
ChimerAlt Repo JSON

Apr 5th, 2020
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  1. {"apps":[{"beta":false,"bundleIdentifier":"com.coolstar.electra","developerName":"Electra Team","downloadURL":"","iconURL":"","localizedDescription":"Unfortunately, although Electra is an great jailbreak with lots of effort in it, since times past, Electra has officially entered EOL. Since there's no updates and support now, we won't recommend using the jailbreak now. If you want a great alternative, try unc0ver. Although there's no more update on the iOS 11 ~ 12 version, unc0ver team will still give you support and give updates to the APT packages. If you still need Sileo on iOS 11, unfortunately, it not possible anymore. There used to be a tool to install Sileo on unc0ver called Diatrus Installer, it has also entered EOL so repository and servers are down. RIP Electra iOS 11 ~ 11.4.1 ","name":"Electra11","screenshotURLs":[""],"size":190000,"subtitle":"An EOL jailbreak for iOS 10 to 11.4.1","tintColor":"018084","version":"1.0EOL","versionDate":"2020-03-24T14:00:00-07:00","versionDescription":"Officially entered EOL\nstopped service for Cydia Port\nelectra64 repository now Archived, so Electra Team could not access, read, write.\nRIP"},{"beta":false,"bundleIdentifier":"com.electrateam.chimera","developerName":"Riley Testut","downloadURL":"","iconURL":"","localizedDescription":"Stable\nWe've rewritten Chimera from the ground up to ensure that there's no battery drain, freezing, or crashing. There's simply nothing else like it, and we can't wait for you to see for yourself.\n\nModern\nChimera comes with a modern package manager, Sileo, featuring a UI made to fit iOS, and packed full of features and speed enhancements to make installing packages a breeze. Rather than sticking to tools built decades ago, it ships with modern system tools designed to take advantage wherever possible.","name":"Chimera12","screenshotURLs":[""],"size":190000,"subtitle":"Full-fledged Semi-Untethered jailbreak for iOS 11.0 to 12.4 for A9 ~ A11","tintColor":"018084","version":"1.3b2","versionDate":"2020-03-14T14:00:00-07:00","versionDescription":"What's new in 1.4.0build1\n\nNow uses libhooker internally instead of substitute to apply some patches. All devices supported by Chimera are now using libhooker with this on 1.4.0"},{"beta":false,"bundleIdentifier":"com.jlbreak.chimera13","developerName":"Electra Team","downloadURL":"","iconURL":"","localizedDescription":"Chimera13 is an Work-In-Progress Semi-Untethered iOS Jailbreak for iOS 13.0 to 13.3 Keep in mind that this is not a fully-done jailbreak and IT will NOT install the jailbreak files and Sileo (Package Manager like Cydia)\n\n","name":"Chimera13 (NOT DONE)","screenshotURLs":["",""],"size":190000,"subtitle":"Full-fledged Semi-Untethered jailbreak for iOS 13.0 to 13.3 for A9 ~ A11","tintColor":"018084","version":"1.1","versionDate":"2020-03-24T14:00:00-07:00","versionDescription":"** \nNEW FEATURES\n\nRead / Write remount support added (Not End-User accessable)\n\nSSH 90% done (Available for End-Users, unstable and features missing)\n\nNonce-Setter done, but unstable and not available for End-Users\n\nSuccessfully ported to full-swift language, including SwiftUI and lib-swift\n\nWhen all the features are available, support for chimera1n setup on iOS 13\n\n(NOT A FULL JAILBREAK YET)\n\nAlso, I'll add the screenshot later. lazy."}],"identifier":"com.example.source","name":"ChimerAlt Repo","news":[{"appID":"com.yourcompany.chimera13","caption":"Finally, the dream of Chimera13 is unleashed!","date":"2020-3-28","identifier":"chimera13-develop","imageURL":"","notify":false,"tintColor":"00b5c9","title":"Chimera13 begins developing!"}],"userInfo":{}}
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