
Ori of the Dragon Chain - "Heart" in the mind Web Novel Summary

Feb 17th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Illustration of the main characters: https://i.imgur.com/0hATudr.jpg
  3. Part 1
  5. The MC Nozomu has an ability that affects him negatively. It crushes his physical and magical abilities. The school stuff and students, at least Mars knows about it. He has some sympathy from a few teachers. Nozomu's swordsmanship master is an old woman who lives in the nearby by forest. She is from that world's notJapan country. She came from a swordsmanship family, she is also a master swordswoman. Her story is basically very similar to the MCs. She devoted herself to the sword, got very good at it and be known for it. Then her sister brought a dude and both of them wanted her to teach him. She with force accepts it, then they later become lovers and decide to marry. On their marriage day a man comes out blaming the master for adultery, and with bullshit evidence makes people believe him. The marriage falls apart, her family blames her and people scorns her. Later her sister reveals that she was behind everything due to jealousy and forces her out of country. She while living in the forest stumbles upon the MC around the time he got dumped. She takes pity on him and after saving him from monsters teaches swordsmanship to him. She uses a katana so that's the reason the MC uses a katana.
  7. MC hears about a dragon sighting rumor and when he goes to the forest he stumble upon Dragon King Tiamat's domain. Tiamat basically plays with him like a cat does with a mouse and on the verge of death MC's suppression ability manifests as a chain, he breaks it and gets a power up. Using his master's ki teachings beats the dragon but the dragon's soul gets absorbed into his body. This causes a little permanant power up for him. With that power up he beats Mars in a mock battle, causing him to reevaluate his stance on the MC.
  9. Meanwhile all that the MC's master has an incurable disease. She forces him to do a mortal kombat with her. She dominates her but when she see him being hesitant she reveals her past and her disease. MC before that was aware of Tiamat but was fearing that him destroying the chains could cause the dragon to escape so he was hesitant bu does it anyway. He taps into his power alongside with the dragon's and defeats his master. She dies at the end with a 'It's ok to run away, as long as you're aware you're running away from your problems' message. Then the MC moves on to the third year of his school. This ends the part 1.
  11. Part 2
  13. Nozomu after his mortal kombat with his master is badly injured. Coupled with his mental fatigue over killing his master makes him barely pass his written and practical tests and that translates into him being the worst at the worst class in his 3rd year again. His two teachers that are sympathetic to him are worried over what happened to him to cause these injuries while Mars is wondering why is he not showing his real potential. His teachers get a hold of him one day on lunch time and while they are over the infirmary Iris Dina, the main heroine (she is daughter of a big shot from a different country, plus best student of their year) and Tima Lime her best friend brings along an injured student. MC helps them but Tima acts coldly to him due to the rumors. MC around the time after his end year exams helped Iris' sister Somia with catching her cat and gets close to her without knowing they are sisters. Iris later sees the two and remarks that due to their noble upbringing she and her sister knows when someone comes close to them only to use them, but feels nothing like that over the MC. So she and her sister invites him to Somia's birthday party.
  15. Mars stopped being a dick to Nozomu and even tries to be close to him but there is awkwardness between them. He tails the MC when he goes to the forest and later confronts him, takes him to a secluded place and suddenly attacks. MC repels, Mars wants to learn about his powers and why he is hiding them but suddenly Mars' sister Ena interrupts them. She takes them to their aunt's inn/restaurant place and apologizes to him. Ena holds the power on their sibling relationship and after getting humiliated by Ena the group laughs if off at the end, the awkwardness is no more and they truly start their friendship.
  17. One day when the MC was at the restaurant Ken (MC's childhood friend) and Lisa (ex-gf) comes to the place, plus they all had to sit at the same table due to there being no empty tables. MC after determined to move on from the status quo asks why did she dump him? She gets enraged and storms out crying. We learn that at that time a 'friend' told her that Nozomu was cheating on her. She doesn't believe it but she sees him with a woman outside, they kiss too. This is why she dumped him. She runs outside the city crying and having a breakdown, Ken comes after her. Around the time she runs out Ena says to go after her but MC laments that he has no place near her.
  19. Iris and Tima stumble upon Mars and Nozomu. Iris urges Tima to apologize to Nozomu, she does. She is afraid of males turns out. Mars kind of falls in love with her but acts pretty tsundere to her. Iris invites Mars to the party too. Ena learning about her brother's act against Tima goes with them to apologize. They go, the siblings apologize and all have a good time all around. After the party and just as Nozomu is ready to give his present to Somia, a butler dude comes crashing the party. He is a vampire that serves to a family that had a pact with Iris' family 300 years ago, lent a tool and that tool was fused with Somia's soul turns out. Now he is here to collect the tool meaning her soul. He summons a grim reaper through the contract but Tima, Iris and Mars hold it back as best of their abilities. Since Mars' and Nozomu's swords were detained, Nozomu goes to gather them. He returns to a very dangerous situation and defeats the grim reaper to save Somia. Reaper is bound to the contract and can regenerate, Iris and Nozomu clash with the vampire butler dude. Just as the butler dude succeeds, MC breaks the ability suppression chains, destroys the contract and defeats the vampire. He faints afterwards and wakes up later. After he is well enough he gives the little sister his present and both sisters give their heartfelt thanks for saving her while each holding his hands.
  21. Part 3
  23. The incident at the party is covered up by a magic tool explosion. Mars and Nozomu gets invited to have a lunch with Iris and Tima. Everyone from Nozomu's classroom sees this and gets surprised about how the best student of the school is approaching familiarly to the worst student of the school. Nozomu becomes main center of attention due to this and a group of bullies separate him from Mars, who was warding attempts to bully him to physically bully Nozomu. He resists and even moves in to take down one of them but due to their numbers gets hit in the back and from the sides. He resists till the end when the second heroine Sina Juliel who is an elf saves him though she is not so friendly to him due to the rumors that originated with the ex-gf situation. Someplace a little far away an unnamed student with golden tail and ears monitored the whole thing with his magic.
  25. Nozomu, Mars, Mars's sister Ena, Iris Dina, her sister Somia and Tima become pretty close after the incident and were having a gathering on the siblings restaurant. Then they all go out for sightseeing. While outside Iris pulls Nozomu aside and says her plans to get Tima and Mars closer to cure her fear of boys as Nozomu and Mars are two people she doesn't have a problem with now. Plus on vampire's attack, Mars protecting Tima left a good impression on her. So Somia and Ena goes somewhere separate while Iris and Nozomu goes another. Tima thanks Mars for protecting her. They both get cute moments together and awkwardly get closer to each other. Meanwhile Nozomu and Iris goes to a candy store and help the store owner there. While looking at the kids there Iris thinks how she wants to protect her sister and that's why she wants to get stronger but what is the reason for Nozomu to get stronger? Later they stumble upon a fortune teller old man named Sonne. He holds Iris' hand for fortune telling but holds her hands too long. Nozomu quarrels with the old man while a pissed off Iris overpowers him and makes the old man faint. The two drop the honorifics, Iris holds Nozomu's hand and starts running.
  27. Last chapter of this part shows the group after they part ways. Ena is a little disappointed at how Tima tamed Mars on half a day despite her and her aunt's years of tries. Iris looks back at her time with Nozomu and how he bravely saved her and her sister. Tima is flustered about her new feelings for Mars. Nozomu while going to his dorm room hears Tiamat's heartbeat and wonders what it means while a shadowy figure watches Nozomi with a mix of anger and hatred.
  29. Part 4
  31. Iris and Nozomu are doing a mock battle between themselves while Mars, Tima and Somia are watching. After that seeing how Mars now took an interest in studying magic more seriously after their defeat at the hands of the vampire butler, the group goads Tima to give lectures to Mars. The group comes to the school together with everyone looking at how Mars but mostly Nozomu is with the girls. Later at Iris's classroom Lisa stops her to have a little talk. Iris was also interested in her and agrees to it. She is pretty much seething at her for being friends with Nozomu and says that she should stop before he betrays her too. Tima thinking about the situation arranges the group to have a talk at the restaurant without Nozomu but no one knows what really happened between Lisa and Nozomu. Both Iris and Mars realizes they don't really know anything about him.
  33. Nozomu realizes he is finally have something to look forward to at school thanks to his new environment but remembers his break up with Lisa. One thing sticks out was how Lisa instantly believed the cheating rumors. For her to believe it this fast he thinks only someone like Ken can be behind it. Just then he stumbles upon Ken and asks him about his doubts. Ken reveals that he was the one who was behind the rumors. His justification is that he'd be a baggage for her. Seeing how Lisa is still hang up on him Ken attacks Nozomu. Nozomu, shocked can only handle the attack but he is even more shocked when Ken attacks with the face of Lisa, wounding him on the shoulder. Turns out Ken awakened to an ability that made him impersonate any person he wants. He used that to make Lisa believe in the cheating. He then reveals that he liked her first and will take care of her now. He always seethed at Nozomu after Lisa and him become a couple, always looked from a distance even when Nozomu's ability suppression causes his downfall but when his impersonation ability appeared he finally went with his plan. Satisfied Ken leaves him there. Nozomu unconsciously goes to his master's hut in the forest and has a breakdown there. When he comes to he was surrounded by wolves and he decides to kill them all.
  35. Nozomu goes full edgelord mode and kills all the wolves in a gruesome manner with blood and guts all over the place. But that's not all as a Cyclops emerges from the forest and attacks him. He doesn't run away and instead engages the enemy. Cyclops have a troublesome ability to go berserker mode when injured so he tries to kill it in one hit but he fails and the ability activates. It takes his everything to kill it but even more Cyclopes appear. At this point Nozomu breaks the chains. He annihilates all the Cyclopes even though his body takes big brunt of harm due to his powers. After killing everything and getting the blood of both himself and his enemies on him, he passes out. He somehow gets up next and goes to the city where Sina finds him and takes him in to her dorm room to treat his injuries. She gets angry at him while treating him when her friend Mimuru, a cat girl comes knocking. She hides her and after Mimuru leaves, she acts harsher then before and tells him to leave but when she makes a remark about how he abandoned Lisa and yadda yadda Nozomu snaps but stops himself. He lefts hurriedly afterwards while muttering he didn't do that.
  37. Nozomu is now haunted by nightmares due to latest events and Tiamat. His mood is the worst, his friends seems to understand that too. The corpses of the cyclopes were found by the city guards and a teacher named Jihad. Jihad is the most powerful warrior teacher of the school. They are in turmoil about how an unknown person powerful enough to eliminate 10 cyclopes exists now. Outside the gates Kevin, a silver wolf beastman approaches creepily to Iris after getting an earful from Jihad a day before. He talks shit about Nozomu but Mars interrupts him and both prepare to fight but a teacher, called to the scene by Sina stops them. Feo, the golden tail and eared dude is observing what happened this time too. Feo then confronts Sina about her relationship with Nozomu but she brushes it aside. Feo also confronts Iris about the same topic making Iris angry. Still Nozomu left a deep impression on Sina when he snapped at her. Mars is pretty frustrated that there is a wall between him and Nozomu that he can't destroy but ultimately decides to wait for Nozomu to talk about what happened to him. Later when Mars trying to invite Nozomu to do some training they see Ken and Lisa going out. When Lisa sees him she gives an angry look but Ken grinning behind her makes Nozomu's blood boil and glares them back, surprising Lisa to get that angry look back. He ditches Mars and runs to the forest again.
  39. There he sees Sina, Mimuru and her boyfriend Tom fighting some goblins. After the fight they make their dissatisfaction in seeing him there but it all gets pushed aside when an unknown monster attacks them. They fight back and Nozomu witness Sina's hatred of demonic monsters. This is due to her homeland getting overrun by them and leaving elves homeless. She unleashes a powerful attack but the monster doesn't die. In its counter-attack it bites on Tom's arm. Nozomu saves him from further damage but situation becomes even more hopeless when the monster evolves into some grotesque form. Nozomu instruct Sina and Mimuru to take Tom to his master's hut for treatment and leave him as a bait. He runs as the monster chases him and takes him to a goblin village which he learned about from his days of training under master. He baits the monster to attack to goblins and runs away from it.
  41. Back in the hut after treating Tom, Mimuru is blaming Sina for her boyfriend's injury since she didn't want to run away. Nozomu comes back later and prepares a meal for all of them. Sina's family died while giving a chance to run away for her so she is traumatized turns out. She confronts Nozomu on him being a decoy but thanks him for everything and asks his forgiveness for acting coldly before. Next morning she leaving a note goes after the monster alone. Nozomu after discovering that goes after her. Sina's elf magic works using contracts with spirits but they don't respond to her calls and she fights the monster without their help. Just as she was facing imminent death, Nozomu saves her. The two start fighting against it together but couldn't defeat it. Due to recent events Nozomu can't break the chains now but Mimuru joins the fight instead along with Tom. With Mimuru doing beastificaion and Nozomu, they buy enough time for Sina who is now be able to use spirit magic to fire off a high powered arrow to the monster, killing it. Later the school wanting to know what happened calls Nozomu and Sina. There we are introduced to a teacher named Inda who isn't so fond of Nozomu. Sina mentions that the demon beast was the same kind that destroyed her homeland. The incident is wrapped up and Sina is finally warmed up to Nozomu.
