
A clean bill of health

Jan 8th, 2019
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  1. Covet: Kelsey was sitting on the couch waiting and anticipating for this whole check up thing. She knew she hadn't been using terribly long but it was on a near daily basis. She cleared her throat and reached for the glass of water she had on the coffee table.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -CJ made her way up to Kelsey's door with a large box in her arms and a bag sitting on top of it. She was trying to figure out a way to knock on the door without dropping everything she was holding and sort of just bumped the box against it repeatedly instead.-
  3. Covet: Kelsey heard the sound at the door and got up to go answer it smiling then looking at all the stuff she brought with her, "Hey CJ, Wow... that's... I didn't think you'd need to bring this much with you." She said swallowing hard as she waited for her to walk in before closing the door.
  4. Alexithymiaa: "I wanted to be thorough." She said, turning to set the box and box down on the coffee table, shaking out her arms. "It's also been awhile since I did a check up like this, so I want to do everything right. Most people I see are bleeding from somewhere and it's less about their bloodwork and more about keeping them alive."-
  5. Covet: "Yeah, I got you. Thanks for taking it that serious. You could have reffered me to someone else though too, not that I mind being a refresher for you." She said with an anxious smile.
  6. Alexithymiaa: "If I referred you to someone else, you'd have to of come into the hospital for an official appointment and I know you're trying to keep this on the DL unless absolutely necessary. It's fine though, it'll be fun for everyone." She said with a laugh, opening the bag and beginning to unload some of her supplies onto the table to get herself set up.-
  7. Covet: "Yeah, it's kind of necessary and all. Brad's more paranoid about it than I am, but... I still don't want it getting out, not with how things are with my Dad right now." Kelsey said watching her. "Do you need me to do anything, or get anything?"
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Nope, just sit tight." She told her, picking up the newage finger thermometer and sticking it out to clip onto Kelsey's middle finger, starting in on those vitals. "Alright so tell me how you've been feeling. Any sneezing coughing vomiting diahrrea, dizziness?"-
  9. Covet: "Um, no none of that, The withdrawal part was probably the worst, headache, nauseous, chills, but I haven't had any of that since." Kelsey explained.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Good." She leaned down to pick up a legal pad she'd brought with her, jotting down some notes to make keeping track of the things Kelsey said easier on her. "Have you had any migraines since going through withdrawal?" She asked her, pulling the thermometer off her finger to read the temperature as normal, writing that down too.-
  11. Covet: "Not that I can think of no, there's been a lot of anger, and frustration. Easily irritated, Stressed, I've kind of gotten more worried and concerned about things, things that I normally wouldn't but none of that is really physical related. Kelsey said watching her.
  12. Alexithymiaa: -She made a few notes, mostly to suggest she see a therapist, but none of those things were much concern to her and her evaluation. "Alright, let's get started." She set the pad down and picked up the blood pressure machine, sitting it down beside Kelsey and wrapping the bandage around her arm, beginning to pump it.-
  13. Covet: Kelsey held her arm up and waited feeling the cuff get tighter and tigher before CJ read what it was. She was still feeling anxious so she was anticipating it being a little higher than normal, but still acceptable.
  14. Alexithymiaa: -Reading the results, she grabbed for her pad and wrote them down before pulling it off her arm. "Normal, but on the high side of normal. Does your family have any history of high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart diseased?" She asked, sticking her stethoscope in her ears and pressing the face to Kelsey's chest to listen to her lungs.-
  15. Covet: "No, not that I can think of. But I'm kind of nervous right now so that's probably why." She said taking the deep breaths each time she moved the stethescope.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Lungs sound clear, very nice." She draped the stethoscope around her neck, writing down those results as well. "Okay... I want to do an EKG. The portable machine isn't the most accurate, but it'll give me a pretty good idea if I think you should be brought in for further testing. I'm just going to need access to your chest, if you can remove your top for a few minutes." She spoke professionally, not wanting to be weird as she went about plugging in the portable machine to the wall.-
  17. Covet: Kelsey furrowed her brow, but reluctantly took her top off, because she knew that this was supposed to be a full work up, and all of this involved that too. "No problem, I haven't had any issues with my heart or anything. So it should come back just fine."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Thank you. It shouldn't take long." She started gently applying the censors to Kelsey's chest and also a couple on her arms as well before booting up the machine. "Just need to sit tight. Your heart is going to do its thing all on it's own."-
  19. Covet: "Alright. "She said with her hands in her lap bouncing her foot as she looked around the place.
  20. Alexithymiaa: -She recorded the data from the monitor into her notes. "Seems to look pretty good to me." Turning it off, she carefully peeled the censors off her chest, replacing them in the box. "You can put your top back on now. I'm just going to take a bit of blood to run at the lab and I can get those results to you sometime next week."-
  21. Covet: "Okay Great." Kelsey said as she put her shirt back on. " So everything looks alright then? I can pass along that good news to Brad?"
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Everything except the bloodwork, yes." She said as she pulled on a pair of latex gloves and got out a needle attached to a blood tube. She leaned over to examine Kelsey's arms, pushing her fingers over her veins to decide where she should draw blood from. "Just a little pinch." She told her, sliding the needle into one of the veins and holding it there as the vile started to fill with blood.-
  23. Covet: Kelsey winced a little when she felt the pinch then exhaled. "All that should look good too. I doubt that would have anything abnormal."
  24. Alexithymiaa: -Watching what she was doing closely, she kept talking to Kelsey to keep her distracted from drawing blood. "I don't think anything is going to come back, but we need to be thorough so we know. I am however going to recommend you see a therapist. It sounds like your only problems are psychiatric."-
  25. Covet: "Oh... Okay." Kelsey said with a nod. "I guess it's probably better to talk to someone professional about it, rather than not. I'll have to hunt someone down in Portland once I get back."
  26. Alexithymiaa: "It might be in your best interest to sit for a few sessions while your here and get a jump start on how the process works and how it'll feel to talk to someone." She said as she removed the needle, applying a cotton ball to her arm and holding it there.-
  27. Covet: "I can probably work that into my schedule here." Kelsey said, taking over holding the cotton ball. "
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Thank you." She said, turning to put the vile into an insulated pack to bring back home with her and to work tomorrow. "I can give you a few recommendations of therapists I know in the area that would be willing to see you temporarily."-
  29. Covet: "Thanks that would be great. I appreciate all of this. If there's nothing else, then I think I'm going to give Bradley a call and let him know everything." Kelsey said with a soft smile.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "Yep, that was the last of it." She said, finishing packing up her things and stacking it all together. "I need to get back and make sure Bryan cleaned up after dinner. He needs to be reminded of these things." She rolled her eyes, lifting her things and walking to the door. "Have a good night and tell Brad I said hello."-
  31. Covet: "I will, Have a good night and get home safely, CJ." She said with a smile, walking her to the door so she could lock it after her.
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