

Apr 23rd, 2014
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  1. Name: Kannah ?????? (last name never mentioned)
  3. Handle: forsakenEvanescent
  5. Quirk: Prefix & Suffix are both a single "-" and replaces o/O with 0.
  7. Gender: Female
  9. Age: About 10 sweeps
  11. Blood: Indigo (doesn't follow the spectrum)
  13. God Tier: Unknown (never plays the game)
  15. Strife Specibus: Unknown/none
  17. Modus: None (uses space-warping pouch with unlimited space in her tunic that she uses to store items)
  19. Appearance: She has curly black hair, cut short at the nape of her neck. Her horns curve gently forward, then sharply back. Her mark is that of the double infinity, indigo and in the middle of the back of her neck, in the middle of the pale skin. Around her neck is a length of sinew, from which dangles a dragon's tooth. She is well filled out, about 160 pounds and now almost 6 feet tall, with nicely filled out curves and very pretty facial features. The skin around her wrists, ankles, and neck is very pale, as though the skin there hasn't seen light before. She wears a loose sleeveless grey wool tunic that reaches halfway down her thighs, with a rope belt around her hips. Under the tunic she wears a set of sheepskin pants that are slightly loose on her. Around her arms are intricate silver armbands. Down her right thigh on the outside is a tribal tattoo that goes from hip to knee, usually hidden by her pants, but visible when in her bikini. When cold, she often wears a white-furred wolfskin cloak. Reference drawing: (excuse my bad drawing)
  21. Current injury log: Kannah is missing a tooth and has a scar on her upper right arm, on either side, where a blade had pierced clean through the arm.
  23. Personality: She is calm and collected, but slightly temperamental. She spends a lot of time in her thoughts. When angered, which isn't often, her voice switches to the male voice, which seems to be a splinter shard of her personality that is aggressive and temperamental in counterpart to her usual passive and calm personality.
  25. Extra Abilities: None, save surprising strength despite her size, the strength derived from her high blood caste. She doesn't use this strength often save when eating, or when the male personality counterpart is active. She can also mimick almost any voice.
  27. Story: Although you, Kannah, managed to beat the trials and get chosen by your three-headed wolf lusus, Wolfmom, two of her heads didn't like you. The two heads overruled the one that liked you and gathered up trolls, forcing them to chain you to a wall in the Library of your hive. You had no abilities to leave, and your only friends became the books around you and the imaginary friend you came up with. However, you recognize that your friend isn't real, so you don't think you're crazy. You think that there's only one moon on Alternia, and that it changes colors, but in reality, only one moon at a time ever passed through the single window in the Library. Because you were liked by one of Wolfmom's three heads, you were fed a portion of raw meat whenever one of the moons turned full. However, you became extremely malnourished and filthy, unable to clean yourself, and lost track of reality due to the books you read, which were all fantasy. You broke free one day when Wolfmom didn't return from a hunt, breaking the chains and jumping through the window, then running for freedom. You accidentally took a portal to The Vivandus Station, where you found Dragondad, Barthimus. Wolfmom is most definately dead now, due to Barthimus killing her to protect himself and you when you returned to the hive one day. You now live in Barthimus's world with him.
  29. Relationships:
  30. Lusus: Wolfmom (deceased)
  31. Barthimus/Dragondad (adoptive, deceased)
  33. Social Class: Recluse
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