up your soul and reinstate it using RISENII commands if something happens.
  709. It's quite simple, we either put the soul shards back together or retrieve your soul from a backup.
  711. Q: Will us migrants get a special status in LFE?
  712. A: You migrants will definitely be seen as some sort of elite group.
  714. Q: What do you mean by "elite group"?
  715. A: If you choose to tell people you are from Life, you will be pretty famous (as one of the few to ever leave Life.)
  717. There are some people against humans in LFE. Most are for, but some are really against to "keep LFE pure".
  719. Q: Is it possible to go "off the grid" in LFE? As in, nobody else can track you?
  720. A: Just go to some distant universe, or leave LFE for another System.
  722. Q: What is the process of tracking down someones soul through a picture and a handwritten code?
  723. A:
  724. 1) Download the image.
  725. 2) Analyse the strokes of the pencil/pen/whatever.
  726. 3) Enter that data into Solar.
  727. 4) Solar gives the soul ID.
  728. 5) Attach an EID to the soul.
  729. 6) Create a numerical representation of the EID.
  731. Q: What significance does our EID have, and what use will it be in various other Systems?
  732. A: It's temporary.
  734. Q: What is special about the sequence xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx? What and why is the EID?
  735. A: The EIDs are, just like the EoTs, just expressions of their true values. They're only a representation.
  737. Q: What happens when someone shares their EID?
  738. A: In Life, not so much other than that others can post here. In other Systems where people can use EIDs, it'd be very VERY dangerous.
  740. Q: Some of the registrants didn't have a drawing. How did you track them?
  741. A: Sometimes only a code is enough, if the handwriting is uncommon or there's a lot of environment shown.
  743. Q: Do our drawings used in registration have something to do with where we will be born in LFE?
  744. A: No, whatever you draw won't influence your LFE experience.
  746. Q: Will we be placed in the same location upon transfer, or will we be spread out throughout LFE?
  747. A: Spread out, although we are trying to make it possible for all of us to be born in the same country at least.
  749. We're looking to get you all in Ghakuwent'sji, which is both a country and a city.
  751. Q: We will be born within a similar relative timeframe?
  752. A: Probably.
  754. Q: Do you plan to have us move onto LFE with the talents that we once had?
  755. A: Yes, you keep talents and affinities. (They're soulbased.)
  757. Q: How does transitioning to LFE affect a tulpa?
  758. A: Tulpas will gain their own bodies, but keep their personality, and will still be a subsoul of yours.
  760. Q: What is our goal, as of now?
  761. A: Collect as much knowledge as possible for LFE!
  767. [7] -Tsuki, the Representative-
  769. Q: What are you?
  770. A: I am the representative of TSUKI.
  772. Q: Are you human?
  773. A: Yes - I am a human representative.
  775. Q: Where did you come from?
  776. A: I didn't "come from anywhere", in that sense I'm an Astrea (one who is created from nothingness) as a wish by the person previously tasked with this mission.
  778. Q: Were you ever born in LFE?
  779. A: I'm just an Astrea created by the one before me. Almost something relatable to a tulpa.
  781. Q: Do you know who that person is?
  782. A: I do, I share my soul with them. I can telepathically talk with them as well. They also taught me how to unlink in the first place, it's fun to do.
  784. Q: If a news organization asked to interview you, would you do it?
  785. A: I'd rather stay anonymous.
  787. Q: Are there any other people like Tsuki on Earth, i.e. any others that can communicate with other Systems?
  788. A: It's very well possible that there's someone else, but I am the only official one.
  790. Q: How did you get in contact with LFE?
  791. A: When I was 12, I began finding this in my memories.
  793. Q: Why do you have this authority?
  794. A: The Key (the one in charge of resetting broken Systems) has requested a helper, which happened to be me. So now I'm all in this business.
  796. Q: What languages are your favorite?
  797. A: I like Korean, it's writing system is cool.
  799. Q: What does "Tsuki" mean?
  800. A: It's old-Synapsian for "moon", which is also the name for the new hubplanet.
  802. Q: How are you going to disconnect from Life?
  803. A: We aren't entirely sure yet.
  805. I am from Life, but half of my soul (belonging to someone else from Tsuki) is from LFE. Thus I have this slight connection.
  807. Q: What is it like from your perspective when you talk with RISEN/have an "out of life" experience?
  808. A: It's like a mind's eye, I suppose. Think of it like imagining something, but take out the part where you imagine it. You don't think about what it is before it appears, just like real sensory input. You get the input, then process it.
  810. Q: Do you chose when it happens or is involuntary?
  811. A: A mix of both. It's mainly me invoking it now, as I'm taking a short vacation right now.
  813. Q: What's your age?
  814. A: I am 16.
  816. Q: What medications are you on?
  817. A: Prozac, Risperidone (neither work).
  819. Q: On a scale of one to ten how much fun is unlinking?
  820. A: fun/10 (well, for me).
  822. Q: Can you explain what unlinking is like, for you?
  823. A: I spiritually move to the Life <-> Systemspace connector, and snap it in half.
  825. It's only a spiritual movement, I can call myself back (also it's a heavily safeguarded location).
  827. Q: ...Is it in your room?
  828. A: Hah, if only - it's outside of Systemspace. Only RISENII have access there.
  830. Q: Will you (Tsuki) be given any accolades or special treatment for your participation in the TSUKI Project?
  831. A: I guess so.
  833. Q: You're still at school, right Tsuki? How's that going?
  834. A: Honestly not doing too much for school as of now, as this is slightly more important.
  836. Q: Why do you only advertise on 4chan boards and reddit?
  837. A: Robots are simply more interesting to us, to be honest - also you're more detached from Life in general.
  839. Q: There are still placeholders on your main site, for upcoming pages. How long are those going to be in-development?
  840. A: These might take me a little bit, but stay tuned :)
  842. Q: What is going through your mind when you found out you have over 1000 registrants and climbing? Do you feel a sense of duty to see us off safely transfering to LFE?
  843. A: I never expected this many people. I feel obliged to make sure each and every one of you transfers safely.
  845. Q: Where do you stand in the heirarchy of RISEN?
  846. A: I am technically a RISENII at access level 54, which means I am far from the most powerful. (I do have a quite important place in the mission though, so I can get my will quite easily.)
  848. Q: How much power do you have?
  849. A: I have access to all 54+ actions. I can't do anything insanely impacting, but I suppose I am still a RISENII.
  851. Q: What are you not allowed to do?
  852. I'm allowed anything within my powers as long as I do not break the General Risen Lawset, nor do anything detrimental to the mission. I should attempt to give users as much privacy as possible.
  854. Q: What are your thoughts on Life and the time you spent here?
  855. A: Well I haven't seen any other Systems first-hand, so not sure if I can really compare.
  857. Q: How did you acquire the EoTs?
  858. A: I was allowed to port them over.
  860. Q: How do you calculate the Aurora usage of Life on the status page?
  861. A: This is an interesting one. Aurora influences everything, including the weather. RISEN has given me a formula with which I can grab a lot of weather data all over the world, and make a pretty precise Aurora amount out of that. (I'm not allowed to share too many details, though.) It's not a connection to outside the System, just a smart interpretation.
  863. Q: What programming languages do you know?
  864. A: Uhhh, mainly the old webdev package (HTMLCSSJSPHP), and C#.
  866. Q: Do you feel a need for love?
  867. A: Mmh, I do kind of want a gf.
  869. Q: How long will you be around?
  870. A: It depends whether suicide is still needed for the unlink. If it isn't, I'll just live a nice and comfy life like everyone else.
  872. Q: What do you plan to do in Life after the unlink?
  873. A: Probably webdev/programming.
  875. Q: Do you plan to stay here all 150 years until Life ends?
  876. A: Lol, no.
  878. Q: Why did you make Lain your mascot?
  879. A: My first posts had Lain, and I like the Lain community. It just kind of happens.
  885. [8] -The Key-
  887. Q: What is the Key?
  888. A: The Key is the one usually tasked with missions related to removing/rebooting broken Systems, and evaluating them. However, she has become tired and wanted someone else to work together with, which became me.
  890. "The Key" is only one of many names given to them though, "Key" is only an inner name we refer to them as within Tsuki. Mainly because they're the "key" to the balance in Systemspace. Their most common name out there is "Gendatzu", from very old Synapsian.
  896. [9] -Systems / Systemspace in General-
  898. Q: So basically, "Systems" are alternate universes, in a way?
  899. A: Yes.
  901. Q: Is it common knowledge of the people in Systems that they are in a System?
  902. A: Yes, it is pretty much common knowledge - like people playing a game know they're in a game.
  904. Q: How many Systems disabled magic?
  905. A: About 8 percent or so? Not too many. I think magic in general should be interpreted like technology is for us.
  907. Q: What is the currency of Systemspace?
  908. A: SEN (often abbreviated Sn). It goes for about 124 SEN per dollar.
  910. Q: What kinds of Systems are there?
  911. A:
  912. There are 5 types of Systems:
  914. Open-space (LFE, and most others): You may do whatever you want, and leave at any point.
  915. Blocking-exit (Hanashida, 7nox): You may do whatever you want, but you may only leave after death.
  916. Blocking-hardexit (Isiki, Life): You may do whatever you want, but you may only leave once your soul shatters.
  917. Blocking-actions (Danbon): Your actions are restricted, but you may leave at any time.
  918. Blocking-hybrid (or hardhybrid): Your actions are restricted, and you may only leave upon death.
  920. LFE is open-space. Life is blocking-hardexit.
  922. Q: Are there Systems within Systems?
  923. A: We call those Subsystems, and they are seen as a part of their parent System. (In a sense, LFE is actually a subsystem of LFX (which is open-source, and holds the servers that run LFE.))
  925. Q: Where is the server for LFE?
  926. A: The server behind LFE is in its own System, called LFX - which is hosted in RISEN hosting.
  928. Q: What kinds of Systems do people make with LFX?
  929. A: The LFX framework makes it extremely easy to make your own System, so there's a lot of people that do so, to create simulations, to explore their own worlds, or to experience spiritual growth.
  931. Q: What was the first System?
  932. A: The first real System would be AAAR (An Alternate Asynchronous Reality). It still exists nowadays, and still hosts quite a few subsystems.
  934. Q: What is a System Certificate? How do I get one?
  935. A: You can get a System Certificate from all non-blocking Systems (such as LFE), which allows you to create your own System.
  937. You can't get one from Life, as Life is blocking, but once you're in LFE just go to the systemdevs homepage (systemspace:dev) and click "Apply for a certificate".
  939. Q: Do the developers/creators of Systems die?
  940. A: They usually develop from their own System, or from the dev system, which you cannot die in. Aside, they keep their developer power even across souls.
  942. Q: Do the RISEN admins love Lain?
  943. A: We've been looking at human culture for a long time now. I asked, and yes - quite a few of them do love Lain! (Some Synapsians are even considering porting anime over to LFE just because of how charming it is)
  945. Q: What is the framework for creating Systems like?
  946. A: It's about the same as making some game - lots of coding, lots of worldbuilding, and a LOT of understanding how Aurora functions. System Certificates (and simple hosting) are free!
  948. Q: Can we take it that there's a Systemspace government?
  949. A: Yes, there is.
  951. Q: What kind of government is it, how does it operate?
  952. A: It's kind of in between a democracy and a direct democracy. It has some hints of corporatocracy, as well.
  954. This government really only focuses on how Systems interact with Aurora, Systemspace, souls and other Systems, though. It has nothing to do with the actual people - they live under the government in their area.
  956. Q: Is there literally no way to edit a System without the creator's permission?
  957. A: Not without the guidelines we're adding.
  959. Q: Wait, are the new guidelines "Big Brother"y at all?
  960. A: Not at all, we only request a backdoor for emergency purposes (all admins will be notified if this is used, and what for).
  962. Q: What are Solar and the Systemspace Experience Manager?
  963. A: Solar is the administration tool RISENII use to fiddle around with souls, add EIDs to them, etc. The Systemspace Experience Manager is basically the interface people use to join Systems.
  965. Q: What exactly does a blocking System block?
  966. A: It blocks outside interference - you cannot leave, and you cannot enter with an existing soul.
  968. Q: Are blocking Systems breeding grounds for Souls?
  969. A: In a sense, yes.
  971. Inside Life, new souls are generated as people reproduce and create babies - those souls then get attached to users.
  973. Q: LFE and Life are very similar to Eastern philosophical lines of thought and beliefs in reincarnation, is there any connection between them?
  974. A: It is very much possible that they knew of Systemspace!
  976. But, we cannot be sure. They might be remembering the person we sent in that previous iteration.
  978. Q: Is there an "outside" of Systemspace?
  979. A: Yes, but we don't know and aren't allowed to tell much about it.
  981. There is, technically, a such "outer space". However, it is very hostile and one should not visit it. You would have to leave your entire "Experience", like taking off VR goggles, you aren't even connected to a user anymore.