  43. Side Story: This is about how Nozomu while working at the city gets found out by Iris Dina who was out on a stroll and offering her help. While helping people out Iris' hands develop a rash and Nozomu puts an ointment on her hands. Iris wants to help out Nozomu whenever possible and that ends their day.
  45. Part 5
  47. Nozomu wakes up to a nightmare where he released Tiamat and caused the destruction of the school and death of everyone. His relationship with Iris and everyone is a little strained but Sina and her friends started to approach him and start to get along with everyone. Lisa is now feeling more jealous seeing Nozomu with Iris but tries to find solace in having Ken near her. Lisa's fixation on Iris doesn't escape Ken and her friend Camilla. The duo then start shit talking Nozomu which makes Camilia question why Ken started doing this now when he didn't participate before. Iris already guessed what might have transpired between Nozomu, Ken and Lisa but is waiting for Nozomu to open himself to her. Still, she wants to help him so she decided to confront Lisa using mock battle as an excuse. They confront over Nozomu, Iris saying that Nozomu isn't someone who would cheat on a lover while Lisa argues that if so why didn't he says so himself. Then we are given the reasons as how Nozomu devoted himself to training and Ken did everything to keep him away from Lisa. Their battle ends with double KO. Later Nozomu's new friend group gets more chummy with each other. They start doing training together too. Their training season gets interrupted by Feo attacking Nozomu. The others attack in return but he casts some form of barrier to do 1vs1 with Nozomu. Nozomu accepts since he was suspicious of him observing them from a distance. Feo dominates the battle but he is also impressed Nozomu could put up a fight. He lands a critical hit just as the others finally make a big enough hole in the barrier for Mimuru to pass through and destroy the barrier catalyst. Feo tries to run away but Tom's magic makes a hole on the ground to trap Feo. Finally when asked for the reason of attack, Feo says he was interested in getting to know his powers as he was someone who got close to Iris and Sina. Seeing there is no bigger reasons for attacking him Nozomu forgives Feo but dumps a bag full of insects on his head while he is stuck to the ground. Mars remarks that Nozomu was actually quite angry.
  49. There is an upcoming outdoors exercise that people from all classes will participate. Unique thing about this one is you can obstruct other parties from reaching their objectives. For the second day of the exercise there is no restriction on party members so just as Iris try to invite Nozomu, Feo interrupts and makes a party with him. Nozomu then invite Iris and Sina. Iris acts tsundere but Sina accepts it, surprising both Iris and Nozomu. Iris regrets her actions later. Mars is trying to apply magic and ki techniques at the same time to his sword but is not so successful about it. While training for it Tima comes and heals his injuries. Still Mars is too occupied with the training and gives a cold shoulder to her. Back in the female dorm, Mirumu probes Sina's feelings for Nozomu. Meanwhile Nozomu's nightmares are getting frequent and worse. While the friends make group and training plans for the exercise Somia asks Nozomu out for a date shocking everyone. While on a date the others follow them, Nozomu notices them too. Somia wants her fortune to be read so they go to the perverted fortune teller old man Sonne. Then they make candies at candy store while Iris watches them from a distance. Thinking of getting near them she disguises herself with clothes from a nearby store but Nozomu easily sees through her get up. Later they sit down on a bench near a park and there Somia explains how due to her being lonely for never really knowing her mother (she died when Somia was little) she used to be jealous and hate her sister. So feeling lonely she runs away but her sister and father finds her. After this incident they become much closer. As a thank you for saving her, Somia kisses Nozomu on the cheeks. Seeing this Iris jumps out but gets a scolding from Somia for following them and she as a 'punishment' makes Iris form a party with Nozomu for the second day of the exercise.
  51. The exercise is like a festival which families of the students also participate as watchers and are held at the forest near the school. For the first day only parties with the people from the same class is accepted. Nozomu and Mars already agreed to make a party but at the register they see Nozomu's former bullies who were defeated by Mars Nozomu duo on a mock battle before wanting to make a party with them. They agree and register their party. Everyone are given pendants that are used to track their status. The main organizer of this exercise is Jihad, the best teacher of the school who is also a might warrior. Under his guidance first day of the exercise starts. The students are given certain objectives, completing those earns you points but defeating other parties also nets you points with higher class parties having bigger points. Nozomu becomes de-facto leader of the party using his knowledge of the forest and his survivor skills. They setup a base and Nozonu makes traps on the surrounding. The party splits in two with one group defend it while the other, under Mars's leadership goes out to earn points. They also establish a way to send a signal when they have to abandon the base. Base group with the help of traps and working together defeats a group that comes at them. Just then Henri Var, one of the special targets of the exercise shows up. Nozomu thinking the best way to go is to abandon the base gives the signal to Mars' group and try to run away but Henri attacks two students and forces Nozomu to a fight. The others run to the rendezvous location while Nozomu is left behind to deal with Henri. They have a fierce clash with neither being able to defeat another but attacked party members return to help him. With a dedicated team effort they damage Henri's pendant. Jihad reads Henri's defeat along with other special targets and his interest in Nozomu who was also related to the black demon beast rises. Then we are shown Lisa's side as they are taking the exercise. Camilla further notices the change in Ken and asks about it but both Ken and Lisa refuse that. On Iris' side while they are doing their exercise, they talk about the rift that happened between Nozomu and the group recently. Tima feeling responsible, tells Iris to ask Nozomu about Lisa and the rest after the exercise is over.
  53. Sina's party having finished their objective talk about going to where Nozomu's party is. Iris' party on other hand get ambushed by Lisa's party while talking about Nozomu. After repelling the initial attack both parties are at a stand still since their skills are around the same level. Using the numbers advantage Lisa's party start pushing Iris and Tima into a corner. Back at Nozomu's party, even though one of them dropped out during the fight with Henri, the group decided to press further. Right after that silver wolf beastman Kevin, the one fixated on Iris and ridiculed Nozomu appears. The group start fighting and Kevin who expected an easy win gets a beating by Nozomu and Mars. The rest of Nozomu's group though couldn't handle Kevin's group so Nozomu sends Mars to their help. Sina's group suddenly appears and attacks both sides while Feo appears and attacks Kevin for fighting Nozomu as to him Nozomu was his to fight. Situation further escalates when Lisa and Iris' parties also come to the same place while fighting. Mars decides on using the magic and ki at the same time technique to beat his enemies while Kevin frustrated tries to crush both Nozomu and Feo. Mars releases his technique successfully and his side gains the upper hand against Kevin's team. Mars' side is now dealing with Sina's while Nozomu targets Camilla but Ken comes in between them attacking. They clash but Nozomu gradually gets pushed by Ken. Tiamat tries to temp him to break his chains but Nozomu endures. Seeing him Ken begin his shit talking angering Nozomu to the extreme. He begin pushing Ken to the point of nearly killing him but stops at the last moment and cut his cheek. Hearing Ken's cry Lisa (the bitch) comes to his side and fires off a giant fire magic with a face full of hatred. Magic nearly swallows Nozomu but he is saved thanks to Iris and Tima. Seing Lisa and Ken looking at him Nozomu is nearly getting his edge mode on but Iris proposes teaming up with Nozomu. He accepts and calms down thanks to Iris. Kevin, pretty mad at being blown away by Mars starts his beastification when the ground cracks open and a zombie dragon emerges.
  55. Emerged dragon starts attacking everyone. Mimuru is sent to tell the teachers about the dragon, besides Nozomu and Mars, their party takes the wounded to a safe place. Kevin bitches about Nozomu being one of the forces to fight the dragon but Iris shuts him up. Ken and Lisa doesn't forget to glare at Nozomu. Everyone team up to fight the dragon. Just as the fight continues zombie dragon badly injures Kevin and Mars. Nozomu and Feo rescue the duo meanwhile Lisa and her party attack the dragon. When Lisa thinks she made a fatal blow at the dragon, it attacks and incapacitates her. The dragon using that chance tries to eat Lisa but at that moment Nozomu saves her. His attacks damage the dragon's skin but it is still not enough. Tima, Mars and Sina all try to attack the dragon but Mars' new wind magic-ki technique backfires and scatters them around the place. Seeing the hopeless situation Nozomu tries to break the chains but he is unable to. Then dragon's attack knocks out Nozomu and Sina. He wakes up in a emergency tent and learns that hearing the situation from Mimuru Jihad run to the place, killed the zombie dragon and saved them. Everyone is safe but injured. Nozomu and Sina is visited by their friends but Mars furious comes to the tent and punches Nozomu for not taking it seriously. When asked for the reason why he didn't use his powers, Nozomu can't answer. This causes Mars to punch him one more. Seeing the spectacle everyone holds Mars down, while doing that Mars shakes Tima off making her fall down. Mars's anger turns into disappointment at Nozomu and he leaves the tent. Walking wobbly Nozomu goes after Mars. The exercise is cancelled and the students gets dismissed but the whereabouts of Nozomu and Mars is unknown. While looking for them Sina questions Mars' words and learns what happened to Somia during her birthday and what Nozomu did to save her. Mars at their restaurant is drinking his worries away. Drunken Mars' uncle kicks him out of the restaurant to cool his head off. While walking the streets he sees a couple of people which were his former entourage from when he bullied Nozomu, trying to rape a women. He saves the girl but takes a beating. Meanwhile Tima visited Mars' restaurant and told what happened at the school. She later runs after Mars and finds him. Tima learned about Mars' family situation. Mars and Ena's mother died from a pandemic, their father turned to women and alcohol to cope with the lose, started being violent to his kids and eloped with a woman in the end. None of their relatives wanted the siblings, only their neighbors from the time they were a full family accepted them. Tima talks with Mars and makes him realize what he needs to do; apologize to Nozomu and ask what's eating him. Then Mars notices the ankle injury she got when Mars shook her off, does a princess carry of her to the family restaurant and gets scolded by his aunt and Ena.
  57. Nozomu is at the outer edge of the city, trying to train again but he is too exhausted mentally and physically. Sina finds him and after learning some of the things he hides, they have a heart to heart talk. Then his teacher finds Nozomu. Nozomu realizing he has people that feel hurt for him decides to tell his powers to Henri. Henri asking if his master also knows about it surprises Nozomu. Henri realized since Nozomu changed his sword to katana, he must have a master. Then Nozomu tells the two stories about his master. Nozomu pours out his heart to the two. Sina holds Nozomu's ha nds and tells him that she wants to help him. Nozomu then decides to tell everything to his friends. Iris and everyone are searching for Nozomu to no avail. Tima returns with Mars and he apologizes to everyone. Sina with Henri returns to them and tells them about Nozomu. About how he had a master, how his powers are dangerous, what his master's last words to him and how he wants to meet with them at his master's hut tomorrow. Two groups Lisa's and Sina's get surprised at the unknowns about Nozomu, Iris and Somia are especially shaken. Back at their home Iris and Somia are sad about the latest developments. Both sisters are afraid of losing him and they both really want to meet him. We are given a scene where some hooded figure restores the corpse of the zombie dragon, then resurrects it. The dragon which has restored wings now flies away. A day later Nozomu feels more free after the yesterday night's events. He trains with sword when his friends and the two teachers who were sympathetic to him arrive. Mars gives his apologies to him, Iris gives him his desire to see him again and Nozomu expresses his worries over how if revealed his powers he'd be shunned be them. Nozomu tries to break the chains again and this time he succeeds. Sina having the ability to see spirits nearly faints and remarks how this power is more than a human can handle. Nozomu explains how he killed Tiamat, how its souls placed inside him and how every time he breaks his chains Tiamat tries to break free from him. Iris and Mars however accept him. Just as they all have a touching moment revived zombie dragon attacks them. Dragon's attack flings Nozomu to his master's hut, destroying it in the process. Not only that the dragon breaths fire at the hut, making it go up in flames. Everyone team up together to stall the dragon and save Nozomu but the dragon especially stops the rescue efforts. Nozomu under the burning rubble tries to get up to no avail while Tiamat reaches him out, mocking him. Nozome finally escapes from the rubble but he finds himself inside his nightmare. Outside Nozome gets up but he is not himself. Sina seeing him like that collapses while zombie dragon attacks him. They clash for a while but Nozomu dominates it and gruesomely murders it.
