

Jan 11th, 2015
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  1. HarperRayneCreed: hey everyone
  2. HarperRayneCreed: i need to be on brb for a few
  3. HarperRayneCreed: brb
  4. EnkiHadesDreams3R: haha i am sorry but he pissed me off
  5. EnkiHadesDreams3R: v.v
  6. HarperRayneCreed: im on brb and whys v.v
  7. EnkiHadesDreams3R: i am sorry dear she crossed the line and this will cause a rift between me and alal
  8. HarperRayneCreed: .w=how did she cross the line gma
  9. EnkiHadesDreams3R: asking alal to kill some one
  10. EnkiHadesDreams3R: how do you ask that of a person i know i have but it was wrong of me to do so
  11. HarperRayneCreed: he wouldnt actually do it gma
  12. EnkiHadesDreams3R: the way he spoke to me hurt me
  13. EnkiHadesDreams3R: he cut me a bit
  14. HarperRayneCreed: he angry coz this the second person to hurt heart
  15. EnkiHadesDreams3R: well then she needs to guard herself
  16. HarperRayneCreed: and we are trying to teach her to but you know how protective he is of the ones he loves just as you are
  17. EnkiHadesDreams3R: i know but what does it do me hn when i have not been around for a while
  18. HarperRayneCreed: wot do you mean gma
  19. EnkiHadesDreams3R: i will not fight any more hun what so ever
  20. HarperRayneCreed: with who gma and im sorry if he hurt you i will talk to him
  21. EnkiHadesDreams3R: just with any one hun i am sorry i do not mean to make any problems do not worry about it
  22. HarperRayneCreed: it not a problem i just dont want either of you hurting
  23. EnkiHadesDreams3R: oh ok
  24. HarperRayneCreed: i dont want anyone hurting theres been enough lately
  25. EnkiHadesDreams3R: i know its ok
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