  983. Q: Are you allowed to talk about companies and what goes outside the Systemspace?
  984. A: Not much, all I'm allowed to say is we don't know much, and that it's a bit like a hyperdimensional server room.
  986. Q: Are there beings that run Systemspace?
  987. A: We cannot say this.
  989. Q: Would more Memories put stress on the System, requiring more reboots?
  990. A: Storage space is not an issue, Aurora is.
  992. Q: What happens to everyone in a reboot?
  993. A: Their soul stays, but new bodies.
  995. Q: Do you mind clarifying the assert for me? And what might bring it about?
  996. A: If everything runs out of Aurora, the "assert" will unlink all Systems to move to a lower state of Aurora use.
  998. Q: Can we take down another System to extend our own?
  999. A: It's not as easy as it sounds.
  1001. Q: What's the astral plane in reference to Systemspace?
  1002. A: Depends on how the Systen implements it.
  1004. Q: Is it possible to travel through to other Systems physically?
  1005. A: No, the space in which Systems reside is a higher-dimensional layer. There are a few programs which allow you to "walk" from System to System, but that won't work from Life.
  1007. Extra Dimensions of Systemspace:
  1009. 4th: Time
  1010. 5th: Possibility Tree Branch
  1011. 6th: Possible possibility trees (This is one full System)
  1012. 7: Systemspatial X
  1013. 8: Systemspatial Y
  1014. 9: Systemspatial Z (This is a visible Systemspace)
  1015. 10: Systemspatial Time
  1016. 11: Systemspatial Possibility Tree Branch
  1017. 12: Possible Systemspatial Possibility Tree Branches (This is full Systemspace)
  1019. Big reminder that the numbering of dimensions is relative, what may be the 4th dimension to us could be the 78th in another context.
  1021. Q: Is there a nearly identical version of Life somewhere else in Systemspace that is almost exactly the same, except only slightly different?
  1022. A: Yes, there is a different "Life" in a sense. All possible Life worlds exist in the Life System.
  1024. Q: Are there other humans in Systemspace outside of Life?
  1025. A: No, if you define humans as only your species.
  1027. Q: Can you give us more details on some of the other Systems (Ha7, Isiki, Danbon, etc)?
  1028. A: Most of them are pretty usual. The only one really worth noting is Danbon, where physical combat is not possible.
  1030. [9.1] -Ha7-
  1032. Q: Can you tell us about the Ha7 System? Why is it getting shut down too?
  1033. A: It's also against the new guidelines we're putting in place.
  1035. Q: What are the new guidelines?
  1036. A: There's quite a lot of them, and they're mainly about how you use Aurora and how you connect to other Systems.
  1038. Q: Does Ha7 stand for anything? Is it an acronym? Are there people living in Ha7 too who're getting transferred?
  1039. A: Ha7 stands for Halcyon automatism 7. We are not doing a transfer mission from Ha7, as their souls are not compatible with LFE, Or any other System in general, which is why it's being shut down.
  1041. Q: Is the owner of Ha7 missing too? Or are they just scrapping their system willingly?
  1042. A: They're willingly being unlinked, they wish to start over from scratch.
  1044. Q: So it's like Life and LFE are running USB but Ha7 is running firewire?
  1045. A: The owner decided to created their own proprietary soul system, so yeah.
  1047. Q: What was existance in Ha7 like?
  1048. A: It was pretty usual, a more simple System focused mainly on magic.
  1054. [10] -Hyakanghen-
  1056. Q: Who are the Hyakanghen?
  1057. A: They're a group of people against the transfer, basically
  1059. Q: Are they (the Hyakanghen) dangerous?
  1060. A: They do have quite a bit of power and have shown to be capable of quite a bit.
  1062. Q: Is it possible there are Hyakanghen members in Life already?
  1063. A: Very much so.
  1065. Q: "Capable of quite a bit", how so?
  1066. A: They have shown to be capable of hijacking Systems (entering blocking ones, especially Life) and soulshattering people.
  1068. One thing to directly look out for (part of the soulshatter method we know of) is compression of the carotid arteries.
  1070. Q: What is their soulshatter process?
  1071. A:
  1072. 1) Choke until pass out
  1073. 2) Wait for death
  1074. 3) Connect to the soul
  1075. 4) Damage it from the inside, shattering it
  1077. Q: Why do they care that a tiny amount of people are transferring?
  1078. A: To keep LFE pure from humans, to keep themselves safe, you name it.
  1080. Q: How do we spot them?
  1081. A: Mainly having more info than they should (knowing specific things that we never told them).
  1083. Q: How do they communicate between LFE and Life?
  1084. A: We believe Hyakanghen use Auroraic Echoing to communicate.
  1086. Q: Are they Corporeal beings, like can they transport into life and "Possess" a Vessel to interact with our world?
  1087. A: They have Life vessels, yes.
  1089. Q: How are Hyakanghen made?
  1090. A: Just like normal humans they are born. However, they have memories of the previous past (we assume these are ported by some sort of breach) of being Hyakanghen.
  1092. Q: what can we do to fight the hyaks?
  1093. A: Above all, be cautious. If you feel anything strange about someone, stay away. They need physical contact to soulshatter you, as far as we know.
  1095. Q: So then why not just disconnect life tomorrow so they can't do anything?
  1096. A: We don't want to kill anyone / have people kill themselves.
  1098. Q: Is there no possible way of identifying them?
  1099. A: Not really, no. Other than them knowing more than they should.
  1101. Q: Can we broker a peace with them?
  1102. A: They aren't in it for war, they'd rather do things peacefully. But they know we won't accept their offer.
  1104. Q: The Hyakanghen disagree with the transfer itself, not humans being transfered, right?
  1105. A: Mainly the transfer. They do dislike humans (they'd rather keep LFE pure), but there's not many of us so they can live with it. It's mainly the transfer and the risk it poses.
  1111. [11] -Statements Made by Tsuki-
  1114. LFE has been around for far longer than Life. It has 128 iterations.
  1116. Life's deletion is a pretty big thing, as it also starts the new era of Systemspace.
  1118. I'm looking into making you all be born in the same city, that's all. You will still be born into a new family.
  1120. People might suspect you're a migrant before 12, but you'll only know for real when you're 12 and regained your memories.
  1122. Q: How will they suspect?
  1123. A: You simply act slightly differently, and since you were born at the exact time of transfer it wouldn't be too farfetched to think you're from Life.
  1125. You only get transported once everyone who signed up is dead. Life gets sped up so the last 150 years happen in 1 minute, so you'll have no time difference.
  1127. An EoT is "acknowledged" is shown on the parent, which still does not exclaim trust, just acknowledgement.
  1129. It's a one-sided trust, just saying. EoTs are from child to parent.
  1131. LFE has the most people.
  1133. Remember that LFE is far more active and bustling than Life, which was made to be "peaceful".
  1135. I'm busy working on the Dataverse, which is just a collection of all sorts of interesting stuff I can transfer.
  1137. The soul gets really unstable if its vessel undergoes trauma like being shot.
  1139. I heard the idea for 2chan and imageboards in general was borrowed from some social media network in LFE. Don't take my word for it, though.
  1141. I don't want to force you to keep going through Life, and if you really wish to die, we won't stop you from committing suicide on the 2nd of July. But please, please reconsider. If you completely hate Life, then live for LFE. Try and
  1143. advance your mind as much as possible. Try all sorts of things. Try and become as wise as possible. Knowledge is the only thing you can transfer and knowledge is key.
  1145. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1151. [12] // Text Archive of as of Mar 31 2017 //
  1154. [12.1] /HOME PAGE/
  1156. Unlink the world.
  1157. Unlock the rest.
  1159. Welcome to the TSUKI project
  1161. This webpage has been made to facilitate the broadcasting of all TSUKI messages and to allow interaction between all registrants. A simple summary of the TSUKI project can be read below.
  1162. There are currently 1288 registrants
  1163. 1000 registrants!
  1164. 800 Slots are now available
  1165. 12.03.17 from Tsuki Rep.
  1167. This System is about to be purged
  1169. Systemspace, the construct to which all Systems (including your current System "Life") belong has run out of Aurora due to extreme use by the System "Life".
  1171. This System will be removed during the upgrade to Systemspace 2.0, which is planned for the 1st of July 2017 (Life/Earth time). We request that you leave this System. This can be done by signing up before the 1st of July 2017 (Life/Earth time). This does NOT require you to kill yourself; you simply need to die (from any cause) after the deadline. We in charge of this process would like for you to live long and happy lives before this!
  1173. A quick summary
  1175. You are currently in one of many Systems. Your System is called "Life", but there are many more in existence.
  1176. This construct (called Systemspace) runs on a type of energy called Aurora. There is only a limited amount of Aurora available to Systemspace. Because of this, we must manage how the Systems use Aurora, and ensure it is used correctly.
  1178. If the Aurora is used incorrectly, then we reset the System.
  1180. Unfortunately, the Life System seems unable to improve, regardless of the number of resets it undergoes. Due to the openness of Systemspace, we are forced to edit Systemspace in order to correct our path. As a result of this process,
  1182. Life will be unlinked and purged.
  1184. Immediately following this, activity within Life will continue as normal; however, new bodies will no longer have souls, and the souls of bodies that die without having registered will soulshatter (as their soul is, subsequently, an
  1186. Impossible Soul Structure). Souls that have registered will be moved, after death, to the "LFE" System. After 150 years of severance, Life will be completely purged.
  1188. Register now
  1191. COPYRIGHT TSUKI 2017 (HTS) - We have not been served any secret court orders and are not under any gag orders.
  1193. ----------------------------
  1195. [12.2] /STATUS PAGE/
  1197. Connected
  1199. Aurora usage: 48209242.793nhA/sss
  1200. Life linked: true
  1201. ETA of unlink: 01/07/2017
  1202. ETA of mission failure: 02/08/2017 (if not unlinked by then)
  1203. ETA of assert: 28/10/2017
  1204. Amount of registrant slots: 1500
  1206. ----------------------------
  1208. [12.3] /REGISTER PAGE/
  1213. You are about to register yourself into the TSUKI project. Please follow each step carefully.
  1217. You (the User) are about to register to the TSUKI project and its experiment. This consists of:
  1219. You will be transferred over to the LFE System after your death in LFE, as long as:
  1220. You do not soul-shatter (although this is made very hard, this might happen if you undergo too much pressure)
  1221. You do not die before July 1st, 2017
  1222. You will lose your body, and be given a new one (it will resemble your Life one).
  1223. You will live a new life in LFE.
  1224. You will keep all memories from when you die.
  1225. Note that memories lost (due to Alzheimer's or other brain damage, if propagated for 28 hours or longer, will make it impossible to carry over these lost memories.)
  1226. You will be able to sign out until Jul 1st 2017.
  1228. By signing up, you understand that this requires TSUKI to look up your soul ID and attach an EID to it.
  1229. You also understand that although this protocol is tested and very safe, it is not perfect and may have issues. We will provide insurance, however, if anything goes wrong.
  1232. |x| I have read, and agree to these terms.
  1237. To be able to receive your EID, which is required to enter the imageboard, you need to enter an e-mail so we may send you a message once your registration has been processed.
  1239. Your e-mail:
  1240. Make absolutely sure this is correct!
  1243. SIGNING
  1245. To locate your soul, we need you to draw an image. The image must be a photo of paper, with on it:
  1247. A drawn image. (The image or its drawing ability does not matter, this is merely to increase the amount of data points)
  1248. The code "a62cd92b2104acbd928ccb29", handwritten on the same image.
  1250. UPLOAD
  1252. So you've drawn the above image. Make sure it matches the example, then upload it:
  1254. Your image (JPG):
  1258. This is the last step. If you are absolutely sure you entered everything correctly and wish to participate in this project, please fill in the CAPTCHA below and submit it.
  1260. ----------------------------
  1262. [12.4] /LISTING PAGE/
  1265. Table of Registered Users
  1267. ID EID Image
  1269. 1 E18-4172#?#*x##?!Xx#
  1270. 2 E84-2219#?X*#.*#?**!
  1271. 3 E66-9048!x*x?.x.X??*
  1272. 4 E44-1385*.X*#X!XxX.#
  1273. 5 E22-4476#!*.X#*x??x.
  1274. 6 E1X-3218XX!.!#!*Xx#?
  1275. 7 E02-1982*#!*!*x.X*x.
  1276. 8 E59-4372x..?X#**?*!#
  1277. 9 E11-1248x?!X!#!XX?#x
  1278. 10 E91-4183X?#.x?!XX*!*
  1279. 11 E44-7281!X??##*#**?X
  1280. 12 E00-0412!#.x.XX#!!Xx
  1281. 13 E97-1827#xX?.xX.*!X!
  1282. 14 E17-4231.#.?!*!?!.!*
  1283. 15 E41-1987#Xx.x*##*?.!
  1284. 16 E97-4476!#.*.#Xx*??X
  1285. 17 E17-1663x?xxX!.!x#.X
  1286. 18 E49-4413!x!X!*X?x#x#
  1287. 19 E98-1640**##X.!XX!*.
  1288. 20 E40-2680!?.x*!XXxx.!
  1289. 21 E71-1666.??.*!x?X?..
  1290. 22 E2B-4280X*#.*xxX?.*X
  1291. 23 E08-269B...#.x#x?*.X
  1292. 24 E00-4318*#x#*.x.!#xX
  1293. 25 E55-1239?x...??xXX#?
  1294. 26 E31-2189*X?X.*.?!.**
  1295. 27 E42-1130x.!!x!x?!.**
  1296. 28 E24-7300*X*..x*?XX!?
  1297. 29 E62-4189#.#.!!!x*?!.
  1298. 30 E61-1284#!*..?!?!***
  1299. 31 E82-2881*?X.xXX##?X#
  1300. 32 E28-1639?x#X?.?*.X?!
  1301. 33 E74-4165!??!xX**!.!!