  59. Nozomu now lost it after tapping more of Tiamat's power, his eyes crimson red and his body bleeding heavily. He can't differentiate friends or foe but in his mind he is trying to find his friends. Everyone attacks him in hopes of snap him out of his situation but he deflects the attacks and dominates the fight. His attacks come close to finishing them of but Nozomu unconsciously always pulls back at the last second. Sina wakes up and informs the party that he is hallucinating because of Tiamat. Tiamat is showing him the nightmare where the city is destroyed and in burning rubbles Nozomu is trying to find his friends. His friends in reality look like shadowy beasts to him. Sina to reach out Nozomu kisses Iris on the lips. The reason is to establish a temporary contract between them to convey Iris' voice to Nozomu. Iris and Sina clash against Nozomu, calling him out in the process. Seeing their failure Sina jumps at Nozomu and kisses him on the lips, doing the same contract with him to send Iris' voice to Nozomu. Iris uses this opportunity to tell Nozomu how she wants to be with him, protecting his back while also getting protected etc. This dispels the hallucination of Tiamat and Nozomu snaps out of it but is too late to stop his sword attack on Iris. He uses his other arm to plunge the sword inside of it. Iris hugs Nozomu, everyone is happy that he came back and start treating him, but he is upset that he pointed his sword towards his friends. Right at that moment the hooded figure who revived the zombie dragon and monitoring the situation makes a last minute move, constructs a mechanical dragon and moves the zombie dragon's soul inside of it (note: getting sick of this Ridley dragon bros). The new dragon targets Nozomu again but his friends protect him. Still they are beaten by the fights and lack the firepower to kill the dragon. Nozomu tells everyone to abandon him since he seems to be the primary target of the dragon but they refuse. Everyone desperately protecting him greatly affects Nozomu. After getting good enough to get up, Nozomu breaks the chains again. He resists Tiamat's mental attack and smashes the hallucination he showed to him. With having access to more power without Tiamat's interference Nozomu destroys the mechanical dragon but destroys his katana in the process. He then faints. The hooded figure who revived the dragon and watched the fights revealed to be the old man Sonne, the perverted fortune teller.
  61. Nozomu was in come for 5 days as his body was pretty trashed. When he wakes up he also finds out that his vision is now black and white while he can't hear anything. Sina and Iris, then his friends all fill the room but he can't hear anything they say. The teachers realize something was wrong and after getting the kids outside try to diagnose it. They couldn't find out why it happened but conclude it as an temporary thing as his vision and hearing become normal again. Nozomu is left to get some rest while the teachers explain his condition to Nozomu's friends. His friends could finally talk to him when he wakes up and give him his master's katana which survived the fire at the hut. Iris finally asks Nozomu to tell all about himself and he starts talking.
  63. Side Story: This happens two weeks after the forest incident. The story is about Mars, Feo, Nozomu and Tom. They are all letting it loose and getting some alcohol at Mars' family restaurant while Feo causes hijinks. It ends with Ena punishing them all for the hijinks they caused.
  65. Part 6
  67. Nozomu got rid of the nightmares caused by Tiamat and in its place now fighting against the dragon in the spiritual world regularly. Dragon always kills him at the end and he returns to reality. Everyone is improving their fighting abilities while Nozomu starts his training of using throwing weapons as long range attacks, an area he is lacking due to having no magic power. Lisa is under the weather ever since the exercise incident and when she heard Nozomu is seriously injured during it. Back in the school ranking for special exercise reveals that Nozomu's party takes 6th place. This changes everyone's attitude at Nozomu. Some suspect of him cheating and some look at him more positively. Back in his room Jihad who was looking at the parties that made it to top 10 is surprised of Nozomu's ranking and his in real life powers looking at his performance at the black demon and zombie dragon incidents. His interest in Nozomu gets bigger and this causes him to go have a talk with his teacher Henri. Iris who accepted a quest from the guild invites Nozomu to take it together, which he accepts but Feo also wants to come to Iris' dismay. We are also given the information that Nozomu talked about Lisa and Ken situation with his friends at the end of Part 5. He ends his talk about them with a vow to face Lisa. Back in present Nozomu is waiting at the front of the guild for Lisa and Feo. While waiting he ponders what to do about Ken and Lisa. How to prove Ken's betrayal and even then, what would he even want to be with Lisa who he feels mixed emotions for. Iris comes when he is having these thoughts, holds his hands and pulls him in the guild for registration. While they do they are approached by a man named Eldor who was a first year first class student and wants Iris to join his party. She refuses, Feo comes to the place too and they all go to do their quest. A little while before Lisa who was walking with Ken and her best friend Camilla sees Nozomu getting pulled by the hand inside of the guild by Iris. This makes Lisa very jelous who has begun to change after Nozomu saved her. Iris, Nozomu and Feo make their way to the forest to do their quest. While going there Feo presents Nozomu with 3 kunais that fits him and a belt to hold them. Their quest is killing the orcs that settled down on an ex-goblin village. Nozomu realizes this is the same goblin village he used as a bait before. Just then they stumble upon Sonne who according to him got attacked by some goblins. Realizing that they can't leave him here or move on with him, they decide to return to the city just as they hear sound of battle near them. Then they hear human voices so they go after those voice which turns out to be Eldor's party that was under the attack of orcs. They are scared shitless of the orcs but Nozomu's group helps them. Just as the orcs numbers dwindle and remaining ones start running away, Sonne appears in front of them. The group saves him as well and start treating the injured of Eldor's party.
  69. Seeing how the person he looked down upon helped and saved them, Eldor feels guilty of his actions at the guild. Sonne stubborn about his business in the forest refuses to return to the city and everyone act as one group go to the orc village. The village is empty as the orcs they killed were all of them on the guild request. What Sonne looking for in the forest turns out his fap stash that was stolen by goblins. Sina who refused to go do the quest Iris and co went to do is now regretting her decision. She is studying at the library when she sees Tima who is studying magic to help Mars. Somia, Mimuru and Tom also comes to the library. The group start having love talk while poking fun at Tima who gets flustered over Mars. This makes Sina think of how the reduced numbers of elves made their elders encourage marriage and having children. She was also offered marriage but Sina refused and came to this school. Mimuru also pokes fun at Sina not realizing her feelings for Nozomu. They make too much noise and end up getting kicked out of the library. Nozomu's party returned and gave their report to the guild. Eldor before departing apologizes to Nozomu. This makes him admire how fast he decided to fix his wrongs. Sonne offers him free fortune telling and after it Nozomu finally decides to how to move forward with Lisa, he wants her to pursue her dreams. A little before all these are happening, Lisa's party were also returning from their quest to the guild. Camilla goes in to report the quest, leaving the two alone. Ken questions Lisa's latest status. She is in emotional turmoil after seeing Nozomu with Iris. She should feel only hatred against him she thinks but she is not doing that lately and that bothers her. After seeing her like this Ken hugs her, she snuggles onto him and they get real close to kissing before Lisa breaks free. Turns out her break up caused her to reject romantic advances of others. Regular talking with males or cuddles, hugs or handholding with Ken is fine but anything more she rejects. They start walking away and stumble upon Nozomu's group. Nozomu expresses his desire to talk to her, she for the first time doesn't reject him immediately but Ken tries to come in between the two. Ken comes close to him and shit talks him in a voice only the two can hear. Nozomu start giving into the anger that's fueled by Tiamat but seeing Iris with teary eyes telling him to calm down stops his anger. Finally pushing Ken aside, Nozomu asks Lisa if she is still pursuing her dream of being an adventurer like her dad. Lisa rejects him telling why do you even care, and regret telling him that immediately. Ken seeing this tries to interrupt them but Iris holds him down using force which he escapes but Feo also stands before him. Just then Camilla arrives and this gives Lisa a chance to run away, Ken running after her. Nozomu tries to follow but is stopped by Camilla. Nozomu ignores her and runs after Lisa, he also calls Iris and Camilla to follow him which they do.
  71. Ken is cursing Nozomu while chasing after Lisa. His vision distorts for a moment but he doesn't stop. Sonne is the one who causes this distortion to show an illusion to him and stop him from chasing Lisa. While running Nozomu asks Camill about Lisa's last two years but she gets angry at him and stops them. This causes Iris and Nozomu to reveal the information of what Ken did to her. They start running after Lisa while talking. Camilla doesn't completely believe them but Ken's recent creepy grins made her doubt him and believe her believe the new information a little then she reveals how Lisa couldn't move on from Nozomu and afraid of making romantic relations. Nozomu catches up to Lisa but she slaps him. Tiamat tempts him to let loose and slaughter her but he shuts the dragon up and while holding her hands says sorry to Lisa. Tiamat begins to rampage which hurts Nozomu but he grits his teeth, makes Camilla take Lisa to their dorms and says to Lisa that he didn't betray her. Meanwhile Jihad and envoys of surrounding countries make an experiment on Abyss Grief, the thing that destroyed the elven country and Nozomu killed with Sina on the forest. Experiment goes awry with the monster running free but Jihad kills the monster. Nozomu next morning goes to Lisa and Camilla shocking both of them. Ken comes too and when trying to get close to Lisa, she rejects him. In the end the three goes to school while Nozomu following them along on the other side of the street. Sina who after getting connected with Nozomu through magic on the undead dragon incident didn't sever that connection, so she knew what happened between Lisa and Nozomu last night feeling jealous of the situation. Iris and the rest also see Nozomu near Lisa when they were walking to the school. Nozomu's actions causes a new wave of rumors but he doesn't care about them. He is questioned by his friends and he explains what happened between him and Lisa, also explains the reason he is doing this is to get close enough with her to make her listen what he will say about Ken. Jihad to make sure the results of the training exercise wasn't just luck and also still being curious about Nozomu prepares a new exercise with spectators composed of the top ten teams. Exercise starts with everyone's participation but Nozomu waits outside under teachers command. Seeing this Ken talks shit at him but Nozomu is called by the announcement to the arena. There it is revealed that Jihad (a two meters muscled man in his 40s equipped with a tower shield and a giant sword), the greatest warrior of the continent and also a teacher of the school is gonna have 1vs1 mock battle with him, shocking everyone hearing that. A barrier is deployed to keep the surroundings safe. Fight starts, Jihad overwhelms him with great strength, corners him and throws him to the center. Nozomu's friends all cheer him to use his abilities and he finally gathers some self-esteem, faces Jihad more seriously. Nozomu starts putting up an even fight that shocks the surrounding while fascinates Lisa. Jihad praises Nozomu but starts pushing him back but Nozomu fights back and scratches Jihad's shield which fascinates him. Nozomu continues his attack and destroys Jihad's shield. Jihad ups his attack and even start using his fists to fight against Nozomu. Jihad's relentless attacks and his energy being depleted leaves Nozomu cornered again. Finally Jihad releases a devastating attack on Nozomu, sending Nozomu flying off. He falls to the ground and blood beings to flow out. Lisa horrified by this wants to run besides him but the sight of Iris and everyone running to him stops her. Due to the barrier the group couldn't get near her but surprising everyone, Nozomu stands up. Refusing to give up Nozomu unleashes a final technique, Jihad counters that and Nozomu blacks out.
  73. Nozomu wakes up in a hospital room. Iris comes to the room to tend for him but gets quite angry. He doesn't understand her anger but when after everyone gathered and he is told that he was in a very serious situation due to repeated ki usage he understands her anger. He is also told that he slept for nearly 3 days. After getting discharged Nozomu finds out his reputation on school is getting better with first and second year students looking up to him. Jihad talks with Nozomu and reveals that he knew Nozomu's fighting style named Mikagura Style, the name of his master and her nickname Sword Princess. Also her sword that she entrusted to Nozomu is one of a kind. While leaving Jihad's room Nozomu sees Lisa waiting for him but she runs away when Iris and the group comes for Nozomu. Meanwhile Ken is getting very angry over Nozomu not only gathering friends around him and approaching Lisa but even garnering Jihad's attention. Jihad and Nozomu are now training regularly. After departing Jihad meets with an envoy named Meklia, gets a letter from an influential family called Fabran that wants to abolish the school and turn all the students into soldiers. The rumors are turning a new with these developments, older ones were how Nozomu was a terrible useless person while never ones are how maybe Lisa throw Nozomu away for having the ability suppression thing. Ken starts becoming unstable and Camilla already suspicious of him before becomes even more suspicious and start believing Nozomu's words about Ken. A few days later Ken impersonates as Nozomu again, causes a big fight on a commercial district, heavily injuring people and the police then running away. Military police in return arrests Nozomu. His friends convinced of his innocence goes to Jihad in hopes of proving it. Back at school in Lisa's group Lisa in in depression while Ken is in a good mood for what happened to Nozomu. Getting sick of this Camilla rushes out of the classroom. Nozomu detained tells the police that he is innocent but it falls on deaf ears. Still he realizes Ken must be behind it. Jihad after listening the explanation of Iris and the group and hearing Ken's rare ability tries to go to the military police. He is stopped by the envoy Meklia again who after hearing the turmoil tries to pressure Jihad. Back in the prison Nozomu is visited by Camilla who apologizes to him. Just as she wanted to tell the police about Ken she is stopped as Jihad already told them. Nozomu is released to be used as bait to make Ken act again. Nozomu's friends are all given a magical stone that will help detect when Ken uses his ability. Camilla also volunteers to monitor Ken.
