
horizonmanga 1 sidestory

Dec 21st, 2012
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  1. (ignore the -----s, those are just markers for the next page)
  3. On the surface area of the aerial City-ship Musashi's second starboard ship, Tama, was the Blue Thunder; since morning, it had been filled with people one couldn't really call customers. Inside were female students from the class 3-Plum. Even though school hadn't begun, Masazumi was sitting on a chair in the middle of the shop.
  4. "P-01s, I don't quite understand why you wanted to try out the clothes I wear, but why did you have me change into these too? I have to leave in fifteen minutes."
  5. Masazumi was wearing P-01s' work clothes as she said this. Kimi, as she was combing Masazumi's hair, said,
  6. "Fufu, silly you. Dressing up does take time, but it brings enjoyment not just to you, but to anyone who sees you as well. Either way, if you don't change your outfit everyday, you'll get tired of it, and other people will too, right?"
  7. Masazumi thinks to herself, in that case..., as Kimi spoke. She sighs to herself as she thinks, it looks like a girl's life needs a lot of allowance. Enjoying ones self needs skill, acquisition and learning how to use equipment, and the assistance of others. Much like how her work in the political track requires knowledge, learning how to respond to difficult issues, and getting books and information.
  8. In that case, Masazumi thought once more, ... It seems my alloted allowance has already been used up.
  9. Ah, she sighs even more. This was out of her own introspection, understanding, and thoughts on the matter. In any case, with her political role as the student council vice president, she did not really find any desire to use makeup or dress fancily.
  10. "Asama and Mitotsudaira, you seem to handle all that along with all your work."
  11. Mother must have been that way too - she certainly couldn’t say that.
  12. But- eh? Someone said as she turned around. It was Asama, who was combing P-01s's hair. She said with a smile,
  13. "I don't really put on any makeup... I have my misogi purification rituals so any lotion would just go poof."
  14. My, that's true, said Mitotsudaira as she nodded; she was inside helping the shopekeeper with carrying out the food, using a stretcher to carry out everyone's portions, as well as her own extra-thick ham steak and placing them all on the table.
  15. "Because of the divine protection from my non-human side, I too do not need such cosmetics. Or rather, my lifestyle does not require the use of such."
  16. "In that case, where are you two using that 'allowance' of yours?"
  19. -----
  22. Is it work, as expected? Or perhaps academics? Family matters? She looks to the distance as she ponders this, but instead, a reaction. Asama and Mitotsudaira exchange glances; Kimi too, as well as Suzu and the others through a signframe.
  23. "..."
  24. She let out a smile, one that of helplessness.
  25. ... Eh?
  26. It was not to dampen the mood, but out of a feeling of alienation. Because the girls made no effort to hide anything, nor did they have any sort of pre-arranged agreement to any of this. It was a smile that naturally came. That's why Masazumi said, not to anyone in particular,
  27. "Is there something up with where that allowance goes?"
  28. Jud., answered Adele. As she told Mitotsudaira who was about to deliver the dishes and stretcher to leave it to her said,
  29. "Um, well, much of that allowance ends up going to the Chancellor."
  30. "Ahh, to Aoi huh..."
  31. She couldn't do anything but accept it as it was; I see, Masazumi nodded.
  32. "In the year's end ball game tournament, when we were deciding the games he declared, 'The guys are doing rugby!' as the student council president. I was wondering what he was thinking, but that guy's totally naked you know... No one's gonna even think of tackling him! Every time you'd lay a finger on him, he'd start spewing things like "Nuhooooo!!" or, "Dooon't, it's my first time there!!" in a weird voice."
  33. "And yet when he'd tackle, his hand'd thrust in from the rear and twist and make the other guy cry, yeah?"
  34. "Nai here; I was watching everything from above - I thought he had a knack for instantly making anyone stop in their tracks. Everyone would just stay right there and have their hands between their thighs; then for some reason, he'd pat them on the shoulder and say 'It's alright...'"
  35. "Since there wasn't any money on the table, Shiro just stayed in the sidelines and had the rules changed to allow ranged attacks; the results were pretty much as expected."
  36. ... I'm so glad I didn't have to go up against that guy in the student council elections.
  37. I'm not sure whether or not he mistakes me for a guy, but if he did, I wonder what would've happened to me during the declaration of political platform, I wonder?
  38. However, everyone was relaxedly talking to me about Aoi - not teaching me about him. I was right in the middle of it all, listening intently.
  39. In response to the situation, as Masazumi took the cup in her hand and put it to her lips, she thought,
  40. ... It's already been a year since I came here. I shouldn't be thinking of things like feeling alienated.
  41. "Ah, Miss Masazumi, that is this P-01s' new creation; it was made as the complete opposite of fresh donuts - 'donuts fresh'."
  43. -------
  46. Masazumi choked. Frozen, she tilted her head all the way back with the cup still on her lips to get it to pass through her throat, as she thought,
  47. This must be, you know, that. It's got to be some sweetened flour, butter, sugar, and eggs just kneaded together.
  48. "It is currently time for breakfast so I have included some ground salad and corn soup as well."