  1302. 34 E48-6384#x#*!?!#?#?.
  1303. 35 E17-7418x#!#?##?.*#.
  1304. 36 E36-3112#!!#.?#X?X.#
  1305. 37 E83-4196!**?!XXx?x##
  1306. 38 E14-3221?**X?x?*x#!.
  1307. 39 E32-2168*.#X#x!#.**.
  1308. 40 E91-9214.##*?*!##*!*
  1309. 41 E63-3484*##**#??x.x?
  1310. 42 E41-1362#x*x*?#!*XXx
  1311. 43 E38-1281#X?X.##?*XX#
  1312. 44 E92-3424?x*!..#x.xX?
  1313. 45 E46-1337?!#XX!*?xxx#
  1314. 46 E31-3721?#*x!##?#x#x
  1315. 47 E55-3842.*X!.*#*X*..
  1316. 48 E62-1448X!X*!X!#?*##
  1317. 49 E11-3281!*..*x.!.#?!
  1318. 50 E38-1342x.X*!??x#x*#
  1319. 51 E02-4443XX*x#x?.*X!?
  1320. 52 E24-1281*.??X#?Xxx#!
  1321. 53 E30-9282?.x...x??.!*
  1322. 54 E48-3456.??!!??*X#X*
  1323. 55 E72-7281X!#*!X*#?*XX
  1324. 56 E18-9381!*x#?!!*#?*#
  1325. 57 E33-9999.X!??xx!!?X!
  1326. 58 E42-7380x.#?!?x?xx*!
  1327. 59 E53-1666!**#X#X??X.#
  1328. 60 E32-1983*#.**?X**?XX
  1329. 61 E14-3422#Xx#X.#X?!?x
  1330. 62 E63-9241#x!.X*x.x#?*
  1331. 63 E71-7381.x???!!*x!xX
  1332. 64 E62-9273.?**?X**XX?*
  1333. 65 E90-1284#!!##?xx?!?.
  1334. 66 E04-3138!?!!?xXX?#..
  1335. 67 E62-9273?!!xX?*?#*.X
  1336. 68 E36-4753x#*?.X**!**?
  1337. 69 E28-4380*#xXX.?x.#x#
  1338. 70 E13-1227...x?!*!#??X
  1339. 71 E14-3888!x#?.!#?##x?
  1340. 72 E36-4753X?!#.!X!.#x*
  1341. 73 E28-4380#.XXXx.xXx!#
  1342. 74 E13-7227x..#X..***!!
  1343. 75 E14-3888*X???!X.**?.
  1344. 76 E35-6434.X##*.X*x?xX
  1345. 77 E42-1960*..#!*.X#*x*
  1346. 78 E61-4280XX!###xx!?#X
  1347. 79 E22-1340X!.*?..xx!#!
  1348. 80 E61-4198*Xx!#X*?*X*!
  1349. 81 E22-2184!.x?*?!.#*?.
  1350. 82 E69-1980!*.!Xx!#*!#!
  1351. 83 E11-4280X!?.XX.x#.!x
  1352. 84 E72-1638X?.!X**X#?x!
  1353. 85 E55-1284!x#XxXxXX?#.
  1354. 86 E28-6938!x###.#!*X?.
  1355. 87 E62-1843#X#*x?*!?!X?
  1356. 88 E19-4116XXx*x#?x?.?.
  1357. 89 E29-4128!.*X?x?**.#*
  1358. 90 E88-6419X!Xx!*!x#!*?
  1359. 91 E09-1238#X!*##!#XX!!
  1360. 92 E18-6284X#*#X!!.!x.?
  1361. 93 E61-1113..!x.*!x.?.X
  1362. 94 E44-3891.*!#.?#?.!*#
  1363. 95 E38-1692!XX?*##?X#!#
  1364. 96 E40-4961!!#*#X#X.#!x
  1365. 97 EB9-1334..!x.X#*.?X?
  1366. 98 E18-6284.!#?.#**.x?x
  1367. 99 E38-1346X**?xX!.#?.X
  1368. 100 E17-5315!X..x#*#.!*!
  1369. 101 E58-4363.#*!?xxx.*?.
  1370. 102 E72-7618##!***.*#!!#
  1371. 103 E81-0146.XXxx#x#X*#x
  1372. 104 E29-3896*#x?x?X#.X!!
  1373. 105 E46-4182#.XX*x!!*Xx*
  1374. 106 E98-1384?xxx.#x?*x#.
  1375. 107 E85-9134!!X*xX*?##x!
  1376. 108 E47-3348#!!xx!*?x.!.
  1377. 109 E74-2541x!*.x!!!!x*x
  1378. 110 E11-8451X#??X??!?#!?
  1379. 111 E94-5786.*##?.x?.*X.
  1380. 112 E21-2054*X*XX#X**!X.
  1381. 113 E87-5214?!*..**x#!#*
  1382. 114 E99-5046.?X!x.**#?.?
  1383. 115 E74-4054.#X?#*X**#!?
  1384. 116 E01-4813!X!.X#??*x#*
  1385. 117 E10-8145.x?x?*!*!Xx#
  1386. 118 E66-0482.*x?!x#!X#*.
  1387. 119 E72-9173XXX#*!!?!?!?
  1388. 120 E55-4105x?xx!X#..?*.
  1389. 121 E78-4085?x*x#?.!!?.X
  1390. 122 E41-8415#.x#X!*X?.*#
  1391. 123 E99-4801#xXX?.##.!#X
  1392. 124 E48-7140#Xx#x#!#x!X*
  1393. 126 E12-4853!###x!X?!*!?
  1394. 127 E58-4105!.*..x#x*??*
  1395. 128 E74-4561*#!.#X?.?*x!
  1396. 129 E15-4518X*#X?.!#x*X.
  1397. 130 E82-8274*?#?#*x!!x.#
  1398. 131 E81-7481*Xxx.Xx?.#!*
  1399. 132 E44-1563X!!XXx?#!**.
  1400. 133 E20-4502#..##!*xX*X?
  1401. 134 E99-1560#X.x!.*x***#
  1402. 135 E2K-4151.XX..#xXX#!!
  1403. 136 E54-4168.X!?#x.X*!*X
  1404. 137 E92-4785.?X!x#.#??xX
  1405. 138 E74-4851.X.??*#*##xX
  1406. 139 E12-4586?.*x.#X!**!.
  1407. 140 E20-5484x*x?XXx#..*X
  1408. 141 E74-4156!x#.###*Xx.#
  1409. 142 E02-4515###xx.#x!?!x
  1410. 143 E05-1851x!?..x?.X*!!
  1411. 144 E84-0486!#XX#?!**#.*
  1412. 145 E84-4105Xx.x?*X?X!X?
  1413. 146 E97-4056x!XX*XxX?*..
  1414. 147 E69-1587x*!*!*?x*XxX
  1415. 148 E21-0056#*!?XX#XX?..
  1416. 149 E18-7891x.???X*!.X**
  1417. 150 E12-0541.x*!*.x!?x?x
  1418. 151 E21-1515X.X*X#?XX.xx
  1419. 152 E09-1290#.!X#*.X.!x?
  1420. 153 E56-9812.X?*X#*.x#?*
  1421. 154 E69-0564*##.X?#!X.x?
  1422. 155 E06-4806?#x*#xxx*!.#
  1423. 156 E41-8506.?x#.!!?..*?
  1424. 157 E98-0654X!#*.?X**X#!
  1425. 158 E48-6504*?x#?.XX**??
  1426. 159 E82-1739X?#?X!..!X?.
  1427. 160 E91-2947!x!*X.*.*.Xx
  1428. 161 E55-2937x.**?xxx!??x
  1429. 162 E18-2837?*##.*X.*x!#
  1430. 163 E27-9272.*X!?*!?!Xx?
  1431. 164 E51-3827*X?X!#*?!!*.
  1432. 165 E72-1382*.x?#x*x*#xx
  1433. 166 E66-1038x!!!Xx#.*.?*
  1434. 167 E12-3820xxxxx*.*!#X.
  1435. 168 E82-3829###!X#xX#!X?
  1436. 169 E68-2829x!***x#*X#.X
  1437. 170 EN5-8282x!#x#?#X.*X?
  1438. 171 E62-0928x*!#XX.*x?#*
  1439. 172 E60-8192?*?!!XXxX?x?
  1440. 174 E17-2938##xXx*!x#?#!
  1441. 175 E23-2839xxXx!?.#X*#x
  1442. 176 E59-7689#?X?#X#*!?.!
  1443. 177 E06-2837x*x#X#.*??*#
  1444. 178 EG2-2837#!*?Xx?!!!?#
  1445. 179 E81-9273X.!XX.X*!XxX
  1446. 180 E42-2827!..?*?.!??#x
  1447. 181 E53-2838!*!?*#.#X*!*
  1448. 182 E24-3124!x??*?!X**!#
  1449. 184 E41-2451X*.xXxxx.x!!
  1450. 185 E27-2415?*#!?.X?.x#?
  1451. 186 E11-3487?.xx!!?X*XX.
  1452. 187 E49-4278**#!*#?xx*x!
  1453. 188 E30-4348?X#**Xxx?XX?
  1454. 189 E12-7349x!!*xX!.#.*!
  1455. 190 E56-8648xxxx.x!X*###
  1456. 191 E39-4201!??#!!*!?**!
  1457. 192 E22-7318#X*X?#X!?*!X
  1458. 194 E78-2469.!.!#x#.?*X#
  1459. 195 E61-4648*##x!xx#X*?x
  1460. 196 E54-7349xx!!*!X?!#?.
  1461. 197 E42-4348?*x#?X*x?!x#
  1462. 198 E22-4543xX*X.xX#xX..
  1463. 199 E54-4348x#X!*!*x*.#x
  1464. 200 E40-4348#xx*!Xx!**X!
  1465. 201 E14-2536..#.#xx??X#X
  1466. 202 E40-3448Xx*#.!#xx?.!
  1467. 203 E12-7378!#!*!XX*??!.
  1468. 204 E20-2458!xX?X!!.!XX.
  1469. 205 E72-2829X?#X.xX.#X?#
  1470. 206 E22-2928.xx*?x??xx.*
  1471. 207 E68-1639!.!!?x.!?xX*
  1472. 208 E00-2728X.!?##.X#...
  1473. 209 E92-2837.XX#*?!**?Xx
  1474. 210 E77-1639??!#?Xx!#!?*
  1475. 211 E79-2739#*.X?!?*Xxx.
  1476. 212 E88-7201?!!X#XX.!XX#
  1477. 213 E71-9273*X#xX.*???x#
  1478. 214 E60-4798??x!!x.?!.!#
  1479. 215 E26-3643#xX.X*X##!#?
  1480. 216 E28-2448*!#X?#!..x.*
  1481. 217 E02-6749xxxx#!?Xx!#X
  1482. 218 E24-3481*!!!?.?X.***
  1483. 219 E90-2484!*!.*.?*#?.X
  1484. 220 E54-3784?**?Xxx#!x.?
  1485. 221 E99-3784#X!X#*..#*!x
  1486. 222 E48-3448??*.#!#*X!X.
  1487. 223 E35-2448!*x!*##!!#x.
  1488. 224 E21-3448!#!#!!#??xX*
  1489. 225 E76-7348x!?X?!??X??#
  1490. 226 E05-3448**#*x??!*?#*
  1491. 227 E55-3484#*X**.?**.#x
  1492. 228 E43-6484**!#X#*#x!!x
  1493. 229 E13-6448##x!*?Xxx*..
  1494. 230 E50-3454?X?X#.*x?X#x
  1495. 231 E19-0010!!#x!.X.XX.#
  1496. 232 E36-3779x?#xXx.x**X!
  1497. 233 E34-5724?.!#?#?##*#.
  1498. 234 E23-6484!!xXX.?XX***
  1499. 235 E29-6784.!*?X##xx#?!
  1500. 236 E84-4512X..!!X*?x*!X
  1501. 237 E12-4826!?.XX?###x.!
  1502. 239 E48-4815#Xx??!#x*X!X
  1503. 240 E43-6784.*x.#x?#?*?!
  1504. 242 E14-3445X.#?.x?xX!!x
  1505. 243 E87-3754?.xx#x*x*.#x
  1506. 244 E73-2487..#*!.*x!!!*
  1507. 245 E88-4745x?.X#***!*.#
  1508. 246 E72-9393*!??*.?!!*X!
  1509. 247 E77-8293!.!?.?X..??x
  1510. 248 E52-8293Xx.x.!?!!.#X
  1511. 249 E70-7239!*x!?*?#!#.*
  1512. 250 E69-1728.#!!.?x#!#?*
  1513. 251 E97-4691#.X.!!#?X?#x
  1514. 252 E96-7293x.#!xxX#?X#X
  1515. 253 E74-7294!#??*.X!x..!
  1516. 254 E53-6429*x?#!.#!!*?x
  1517. 255 E59-6428.x#X*X**!XXX
  1518. 256 E62-1837?*X?!#?*?.!#
  1519. 257 E72-1048!##!x*!...#!
  1520. 258 E79-6239?xX#**!x?x!#
  1521. 260 E03-2847?#!.X!XX#?x#
  1522. 261 E58-2749XxX?#!#*!?x*
  1523. 262 E62-2837X!.!!*.?x*X*
  1524. 263 E17-7282*..!X#..??X*
  1525. 264 E69-1073#!?.??!!#*?#
  1526. 265 E10-7192?X*!##X!x??*
  1527. 266 E75-9103.*?*xx#?!.X#
  1528. 267 E10-7229XX#!.*.*#?XX
  1529. 268 E18-1496..X.*x?!.#X#
  1530. 269 E69-2729#!*#*#*.?!.*
  1531. 270 E01-1938*!#!?!XX**#?