  75. Ken decides to up the ante of his attack plans on Nozomu. Camilla gets close to him for his monitoring duty. Under observation of two military police Nozomu waits at his dorm. Jihad and the military police setup a HQ to control the operation, also placed pairs from Nozomu's group with military police for the operation. Ken gives the information he will go to the park, separates from Camilla. Military police places trackers pursue him and thanks to the magical stones catch the moment he uses his ability. After that information is relayed to the HQ the magical tool that was used for communications explodes. Ken after impersonation someone in his 40s shakes his trackers during the blackout and disappears. Sonne stumbles upon Mars and Mimuru team but after doing his perverted antics gets detained by the police. Meanwhile Camilla who had no idea about the blackout of the communications waits for Ken at the place he said he will be. Instead Nozomu calls out to her but she realizes it must be Ken. Ken impersonating Nozomu tells her to follow him. Their destination is the middle school division of their school (Somia also goes there). Remembering what Ken really wanted to do makes Camilla understand the implications and horrified, she follows him. Sometime before Lisa at school hears a pair of her classmates talking about what happened to Nozomu and how there are rumors of impersonator. They also remark that the timing is too convenient as this happens just after he had a duel with Jihad. They finish the talk as maybe the cheating was also done by an impersonator. Hearing all this and coupled with Nozomu's recent talks with Lisa makes her doubt herself as maybe she was the one who abandoned him. Looking for Ken she goes into the city and sits down on a bench which is where she sees Nozomu and Camilla going somewhere together. Shocked she immediately pursues them. Ken's target is Somia. Camilla tries to speak some sense to Ken but fails. Camilla tries to send the info to Jihad but she fails when Ken goes ahead of him. Meanwhile the HQ trying to repair the communications succeeds on a small scale and that helps Nozomu who after growing impatient of the lack of info hears Camilla's voice from the communications device and deduces what Ken wants to do. He storms out to save Somia. One of the two military police who were there as observes follows him while the other who turns out to be a police that got injured at Abyss Grief experiment revealed to be infected. He dies while the demon beast gets revived. Somia gets spotted by Ken impersonating Nozomu and talks to her but she realizes that's he is an impersonator. She tries to run away but his attack stops her. Camilla saves her just as Ken was about to use his sword. Seeing the two against him while also knowing his ability, Ken decides to kill them. While trying to save Somia, Camilla gets her foot heavily injured. Camilla attacks with her magic which causes Ken's ability to dispel, revealing his regular appearance. Just as he is going for the kill Lisa who saw the events as Ken's ability got dispelled, makes her presence known. Lisa in that moment connects the dots and realizes that it was Ken who was the one that showed her the cheating lie. Ken calls out to Lisa but frightened, she rejects him just then Nozomu who arrived the scene a moment before calls out to them. Seeing how everything between him and Lisa is over, Ken while cursing his name attacks Nozomu.
  77. The fight of Ken and Nozomu started. He overwhelms Ken in close range combat. Ken is now in denial even though he saw how Nozomu fought Jihad. In turn Ken switches to long range attacks which is Nozomu's weak point. Thinking Ken won he starts gloating but Nozomu reveals that Jihad and the police were aware of everything, anymore and his school life will be over. Just then Iris and everyone who were patrolling nearby arrive at the scene. Ken gets startled and after closing the gap Nozomu attacks Ken with full force, slashing his chest and right arm which nearly gets severed in the process. Iris and Sina treat Nozomu's injuries while the Jihad that arrived the scene with the police holds Ken down. Nozomu approaches Lisa who was expecting to be cursed by him stops on his tracks as the infected policeman appears. Using the surprise factor, infected policeman defeat the ones that are with Ken and switch hosts using the deep wounds on Ken to enter him. Ken infected and insane targets Lisa. Everyone try to stop Ken and when Nozomu attacks him his body changed by the demon spews black sludge aimed at Nozomu. Nozomu realizing it is something too dangerous was breaking his chain when Lisa saves him while telling sorry with teary eyes and the next moment she gets swallowed by it, forming a cocoon around her and Ken. Sonne who escaped from the police appears and starts giving information about the demon beast. Nozomu is surprised but lets the man speak since the situation is dire. Sonne tells the group that the demon beast took Ken as host but it also took Lisa which Ken was fixated on to fuse them on a soul level and transform into a more powerful being. Jihad questions why a random old man knows stuff even higher ups doesn't know but wanting to save his students wants to co-operate with Sonne. Activating a magic, Sonne incapacitates the military police. Tiamat begins the rampage the moment his magic activates but Nozomu suppresses him. Sonne praise Nozomu for being able to do that hinting that he knows about Tiamat. Then he reveals with his ability suppression, he is the best candidate for Lisa's rescue. He also reveals that Sina's magical path will be useful for this, embarrassing Sina for revealing her secret. Everyone is amazed by just how much information Sonne knows. Jihad wanting to save both the city and his students agree to the plan but tells that in the worst case scenario, he will even sacrifice Nozomu. Nozomu agrees, Sonne deploys a barrier that isolates them from outside and they start the operation.
  79. Lisa awakens to a world of darkness. A figure approaches who turns out to be infected Ken and tells her they will be together forever now. Lisa struggles but she despairs as she is reminded of how she hurt Nozomu. Plunging inside the cocoon, Nozomu is trying to find his way in the darkness world which according to Sonne become a whole different world. Sina and Sonne connect with Nozomu and tell him to move forward. He finds Ken and tries to learn whereabouts of Lisa but Ken whose right half completely assimilated by the demon beast is far too gone. They clash and a moment later the darkness clears up to reveal a world of flesh. Ken then summons a black sphere which holds Lisa who is now unconscious. The sight makes Nozomu's blood boil. He attacks him but Ken reveals all sorts of demon beasts which target Nozomu all at once. He mows down the beast but spends a good amount of ki to do that. Infected Ken attacks him heavily, then more powerful demon beast are summoned to overwhelm Nozomu. Defeated flesh walls swallows Nozomu. Nozomu tries to break the chains to save himself but Tiamat rampages more than usual. Sonne who understands what's going on stops him from doing so. He says releasing the oppression might not only break his soul but also break Lisa's. Abyss Grief and Tiamat puts more pressure on Nozomu and feeling that Sina and others, namely Iris, Jihad and Inda share his burden. Nozomu's consciousness plunges deeper into Abyss Grief resulting in severing his line with Sina. There he sees Ken and Lisa's memories of how things came to be at this point and finally finds Lisa. He calls for her, she hears but doesn't see him. She seems to accept her fate but sad at not being able to tell Nozomu that how sorry she is. That sight snaps Nozomu out of his stupor and he grabs the chains but this time the chains are shining white and those chains lets him escape from there to face against Ken again. Outside when the connection was cut, Jihad voices his suspicions of Nozomu and his group hiding something, namely Tiamat and his ability to remove the suppression. Jihad pressures Iris for an answer but she doesn't budge and tells that only if Nozomu agrees to she will talk. Jihad drops the topic to focus on the issue at hand. Inside Nozomu is fighting against Ken. He can manifest the shining chains and uses it to attack the flesh walls as well as Ken. The effects of the chains works just like the ability suppression but on his enemies. He beats Ken and severs Lisa's connection with Abyss Grief. The dimension is starting to collapse. Nozomu runs outside and looks at Lisa who is half-awake. She is muttering sorry over and over again. She sleeps again just as Ken tears out of the cocoon. He looks monstrous and searching for Lisa. Seeing this Nozomu stops everyone to deal with him. He breaks the chains and uses Tiamat's power combined with his sword arts to slash Ken's right arm off, erasing the demon within in the process. The slash even cuts Sonne's barrier. Ken tries to reach Lisa one last time before falling to the ground. Now all the tension left his body, Nozomu loses consciousness.
  81. After the incident Jihad is dealing with the issues it caused. Ken who survived left disfigured and become an important subject as former host. The incident on official records reported as a violent student causing the problem and being dropped out by the school. The authority of the school and Jihad is questioned for not dealing with a troublesome ability like Ken's also letting the demon escape but they are put to hold as the incident revealed a lot of unknowns about the demon beast. The explosion that happened on the HQ is considered an inside job but the culprit couldn't be found. Fabran family's envoy Meklia sees Jihad in his room and leaves with a we'll pursue this incident message. Inda reports that there were suspicious activities Meklia did before the operation but Jihad remarks that without solid evidence they couldn't do much about it. Inda leaves for her teaching duties but sudden appearance of Sonne surprises Jihad. He asks what is his aim for contacting him, Sonne answers with he will tell Jihad if he is ready. They they talk as the scene shifts to Lisa. She dreams of the last moments of the battle between Ken and Nozomu, then wakes up at the hospital. She sees Camilla near her and after realizing what happened, ask about Nozomu. Camilla tells her that he is still sleeping on the next room to her and goes to get a doctor. Lisa not waiting for her goes to Nozomu's room. The sight of wounded Nozomu makes her feel the bad but she realizes the emotional wounds she gave to her might be even worst than this. Driven by guilt and regret she doesn't even see herself worthy of touching him. She tries to change the towel on Nozomu's head but finding the water on the bucket too warm, she tries to change that too only to get found out by Camilla and her doctor that Camilla brought with her. Her doctor quarrels with her over the situation and in the ensuing fight both of them get wet when the bucket fells on them.
  83. Past Side Story: First story is about Nozomu's childhood. On the village they live they are playing like any other children around their age would but the groups children gather around are divided in two after Lisa arrived; Lisa's and Mujir's. Their usual quarrel turns into bullying after Mujir tells her that she has no father and she is a stranger. Ken and Nozomu attack Mujir but subdued by Mujir's group. Seeing this an angry Lisa knocks out Mujir with a dropkick, then everyone goes an all out childish fight. Still she was hurt by the words and told about her father who was an adventurer that died. The reason why they've come back with her mother and her sister was this. Ken and Nozomu say she is not a stranger they start going home. This day is the day Lisa decided to become an adventurer and also told which school she will go to the boys. Ken and Nozomu on the other hand between them decided to support her.
  85. Next story takes place a few years after the first. Ken and Nozomu are training in secret. Lisa says to Nozomu that she is going to the school and asks what will Nozomu do. He couldn't answer immediately thinking of his parents. After their training he talks with Ken about it, they reaffirm their decision of supporting Lisa and when coming home they see Lisa. Ken leaves them alone. Lisa while wanting for him to come tells her that he doesn't have to but Nozomu saying I will support the girl I love tells her that he will come. Realizing the meaning of those words Lisa kisses him on the lips. Ken revealed to saw them at the end of the story.
  87. Next story takes place a while after they started going to the school. Nozomu's ability suppression is holding him back at this point. He is trying to combat it but it hampers his progress. His surroundings are also giving him looks that tells him he is a failure. Lisa and Camilla are supporting him while Ken is frustrated about Lisa tries not to show it on his face. Ken and Nozomu have a mock battle where Ken defeats him. He along with Lisa and Camilla goes ahead when Naswell, best student of their grade talks with Ken, instilling fear that Nozomu's incompetence might cause harm to Lisa.
  89. The last one takes place after the previous story. Naswell dies to a demon beast in a guild related quest. Hearing about his death gives Ken the final push to replace Nozomu's place on Lisa's side. First he while impersonating Nozomu gets close to a girl around their age. She was travelling with a merchant so for him she was the perfect target. Next Ken knew Lisa is aware of Nozomu's secret training seasons and also knows that she doesn't know where he is training. Using that knowledge one day he tells to Lisa about a rumor that says Nozomu is seen around with a woman which was a rumor he spread around. They depart but he knew she was going to check the rumors so impersonating Nozomu he goes to the traveler girl and after making sure of Lisa watching them kisses her. They depart as that was the last day the girl was on this city. Lisa after seeing this shut herself in her room for three days. At the third day Ken and Camilla force themselves at her room. With this Ken's masterplan is finished.
  91. If Master Shino Survived Side Story: This is a gag chapter. After his duel with Master Shino, Nozomu started his 3rd year but there is a new transfer student to his class. The identity of the transfer student is Shino who for some reason crawled out of her grave and wanted to watch over her student. The duo start arguing and that argument turns into a fight. The fight destroys three classrooms, resulting in Shino's expulsion and one week suspension for Nozomu. Jihad later hires Shino as an instructor. The duo stars another uproar but that's the story for another time.
