
Day three

Jul 4th, 2014
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  1. Fic by BiscuitAnon.
  2. Pastebin:
  4. >The sensation of something tickles your nose as you try to sleep.
  5. >A fruity smell invades your nostrils and puts a smile on your face.
  6. >You crack open an eye to see dash cuddled up on your chest, sound asleep.
  7. >Never through this moment would ever happen in your lifetime.
  8. >Hell, at all really..
  9. >All you know is that you're one happy bastard.
  10. >You glance over to the clock and see that it's about 5:50 am
  11. >You should probably get up..
  12. >Looking back down at dash you brush the hair out of her face and kiss her on the forehead before stealthily getting up from underneath her.
  13. >You gently set her head back down on the pillow and take a breath of relief.
  14. >Didn't want to wake her up..
  15. >RD: *mumble* "No anon don't go.." she says as she snuggles the pillow.
  16. >HNNNNNNG.
  17. >You're strong man anon, you can handle the cute.
  18. >Shaking your head clear of the drowsiness you head into the bathroom to throw some cold water on your face.
  19. >You have to find the other two girls today..
  20. >That is if they even show up.
  21. >But with your luck, they will.
  22. >Finishing up you decide to take a quick shower.
  23. >After that's done you creep into your bedroom for a set of clothes.
  24. >Grabbing all you need from your room, you disappear into the darkness of the living room.
  25. >Not before closing the bedroom door.
  26. >You get dressed and walk over to dash.
  27. >Getting down to your knees you caress her cheek once more and smile.
  28. >Yeah sure.. you've just met her three days ago.. but technically you've known her longer than that.
  29. >She just hasn't know you for such time.
  30. >But after last night, you're sure she'll learn plenty about you.
  31. >You're in love with dash and nothing in this universe or the next is going to change that.
  32. >RD: "A-anon?" her eyes flutter open to find you by her side.
  33. "Mornin' Dash."
  34. >RD: "What are you *yawn* doing? Come back to bed with me." she pouts.
  35. >You feel like your heart is going to explode.
  36. "As much as I would love that dash, I have to get things around for school."
  37. >RD: "You're such an egghead. " She playfully punches your shoulder.
  38. "At least it's Friday which means I have the weekend off. "
  39. >You smile before giving her a quick peck on the lips.
  40. >RD: "Well hurry and go to school already.." she growls playfully.
  41. "Trust me, I'd take the day off in a heartbeat if I didn't think the others were going to show up."
  42. >RD: "Yeah.."
  43. >She looks off in some random direction, ten back at you.
  44. >RD: "But when the weekend gets here, you're mine mister."
  45. >She pulls you back down on the couch with her.
  46. >Both of you giggle like a bunch of school children as you enjoy each others company.
  47. >S: "Blugh.. dude."
  48. "Shaddup spike."
  49. >He gets up and walks off into the kitchen and lays down.
  50. >You and dash spent the last 15 minutes staring into each others eyes as small exchanges of kisses went back and forth.
  51. >You bedroom door opens for the first time this morning and the first one to step out is rarity.
  52. >R: *Yawn* Good mor-... am I interrupting something?" she says surprised by what she sees.
  53. >You poke your head up over the arm of the couch.
  54. "Oh.. OH, Good morning Rarity!" you say, flustered.
  55. >Dash giggles at your expense.
  56. >R: "I'll just uhh.. go wake the others up.."
  57. "..Kay."
  58. >She slowly closes the door, not breaking eye contact the entire way.
  59. "That.. was awkward."
  60. >RD: "Get back down here I'm not finished with you yet!"
  61. >Dash pulls you into another quick makeout session.
  62. >Damn, it's like she can't get enough of you.
  63. >You're such a lady killer anon.
  64. >You manage to satisfy dashes appetite and make some breakfast for everyone really quick.
  65. >Just as everyone comes out of the bedroom, you and dash have already finished your meals.
  66. "I gotta get running girls, breakfast is on the table."
  67. >You give dash one last peck on the lips and head out the door.