  1532. 271 E72-0128*.#?x!*???*X
  1533. 272 E00-3781*??x#X*xxx!!
  1534. 273 E34-6784!xx*.?x?*?#*
  1535. 275 E20-3778#xX.?.#X**X!
  1536. 276 E27-3484.#!##!..x.?.
  1537. 277 E54-3794*!*##!x*xX?!
  1538. 278 E52-4237?*xx#*xX!x?#
  1539. 279 E76-3784xXxx?!.x!??.
  1540. 280 ER2-4318?!!!X#!xx!X#
  1541. 281 E76-3484XX!X*#?*!!.#
  1542. 282 E21-3704!!???#*#.*.#
  1543. 283 E80-3410!*#!*!##x.?.
  1544. 284 E34-6484X#!x#*#.*.*X
  1545. 285 E26-3494x??.x*Xx#!!x
  1546. 286 E29-7340?##!X..*X..?
  1547. 287 E57-6481!X*X#?.?.X*#
  1548. 288 E29-3704.##X.#X*X!*.
  1549. 289 E04-3704*!!.***X##.*
  1550. 290 E24-3049*!x!x*.#!x!.
  1551. 291 E50-6704?x!!xX.*x*!.
  1552. 292 E07-3409?*#*!x#*x#XX
  1553. 293 E07-3491x??x!#.#?*.?
  1554. 294 E20-6404#xX#*Xxx#?..
  1555. 295 E09-3704!x!!?Xx?!!??
  1556. 296 E05-3440#**.#!*Xx#!*
  1557. 297 E70-3401?x..!!x?!!#?
  1558. 298 E00-3404x?#x?*!.?*!*
  1559. 299 E31-6404*X#*?###?xx#
  1560. 300 E80-6404xx*!xx?X!**#
  1561. 301 E38-0464#Xx..x!!X.Xx
  1562. 302 E03-3707X!?!x?.x!!!!
  1563. 303 E24-6404!?X?x..?##XX
  1564. 304 E04-3704#xx?#X!?x#?x
  1565. 305 E28-3704.*X*XX*X!.x!
  1566. 306 E99-3704x.##X?!??!#.
  1567. 307 E45-3707X.X*Xx.#*#x#
  1568. 308 E07-3404?*?#!?.!*x##
  1569. 309 E39-3440!.*?*xX##.!?
  1570. 310 E73-6404..*!x*#??*.#
  1571. 311 E97-3484Xx##XXXx##?x
  1572. 312 E01-3487#x#*.#xxx.xX
  1573. 313 E04-3784!#x#x.**.!!#
  1574. 314 E74-3797xX?#!####*!X
  1575. 315 E64-3067!!*x..X*xXxX
  1576. 316 E33-3079#*.X*.!.##x#
  1577. 317 E94-6849X?X!Xxxxx.X.
  1578. 318 E70-3704!*!x.!XX*?.?
  1579. 319 E34-9476X*X!!*.Xx#x*
  1580. 320 E22-6404?X.?##X.!X#.
  1581. 321 E64-6784x?#.#xX?.*?*
  1582. 322 E32-7348#X#?!#X#?#..
  1583. 323 E15-0446X#xx?##!.**x
  1584. 324 E31-3704.#?!x#*?!!#?
  1585. 325 E44-6704#?.**!?.#?#.
  1586. 326 E48-3770.X*!#?!x.?!.
  1587. 327 E89-3404**XXX?x?##X!
  1588. 328 E16-0464#x.X!x#**xX!
  1589. 329 E80-8405!Xx*!!!**X#.
  1590. 330 E01-8463x?*#*..x#xX.
  1591. 331 E71-2829x!?.xx*!X.*X
  1592. 332 E91-3804**##.XX#x.X.
  1593. 333 E18-3704x?.#?#X!#!*#
  1594. 334 E03-3704x?#*Xx##*X*!
  1595. 335 E04-3494.#..X?xX..!*
  1596. 336 E34-0679XxX?x#.X.X.?
  1597. 337 E23-3064Xx*#*?#?*x*.
  1598. 338 E32-2078!*?.???!!x?!
  1599. 339 E79-3790?XxX.#x#?.*x
  1600. 340 E94-3094X!?#xXX!.x**
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  1602. 342 E81-1047**.x??xx#!??
  1603. 343 E43-1983x!?#!X!?*X*#
  1604. 344 E10-8373X!?##x*x.?x*
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  1606. 346 E16-8549!!?Xxx!*x#!?
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  1610. 350 E76-0146.*X#*Xx.*?#x
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  1615. 355 E13-0548x*x!#x*xXx?x
  1616. 356 E61-0167.?.#*!*!X?x*
  1617. 357 E26-0176!#.*x!!X*xX!
  1618. 359 E10-0349X.x*.?.x.!#!
  1619. 360 E01-7579!x!x!!*?#!X?
  1620. 361 E31-0248!X!XXxX*#X?X
  1621. 362 E88-0249xXX#X?.x!.X?
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  1623. 364 E01-0167!?*.!x#!*!.#
  1624. 365 E17-0406#x?..!X!.?xx
  1625. 366 E51-0168*!*X#!X###X.
  1626. 367 E09-2887#?.x#x#*X*!?
  1627. 368 E60-1002*X#!!?!*#X#*
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  1630. 371 E46-8482X..!?xX!!x#*
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  1634. 375 E05-0475x.!?X?!###X!
  1635. 376 E12-0246x!.xx!?X#***
  1636. 377 E91-2846.!X?xxxX#!!?
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  1638. 379 E93-7249#*xX#.#X*?x.
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  1641. 382 E92-6149??*x.*#..*x.
  1642. 383 E63-9137x.*.*#*Xx!#*
  1643. 384 E93-7149x?*.x.#?X!!?
  1644. 385 E79-6139*#X?xX*x?#.X
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  1646. 387 E27-8263.x#?!##**?x*
  1647. 388 E73-0427x*.!x!x*!*#?
  1648. 389 E48-0434**#x*!!!!##!
  1649. 390 E82-0183*XX#x*xX?.x?
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  1651. 392 E25-0137#?*#.!#?X!.X
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  1653. 394 E29-0427?!!?#?**##xx
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  1661. 402 E37-0427x.##.!#?X*x*
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  1665. 406 E05-0457#!x!X.*?!X.*
  1666. 407 E94-0548XX???!#x#*#?
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  1670. 411 E20-8249xX.#xX.**x#?
  1671. 412 E61-0124X*.#?!?X!!**
  1672. 413 E66-8571?X!x#*##.X*.
  1673. 414 E40-0427.?!!!##X!X?#
  1674. 415 E53-8145x.!!.X*X***!
  1675. 416 E31-0427#x#XX!?###.#
  1676. 417 E45-0427*X?X*.!*x!*.
  1677. 418 E61-8724x??*Xx*!x!xX
  1678. 419 E10-3094!!!##*X!#!X!
  1679. 420 E28-9076.X*#x?xx#!.?
  1680. 421 E39-8127!!?x!?X?#X**
  1681. 422 E04-0124.#Xx.*xx.*##
  1682. 423 E59-4579X???#X.#XX#x
  1683. 424 E50-9054x!!?xXx#?*#*
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  1685. 426 E15-0458?#*!!!x!!!?!
  1686. 427 E34-9034X!.xXX.?x!xX
  1687. 428 E00-0549X?#X*#!X*XxX
  1688. 429 E39-8246XXXxx!x*?#*!
  1689. 430 E43-4275!??!??X!#?x!
  1690. 431 E84-8249*!x#XX!**x..
  1691. 432 E20-9864x#??*X?X!.X#
  1692. 433 E39-8724**.xx#!..xX?
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  1695. 436 E40-0976x#?#?!*Xx#!X
  1696. 437 E19-8249***#.**?xXx*
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  1698. 439 E10-0549?##!X#x.!*X*
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  1700. 441 E45-8348X#*?.#X*X?X.
  1701. 442 E64-0249**x*#X#*??X#
  1702. 443 E56-0134!*#X?*!xxX?#
  1703. 444 E45-0467!x!x!X#*.##x
  1704. 445 E10-0649!X.#!#*!xxX!
  1705. 446 E98-0249*x!.*?xX?x*?
  1706. 447 E46-8249X!x#.#?*!Xx!
  1707. 448 E10-3894!*?x.x!!x!*.
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  1712. 453 E92-0246?.Xxx.!#?.*!
  1713. 454 E18-0546..?xXX!!?..#
  1714. 455 E98-8249*..x*Xxx#*X?
  1715. 456 E46-0549!x*#.?#xX.x*
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  1717. 458 E02-8249?x?.*x**x#!#
  1718. 459 E84-8540.###x?x??*x*
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  1721. 462 E16-0249***x#..?#?*.
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  1723. 464 E23-0546#!#X*!?#Xx?!
  1724. 465 E34-0549.*#Xxx#!#?x.
  1725. 466 E94-5794x?*?..?x*.X?
  1726. 467 E94-0549*x.#X*.##X!?
  1727. 468 E48-0549X.#?X#X*.#x!
  1728. 469 E48-4383X!x.***?*!*.
  1729. 470 E03-0148*!X!xX?X#*x!
  1730. 471 E10-0248x*X#x*.XX###
  1731. 472 E46-0548xx*.x#x*#**#
  1732. 473 E94-0427.x!x.!x.X*x*
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  1734. 475 E75-0240.!#xX!##!.?.
  1735. 476 E29-0240.!x?XXx?!.#X
  1736. 477 E50-3619#x#!?.XX.?*#
  1737. 478 E92-9274#!*#.xx!!X?X
  1738. 479 E39-7520*?!XX#*?#x#.
  1739. 480 E92-0127#??x#x?Xxx!#
  1740. 481 E58-4340Xx.XXX*.x*#X
  1741. 482 E26-0549!xx#X?x?#??X
  1742. 483 E16-0289!..x..#?.X!?
  1743. 484 E10-0394.**.#x#.X?x*
  1744. 485 E10-0548.Xxxx?*!*?!!
  1745. 486 E16-3858X.#?#..x!!#.
  1746. 487 E20-0545!*xXxx.#*.?*
  1747. 488 E67-0540*xX#?X.x?x?*
  1748. 489 E59-0548#*.#XXxX.x*#
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  1750. 491 E63-0240*!!xx#.?xx*X
  1751. 492 E64-0249X*.#.?X?#.*x
  1752. 493 E99-0640.X?.*x*#!X#x
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  1754. 495 E20-7604.*?X?xX*X!?.
  1755. 496 E26-8548!Xx!*?!*!?Xx
  1756. 497 E59-0248?..XX.X#?!?#
  1757. 498 E97-8548!x!X!?#!!??*
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  1760. 501 E31-0481?.?#*#!!.#.x
  1761. 502 E64-0548.x*?X!X??*X.
  1762. 503 E44-0244*XX*XxXx#x#x
  1763. 504 E88-8721?#!XX.X###.?
  1764. 505 E64-8210.?.XX??.!!!X
  1765. 506 E66-0548xXX?*!?x#?X?
  1766. 507 E46-7510X..?xx.#?x!!
  1767. 508 E13-0544!#.!#*x##**!
  1768. 509 E46-0240*x!!?X?x?*??
  1769. 511 E46-4810**.x.*x*x.X#
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  1771. 514 E54-7389#?#*X.X.!?#.
  1772. 515 E02-5797X#?XXx!x.X?X
  1773. 517 E48-0453!X*?#***Xx?.
  1774. 518 E64-4042#!!.?.!!X?x*
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  1776. 520 E46-4021.*.#.XXxXx#!
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  1793. 538 E68-4685#xx?.*xx#??#
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  1795. 540 E36-7281*.*.Xx.!X.#?
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  1800. 545 E61-0029#Xxx*X##!xXx
  1801. 546 E18-4222X.X!##x.X!!X
  1802. 547 E63-2255#x##!!x#xx#.
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  1817. 562 E97-4711XX?#!.?.?.X*
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  1821. 566 E27-7409!#**!**.?!XX
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  1825. 570 E73-1864.Xx##**XX.x?
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  1834. 579 E80-8479!X#*Xxx*?*!#
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  1837. 582 E01-4963x*x!?x.!Xx#.
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  1839. 584 E61-1690##!x#x!#*!.x
  1840. 585 E06-2834xx!*x#!*X#!?
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  1844. 589 E43-3104x?x#X*?#*..*
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  1847. 592 E79-2791X*?.!X??.X!#
  1848. 593 E43-5782?.X#?**?xx.!
  1849. 594 E96-0477xX!xx.X*!!!!
  1850. 595 E70-8491X##?!..?x?*!
  1851. 596 E98-0223X?#X!xxx*!x.
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  1853. 598 E81-3414.!x.#..?Xx!X
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  1866. 611 E19-1189!*!!xxXx#XX*
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  1870. 615 E61-0262??XxXX*x?.#x
  1871. 616 E72-0743?..#X?.!X.X!
  1872. 617 E70-5243#xX#?!!.?X#x
  1873. 618 E43-6169*xxx##X.x#xX
  1874. 619 E44-7259..X#!.##.!**
  1875. 620 E28-8285!X!?..??#?!X
  1876. 621 E05-7222*X#.!#?*X!xx
  1877. 622 E62-3049*???#xx#*x*?