  93. Part 7
  95. Two weeks have passed since the incident and Nozomu didn't wake up. Iris and Sina after much pleas to the doctors and Jihad, the two are able to come and tend to Nozomu's needs such as changing his sheets. As they go to him another day they see Lisa was also there in his hospital room. Lisa also volunteered for tending Nozomu's needs. The doctor gives asks them to do it but Lisa hesitates touching him, the two years gap between them was too much for her. Seeing this doctor tells the other two to do it while Lisa could only watch as Iris and Sina change his sheets and massage his body. Meanwhile Jihad and Sonne are co-operating behind the scenes. Sonne is also relaxed about Nozomu's situation stating that he is like this due to using his real powers for the first time. Lisa is getting the side eyes after the incident. Due to the scope of the incident, the school couldn't cover everything up and the story explained by the teachers in the form of Ken due to jealousy falsely accused Nozomu using his ability, the school and the police seized him in the act, he was expelled but during the operation Nozomu is injured and now is in the hospital. Since only Lisa of the related parties is around, she is taking the brunt of the rumor mill. Iris and Sina neither condemn nor help Lisa since their feelings toward her is pretty mixed. Lisa on the other hand has Nozomu as her only light right now but whenever he thinks of him she remembers Iris and Sina and her jealousy for them. She also feels dirty. Everyone besides Iris and Sina discuss Nozomu's condition and how Sonne was far from his usual self at that time. While they are walking a girl wearing a hood crashes on Mars. Her hood opens and reveals a white hair. She leaves without saying anything and the group is left wondering who the girl was. Back in school, rumor mill doesn't stop at Lisa. Iris who was known to be close to Nozomu and his hospitalization being known around, people started putting two and two together for her going to hospital everyday. She on the other hand is frustrated at her helplessness. On other hand Sina tries to open the connection between her and Nozomu, only to get her path blocked by a wall of chains. This experience of being powerless to help him makes her realize she loves him. Jihad is monitoring Nozomu's situation closely. He is also determined to keep him out of other countries hand as Sonne threatened Jihad with wiping out the city if he makes a blunder about Nozomu. Later Jihad with the help of Sonne start an operation to find the traitor inside their organization and people behind them. Sonne also hands him some magic stones that will help Nozomu in training to control his powers. Nozomu finds himself in the spiritual world. He sees a gate there and upon passing through he finds himself inside Tiamat's memories. These memories paints a different picture of Tiamat who is a small dragon that has difficulty flying. He is accompanied by 5 dragons with a white one named Michael being his best friend. He is also very mellow and peace loving in these memories. Still it is revealed that his clan calls him useless. Nozomi clearly confused can't comprehend the situation. The memory disappears with Nozomu and he returns to the spiritual realm with a new gate now added.
  97. Lisa's reputation plummeting to the ground invites people that hold a grudge against her to action. One of them with her friends gathers a couple of male students and have them try to rape her. She resists at first but when she hears one of the girls say will you switch to Nozomu now, she stops resisting. In the end Iris, Sina and the school teacher Inda save her from getting raped. Lisa thanks Iris but Iris who had been holding back her anger for Lisa who made Nozomu suffer greatly can't hold back anymore. Iris leaves and Sina who is left behind with Lisa grills her telling she is going against the wishes of Nozomu who wants her to recover. She grills her some more, tells her to stop the pity party before storming out. Lisa is now aware not only Iris but also Sina is in love with Nozomu. Iris runs to Nozomu's hospital room, shakes him telling wake up and even kisses him on the lips. He doesn't wake up. Depressed she leaves the room. Meanwhile inside the spirit world Nozomu is seeing more of Tiamat's memories. In them for some reason his friends are killed besides the white dragon and he is heavily injured. Body's of his friends turn into light particles and enter his body. He is found by Michael and other dragons but what happened should only happen between clan members, so they tried to eliminate Tiamat. Nozomu couldn't see what happens next as he is in front of Tiamat now. Tiamat is cursing dragons and humans alike. They clash one more time which ends in Nozomu's defeat. Nozomu wakes up to the real world. He is first welcomed by his doctor, then Iris and then Sina. Both cry and hug him with all their might. Lastly Somia comes to the room, throws herself onto all of them and they all fall off from the bed.
  99. After the things settle down a bit Jihad and the rest of Nozomu's friends come to the room. Jihad explains that he is going to be getting training to control his powers. He is also doing everything in his power to protect his chance of a normal school life as if the words gets out of him killing a dragon and having Tiamat's power, many countries would be after him regardless of his well being. He and Inda also apologizes for their short comings. Nozomu asks about Lisa and Ken. He says Lisa is fine but Ken while alive is in a coma and sealed using magical and physical means. Nozomu can't see him anymore as he is under the city administration control. Starting with Inda and Jihad everyone leaves Nozomu to have some rest. While sleeping he is visited by Lisa since she didn't have the courage to come in when his friends were inside. She leaves the hospital to meet up with Camilla. While talking, Camilla remarks that they know nothing about current Nozomu who could do things he couldn't do two years ago. Sonne comes to them and tells Lisa that he can explains the secret of Nozomu that Iris and the rest knows. Lisa asks what is his purpose and to that Sonne answers to watch over Nozomu. He says the rest already faced him and decided to stand by him while she can't face him as is now let alone while knowing his secret. While the talk goes on a girl, the same one that crashed on Mars comes to them calling Sonne grandpa. The girl whose name is revealed to be Azel is angry at Sonne for leaving their village unannounced. Sonne takes Azel with him and leaves hurriedly. Jihad had completed his operation and caught any unwanted components in the city, he also called for Iris' father Victor who has a great influential power to back him up against the people who want to impeach him. Victor is also here to get in touch with his daughters. Meklia, the envoy from the family that wanted to destroy the school has her interest turned to the students that was related to the latest incident, meaning Nozomu's group seeing how her efforts against Jihad were thwarted. Nozomu after getting better returned to the school with big changes in his life. He now has the respect of his juniors and his classmates, plus the bad rumors about hiM has finally ended. Eldor even comes to him for swordsmanship lesson. Coupled with continued supplementary lessons and trainings, he become too busy lately. Nozomu still didn't talk with Lisa but with him not blaming her for anything the rumor mill started to die down it seems. The opening where Master Shino's hut was in become the training grounds for Nozomu's group. There Nozomu is training to use magic which he is very bad at and controlling Tiamat's power using the stones Sonne gave to Jihad.
  101. Lisa is helping out Norn, the infirmary teacher to get updates on Nozomu's health. Norn knowing her real intention offers to setup a way for the two to talk which she accepts. Back at the forest Nozomu is doing a mock battle against Jihad, Henri and Inda. Nozomu puts up an even fight and at one point pushed Jihad's limits. Thinking at an event where he might have to face Nozomu seriously, Jihad goes all out against him. They use their biggest techniques against each other, leaving the surroundings in a mess. This battle in the mean time was being watched by Victor, Norn and a city higher up on a crystal ball. Jihad to lessen the burden of Tiamat on Nozomu gives him the option to use Sina's magic to distribute the burden on other people. Sina agrees to it with the burden being distributed to Norn and Iris. Training is finished and they are all coming back when near Iris' mansion they see Victor. Victor introduces himself and offers everyone to have dinner with their family. After having a bath Victor flexes his wealth by preparing them expensive clothes and dishes. Girls dressed up as well comes to the dining hall taking the boys breaths. Nozomu is especially affected by Iris and Sina. Tima is too embarrassed to appear hides behind a curtain after seen by Mars. After dinner while having tea Iris and Nozomu are having a talk and becoming much more closer when Victor's personal maid Mena interrupts them to say he is calling for Nozomu. Iris is left with conflicted feelings over not exactly expressing herself to Nozomu and feeling jealous of Lisa. Victor and Nozomu started talking. He is very thankful for saving his daughter's lives. He also reveals his knowledge of him being a dragon slayer. Nozomu deduces only Jihad can tell this to Victor but he says he didn't tell it directly but is aware that he knows it. Victor reassures him that his secret is safe but asks for what purpose does he want to use this power. Nozomu can't give a clear answer. He ponders about his dream of supporting Lisa, but he knows that ship already sunk. Victor remarks that what Nozomu had been doing was just cleaning up the past, he never gave any real thoughts about future. Nozomu agrees with his words as their meeting ends. The real reason for this meeting was revealed to be a request by Jihad. He wanted Victor's family to be a guardian for Nozomu. Victor doesn't think of accepting it in Nozomu's current for but thinks of supporting him in other means. The real cause for his thinking though is because he as a father can't accept his girls to be that close to Nozomu. Meanwhile Lisa finally decided to go to Sonne's store to learn about Nozomu. She goes there with Camilla. Just as they enter the store, they hear Sonne and Azel fighting over what to do about Nozomu. Azel wants to eliminate Nozomu while her grandfather forbids her. She storms off as they enter the store. Lisa asks if Sonne is his enemy, he answers that being a friend or an ally depends on Nozomu. She then asks for her fortune to be read and leaves after that. She decided that she is not qualified to learn his secret so she puts that on hold until at least she faces off Nozomu. Parallel to all this, Azel is determined to go after Nozomu even if she is alone, Meklia on the other hand after receiving intel from her subordinates turns her focus on Victor.
  103. A week has passed after the dinner with Victor and Nozomu is lost in thought at his question about his power. He is also thinking about how his busy schedule has made him have no time for Lisa. Norn who sees Nozomu calls out for help. When Nozomu arrives at the place he is supposed to help out, he finds Lisa there and Norn leaves them behind after giving instructions. The two walk to the city to do their job but are also aware of the distance between them. Nozomu is now pondering how to approach their relationship. Is she gonna be a lover, a friend, a childhood friend or a pure stranger? Nevertheless he feels if she is safe now, he partly fulfilled his promise. Lisa after taking him to the outer edge of the city, reveals that helping Norn was a lie for the two to meet. Lisa realized she has lost her place near him and there are others who can fill that place now but she still has to sorry for not believing him but Nozomu couldn't hear it as Azel who after stopping Sonne from interfering with her start her attack. Nozomu and Lisa evade the attack but Azel uses teleport magic on them. The three are teleported to the forest as Azel declares that she will kill Tiamat. Tiamat begins his rampage in turn when Nozomu sees Azel in more detail. Azel and Nozomu start fighting. Lisa on the other hand has no idea what's going on but helps Nozomu with his battle. Azel overpowers the two until Nozomu breaks his chains. His attacks at this point cause enough damage to reveal her true nature, a white dragon. Tiamat rampages even more violently and the fight gets even harder with Azel doing powerful breath attacks. Iris and Sina along with their friends learn of what Norn did. Iris is worried Nozomu and Lisa might go back to being girlfriend-boyfriend but Sina is relaxed saying their bonds won't change no matter what. A ball of light appears at that time and Sonne who was teleported by Azel comes out of it. He begs for their help explaining his true nature, a member of the white dragon clan who Tiamat bears a grudge against and also his mission of going after Tiamat who escaped from being sealed. Since he couldn't stop Azel from attacking he needs the help of Nozomu's friends in case of him going berserk like before. Lisa is blown away by attacks of Azel is unconscious now. Nozomu who sees this coupled with Tiamat's fury starts loosing it. His attacks against Azel finally does enough damage and just as he was going for the kill a crystal ball stops him and restraints him. Azel thanks to the crystal ball she refers as father. Turns out Azel is Michael's kid. Tiamat was an orphan of his clan. Since on dragon clans you inherit power from you parents, Tiamat was powerless and called useless. He after growing up enough decided to help humans who needed him by leaving the clan and Michael who is a good friend of his followed him along. Sonne is aware that dragon sealing barrier which he prepared beforehand is being used by Azel and knows their location. On the way to Nozomu he also explains their past with Tiamat a little and they arrive at the forest. They see Lisa who is critically injured and start applying healing magic. Sonne steps in and saves Lisa from certain death but her treatment is not complete so Sonne can't move away from her. He gives Iris a crystal talisman to use against Azel. The group comes to Nozomu's whereabouts just as Azel and the crystal ball sealed his movements.
  105. Lisa's treatment is finished and she awakens. Meanwhile Iris' group realizing the danger Nozomu is in started their attack on Azel. Iris and the group says that Azel is making this personal due to her father while Azel not denying that explains even if Nozomu controls Tiamat, it will be released when he dies due to old age so she should seal Nozomu with Tiamat once and for all. The group, especially Iris and Sina can't accept something like that and attack at Azel. Combined with their training, their team work and Azel's injuries caused by Nozomu gives them an opportunity to use the crystal Sonne gave them. This results in her getting sealed as well as Nozomu's rescue from the barrier but he is lost it just like what happened at the zombie dragon incident. The group combine their efforts to stop him. Lisa is awakened now and wants to go to Nozomu. Sonne and the other from the group who was there stops her then tells Nozomu's secret. Sonne explains a few more things as well like Tiamat's past as he wanted to create an utopia with his friends for humans but things fell apart and when the elders of dragon clans came for him he felt betrayed and how Michael's body is no more as he is just a soul now. Lisa still wants to go to Nozomu but others explain it won't do any good for him if something happens to her in her current weakened state. In turn Lisa says Nozomu harming Iris and the others would be far more worse than this for Nozomu which they agree and decide to go meet up with the group. Nozomu aims for Michael's soul crystal but the group interrupts his actions. They go all out on him but even with 4 vs 1 they barely hold on. Sina whose bow string was destroyed on an attack at Azel is asked by the group to reach out to him. Michael's crystal ball was with Sina so she connects with him using spirit magic, asking for help. He refuses stating that Tiamat won't listen to him. Meanwhile the battle rages on and as Nozomu prepares the technique he used on infected Ken, Lisa appears and distracts him enough to save the party. Sonne who came with the others has the attention of Nozomu. The two face off as Tiamat also has a grudge against him. Tiamat using Nozomu's mouth screams Sole Ala as that's Sonne's true name.