  49. Without looking this way, Naruse spoke as she was drawing a storyboard.
  50. "That's not gonna fly, is it?"
  51. In reality, I thought the same so I sighed. After choking for a moment, I looked at P-01s, who simply tilted her head. In that case, there's only one thing I should do. I hold out the cup I'd drank from, as a part of hands-on learning,
  52. "Want some?"
  53. Jud., nodded P-01s, as she slowly drank. Hey, hey, I thought, as the automated doll put her free hand on her hips and from her throat emmanated three sounds: sip, glug, and slurp. Adding to the three sounds was a final one:
  54. "Phew."
  55. As she placed the completely empty cup on the table, as if slamming it. And after making a bow, she said,
  56. "Flavor aside, this may be delicious in solid form if baked properly."
  57. "She's practically admitting that she's in complete denial! Complete denial!"
  58. Now now, said the one combing her hair, Asama. She shifts her gaze to me, and to the one behind, Aoi's sister.
  59. "Both of you seem to be about done, so could you line up here?"
  60. In response, I sensed that Aoi's sister behind me had shruged. After combing through my hair, she let go and said,
  61. "Come now, have a look. The comb's just falling straight through."
  62. She bends down as she says this, catching the comb that was falling to the floor. On seeing this, Asama makes an face with an Ohh expression.
  63. "Is it really?"
  64. On being asked, P-01s, whose head was tilted, placed a comb through her own hair as well. And suddenly,
  65. "The comb's going up-!"
  66. "Ah, that was my gravity manipulation."
  67. P-01s says, as she takes the comb floating in midair. Oh you, says the expressions on everyone's faces. Adele recovered quickly and voiced out everyone's general opinion.
  68. "Your super-smooth hair might be even smoother than Asama's or Suzu's. What do you use when you shampoo and rinse?"
  69. "Well, nothing special, just my father's tonic-type wash during my morning shower."
  70. It seemed as if they were watching out for my response, but everyone's response seemed to be one of Ah, I see. Perhaps it was an understanding that - Oh, it's that kind of household - though I realize that this mild relief I feel may be a bit of childish naïveté. Aoi's sister scooped up my hair in her hands, and said,
  71. "Well, your hair is getting rather thin, that's for sure. It seems to be keeping its sheen, so you should eat food with a little more substance. I'm going to treat you like a canvas the next time you fall flat on the ground with such bad timing. Don't just devour books, but something actually edible, okay?"
  73. -----
  76. P-01s was holding the cup out to me, but let's ignore that. That said, for a certain matter which she was more certain of, words came to mind. Masazumi prefaced them with Hey, as she lined up behind P-01s, who was dressed in her usual clothes, as she addressed everyone.
  77. "Guys, are you planning to do something with Aoi?"
  78. "What makes you think that?"
  79. "Hm... I'm not allocating my allowance to Aoi you see. Well, it's nice that the Far East is peaceful and all, but I am the Vice President after all. Whenever the S.C. President is up to something, I can't have a separate course of action right? Or maybe..."
  80. I might as well ask, she thought
  81. "Is there something Aoi, or someone close to him, is hiding from me?"
  82. "Eh!? N- nothing, Nothing at all! Right Mito? Now, sorry for suddenly tossing the question to you, but there's nothing all all, right!?"
  83. “Kuh... Haha, ha, ha, nothing at all, Masazumi! You certainly didn’t have to ask me to confirm that, haha!”
  84. Yeah, there's definitely something going on here... Masazumi thought. But she felt it must be something that she was better off not knowing. However, on a whim, she asked P-01s beside her.
  85. "Do you have anything that you're up to?"
  86. Immediately she was asked, P-01s suddenly raised her right hand. Is she making a speech? Or so everyone thought. She directed her gaze here, and as if her thread was cut-
  87. "..."
  88. Her entire body fell to the floor. Rather than simply falling over, it was more like her entire body just instantly fell onto the floor. A heavy sound resounded throughout the room as she hit the wooden floorboards.
  89. "Kyaahh!! Are you alright!? Was it that strange solid thing!?"
  90. "No, I am in this outfit right now so I might as well take the opportunity - for imitating Miss Masazumi. By the way, this is completely authentic, and I cannot move in the slightest."
  91. "Hey now, I need to head to school now so I'll just leave this to the shopkeeper and change, alright?"
  92. Eh? said Adele, and Suzu who was busy working in the bathhouse and therefore was participating through a signframe. The two said,
  93. "Oh? Do you mean the clothes that the Vice President just took off? I thought they were for the wash so I sent them off to Suzu."
  94. "Y- yeah. They're in the... Soaking room... Right now..."
  95. There was only one conclusion; after looking down at an imitation of her collapsing, unable to move, and the clothes she wore that were baggy in the chest area, her shoulders slumped.
  96. "Looks like I can't do anything about it; I'll only be a bother if I go to class with no air intake."
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