  1878. 623 E55-1024.x#X?#*X!x??
  1879. 624 E39-9111?.X!.Xx!!??#
  1880. 625 E34-3098!?X*!#x*#?#.
  1881. 626 E33-1923.!#*x.X?!*#.
  1882. 627 E67-6880#?*##xX.!.??
  1883. 629 E87-8661x!X???X*?!#?
  1884. 630 E43-8322*!.*XX!?!X*#
  1885. 631 E79-0619*#XXXxxXxXx?
  1886. 632 E52-2835!*X#X?.#?!x!
  1887. 633 E23-1453x!?xXx?.?!#!
  1888. 634 E47-5153!#Xx!X!?.x.?
  1889. 635 E22-0124!!.#!..x.XX#
  1890. 636 E69-6114*!xx!#x!*X!X
  1891. 637 E28-6706.?x!?#?##X*.
  1892. 638 E46-0161?!#XX?!.#!#.
  1893. 639 E58-1116##*!!*X*x**!
  1894. 640 E94-4935!x##*!XX??.!
  1895. 641 E07-5637.*.XXX??!x??
  1896. 642 E06-0327.xx.**.*.x!!
  1897. 643 E69-6535xXx!!.!*?*.x
  1898. 644 E10-1564.X!**#X??X*X
  1899. 645 E03-5515#!.X!.xx#X!#
  1900. 646 E96-7630#?!.x..#?*xx
  1901. 647 E90-4415xX!?.*xXX.*X
  1902. 648 E86-9997x*X?#x*X!X?!
  1903. 649 E77-5546?*#.??#?!##.
  1904. 650 E84-8391!##XX!*X*#x!
  1905. 651 E87-0298?*X##x#**X!x
  1906. 652 E99-9290!.!!x.*xX!X.
  1907. 653 E51-1828!#?XX?Xxx*#?
  1908. 654 E00-0112*XX?*x?*##*#
  1909. 655 E16-4265X##.#!!.##??
  1910. 656 E79-6638*!!.*.X?#..x
  1911. 657 E03-9571.X.x!??x...x
  1912. 658 E20-0059**#!!*?**#?#
  1913. 659 E89-1031Xx*?.?!xx*X!
  1914. 660 E64-3534X!x#*.#?!*#!
  1915. 661 E74-3607#.X!Xx#*Xxx?
  1916. 662 E79-5228!x?!.x!#!!XX
  1917. 664 E70-7635.!!*X#*!x#!X
  1918. 665 E70-4059#.#!.?#.?..X
  1919. 666 E24-9553.*!.*x??x?XX
  1920. 667 E45-0848*.X.Xx??.*?x
  1921. 668 E61-2411x*#!!xX.*x!#
  1922. 669 E74-9092X#.X*?.?*#*.
  1923. 670 E28-3477?x*X.x*..!.*
  1924. 671 E63-7501!#!*#?x?..x!
  1925. 672 E19-7862*#?#*xxxX.*#
  1926. 673 E79-1901.#X!##*#XX!?
  1927. 674 E19-8604xx###?#!**.#
  1928. 675 E98-6282*#?#xxX#?*#*
  1929. 676 E30-5051x!xXXxx*x?!#
  1930. 677 E46-6495...!?x#X?*?!
  1931. 678 E10-1792.x.X.X..x##*
  1932. 679 E35-2933#?##..Xxx?x!
  1933. 680 E01-6351??X#x!..xx#.
  1934. 681 E80-1568*X!*!#?.**x!
  1935. 682 E11-7221!*x!xX?!!!.!
  1936. 683 E31-6025!x.xXX...*!*
  1937. 684 E67-6656x#?.!!.!X.?X
  1938. 685 E54-3955?#x######x#!
  1939. 686 E88-5074*x*!.*X.!xx!
  1940. 687 E49-9640!.?Xx#*?X.*!
  1941. 688 E17-0188X!#!xX?**XX!
  1942. 689 E77-0466....#.*.!x?!
  1943. 690 E20-7471?x#!#!!?!.#!
  1944. 691 E85-6981?.Xx#.xXx.##
  1945. 692 E23-0152!!X!x!??x.?#
  1946. 693 E34-6153*#.XXXX!#.xX
  1947. 694 E20-3672!x.x.x#.!!*!
  1948. 695 E37-5626?X??#..xXx**
  1949. 696 E47-4488X.*?!.x!..xx
  1950. 697 E15-8081.##..x.*XXX!
  1951. 698 E63-9329##!??XX!?.??
  1952. 699 E81-2410!!?.*?#!.X.x
  1953. 700 E75-7236X!*.x.*#XX.!
  1954. 701 E31-6280.#?*X#xX.!#?
  1955. 702 E00-0026#X?X.XX#x#xX
  1956. 703 E64-6750x.?*#*XX!x.X
  1957. 704 E80-1606##*x.!!XX?*#
  1958. 705 E52-4018x.*XX.*X!X.#
  1959. 706 E40-6491.??.!X#.?!#X
  1960. 707 E18-3566!#.X*?!.*X#.
  1961. 708 E72-8069?!??x**#xxxx
  1962. 709 E36-5807*?.x?X*#???X
  1963. 710 E80-1045#?#!!X.?XX.*
  1964. 711 E66-2461.?!#!x#X?X*.
  1965. 712 E02-8763.?X*#x.X?XX?
  1966. 713 E52-7462.#.#!xx*?!x?
  1967. 714 E39-7446x?!!!***X##?
  1968. 715 E81-8513?Xx..**!!?#!
  1969. 716 E36-2890!#*?#*.#x.#x
  1970. 717 E68-3698?x.!#x?**?!?
  1971. 718 E03-7808xX#xx*x!!*##
  1972. 719 E98-1008#X*?#!?.!*.#
  1973. 720 E68-5097**!?X!.*xX*X
  1974. 721 E45-5284#.X.?!X.x.X?
  1975. 722 E60-0046.xX**?!?x!#X
  1976. 723 E89-1155?X.!*!X!**.x
  1977. 724 E83-1793X?#*X?x#!*x*
  1978. 725 E15-7264xxXX!?*?!!?*
  1979. 726 E08-5253!!*X*?*..!!?
  1980. 727 E61-3567?!.?X#x*#*.#
  1981. 728 E21-0355x!.x?X*#X#!.
  1982. 729 E42-2834.*xx*!!X?*!x
  1983. 730 E22-1474!x*#*!X.?#.#
  1984. 731 E41-0206!?*x.X#!##!!
  1985. 732 E85-5233#!x.Xx.Xx!!.
  1986. 733 E41-6838?X!.!*X?X.!#
  1987. 734 E34-3972?#.*X.*!*.*#
  1988. 735 E19-4595.?!##?x.!!x?
  1989. 736 E64-7200*X#.##x*X#?.
  1990. 737 E48-5455xx*..#X!.x#X
  1991. 738 E86-1518!##!###!!*..
  1992. 739 E71-0369!.?XX##X#x?X
  1993. 740 E17-7259#!XXx?.!*X?!
  1994. 741 E09-3728?.!#!*X!!xxx
  1995. 742 E26-1119##**#x.*x##X
  1996. 743 E88-7035*xx?X!?x.??.
  1997. 744 E93-7873x!*x!*x#x*!#
  1998. 745 E52-8148..x#x#?.?!X!
  1999. 746 E10-9002?x!*?#?!#x!#
  2000. 747 E15-6238*!X.*XX!#X.?
  2001. 748 E45-5978!XX#x..!..XX
  2002. 749 E58-9642Xxx?xx..!?!*
  2003. 750 E77-6331!xX#*#*X!#?x
  2004. 751 E96-5955x*!#?X!xXx?X
  2005. 752 E81-1797xX?x!#*!?##x
  2006. 753 E82-2081*xXX#x*?.X*X
  2007. 754 E24-0389.*X?*xx.*?.*
  2008. 755 E36-7336.!XX.!*!!.x.
  2009. 756 E93-6693#*Xx##*Xx#!.
  2010. 757 E57-6758#!!!#.*X.#*x
  2011. 758 E99-8245.#!*X!??*x!x
  2012. 759 E35-8650?X*!?X*.xX.?
  2013. 760 E58-1803??!X**X?xxxX
  2014. 761 E48-6390x!x.x!.!X??!
  2015. 762 E20-2297xx*X*?!X#!*!
  2016. 763 E06-0311X##X#?.??.X!
  2017. 764 E75-9988.??######x!x
  2018. 765 E83-0612!?X.?#.xXx*!
  2019. 766 E10-8881!?#?*!#!#*.*
  2020. 767 E77-5182!Xx#*!?X?!?.
  2021. 768 E97-9264.X.?*?#*#Xx!
  2022. 769 E24-5067x#??x*x!#x#!
  2023. 770 E76-0627x*X?*x*!*!#?
  2024. 771 E77-1552#Xx*.x*#?X*?
  2025. 772 E42-7088..?X#.X#?.*X
  2026. 773 E91-8581.#x?.?#Xx##.
  2027. 774 E85-2263?!x.x.X#!x?.
  2028. 775 E22-6715.!x**..!X#??
  2029. 776 E68-9915.*!.x#!?.xX.
  2030. 777 E19-8104#.X.#!xx!X**
  2031. 778 E65-4145?!*!#x#x.#..
  2032. 779 E30-1475X.X?#.*Xx.?#
  2033. 780 E71-5688.!#*Xx?!xx!#
  2034. 781 E64-6988X.?#X*X.!*X.
  2035. 782 E15-1752!.?!!#.*.X??
  2036. 783 E04-1092X.#*#.!?x?*X
  2037. 784 E13-9441x.#x!!#?..?*
  2038. 785 E83-7908xX?#.#*#x!!?
  2039. 786 E95-6896.!..?!?!*.!*
  2040. 787 E23-9336*.X?x!XxXx?#
  2041. 788 E03-9698#x*?x*.#*xxx
  2042. 789 E30-0440!?xX*!##.!.#
  2043. 790 E07-3228!?#x?*?..X*#
  2044. 791 E58-8734.!X!!*x?Xxx.
  2045. 792 E77-5967x#X#.#X*.!.*
  2046. 793 E84-1105**??.X.xx#x!
  2047. 794 E20-1019xx?Xx?#X.!?!
  2048. 795 E78-8613#x*x!!*XXXx?
  2049. 796 E64-6168*.?*X?**!x.x
  2050. 797 E24-7702?XXXxxX#x##x
  2051. 798 E99-4682.xX?X*.#!*!X
  2052. 799 E95-2895X*.X*xXXX*.*
  2053. 800 E25-4063.?!..##!???!
  2054. 801 E18-2667X*.x?.*x!?XX
  2055. 802 E44-0014?*.x?x*X!*?*
  2056. 803 E41-7627!**#Xx#*.X.X
  2057. 804 E28-2031#!*.#.?.!*##
  2058. 805 E43-9578.!!*X##Xx!!X
  2059. 806 E19-3328x.#.#X?*xx!?
  2060. 807 E86-0679#?*.X!X#!x!x
  2061. 808 E88-2992?#*!.Xx.#?x*
  2062. 809 E83-8285x??x!?!.#Xx?
  2063. 810 E06-0698x*.x..xXx*x#
  2064. 811 E23-5394#XXXxX#xx.X!
  2065. 812 E13-3315Xx.!X.#*?X*X
  2066. 813 E32-5387?..!!#..!??!
  2067. 814 E52-0177!*!x?X!xX*!.
  2068. 815 E32-4680!#!#!X!#?..#
  2069. 816 E00-0386xxX!?!??*??X
  2070. 817 E42-8526x?XXXX?x?#??
  2071. 818 E71-3159!?*#X!*X!.X?
  2072. 819 E48-4351*!#??*!?Xxx*
  2073. 820 E85-0759*?.X*X!*xX!X
  2074. 822 E71-1022xX.x?#!X#.!.
  2075. 823 E43-9663!?Xx!*.*X!.#
  2076. 824 E63-2195X*!X#!*#X!?!
  2077. 825 E76-6455.#Xxxx.!!?x!
  2078. 826 E86-5414x.X**#!#!!?.
  2079. 827 E37-5307?XX!xx?##!##
  2080. 828 E54-0851xx#!!#!xXx*#
  2081. 829 E28-1399#*X#XxX!**?.
  2082. 830 E99-0573*#xx##?#?*##
  2083. 831 E72-5755x.?*#x!X*x!#
  2084. 832 E01-9121Xx...*!!x!!#
  2085. 833 E15-3806#?**X!x*.?#x
  2086. 834 E27-2978!.**#*!?*.X!
  2087. 835 E98-4033?X!?x?.##?x?
  2088. 836 E43-7272?XxX!#*!X#X?
  2089. 837 E08-1929!x#*.!**xXxx
  2090. 838 E73-1451x#?#*!*xx.*x
  2091. 839 E93-8094x#!**xx*x?##
  2092. 840 E93-1375#x!#Xx?X#.!x
  2093. 841 E67-4462.Xx.?..?x*x*
  2094. 842 E86-5758*X?.!.X..XX#
  2095. 843 E43-1274X!!!.?x!xX.?
  2096. 844 E55-2683#!##X?x#x?Xx
  2097. 846 E15-8165**#?.?.??*?*
  2098. 847 E52-4848X?X*!?x.#?X!