  107. While Sonne was holding Nozomu off Iris' group was thinking of a way to wake Nozomu up. Tom theorizes that since the connection between Nozomu and Tiamat is causing the problem, cutting it with an attack might be the key to wake him up. To do that he says they will need to stop Nozomu's heart and after he is out of Tiamat's control heal him with Sonne's superior healing magic. The group begrudgingly agrees since there is no other option left. Iris, Mars and Lisa goes in-between Sonne and Nozomu's fight as Sonne was getting exhausted. The three hold him off while the rest build a magical arrow for Sina to use. Sina also repairs her bow using her hair. While holding Nozomu off Lisa gets her ponytail cut from an attack of Nozomu. After everything is ready for Sina, they give signal and using Feo's techniques Nozomu is restrained for a moment. Sina fires off the arrow but Nozomu's frees his one hand to defend. The power of the arrow fades as Nozomu holds on but Iris pours everything she has to the arrow resulting her hair turning white. It's still not enough. Lisa gives the last push as her ability (it doubles the effects of a magic) doubles the power of the arrow and it pierces Nozomu. This doesn't completely cut the connection but at that moment shining chains restrain Nozomu and he finally gets back to normal. After everyone gets their treatment from Sonne, Lisa and Iris crying hug Nozomu. Nozomu apologizes for the trouble he caused again but they instead want him to say thank you to them which he does. Sina is holding herself back from hugging to him but is happy that he is back. Sonne leaves the punishment of Azel and Michael to Lisa and Nozomu. When asked he says the normal punishment for their crime would be death or 1000 years of getting sealed. They also learn that while she is 700 years old, in human age she should be 14 years old. Nozomu thinking of how as much as Azel he was also responsible for the hurt of his friends leaves the judgement to Sonne. Sonne takes Azel with him to their village while leaving Michael's crystal who has become mute to Nozomu's group. Sina speculates that the reason why he is mute now was he turned himself in this for to seal Tiamat but now that he couldn't he is left like this. They return to the city to report everything to Jihad. Victor who sees Iris with white hair gets quite angry at Nozomu. Next day Iris calls everyone for a tea party. Besides Lisa and Nozomu, everyone comes. The two are on a park talking each other. Nozomu apologizes for taking the easy route by not confronting her. Lisa apologizes for making Nozomu's school life a living hell by continuously cursing her. Nozomu asks what is she planning to do now to which Lisa responds with she still wants to be an adventurer but that's not all there is to life. Lisa then asks a question if she were to leave the school, will he come with her to which Nozomu responds with he now has something he has to do, so he can't fulfill his promise to her now. He says he is sorry for not being able to fulfill their promise to which Lisa responds with he was the only one who fulfilled it. The two depart. Lisa is feeling regretful in the end, she cries but she aims to be able to stand next to him again. Nozomu goes to Sonne's store. He learns that Azel is sealed off for now. Then he asks what is the true nature of his ability. Sonne says it is a seal and ability suppression is just a by product of it. His ability is the greatest seal that can even contain dragons. He then asks Sonne to train him in controlling his power. He is now determined to not worry his friends again, especially Iris who is the most dear person to him right now. Sonne says his not fully knowledgably of his ability but if he wants someone to learn dragon powers from, there'd be no better person than him. In a remote place Meklia who hired an assassin name Crow watches the last battle between Nozomu and his group. She asks about the students and focuses her attention to Nozomu.
  109. Side Story 1: This story happens after Nozomu gets discharged in this Part. His friends hold a party at Mars' family restaurant for celebrating his recovery. On the party the talk comes to how Iris and Somia get marriage proposals from influential families. Sina also says she gets them from elves. Nozomu is surprised but when the three tells him that if the word of him being a dragon slayer gets out, he'd get just as many marriage proposals, he's even more surprised. Feo listening to this asks the girls for their ideal marriage partner. Somia drops the bomb with saying she wants to marry someone like Nozomu then jumps onto Nozomu's lap. She then continues with it'd be best for Nozomu to marry her sister. She'd also like Nozomu to be her brother-in-law. She ends with he can marry her if he likes. After her sister tells her she is still a kid she attacks with telling Nozomu to kiss her right here. At that moment Nozomu finds an empty liquor bottle and seeing Feo's suspicious movements realizes he mixed their drinks with alcohol. The inside of the store is in chaos at this point due to alcohol. Nozomu is also effected and that influences his punishment of Feo which is force feeding Mimuru's pies (her cooking is terrible) to him. The next morning no one remembers what transpired at the party but Ena is very angry.
  111. Side Story 2: One day Nozomu sees Somia acting suspicious on a weekend. He asks her what is wrong and she she says she is chasing after a cat who she named Kuro. They chase him to a vacant lot where he is on the center with a lot of cats surrounding him. She tries to pet them but they don't allow her. She then puts on cat ears and a tail that can move when magic is applied. She approaches them while wearing these. When that doesn't work she brings out cat powder. This does the trick as she is surrounded by cats now. Nozomu also pets a cat.
  113. Side Story 3: Iris and Nozomu are on a guild quest to locate and if possible eliminate some formerly tame turned wild dogs. They find their nest and on there there are two puppies. Iris is fascinated by the puppies. Meanwhile their parents come back. Iris pulls out a pair of gloves that belong to their former owner to use as a tool to get near them. It doesn't work, Nozomu wants to kill them but Iris refuses to do it. Feo saying he took the same quest comes to the place as well and wants to exterminate the dogs. Iris protects them, they clash but Feo uses smokescreen to blind both of them and steal the puppies. This is his original aim as he takes the puppies to Tom. Iris and Nozomu tracks Tom's workshop using the parents and attacks them thinking they are doing bad things to the animals. Turns out Tom was gathering hair from animals that Feo borrows from the nature, then use those to make animal ear products, the type Somia had earlier. Tom grills Nozomu for the damage caused by him while Iris plays with the puppies, then adopts them. In the end Iris helps Nozomu for repair fees.
  115. Side Story 4: One day Mena calls Nozomu to the mention. He comes to the place full of chaos as Somia is missing. Victor is nearly losing it when Mena knocks him out. Nozomu thinks of the vacant lot Somia goes for the cats so he sasy she might be there. Iris brings her dogs, the one she adopted to follow Somia's scent. Mena wakes Victor up so that all of them can follow the dogs. Iris tells Nozomu that Mena is Victor's alumni and their relationship goes way back. They follow the dogs to the vacant lot. There Somia is found but she is acting like a feral cat with her cat ears and tail accessory equipped. She runs as Iris and Victor chase her. Mena is suspicious of her equipment as the cause of strange behavior. Mena and Nozomu goes to Tom to ask about it. After roughing up Feo, turns out one of the prototypes that causes someone to have catlike behaviors was given to Somia by Feo. However Tom says that it shouldn't cause that much behavior change and she should return to normal if the tail and ears are removed. Tom hands them some tools to catch a cat and the go after Somia. They find her at the park and try out the tools. They don't work but Somia snuggles to Nozomu herself. Then she starts licking his fingers and rubs her face on his hand. He starts petting her when they were seen by Iris. She quivers and was about to scream Mena stops her. She quickly explains the situation while Nozomu returns to petting Somia. He removes the ears and that turns her back to normal. She is out of it and quite tired soon it is lights out for her. She sleeps on Nozomu's knees, using them as pillow while Iris gets angry at her. Victor was also quite angry when he saw them too. Tom's animal ear products are confiscated by the police in the end. A day later Nozomu wakes up to Iris with dog ears and a tail, with dog like behavior. She wants the same petting Nozomu did on Somia so Nozomu complies thinking how to solve this situation.
  117. Part 8
  119. Sonne and Nozomu are training to control his powers. He is tasked with extending the power release state and feeling the spirits around him to acquire spirit magic. Both of them are not going so well. Still he doesn't give up as Sonne says these are hard task that can't be learned over night. After training Nozomu asks about Tiamat's past and learns the name of the country he created with Michael, Alharant. It is a name he never heard before. Jihad prepared a basement at the school for the two to teleport between school and the forest for training, so they return there. After he leaves Jihad and Sonne talk about his progress and praise him of raising his time of unlocked power by 10 seconds in two weeks. Sonne remarks that he is dissatisfied but he should keep it up like that. Nozomu sees his friends that were waiting for him and meets up with them. Iris and Sina are quite angry at his training that harms him. Lisa comes near them and acts quite close to Nozomu, making Iris and Sina angry. It's been two weeks since they made up and this is known through out the school. Seing the angry gazes Nozomu tells her to stop and she stops. Opening festival, a festival with public being able to attend is getting close so the group start talking about it. The real purpose of the festival though is like a talent hunt for the coming people with VIPs from each countries inviting promising students on the party that is held at the first day. Nozomu is acting like it has nothing to do with him but his friends remind him of his name being on the list of invited students. Feo drops a bomb by asking who he is gonna invite for the dance. He escapes from giving an answer thanks to Mars. Sina is trying to communicate with Michael to no avail. Sonne appears by the window suddenly and Sina gets angry. His reason for coming is giving the crystal to Nozomu since he is now interested in Tiamat, he thinks it will be better to hear i from the two. Sina asks how is his training going. Upon learning his difficulty in sensing spirits she tells him to leave it to her. Sonne knows what she has in her mind and gives the go ahead. Meklia from Fabran family was using Crow to monitor Nozomu. She is also aware of his training and his status as a dragon slayer. Fabran family was also revealed to be coming to the party. Nozomu is getting glimpses from Tiamat's memories from time to time. While he is training by himself, he is also concerned with the party, how to act on a high class party, what to wear and who to invite for dance. He got the outfit from Victor's party so that wasn't a problem but the others worries him. Iris who comes to his training offers him to practice dance with her. He was gonna refuse her at first but seeing her expression and her plea of wanting to dance with him stops him and they agree to practice. His training with Sonne on the next day is cancelled. He asks about the times he can see Tiamat's past but Sonne is not concerned about it. He also says it's the past of the dragon, he shouldn't feel burdened by it. He also confides about it to Iris when he meets up with her for the dance practice and her response is similar to Sonne's.
  121. Arriving at the mansion, they are surprised to see all their friends. Victor who found out about her promise invited everyone so that they wouldn't be alone to practice. Lisa along with Camilla is invited while Sina is lost in thought for some reason. While Iris' anger subsides the teacher she called for dance lecture, Parlein comes. She is a former dancer turned highly known entertainer and also a good friend of her father Victor. She is quite interested in Nozomu. Her teaching starts and she is quite spartan about it. The pairs are not always the same, they shuffle a lot and even some pairs after performing badly, like Tima and Mars are practicing alone. Iris who is after practicing with Nozomu now dancing with Somia thinks that Parlein's evaluation of Nozomu is not bad. Feeling not really helpful to Nozomu on his struggles, she at least thinks of backing her through other means like getting him acquainted with influential people. After the practice and dinner, despite Victor's protests Iris invites everyone for a sleep over. The girls go into bath together. While talking Lisa asks what was the reason for Tima to come to this school. She explains that she always had a big magical power that went out of control so she came here to learn how to control it. Then their talks turn to their dreams. Tima wants to live a normal life with a falling in love and having a family. Sina wants to regain her homeland. Iris wants to become a knight. The question is asked to Lisa now. She explains she wants to be an adventurer, travelling around the continent. Others remark that it was after all her promise with Nozomu. This reminds her how she is not the most special person for Nozomu right now. After the bath Sina comes to Nozomu's room. She leaves Michael's crystal with him and prompts him to sit on the bed besides her. She first tries to make the path between them bigger. To do that she touches Nozomu's bare back. It doesn't work. So she tries another thing. She takes off her pajamas, opens a wound on her forefinger to make it bleed, does the same for Nozomu too and holding his hand that's bleeding hugs him from behind. With her help this time he feels the spirits. He thanks her and she leaves the room. Sina was filled with joy, relief but also guilt. The reason for that was Sina didn't tell the real purpose of the blood contract they just performed. This contract connects the souls of the performers and this connection will not sever until one party dies. For elves also this is basically marriage. She is feeling guilty for performing this without telling him. Nozomu trying to go out for a walk is found by Mena who asks his help for some chores. He accepts and they carry some food to Victor's room. Inside he finds a crying Victor who is upset for the fight he had with his daughters and Parlein. Parlein invites Nozomu for a drink. While Victor is drowning in his sorrows on a corner, Parlein also invites Mena for a drink and they start having girl talk while Nozomu feels awkward. He learns that Mena was a swordswoman and taught Iris swordsmanship. How Parlein rose from being a commoner to being an aristocrat. Nozomu is also show a painting of Iris' mom, Firana. They continue with saying she died while giving birth to Somia. Iris to protect the life her mother gave to give birth decides to become the next head of the family. She was working for this and her intent in joining a prestigious knight unit was to stack up achievements for it. This was her dream. After Nozomu leaves the room, Victor and Parlein have a little talk. Victor is worried about the closing relationship between Nozomu and Iris. He is wondering why Parlein is helping her daughter and she says she wanted to get to know Nozomu better who made Iris ask for help. Victor is also worried of the actions of Fabran family, especially the head Egroad Fabran. They talk ends as Victor reaffirms himself on protecting his daughters even if means separating them from their love interests.