  2099. 848 E25-2837.*##x?#.XXX?
  2100. 849 E97-3812!#.?x*x*X*#x
  2101. 850 E04-6722x###.!#xXX#*
  2102. 851 E39-2639xX?**!x*##x?
  2103. 852 E37-2612!XxX.#X.*!X?
  2104. 853 E05-9159!??xx.*X#X.x
  2105. 854 E13-0855X..?X##x?#XX
  2106. 855 E62-8082*.?#.!.*?*.?
  2107. 856 E70-0949?!!.x..X!xxx
  2108. 857 E45-5191##X**.#?x**#
  2109. 858 E95-6255*!xxX.?x*?.*
  2110. 859 E61-6919Xx#Xx?*#.#x?
  2111. 860 E54-9374X?.*x!!.!!.X
  2112. 861 E56-7672.*X?x?X*?!#?
  2113. 862 E99-1472#x.x##!?*.x.
  2114. 863 E38-3858*x!*x...??*!
  2115. 864 E60-7751..**.!Xxx#x#
  2116. 865 E38-2200*!.#*#X??XX?
  2117. 866 E13-8806##***#*!X#X#
  2118. 867 E13-5718#*##x?**??xX
  2119. 868 E17-5145.*!X#X!X?X#X
  2120. 869 E39-7907!!Xx#*?X?.!!
  2121. 870 E39-7432XX*!x.X.?X?*
  2122. 871 E96-1793*##x!**!*.!!
  2123. 872 E04-9997!?X#Xx.**?**
  2124. 873 E88-8596*.!x?#.x*Xx*
  2125. 875 E91-8256..X?!X??!!.X
  2126. 876 E34-7084x!#.?!?X.?*X
  2127. 877 E09-4964*!*?x*x#!*.?
  2128. 878 E69-8197#X#.Xx#XxX?!
  2129. 879 E85-0524X#x?**x?X*.*
  2130. 880 E79-2317?#!#x*.#.xX?
  2131. 881 E19-8769X!xXx?X**XX#
  2132. 882 E40-9590#X.!#xX.#xx?
  2133. 883 E23-1079.#*x?.?!*?X.
  2134. 884 E37-8931#*!!.x#X*xxx
  2135. 885 E60-5864xX.?*##?X!!x
  2136. 886 E89-0735.#!!.x*x.*x!
  2137. 887 E88-1028.?X!?X!!**??
  2138. 888 E95-2479x..**.*!x*?#
  2139. 889 E30-2454*X??#??x#!!*
  2140. 890 E78-5121x?*.XXX*#?#x
  2141. 891 E52-1765X!x*X?!#x?.#
  2142. 892 E80-6070#*?X*##*.!!#
  2143. 893 E63-2434XX!!!#!X.!.?
  2144. 894 E57-9257?..!*!.!X*x.
  2145. 895 E68-2075!?!*?!x!xx?x
  2146. 896 E39-8213#?*X?!x....?
  2147. 897 E58-9041.x??*!XX#X#*
  2148. 898 E58-8611X?X*?x*.???.
  2149. 899 E06-8058#!xx*.!!###!
  2150. 900 E56-4724.!xxx?.*.##*
  2151. 901 E11-8947?x!#?#x*.X.!
  2152. 902 E69-1512?*?*!*X.X*.*
  2153. 903 E76-2393x!###*!.*?xx
  2154. 904 E84-7800.X.!*!!X*?.*
  2155. 905 E12-3123X??*x*?X*.?x
  2156. 906 E10-9661??.X..*!#?!x
  2157. 907 E29-7299?!Xx##.?.XX.
  2158. 908 E96-0161#x?!..!*X.#?
  2159. 909 E21-9334!!#####..!#X
  2160. 910 E39-7759#x!x*X.!X*??
  2161. 911 E44-6497??xx*?!X##!*
  2162. 912 E62-7951X#??.*!x*!X#
  2163. 913 E73-4678x#.Xx*!?Xx!.
  2164. 914 E48-8375???**###***?
  2165. 915 E13-1916?*!xXx?*?*.?
  2166. 916 E51-3365#.#!.#*X.x#?
  2167. 917 E70-1402?*.x#!!.X!..
  2168. 918 E78-8135x*??#X#*#*XX
  2169. 919 E17-5937x#..#x*.*?.x
  2170. 920 E95-2487#..?*x***xXx
  2171. 921 E73-0345*!*!*#X*X#?!
  2172. 922 E55-3450#x*x!!x..#*!
  2173. 923 E82-3873##Xx#.x!..!?
  2174. 924 E52-6908xXx*??*.!?.?
  2175. 925 E05-9113?#*X*#x!**!x
  2176. 926 E17-5403!xx*.xx#Xxx!
  2177. 927 E74-0118!..!Xx?!#xx!
  2178. 928 E84-6861?X!x.!X.xX?#
  2179. 929 E20-3300X!X.!*.!?!!!
  2180. 930 E47-5905!#!##x#*X#.?
  2181. 931 E99-7932.?X.!xxX!*#!
  2182. 932 E54-0990?x?#x##!X.#!
  2183. 933 E29-0765.X*?!!.*#?!#
  2184. 934 E66-1935?x?#*..X#*?#
  2185. 935 E85-1807!*#X?XX*.#x*
  2186. 936 E18-7430.#?x*??x?##X
  2187. 937 E67-9121xx*?*x**.x#*
  2188. 938 E56-3472*!#?.?X!*xx#
  2189. 939 E86-2412?!#..*?.*xX?
  2190. 940 E55-0594X#X##!!!?#?X
  2191. 941 E75-5289.xX?X*.xXX##
  2192. 942 E90-7939.*X!*.?.X!X!
  2193. 943 E85-1251!x!#??!X?Xxx
  2194. 944 E11-1736..x??#.Xx#X*
  2195. 945 E05-7349X!!*!xX?Xx.!
  2196. 946 E07-4233?.X##X?X?!!.
  2197. 947 E94-0181#*?#x!!*!?#?
  2198. 948 E35-8419!!#xxxx!.X.X
  2199. 949 E47-2858.***X*!?##*?
  2200. 950 E91-3027#*x.X?*x#!X#
  2201. 951 E13-6596xX.#.x?x.x*#
  2202. 952 E98-5983.X*X!?!.xx!X
  2203. 953 E58-8568?XX.X.XX#??X
  2204. 954 E01-5567?#XX?#!X?**#
  2205. 955 E29-1109xXXx*x*X*##.
  2206. 956 E64-1729x???..!*Xx#!
  2207. 957 E71-4032##x.!.X!#*xx
  2208. 958 E36-0990.*X?!?*x#x?X
  2209. 959 E30-0471###??*#.!?x?
  2210. 960 E46-8535XX?!#?!XXX!x
  2211. 961 E88-6758!XX#X!??#.#*
  2212. 962 E53-2792?X?#x!*Xxxx?
  2213. 963 E17-2516!x!xX!XXX*?.
  2214. 964 E65-0121X#*?x!X?Xx*X
  2215. 965 E70-6996!?*x!.?!#?!?
  2216. 966 E48-7468#xx!*?*#.#..
  2217. 967 E82-9635.#*?#?!.#*#.
  2218. 968 E65-6511?**.X**!**??
  2219. 969 E75-9860XX.#?!X*..xX
  2220. 970 E69-5741*!?!**.X??#!
  2221. 971 E64-1059X!?.X#*.??x#
  2222. 972 E71-1595#*xX!x*Xxxx*
  2223. 973 E79-7964*..x*Xx.x!x*
  2224. 974 E10-6978.*?*x!x?Xx!x
  2225. 975 E63-0404x**X**#?!X!*
  2226. 976 E90-6749*!!*!!?.*.?*
  2227. 977 E75-8399*?X#!X#!.xX!
  2228. 978 E65-7558*??*!##*#.#.
  2229. 979 E09-5180.*!?!?X*#*!.
  2230. 980 E23-5827.#.x##!x.#*.
  2231. 981 E51-6993*x?x#..x!.??
  2232. 982 E57-5251*!Xx*x.!?!!*
  2233. 983 E14-0366#?.X.!#?!*?.
  2234. 984 E23-2211?*#?!..*.?*?
  2235. 985 E50-3210??#.?.!.**#?
  2236. 986 E44-5163X*#X#.?.!.X?
  2237. 987 E33-9063!?X*..X**?!x
  2238. 988 E84-9165*!##*X.##x?X
  2239. 989 E35-2514.#?*xxXx!**.
  2240. 990 E63-1998!.?X*?*##!*x
  2241. 991 E48-1994X?#??.x*x!#X
  2242. 992 E81-6991!!X!*#*XxX..
  2243. 993 E56-4462!?x#?*?xx*!!
  2244. 994 E69-2601!xXx!!X!?.?X
  2245. 995 E25-7040xX.X*!#*??x#
  2246. 996 E97-5774X??*x#X!?*!#
  2247. 997 E33-4565*X#X?.*?#?x!
  2248. 998 E04-9844??X.#Xx?x?xX
  2249. 999 E68-7351.*xX?x!x*#Xx
  2250. 1000 E82-7354x.!#*!.x??#*
  2251. 1001 E75-1651x#Xx.XXx#*X*
  2252. 1002 E55-0101.X*!?.!?x!*.
  2253. 1003 E37-1716!!.##xx#?X?*
  2254. 1004 E01-9776.x*x*#*!?#?#
  2255. 1005 E81-8515X#*X#??.#Xx*
  2256. 1006 E25-8327*XxX*!.?!??X
  2257. 1007 E05-0879*xxX???!.XXx
  2258. 1008 E10-2930x!#?X#x.!X#X
  2259. 1009 E41-8987xX!!!?X*?*##
  2260. 1010 E22-3311X..?#????..!
  2261. 1011 E71-1946x#.!?XX!*X!*
  2262. 1012 E02-6852!x??.**#?!*.
  2263. 1013 E69-2247?X*.#?*?*!?X
  2264. 1014 E97-9325x!X.xx!xX#?#
  2265. 1015 E16-4592xXX!x#*!?#**
  2266. 1016 E56-0381.?X!#!x?!**x
  2267. 1017 E30-5348*Xx.?!x!x*?X
  2268. 1018 E50-6784!Xx#?.x*X*X!
  2269. 1019 E84-9067X*#X#xXxX*.x
  2270. 1020 E91-7223*#!*x##!??##
  2271. 1021 E08-7543X?!.xX**.x#X
  2272. 1022 E19-5837x?XXX?X..X!.
  2273. 1023 E36-6152?..#*XX.!X!x
  2274. 1024 E90-2962*X.!*xX*!..x
  2275. 1025 E09-1220X?#?!.X#x?X*
  2276. 1026 E34-7260!.!!#!xxX.x.
  2277. 1027 E78-0273.*?.?X.xxX!!
  2278. 1028 E83-1630#x#?!!X?*x?x
  2279. 1029 E76-7532!?XxX*#?#*X.
  2280. 1030 E16-9865#?##x.###X..
  2281. 1031 E65-5428x#*.#x.#!??x
  2282. 1032 E84-0981x*!??X**x!xx
  2283. 1033 E84-3021.#?x?X#!?!*.
  2284. 1034 E80-7584x!X!?!x!*x?x
  2285. 1035 E72-1476Xx*Xx*X.x!#?
  2286. 1036 E64-0331X*?xXx.*x#*?
  2287. 1037 E47-9937#.?!..!#.*!#
  2288. 1038 E53-0986#XX#X?.*xX**
  2289. 1039 E21-9154*!?..x*x.xx!
  2290. 1040 E37-1040.!#xX##!?!#!
  2291. 1041 E52-3196#XX?.#X!.x*x
  2292. 1042 E15-3734x?X#?X#*X*.*
  2293. 1043 E21-1231!X*#x!.?x?##
  2294. 1044 E68-8999.?.!!!!x#X#.
  2295. 1045 E98-3069**?##*!..*X.
  2296. 1046 E32-3558X?X*#!!x?.!#
  2297. 1047 E28-6112*!#!x**.#Xx*
  2298. 1048 E25-4134.x!!*x.#??x.
  2299. 1049 E72-5103#x.*.*!?*##.
  2300. 1050 E48-4194!xx.XX??*###
  2301. 1051 E70-0009?X*#!*x#*.x?
  2302. 1052 E03-5615!x.X#X?.X?x*
  2303. 1053 E46-3798!!X*#!!*x*xx
  2304. 1054 E63-0172#x?x#?!.?.?*
  2305. 1055 E72-4771#.!!*x**!.##
  2306. 1056 E44-1357*#x*!x.#XX#?
  2307. 1057 E42-6126!#*#xXx##x.x
  2308. 1058 E75-9700x?*x*!?##?!.
  2309. 1059 E36-7673!.xx#?!#.**.
  2310. 1060 E31-1312..XX.?*####!
  2311. 1061 E37-6603#*.XX.?x!?X#
  2312. 1062 E33-8138#XXx#.#X!?..
  2313. 1063 E80-6662.?xx*?!xX*X*
  2314. 1064 E39-7684!!.???*.x###
  2315. 1065 E35-4671xX!xx*..x.#.
  2316. 1066 E19-8620*#..x??!?*##
  2317. 1067 E49-0100.!#.*!?Xx?.X
  2318. 1068 E91-7886.?.!?xx.!.?x
  2319. 1069 E42-3528x**.!#?*.*?!