  123. While going to his room Nozomu sees Iris trying to practice for the dance. She invites him to practice with her. After a few pointers Nozomu could dance well enough to follow her lead but they tumble down after missing their rythm. After collecting themselves Nozomu tells he learned her reasons for wanting to be a knight. She is worried he finds her reasons selfish but Nozomu doesn't think so. Their talk progresses to the point Iris almost confessing her love when she notices the wound on Nozomu's forefinger. Nozomu tells what happened with Sina and Iris who knows what this means is shocked. She also understands that Nozomu doesn't know the true meaning of their pact. She holds back on her confession and the two go to their respective rooms. Meanwhile Egroad Fabran finally arrives to the city. Nozomu is getting more fragments of Tiamat's past after getting Michael's crystal and his pact with Sina. This time he is trying to save some humans from a typhoon but his powers at that time falls short. Just then his friends comes to his rescue. Nozomu is improving in his training after getting a feel of the spirits but he is still unsatisfied with the results. Meanwhile city council was on a meeting to decide what should be done to Ken who was while sealed under research. Two sides, the one that want to continue the research and the one that wants to eliminate him can't come to a decision so in the they decide to preserve the status quo. After the meeting Egroad stops Jihad to have a talk. Victor and Mena also stop by them to their talk. It's revealed here that Egroad and Victor were love rivals over Firana, Victor's dead wife. Egroad also drops hits about Somia and Nozomu's situations and his knowledge of their secrets. Victor speculates that Egroad doesn't know Nozomu's dragon slayer status but he not only knows that, he is in connection with the Warjart family's head Vitora, the vampire family that had a contract with Iris' family and attacked Somia. The first day of opening festival starts. Students are on the training grounds to display their prowess. Lisa and Camilla are also on there. Lisa after making up with Nozomu is now focused on her training and it shows. The duo are defeating their opponents easily when Mimuru and Sina challenges them. During their battle Lisa's flame attack causes Mimuru's hair to catch on fire so they stop their fighting to help her. The group starts talking but Lisa's gaze is stuck on Nozomu who is fighting against 5 students. He dominates the battle. While the surroundings watch it with admiration, Lisa feels disturbance in his swordsmanship. When asked for confirmation to Sina, she realizes the scar on her hand. Mimur is also curious telling she got out during their stay at Iris' mansion and came back with the scar. She teases Sina implying something happening with Nozomu which angers her. Iris comes to the group to have a chat. She remarks that Nozomu is getting a lot of attention from the higher up people. While looking at those people the group notices hooded figures who Sina recognizes as her fellow elves.
  125. Kevin who was pretty upset for Nozomu being near Iris uses this opportunity to have a battle with Nozomu. Nozomu is not despised by Kevin anymore but he still doesn't like him. They clash and their fight ends with a war like declaration by Kevin. After the training is finished Nozomu is wondering why he is feeling irritated when Egroad calls him out. While Nozomu is feeling wary of this unknown man Iris interrupts and gives his name. Egroad acts very rude towards Nozomu and hints that he knows about his power, then focuses his rude remarks to Iris. Not taking it anymore Nozomu starts talking back then he releases his killing intent (lol) on him, even Iris is taken aback by it. He leaves for now. He is worried he maybe overdid it but Iris says it shouldn't be a problem. At the evening the party preparations are complete. Nozomu at first feeling nervous but on the male waiting area he talks with his friends and that cools him down. Realizing the importance of his friends once again, he goes out to the party. On the party Nozomu is surrounded by VIPs who want to know his plans after graduation and continuously ask him questions. Overwhelmed, Nozomu is rescued by Sina. She was also feeling overwhelmed so the two go somewhere quiet. Nozomu watches Iris as she handles the high class atmosphere with ease. Looking at the others they are also surrounded by VIPs due to their performance earlier on the training fields. They also see the elves from earlier looking at them. Sina reveals that one of the elves is her great-grandfather. She adds her sister was a special shrine maiden, a very high position for the elves so she is important too since she was a candidate for the same position. She is now a few surviving candidates and the elder elves were opposed to her coming to this school. Nozomu gets worried maybe they are here to bring her back with them but she reassures him saying that he was the one who dropped her candidacy as she couldn't use spirit magic before and thanks to Nozomu, she can use it now. Hearing these Nozomu and Sina have a lovely moment where Sina voices her desire inside of herself, saying she wants to be with him forever. Still, she is troubled by the fact that she didn't tell the true meaning of their blood pact. Seeing the approaching elves Sina leaves Nozomu's side in fear of her blood pact getting revealed. Triforium who is Sina's great-grandfather and the other elf Raurus who is revealed to be a fiancΓ© candidate to Sina start talking to her. Sina's g-gf wants her to leave the school and like other elves looks down on other races who Sina has friends from. Raurus perceived the blood pact between Sina and Nozomu, and also her performance in magical arts being worsened. Nozomu's ability after connecting souls with Sina affected her own abilities and diminished them. Her g-gf is furious but she doesn't back down. Raurus calms Triforium down and leaves with remarking that since her abilities are worsened, she will have a hard time remaining in this school and also her dream of recovering their homeland is a pipe dream now. Mimuru who heard everything comes to her side. Learning that Sina is keeping everything a secret from Nozomu, she presses her to reveal it as not doing so will hurt both sides. Sina insists on keeping it a secret. Nozomu on the other hand was caught by Meklia. Nozomu knowing that she served Fabran family was on guard. Crow who made Nozomu realize what kind of person he is also made his appearance. Meklia proposed for him to serve Fabran family. She also tried to seduce him. Nozomu refused but he was shaken when she revealed she can give him information about the current status of Ken. Parlein comes to his rescue as she interrupts them and takes Nozomu away. She reveals how to seduce him Meklia used an aphrodisiac perfume with the help of Crow who used magic to prevent its spread. After their talk she lead him to Iris and left the two to have their dance.
  127. Before their dance, Iris and Nozomu have a little talk. She was pretty jealous of his cheerful talk with Sina. Her moodiness goes away when Nozomu compliments her beauty. The music starts and the two start their dance. The two impress their surroundings with their dance. Iris while dancing sees Sina and this reminds her of the thing she did for Nozomu and the real meaning behind it. This casts a shadow on her heart as she doesn't say her love for him but changes it at the last second to wanting him to make a bell for her. She asks him the same kind of bell as he made for Somia. Finally her conflicted emotions shows on her face which Nozomu takes notice of. He asks but she doesn't answer. Just as this is happening Vitora comes to the party. She comes to Nozomu along with Rugato and asks if he is the one who defeated her butler. Victor along with Mena comes to them telling he is the one who invited her. Jihad equipped with his armor and sword comes to them, telling Vitora to let him guide her. She is unfazed at all of this. Iris tries to get Nozomu away from them to stop Vitora's attention of him but she cuts her and Nozomu stays with them. Nozomu's attention gather on Vitora who is eating cheese and drinking wine. She says she can consume other food but blood is the most delicious thing for them. As for whose, she says people who even on the pits of hell that doesn't give up has the most delicious food. She cuts Nozomu's cheek and draws some blood without him or anyone realizing. This angers Iris but Victor holds her back. After licking the blood first she leaves, then Iris with Victor leaves. Jihad tells Nozomu to stay away from Iris as Vitora's attention is purely focused on him, then takes him to a different location for a talk. In his room Jihad tells that Victor was trying to get the two families closer to each other after Somia's incident and through that their respective countries would make co-operations. Warjart family was supposed to send an envoy to the party that will see Jihad but the head of the family coming and taking interest in Nozomu was unexpected but after seeing her, he speculates that Victor used Nozomu to fish out Vitora. Jihad wants Nozomu to stay out all of this as he is first and foremost a student of this school which is impartial to all countries. Meanwhile Iris is talking with her father. She learns that after the incident he reached out to Warjart family. The contracts are null but to hide the fact that there was even a contract between the two families, Victor agreed to a trade deal. It will also strengthen the relations between the two families and their respective countries. Iris fears that Nozomu is also included in that deal though but after her father telling her that if you protect something you leave another thing behind, she begrudgingly understands. Victor after getting to the mansion is irritated. It was unexpected that Vitore in person came to the party. He also didn't use Nozomu as a political tool but after today he thinks it is inevitable. He also speculates it was Egroad who leaked Nozomu's status and made Vitora get interested in him. He knows that now the school won't be backing him on this matter. He prepares a letter and entrusts it to Mena who came to his room.
  129. Nozomu is out to make the bell he promised for Iris as well as take his mind out the recent issues. His workplace was destroyed when Shino's hut was burned down so he is out to find a furnace. He stumbles upon Henri and after explaining the situation he is told that Henri knows a place he can use a furnace but first he must do something for Henri. He is taken to Ecross, Somia's school that's the middle school side of Nozomu's school. Henri wants him to demonstrate Mikagura style to the students on there. Somia isn't there as Victor forbid her from attending school for now. Nozomu sees Tima and Mars helping students out. He demonstrates his swordsmanship with Mars impressing the young students. While talking with Mars afterwards he thinks how much Tima and Mars changed lately. Afterwards the furnace business is left for another day as the day was ending and the group leaves the middle school. While on the way Mars who had been working on perfecting his technique wants to take it another step. Egroad is wary of Meklia's actions on the blank period Jihad and Sonne eliminated their agents in the city. She was serving for his family before he become so he was already wary but her hiring an assassin; Crow is making his distrust increase. Two days after the talk with her father, Iris is feeling conflicted. On one had she wants to protect Somia, on the other she doesn't want to do it in expense of Nozomu. Victor also explained the real reason for the trade deal, having relations with Warjart family's country. She meets up with her friends. They ask Somia's whereabouts and she says she will stay at the mansion till the deal is realized. Nozomu wonders how can a human and a vampire can do a trade. She says humans did so in the past and asks their perception of a vampire. They say it is a monster that drinks human souls and turns them into a vampire. She corrects them into saying vampires don't turn people into other vampires willy-nilly as that would make them run out of blood source. Nozomu asks about when the negotiations will happen and learns that it will be in a week. He offers to take Somia with him if as a form of protection and Iris refuses, saying he shouldn't try to involve himself. Iris says they should keep their distance for the time being and he should forget about the bell. Acting like this hurts her but this is the only way she sees that will protect both Somia and Nozomu. Mimuru seeing Iris' behavior tells Sina to use this chance while Sina rejects her. Iris leaves the school after the morning classes and Nozomu who wanted to talk to her return empty handed. He meets up with Henry for finding a furnace. He still wants to make the bell for her. Henry instead of taking him to a furnace first asks him what does he want to be in the future. He is undecided so she asks if he ever considered staying at the school as a teacher and teaching Mikagura style swordsmanship. He is undecided. Henri says that the important thing is not what he should do but what he can do and takes him to a blacksmith. When they enter the shop they see a girl getting scolded by a dwarf. The girl turns out to be Lisa to Nozomu's surprise.