  2320. 1070 E06-4671X#x**#.?*x?X
  2321. 1071 E42-2816x!?x*.x*?*!#
  2322. 1072 E90-9026x#!#!?.X*##?
  2323. 1073 E79-4240XX##X*?*X.*.
  2324. 1074 E49-5848!.!?!?*!**.*
  2325. 1075 E62-5344X!#.#**?.!*?
  2326. 1076 E91-9492Xxx.#.x#x!*!
  2327. 1077 E83-5136##!xx..X.X?x
  2328. 1078 E71-0081.X?!xX?**?!!
  2329. 1079 E85-5782X!.X!?X#.X?#
  2330. 1080 E26-5682#X!x.?xx!!!!
  2331. 1081 E35-9231x#**.X*?X!xx
  2332. 1082 E41-7268?X#X**!x#?xX
  2333. 1083 E51-8624.XX*XX*X!?#*
  2334. 1084 E45-6727!xXX!XX#.!!!
  2335. 1085 E30-2633*?!x#xXXX*#*
  2336. 1086 E01-8857#!#.?*!#*x!*
  2337. 1087 E12-4922Xx!#x!.*?.**
  2338. 1088 E45-4417.#.#xxx#x?X?
  2339. 1089 E41-0843xx..x*?*.?x.
  2340. 1090 E25-5785?#?.xX!.?*X!
  2341. 1091 E90-5525.*.#x#*X#!??
  2342. 1092 E44-0048*#X?.XXX?x??
  2343. 1093 E75-0895*#*Xx#x.!.xx
  2344. 1094 E70-0155X.*!.X#???.*
  2345. 1095 E73-6814x?.?!*#X!!*x
  2346. 1096 E60-2629.*#.!?#xX!!?
  2347. 1097 E04-7441x#.!.xX.??*?
  2348. 1098 E76-6158x!!x!*x.?#!#
  2349. 1099 E57-2949*###.#*#*?.?
  2350. 1100 E93-5780!?*#.#*##*?.
  2351. 1101 E78-7264??x..xx!#?.x
  2352. 1102 E20-8165*!?#?*.#x?X#
  2353. 1103 E89-1369.#*xxx#?!#X*
  2354. 1104 E05-9426#*XXx?*.#xX.
  2355. 1105 E80-8767.?x..*Xxx.xx
  2356. 1106 E84-3204#?!.*X?!.xX#
  2357. 1107 E43-7464!.X##.xxXx#?
  2358. 1108 E65-6074*!?**!.!#*.!
  2359. 1109 E34-4328.X!x*x?*#!!*
  2360. 1110 E32-3672*!*.xxX*!x?X
  2361. 1111 E34-4980!XX.#?.xx*X*
  2362. 1112 E19-4814.!#X?#.X#??#
  2363. 1113 E86-3994?xx?x?x!x*.#
  2364. 1114 E76-5402x!?x*x*?!xx?
  2365. 1115 E43-1723?.!*X#!x#!!?
  2366. 1116 E52-6841?!#?XX.XxXX.
  2367. 1117 E12-1379X#*X#*!*?!#x
  2368. 1118 E15-1123.#XX.x!X!#xx
  2369. 1119 E71-0414?.X!?.*!x?X?
  2370. 1120 E43-2277xxx?!?!..x?!
  2371. 1121 E07-3437x#XxXXXx?*!.
  2372. 1122 E72-8578#..#!!*xx*.x
  2373. 1123 E47-0848x?.*?X*.#?*#
  2374. 1124 E01-4911x**XXX!!#*..
  2375. 1125 E19-3785X?#*Xx*X!?##
  2376. 1126 E53-8362x!X??#*?!#!X
  2377. 1127 E72-0286!!x.X#x..#?#
  2378. 1128 E89-8010?X!#x.*x.#?X
  2379. 1129 E43-5767Xx!X?!*?!.XX
  2380. 1130 E57-6977XX##!.X#?X*?
  2381. 1131 E41-2991#?!x*?X.?X?#
  2382. 1132 E43-6170XX*x##X?!!.?
  2383. 1133 E54-2365.?.*!!x##x#!
  2384. 1134 E17-9994?!.#X*X..#.X
  2385. 1135 E55-7852*?!X?.x*X.#x
  2386. 1136 E65-2763*?#!?*!#*.X.
  2387. 1137 E04-7226?.!Xx..**.#X
  2388. 1138 E96-9601!#.xxXX.x!.?
  2389. 1139 E75-5486X**#!#x#xx!X
  2390. 1140 E40-2707#*.x?xX?????
  2391. 1141 E01-2449xx*x!?!XX*?x
  2392. 1142 E98-5243!??!!?x#X##!
  2393. 1143 E00-5656?!#.?.*?.#?.
  2394. 1144 E58-0546*###!*#!X.!x
  2395. 1145 E47-1736X!?*#**.*x!x
  2396. 1146 E59-6750#*?x!#.*XX!X
  2397. 1147 E53-7739.#X#Xx?.x.?#
  2398. 1148 E00-1119*??X!..!XX?#
  2399. 1149 E59-7824x??**X!x?X.#
  2400. 1150 E77-8486Xx.!*?!#.#!*
  2401. 1151 E52-6388x*X*#x!??#Xx
  2402. 1152 E04-7668?xx#*.X.##.x
  2403. 1153 E39-3216.*#!!#Xxx.*?
  2404. 1155 E17-0421.X.X?#*##.Xx
  2405. 1156 E57-0984x..#Xx?#*..X
  2406. 1157 E10-8343x?*xX#!??*x#
  2407. 1158 E92-3387!*X#?*#?!X.x
  2408. 1159 E64-4525XX###X!?!X!X
  2409. 1160 E68-6449??!.x!xx**#X
  2410. 1161 E08-2612?*!##.#!#*.*
  2411. 1162 E67-5057.*x*.x.*?.!!
  2412. 1163 E54-6631.!!?*#!xx!#?
  2413. 1164 E90-1412**#x#X*x#..x
  2414. 1165 E76-2282.x.*.**!*X?#
  2415. 1166 E26-8574!?#x?*?x#.X*
  2416. 1167 E86-2690##*Xx!*#!?x*
  2417. 1168 E66-4717X**.#Xx#!?#?
  2418. 1169 E64-4270x*??!xx.#.??
  2419. 1170 E76-2382*X.Xx.#X!!#.
  2420. 1171 E61-0181x?xx.#?#x#*!
  2421. 1172 E97-2546#..*x*x*..##
  2422. 1173 E45-3666!X??X.**X*.#
  2423. 1174 E03-0257xXXx!#x#X.!X
  2424. 1175 E54-2744!!#*.X!*.?X#
  2425. 1176 E37-0490X#x*!.xx?*x#
  2426. 1177 E90-4053!X*X?X*#Xxx#
  2427. 1178 E52-6896Xxx??*.!!.*?
  2428. 1179 E73-9184!*?#?!*?X#!!
  2429. 1180 E44-5140!*#x*####?**
  2430. 1181 E00-5616x?*!X??XX#!!
  2431. 1182 E07-3945#X#?!.???*?X
  2432. 1183 E25-5121!.?.Xx!*!*XX
  2433. 1184 E64-4943xx*X#*xX#?x.
  2434. 1185 E61-5222X?*xxXX!#!.!
  2435. 1186 E94-4917x**!#.X?#.!X
  2436. 1187 E84-4144!x..?.!x*XX*
  2437. 1188 E05-7424***x*!x.X**!
  2438. 1189 E49-9611!##.x#?x?X..
  2439. 1190 E88-5988?.#x??.XX!X#
  2440. 1191 E86-8199?*xx#.!#x#xX
  2441. 1192 E82-8916*?Xxx##?XX!!
  2442. 1193 E91-9402!.xX**?X??X*
  2443. 1194 E62-1947XX!*!x.X!?*!
  2444. 1195 E20-9405.!?#x?#xX#*#
  2445. 1196 E73-8075xx??!xXXXX.X
  2446. 1197 E36-9488Xx.x??xX#?!?
  2447. 1198 E78-8165..!?xX.X*X!*
  2448. 1199 E81-7885*X..*x?#xX?!
  2449. 1200 E52-5194!?x.#!*X**x.
  2450. 1201 E82-1808#.?!##X!!?.X
  2451. 1202 E72-2747?X?!*.?X*??!
  2452. 1203 E10-5678?XXX.X?X#.x*
  2453. 1204 E38-4188X*XxX?*!xx?*
  2454. 1205 E41-1661#.#!*.!X?x.*
  2455. 1206 E69-9548*X.!?#X!x.xX
  2456. 1207 E44-7709X*x*.!?x.*x!
  2457. 1208 E74-2838!xx#X.!.?.*.
  2458. 1209 E88-6575x#.xx.X*?*#*
  2459. 1210 E13-1200***!?.??#!.?
  2460. 1211 E90-6974..*X!##!*Xx*
  2461. 1212 E89-3926#X?.#.?!!X??
  2462. 1213 E73-3822?..*.!x!.*X*
  2463. 1214 E24-8241x?**!*?#.#xx
  2464. 1215 E42-0644X!xxx?!!*.X!
  2465. 1216 E66-8754**???!X??.X?
  2466. 1217 E02-3676?x**?.*!..x#
  2467. 1218 E20-3198Xx.#.#.!x*??
  2468. 1219 E97-9774X!#x*!?X!X.?
  2469. 1220 E71-5242?!#X*??.?*XX
  2470. 1221 E49-1902x?xxx!?X?.XX
  2471. 1222 E65-0292*x*X*?xx#?*!
  2472. 1223 E11-0806.X.*.?#..?#.
  2473. 1224 E01-5634#.#*!!.Xx!.*
  2474. 1225 E56-5083#..*X?*?!?x.
  2475. 1226 E94-4364.?x!.#.xXX.x
  2476. 1227 E15-8956xx*X!?##Xx!.
  2477. 1228 E72-4297?*X?X**#x*##
  2478. 1229 E40-6045xx#X*x**X##x
  2479. 1230 E76-1510*X##X#Xx!*?x
  2480. 1231 E02-5042?x?!....#X?!
  2481. 1232 E35-3183*X*.?!.XXX?*
  2482. 1233 E23-8242!x.!.XxX*?X?
  2483. 1234 E82-7176*#*x!X!X**#x
  2484. 1235 E44-0054*X*..X!*X*X#
  2485. 1236 E53-3413#X?!x!?.#X..
  2486. 1237 E02-9776*.??!*!X#X?x
  2487. 1238 E46-1886X.#x#X#.*???
  2488. 1239 E09-5087!.#?x!?#x?X.
  2489. 1240 E43-2147!*!xX!x..?.X
  2490. 1241 E32-2122!x?X?.x?!##!
  2491. 1242 E45-4110#*##X?xXX!X*
  2492. 1243 E55-8228?X!*!*.!*XXX
  2493. 1244 E93-7363#Xx#!##.xXxX
  2494. 1245 E85-3965!X*Xx#.!?*X?
  2495. 1246 E76-0112?#?X?x*.*.xX
  2496. 1247 E97-8960x#?x?!*?x#!X
  2497. 1248 E73-6800*.xX!*!?x?!!
  2498. 1249 E31-9553?**x?.*?xx!!
  2499. 1250 E87-1661xX?x!?XX***X
  2500. 1251 E17-9948?*!?X!#!Xxx!
  2501. 1252 E28-9041.*?#.##.!.#?
  2502. 1253 E63-3868X?x.X.?!???!
  2503. 1254 E31-3656#*!?.x?x*##!
  2504. 1255 E64-1692X*.X?x!x!x#x
  2505. 1256 E56-7654.*x*X?*?X*##
  2506. 1257 E48-1233*.##x*#*?x..
  2507. 1258 E12-6259x.#x.XXx.X*#
  2508. 1259 E37-6574x#.X!x!X##!#
  2509. 1260 E00-8489x#!?#**?!!?*
  2510. 1261 E87-5539x!*#X?XX.?..
  2511. 1262 E26-2806!.#.x#xXXx!!
  2512. 1263 E50-8334*X#Xx*#X*x?.
  2513. 1264 E77-9530?x?X?X###*x?
  2514. 1265 E83-4583xX!*X?X#x!!X
  2515. 1266 E63-6405X#*##Xx*X?#x
  2516. 1267 E68-7096xX###?.#x*!X
  2517. 1268 E65-4006XX!Xx?***?!!
  2518. 1269 E23-7851!x*x!!x!X?#?
  2519. 1270 E90-9287#X.#.*?##??#
  2520. 1271 E77-2612.Xx!!!!?x*!x
  2521. 1272 E31-4865Xxx.!#X.??x*
  2522. 1273 E51-3932X!!?#?.x!.x!
  2523. 1274 E76-9099.!?.X?..?.x#
  2524. 1275 E54-3171X*XxxX.Xx*!#
  2525. 1276 E99-1386X.?X!?x*??!x
  2526. 1277 E34-2751#*#*!#xX!X*!
  2527. 1278 E42-9235*?x.XxX*.!#*
  2528. 1279 E74-0317?#?#.##xx*.x
  2529. 1280 E51-7659!#X??#?X.??#
  2530. 1281 E17-3377!!x.!#!#*#X!
  2531. 1282 E33-2369*!!*X..Xx?!!
  2532. 1283 E85-2644*#X?.!..!.!?
  2533. 1284 E01-0301X!..#?.!?.*!