  131. According to Lisa the dwarf named Wandor is one of the most skilled blacksmith that's on the city. Lisa gained the favor of the dwarf and come here for her smiting needs. However lately her weapons were breaking very fast. The asked Tom to do the same control tech he did for Tima and while doing her training using her ability it takes a toll on the blades. Wandor is angry at her for breaking the swords. Nozomu agrees on Wandor since Tom's tech needs Feo to control the magic, Lisa can't do it alone. Dwarf asks Nozomu why he came here and after learning the reasons ask him to show his Master's blade he heard from Henri. He praises the sword but considers the maker to be a twisted person. He gives him mithril ore as a freebie to use in making the bell. He uses it along with the materials he brought to make twelve bells. Lisa asks if he is making them for Iris and upon learning that he is gets upset. He decides to run away seeing her like this but Lisa holds her hard and takes her outside with her. Back in the smithy Henri and Wandor are talking. Henri's has an another reason get him here as Wandor has an ability that tells the past and future through minerals. He says the only thing he could see through from his sword was a mansion painted in blood and him lying bloody in front of a young white haired girl. Nozomu after being forcefully brought out from the smithy wants to go to an fabric store for the bells but Lisa stops her, saying that she knows a good place. They are at the park, sitting on the bench after being done with shopping. Nozomu is treating Lisa to some sweats since he got a good discount through Lisa on the fabric. She acts all smug for having connections and Nozomu is happy to see Lisa recovered from their ordeal. Lisa asks what kind of accessory he will make for Iris, Nozomu answers he will be making a hair clip since Iris has long hair. Now that she has short hair, Lisa asks if Nozomu likes long hair. Saying that it suits Iris she also asks about her hair. Nozomu is flustered, he says it suits her too. She acts cutesy saying that it is a non-answer from him. He laughs saying she asked but she drops a bomb saying she is still in love with him and gets upset when she talks about other girls. He is surprised, that hurts her a little. She says if she didn't like him she wouldn't ask him to go on to be an adventurer. He was aware of Lisa's feelings but being said out loud by her was a first as Nozomu confessed first back then. She says Nozomu was so passionate back then and now he is changed. He says Lisa changed. She replies he forcibly changed her and that reminds him about his approach to her that felt stalker like back when he run after her. She starts acting very upset, gathering the attention of the onlookers but stops that and comes in front of him. She holds his cheeks on her hand saying she saw him and Iris this morning, thought it was her chance now and asks if she can ask again. She continues how she likes Nozomu more than anyone else. She finishes saying she want him to be always next to her. Nozomu notices her charm and seductiveness. How he was very fond of her and wanted her to chase her dreams. However Nozomu rejects her saying he can't go with her now. If it was in the past he'd say yes without a second thought but now things are different. She says she knew it, he was too stubborn like his dad. She then asks what does Nozomu want to do in the future which Nozomu can't answer. She then hops onto his lap. Nozomu is pretty flustered at the situation. She says maybe he knows what he wants to be but just stuck at the moment for speaking an answer. She continues if she is stumped, he should empty his head for a moment. Nozomu says just like her which results in her getting angry but Nozomu is relaxed now. Still he asks how long is she gonna sit on his lap to which she says she wants to stay like this forever and they can stop by at an inn nearby. He says stop joking around but she answers it is no joke, then kisses him on the lips. Five seconds later she stops the kiss and gets up after taking a few bells he made. She goes away as he is left with an exited heart that he waits for it to calm down.
  133. A while before all this Sina and Mimuru out of school walking were talking about Nozomu. Sina wants her to tell everything to Nozomu, she refuses. She also wants her to use this opportunity to enter between Iris and Nozomu, she doesn't agree. Mimuru remarks that she is just scared. She admits she likes him and she is scared. The ability suppression is now even suppressing her ability to feel the spirits. Even though she couldn't use spirit magic before she never not felt the spirits so this is new to her. She also can't feel Nozomu through the contract. Mimuru says that now is the time to tell him more than anytime. However she is in a state of self-absorption plus she doesn't want to tell him now since he is going through a tough time. Just then they see Nozomu and Lisa on the bench kissing. This sight makes her jealous feeling start running again. Mimuru thinks they got back together but she couldn't even voice her thoughts since she follows Sina who started running after Lisa. Both of them caught up with Lisa who says she saw them while kissing. She shows the bell he made and gloats about it. Sina is angry, telling her to not mislead Nozomu. She says she did not do that and was giving some advice to him but wouldn't say no to kissing him then going further. Sina can't answer to her provocations, then Lisa seeing her stumped state declares that while she is grateful for what Iris and Sina did for her, she doesn't want to regret this time and she should feel free to fight for Nozomu if she can't take deal with it. With that she leaves. Triforium and Raurus appear just as Lisa leaves, shocking both Sina and Mimuru. Using spirit magic to hide they understood that Sina now can't even detect spirits. Her g-gf wants her to return with him, she refuses. When asked if the reason is Nozomu she accepts and declares she wants to be with him forever. They can't understand her love stating that he is just a human with some strange abilities but he still can't live as long as an elf. When Sina says he is more special then they realize, Triforium says that he knows since The Spirit King, referring to Sonne was here. Triforium came in contact with Sonne a few days after he come to the city. He wanted to eliminate Nozomu at that time but Sonne appears and says to him that he can't touch him. After this h wants her to come with her even more saying she will never be happy with Nozomu. She rejects him again then runs away with Mimuru running after her. Iris went to ask Sonne to be Nozomu's guardian. He rejects saying even though a vampire is targeting Nozomu, he is not completely on his side but just watching over Tiamat. Iris asks why is he training him if he is not on his side which he answers that's the best position to seal him incase things go wrong. Dejected, she leaves. Back at her mansion Victor approaches Iris while having tea. He wants Nozomu and through him Sonne on his side but Iris refuses, also tells that Sonne rejected her. Victor anticipating that says that she is now stripped of her right to be the next family head and expelled from the family. The tea drugged by Mena kicks in and she blacks out. Somia who was also drugged gets carried by Mena to the same room. Both of them are to be entrusted to Parlein and her family so even if something goes wrong they will be safe, Victor thinks. Parlein takes the girls, Victor and Mena are left behind in the mansion.
  135. Nozomu tired himself out doing his training to the max on the forest. He is mulling over why he couldn't receive Lisa's confession and why he doesn't have a dream. He tries to communicate with the spirits next, it doesn't work out. When he breaks the chains and tries again, the spirits run away due to Tiamat. After resealing him, he focuses on making Iris' hair ornament. He spends the whole night and finishes it. While feeling accomplished he finds Michal's crystal in his pocket and thinks of communicating him. He tries first, it doesn't work then he breaks the chains and tries again. This time it works but instead of hearing a reply he is blinded by the crystal lighting up and blacks out. Sonne was watching this outside of Nozomu's eyes. He puts up a protective barrier seeing him black out. He was worried about Warjart family contrary to what he said to Iris. But his worries are cut short as Crow appears and releases a fog that swallows Sonne. He can't get inside the barrier so he leaves. Nozomu's friends are worried about the absence of Iris and Nozomu. Their talk comes to vampires and Tom tells that vampires turn someone into vampire by injecting magic inside of the victim, not sucking their blood. Problem was most people turns into ghouls instead of vampires. Tom after ending the talk is worried about Mimuru being late. Mimuru comes a little later but she is alone and deeply depressed. Lisa and Camilla comes right after. Lisa wonders where Sina is and Mimuru says it is her fault. Lisa repeats what she said a day ago and asks Tom for help in her training. Mimuru interrupts and while glaring at her says keep away from Tom. She doesn't even listen Lisa's reply and runs away with Tom. The group asks what happened to which Lisa answers with she confessed to Nozomu. She explains what happened the day before. The group still don't understand Mimuru's behavior when Lisa tells she kissed Nozomu and wanted to pork (s-word is filtered by pastebin ;_;) with him. She also adds her kiss being seen by the two. While shocked they understand Sina and Mimuru but they don't understand Nozomu's absence. When asked Lisa says she told him to empty his head and through that Mars conclude he must be training to empty his head. Tom and Mimuru return but Mimuru is a crying mess. The group learns that Sina is gone through them. Mimuru explains how Sina did the blood pact, how it changed her and her g-gf who wants to take her back. The group is at a loss for words but they think they should tell Nozomu about it. Inda comes to them in the mean time and asks them where Nozomu and Sina is. She also has something to tell about Sina. They are taken to Jihad's room where Raurus awaits them. He is not fond of the idea of forcing Sina out of the school. He is here to say that her g-gf will kidnap her. Jihad then tells them how Somia and Iris are now disowned while the negotiations for the trade deal is gonna happen that day. Jihad arranges some guards for Sina's case, and the group splits up to look for Sina, Nozomu and Iris. Sina is on the outer edges of the city. She is depressed and wants to see Nozomu again. She decides to tell him the blood pact too. She is found by her g-gf first. He asks her to come with him one last time but she refuses. Realizing the words does not work her g-gf prepares a spirit magic sleeping spell while she is thankful for having a relative that feels concern for her. She can't resist the magic now but her heart does not change. Triforium shuts her consciousness but even though she has no way to resist it, when ordered to move she doesn't budge.
  137. Triforium plans to get out of the city as soon as possible with Sina who he is pulling by the hand. He finds a carriage but they are stopped by the police. After Ken's incident the city security is much through so they get a reaction from Triforium's magic. When they reach for his hood, he uses a magic to change his face which also gets detected and they consider him a suspicious person. He attacks but his attack causes a big chaos with his coachman running away. He talks (an ability of fairy species) with the horses and just as they start moving Mars stops them. He tries to run over Mars but he uses his technique to flip the carriage over, stopping Triforium. Raurus appears and blocks a magic attack from Triforium. Feo and Mimuru temporarly seal his magic afterwards. They get a hold of Sina but she is like a doll. Raurus can't dispel this magic. Just then a pillar of light rises from the direction of Iris' mansion. Back in Iris' mansion a while before Victor is trying to sigh the deal with Vitora. The deal gives his family an advantage in pure mithril trading but the advantages that are given to Warjart family on their trade is much bigger. Still Victor wants to go ahead with it as he wants a peace between the families and the countries using money flow. Vitora is okay with the contract but adds a new clause, wanting the contract from 300 years ago to be completed and she doesn't give a damn the contracts are null now. When refused she says she wants either Somia or Nozomu. Victor says he has no power over him so he can't give him. When asked for his daughter he says he has no daughters now. Victor then proposes to Vitora. Victor intends to connect the two families using himself and to marry a vampire you have to become a vampire buy since the failure rates were so high he was basically sacrificing himself in a roundabout way in place of Somia. He ordered Mena to exterminate him when that happened. Just then Iris and Somia returns to the mansion. A while ago Iris and Somia awakened on Parlein's mansion. They got up to date with their situation but Iris doesn't accept it. She had anticipated something like this and prepared countermeasures for it. Using those she disables her guards and persuades Parlein to let them go. Seeing her determination Parlein remembers her determination that rose her from being a commoner to a noble lets them go. She prepares a carriage for them impressed by their growth. Then gives the order to find Nozomu and Jihad for help to her two personal maids. Back in present Vitora is very much amused by the situation. She doesn't hide how her main interest is the Dragon Slayer Nozomu. Vitora is now releasing massive amounts of magical power, this is her normal state and she is done suppressing it. Victor orders Mena to secure the girls but they are incapacitated by Rugato. Vitora comes in front of Iris and Somia. Seeing Iris' brave form she says even people from her own country fear them. Iris answers with she has nothing to lose now and in return Vitora bites her neck. Meanwhile when Nozomu came to, he was on an unknown space. It is here that he meets Michael. He explains how the country they created while prospered at first later it had jealous gazes from outside and people being power hungry caused problems. When the problems were at their biggest the disputes among the humans also happened between the dragons who were Tiamat and Michael's friends. The other dragons saying they never should have helped the humans condemned them. Other than Tiamat and Michael, his friends included decided to abandon the country. Things got even worse when one of his friends of Tiamat during their dispute dies. This made its power Tiamat's own but this was something that can only happen between family members. Going against it causes eroding of the body and soul. When Michael saw the spectacle he blamed Tiamat, calling him a traitor. This pushed Tiamat to the edge and to be responsible of it Michael become the seal for Tiamat. Michael after finishing the past showing now talks about controlling Tiamat's power after Nozomu asked. He says there are two ways. One is to control through using his own abilities. He then shows how Iris and Sina doing at that moment, telling about their situation as well. He also explains the significance of the blood pact Sina did with Nozomu. The second way to control Tiamat is revealed as according to Michael is through killing him and taking his powers. Nozomu doesn't kill Michael, saying while he really wants to get rid of this power, his dream won't be obtained by killing him here. Michael tells him how to get out of this space and Nozomu goes out.
  139. He appears on the way above the city but lands successfully. The place he landed was near Feo and Mars. He gets near Sina and realizes to help her, he needs to dispel the spirit magic cast on her. Knowing that breaking the chains makes the spirits go away he thinks of doing so but he hesitates for a moment for doing it in a public space but does it anyway after considering how much Sina sacrificed for him. She comes back immediately. Their connection is now truly restored as she knows that he needs his help for Iris even before he says so. He holds her in princess carry style and runs for Iris' mansion. While running she asks if she knows and he replies thank you. With this Sina is truly got over everything that worried her. On the way they are attacked by Rugato but Mars interrupts and now fully completed his tech of mixing ki with magic, signals Nozomu to rush forward and starts fighting Rugato. Iris is now turning into a ghoul. She is desperately trying to endure it since the moment she faints it is over for her. Somia rushes to her side and fills magic into Iris' body to suppress ghoulification. It's not enough but the magical tool that's in her soul starts giving magic to Iris, surprising Vitora. But Vitora still has a way to attack through the bite mark, making her turn speed faster. Iris considers suicide as the only option when Lisa appears. Lisa says she really didn't want to be dragged in this situation but Iris is her love rival and if she dies, that will make him sad. So for it is unacceptable for her. Lisa comes besides Iris and start giving magical energy to her. However her ghoulification is going fast with black veins now spread to all over her body. She is trying to buy time at best and hold out the hope that Nozomu comes for them. She proves Iris to hold out for more saying if she turns into an ugly ghoul Nozomu will be hers. This makes her hold out a bit more as she was getting close fainting, then Nozomu jumps in through cutting a wall.
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  143. This is the up to date summary of Ori of the Dragon Web Novel.
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