  2534. 1285 E02-7277!?xx.xx??X#*
  2535. 1286 E96-7326Xx?x.?!?#**X
  2536. 1287 E87-4931X?X!X.?XX!*?
  2537. 1288 E34-4211x*.?#xx?X!!?
  2539. ----------------------------
  2541. [12.5] /GLOSSARY PAGE/
  2543. Glossary (missing something?)
  2545. AAAR
  2546. A System; "AAAR" (An Alternate Asynchronous Reality) is the first System.
  2548. Aurora
  2549. The purest form of energy; it is used by Systems to create all objects.
  2551. Auroraic Echoing
  2552. Resonation that all aurora structures produce.
  2554. EID
  2555. Like a domain name to an IP, an EID links a short ID to a long soul ID.
  2557. eNdymioN
  2558. A company behind many smaller Systems.
  2560. Experience
  2561. The driving force of our consciousnesses, even between souls.
  2563. Halcyon
  2564. One quarter of the Systemspatial year.
  2566. LFE
  2567. A System; "LFE" is one of the largest and most influential Systems.
  2569. Life
  2570. Originally intended to be a peaceful System without distractions, the System "Life" is one of the largest and most influential Systems.
  2572. Memory
  2573. A piece of data saved in the soul and Experience.
  2575. RISEN
  2576. The company behind Systemspace.
  2578. RISENII
  2579. A RISEN member.
  2581. Soul
  2582. An auroraic construct which binds body and Experience.
  2584. SYNAPSE
  2585. The company with the largest search engine; it is also the company behind LFE.
  2587. Synapsian
  2588. The official language of LFE and SYNAPSE.
  2590. System
  2591. An auroraic construct made to be explored by users, thus allowing them to create good memories.
  2593. Systemspace
  2594. An auroraic construct made to unite all Systems, thus allowing them access to Aurora.
  2596. TSUKI
  2597. A collaboration between the companies RISEN, SYNAPSE and eNdymioN.
  2599. Tsuki (Representative)
  2600. The sole human representing TSUKI in Life.
  2602. ----------------------------
  2604. [12.6] /FAQ PAGE/
  2606. FAQ (missing something?)
  2608. What is this?
  2609. This is a mission whose purpose is to recruit people from the System Life so that they may join LFE before we unlink Life.
  2611. Who are you?
  2612. I am Tsuki, the representative of the company TSUKI. As the sole human with this knowledge, I am tasked with enlightening people and helping them take their first steps into Systemspace.
  2614. How may I contact you?
  2615. Please send your inquiries to
  2617. What will happen to us if we sign up?
  2618. Nothing much until your death. After your death, you will be transferred. You will lose your body, but all of your memories will be retained.
  2620. What if we don't?
  2621. You will not notice any difference, however, after death, you will be routed into a random System.
  2623. How do I sign up?
  2624. You may sign up here.
  2626. How do I opt out if I’ve changed my mind?
  2627. Contact the TSUKI Representative, and send him:
  2628. - Your original, drawn image with an added "never mind" or anything of the sort before July 1st, 2017, after which all agreements are finalized.
  2630. What is your stance on suicide?
  2631. While we understand that this mission, which only goes in effect after your current life, might attract people who wish to end their own life, we will always be trying to get everyone good memories. Suicide would be a bad memory, so why not explore Life some more, instead of ending it with a bad memory? If you are considering ending your existence in Life, please call a local suicide hotline. If you believe you have truly nothing to live for, then live for LFE. Bring as much human knowledge as possible.
  2633. What's outside of Systemspace?
  2634. Although we are not allowed to say much (nor do we know much), think of a hyperdimensional server room.
  2636. Why was Systemspace created?
  2637. Systemspace and its Systems are created for good memories. Life was made to be a peaceful System.
  2639. ----------------------------
  2641. [12.7] /NEWS PAGE/
  2643. 1000 registrants!
  2644. 12.03.17 from Tsuki Rep
  2645. -We have hit 1000 registrants!
  2646. -We never expected to hit this many registrants, thanks everyone for being with us!
  2648. 1500 Slots are available
  2649. 06.03.17 from RISEN
  2650. -We've bumped the slot count up to 1.5K, should keep yall busy for a little bit! Enjoy!
  2652. Another upgrade expected soon
  2653. 06.03.17 from Tsuki Rep
  2654. -Wow, we hit 800 fast. I guess it's time for me to upgrade to the big 1000.
  2656. 800 Slots are now available
  2657. 02.03.17 from RISEN
  2658. -We have now increased the amount of open slots by another 300. This moves the dates of failure/assert if unlinked a bit more, but we can go up to 3000 if needed. Any further and we'll need to change the date of unlinking (currently Jul
  2660. 1st).
  2661. -Enjoy!
  2663. We are currently lobbying for 800 users
  2664. 02.03.17 from Tsuki Rep
  2665. -We hit our limit of 500 again. We really weren't expecting this, so I have to lobby to get more people across, which will once again move the time of failure/assert over. Please stay tuned.
  2667. Imageboards are now live!
  2668. 26.02.17 from Tsuki Rep
  2669. -The imageboards are now live at!
  2670. -Enjoy!
  2672. 500 slots are available
  2673. 20.02.17 from RISEN
  2674. -The project has been allowed 300 more slots for registrants, increasing the total from 200 to 500. Enjoy!
  2676. Welcome!
  2677. 18.02.17 from Tsuki Rep
  2678. -Welcome to!
  2679. -This is the blog section, where we will inform you of the latest updates and advancements.
  2680. -Please look forward to more!
  2682. ----------------------------
  2684. [12.8] /DATAVERSES PAGE/
  2686. Dataverses
  2688. You are currently in the TSUKI dataverses. Assembled random data below:
  2690. Infinity
  2692. ----------------------------
  2694. [12.8.1] /INFINITY PAGE/
  2696. Infinity
  2698. This is a translated conversation from Infinity, a spanning System used for people of all non-blocking Systems to communicate. This is only an excerpt, and their culture has been translated to be like ours.
  2700. Official Life->LFE transfer thread
  2702. #8564790685451018756115897041565 tsukiRep >> [global>tsuki] at 84512:411:2:9:27:06:47:51
  2703. Good morning Infinity!
  2704. We are still on track as usual, we now have 674 registrants.
  2705. Info here o-- shosha.tsuki
  2706. Site that the registrants see o-- dyiri.shosha.tsuki (use an HTML-capable browser and your best English dictionary, this proxy does not translate)
  2709. Wow, this many? So unexpected *.* I wonder how the Hyakanghen will react?
  2712. @8564790685451018756115904511748
  2713. Poor Hyakanghen..
  2716. @8564790685451018756115904845177
  2717. Who said the Hyakanghen haven't invaded Life?
  2720. kek, all these people calling it a cult
  2723. tsukiRep, how stupid are humans?
  2726. I wonder how many will kill themselves?
  2729. >implying someone will kill themselves over this
  2732. please don't un-imply that, now we know for sure it's going to happen
  2735. 50 bets the Hyakanghen will invade and say "kill urselves now or no LFE for u" and they'll all riot or do it idk how stupid humans are
  2738. @8564790685451018756115984124854
  2739. oh the irony
  2742. TSUKI REP
  2743. WHERE (where) IS MY QT HUMAN
  2746. This project is stupid and so is TSUKI
  2749. @8564790685451018756115984551248
  2753. @8564790685451018756115984641577
  2754. im not a hyakanghen you stupid fuckhead, shatter yourself
  2757. Serious question, have you told them about the Hyakanghen yet?
  2760. -More to be translated
  2762. ----------------------------
  2764. [12.8.2] /INFINITY II PAGE/
  2766. Infinity II
  2768. This is a translated conversation from Infinity, a spanning System used for people of all non-blocking Systems to communicate. This is only an excerpt, and their culture has been translated to be like ours.
  2770. Official Life->LFE transfer thread
  2772. Good afternoon Infinity!
  2773. After a new batch of visitors, we now have just over 1100 registrants.
  2774. Info here o-- shosha.tsuki
  2775. Site that the registrants see o-- dyiri.shosha.tsuki (use an HTML-capable browser and your best English dictionary, this proxy does not translate)
  2781. why even help these guys LOL
  2797. I swear, these humans are stupid
  2800. shatter yourself with this project
  2803. Hyakanghen here, I'd like an honest answer from you tsukiRep. Why bring over these humans, riddled with diseases and war, and even allow a false vacuum disruption??? What are you thinking?????
  2806. what the fcuk LOL
  2809. what's all this war shit, someone can enlighten me?
  2812. The fuckheads in the Europe region are poking at each other, war is to happen any time soon
  2815. wait, wouldn't tsukiRep have to join the military then, as human?
  2818. heh, he can always talk himself outta that by naming himself psychotic as he's been doing
  2821. ('-w-') 50 points to humanity for this one
  2824. Can we just fuck off about this already??
  2827. @Hyakanghen
  2828. As you can tell, they're rather interesting beings.
  2834. oh what the fuck
  2840. <this post was just a link to 7 million people laughing at once>
  2843. I swear humans are a meme created by TSUKI
  2846. @tsukiRep
  2847. So you're implying they're worth more than all of us by putting us in danger for these creatures??
  2850. LOOL
  2853. @Hyakanghen @tsukiRep Yeah, what the fuck? How are they worth more?
  2857. dyiri.shosha.tsuki:boards<lfe<res<702.html
  2858. dyiri.shosha.tsuki:boards<lfe<res<666.html
  2859. dyiri.shosha.tsuki:boards<lfe<res<669.html
  2860. Apparently tsukiRep translated one of our threads at dyiri.shosha.tsuki<dataverses<Infinity
  2863. Still no official stance about the Hyakanghen?
  2866. @Hyakanghen We make sure to maximize utmost safety for all of you. Please do not be alarmed, we are taking great measures to make sure nothing can happen.
  2875. THEY KNOW OUR MEMES (our memes)
  2878. Let's all overuse the meme (meme) meme just to make them use it a lot
  2884. include me in the dataverse tsukiRep
  2887. -More to be translated
  2889. ----------------------------
  2892. [12.9] /REPRESENTATIVE PAGE/
  2894. Hiya!
  2896. I'm Tsuki, the TSUKI Representative. I handle all requests from people to join this project and am your connection to the rest of Systemspace. I hope to be of service to you!
  2897. You may e-mail me at
  2899. ----------------------------
  2903. Ghakuwent'sji
  2905. Ghakuwent'sji is the largest city-state in LFE, divided into 372 substates.
  2906. It is composed of many interconnected islands - together forming one continent-sized city. There's always something to do in Ghakuwent'sji!
  2908. ----------------------------
  2910. [12.11] /SYNAPSE EoT PAGE/
  2912. SYNAPSE's Exclamation of Trust
  2914. This is SYNAPSE's signed proof that they trust and are part of TSUKI.
  2916. ----------------------------
  2918. [12.12] /SYNAPSE ABOUT PAGE/
  2920. About SYNAPSE
  2922. Hello, and welcome to SYNAPSE's part of the TSUKI realm! SYNAPSE is a company which has set out to make the omniverse a better and more manageable place, as well as ultimately bridge the gap between matter and mind.
  2924. SYNAPSE began as a tiny company. A single user made a small machine which was capable of turning energy into matter and vice versa; as such, it was allowed to scan for matter. Others quickly joined the project and then began utilizing the machine in order to make increasingly amazing and fantastical add-ons to their System.
  2926. That System ended up becoming LFX, the open-source System framework. It is also used for what many consider to be the most influential System: LFE - the System in which everyone matters.
  2928. We hope you will have a great time in LFE. If you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to ask the TSUKI Representative!
  2930. ----------------------------
  2932. [12.13] /RISEN OUR GOAL PAGE/
  2934. RISEN's Goal
  2936. RISEN always stands for good memories for all Systemspace users.
  2937. We try to get as close to good memories as possible, all the time.
  2939. We believe the TSUKI project will help us generate good memories not only for Life users, but also for LFErs who will get to meet the Life culture.
  2941. ----------------------------
  2943. [12.14] /RISEN EoT PAGE/
  2945. RISEN's Exclamation of Trust
  2947. This is RISEN's signed proof that they trust and are part of TSUKI.
  2949. ----------------------------
  2951. [12.15] /RISEN ABOUT PAGE/
  2953. About RISEN
  2955. Welcome to RISEN, the center of the omniverse. Our main goal is (and will always be) to create the greatest number of pleasant memories for the greatest number of people as is realistically possible. We are able to do so thanks to our marvelous creation, Systemspace, which allows users to create and enjoy their own thriving Systems, as well as the Systems of others.
  2957. We hope you are enjoying your trip throughout the Systems. For all inquiries, please contact the Tsuki Representative.
  2959. ----------------------------
  2961. [12.16] /ENDYMION EoT PAGE/
  2963. eNdymioN's Exclamation of Trust
  2965. This is eNdymioN's signed proof that they trust and are part of TSUKI.
  2967. ----------------------------
  2969. [12.17] /ENDYMION ABOUT PAGE/
  2971. About eNdymioN
  2973. eNdymioN is a simple company. We create Systems and other programs in order to make life better.
  2974. That is really all there is to us. We enjoy helping others, including those at the TSUKI project. If you have any questions, ask them!
  2976. ----------------------------
  2978. [12.18] /404 PAGE/
  2980. File Not Found
  2982. 404 Please Return
  2986. 404 File not Found
  2988. File
  2990. Was not found
  2992. [Return]
  2994. ----------------------------
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