  68. >The others just stare at rainbow.
  69. >TS: "What... was that about?" She asks obviously confused at what she just witnessed.
  70. >R: "Is there something you're not telling us Rainbow?" she smirks and teases dash.
  71. >PP: "Ooooh! Dashie has a booooyfriend~!"
  72. >It's going to be a looong morning for Dash.
  73. --------------
  74. >You look at the time in your car, about 15 minutes before school starts.
  75. >Making good progress, you might not be late again this morning.
  76. >You'll admit, you feel like a million bucks.
  77. >Best you've felt in awhile.
  78. >Managing to arrive at school in record time, you hop out of the car and head into school for the last time this week.
  79. >Feelsgoodman.
  80. >On the way to class you keep an eye out for any oddly colored people that obviously don't belong here.
  81. >You went to first period without seeing such things.
  82. >Give it time..
  83. >"Anon, Dash is out sick again?"
  84. "Yeah, bad case of uhh.. scabies?"
  85. >You see the teacher shudder at that thought.
  86. >"Oh dear, well send her my condolences."
  87. "Will do.."
  88. >Teachers fall for anything..
  89. >First period goes by, nothing, second and third? still not a damn thing.
  90. >Fourth period and lunch went by and still no sign of them.
  91. >...Maybe they aren't coming?
  92. >You have 3 classes left in the day.
  93. >Art, Calc, and.. Gym.
  94. >You have a feeling Gym is where you want to place your money.
  95. >You leave Art class with still no sign of the others..
  96. >That is until..
  97. >"What out where you're going freak!"
  98. >???: "I'm S-sorry."
  99. >"What's wrong with you, you have a skin disorder or something freak?"
  100. >There's some asshole jock motherfucker putting down a poor girl with pink hair and yellow skin.
  101. >A whistle goes off in your head.
  102. >That's Fluttershy.
  103. >You run over to the scene and step in front of Fluttershy.
  104. "What the fuck is your problem Jock-strap?"
  105. >"Who the hell are you? are you friends with this.. thing?"
  106. "I'm Anon you piece of camel ass, and what if I was friends with her? The fuck are you gonna do?"
  107. >"Oh we got a wise ass over here? how about I put you in your place?"
  108. >No, I'm about I put you in yours good sir.
  109. >You don't fight fair, never have.
  110. >A swift kick to the dick puts the jock down for the count.
  111. >You take his shoes as a monument to your triumph.
  112. >Quickly you grab fluttershy's hand and drag her out of that situation as quickly as possible.
  113. >Once you find an somewhat desolate part of the hallways you begin to speak.
  114. "Are you okay?"
  115. >FS: "Y-yes, t-thank you. *sniff*"
  116. "What's your name?"
  117. >Better be subtle with this one, can't just tell her straight up you know her.
  118. >She might freak and try to run away.
  119. "What's your name?"
  120. >FS: "F-fl*mumble*
  121. "I'm sorry hun, come again?"
  122. >FS: "My n-name is Flutters-shy."
  123. "It's nice to meet you Fluttershy, My name is Anon."
  124. >FS: "Nice to meet you t-too Anon."
  125. "You must be new here, are you lost?"
  126. >FS: "A little.."
  127. "Well, I'll help you find your way to wherever you need to go." you smile and try to reassure her.
  128. >FS: "Do you think you could also h-help me with something else? P-please?
  129. "Anything."
  130. >The cute hurts.
  131. >FS: "I also need help finding my friends.. if that's okay."
  132. "I think I can help you with that."
  133. >FS: "Really?!"
  134. "You just have to find me after school, alright?"
  135. >Wait anon better get this question off first.
  136. "What class do you have next anyways?"
  137. >FS: "Gym class I think."
  138. >Knew it, class with you.
  139. >What luck.
  140. "Well that's where I'm going too, so I'll take ya to class."
  141. >FS: "T-thank you anon." she smiles weakly.
  142. >You and Shy head off to Gym, where hopefully, Applejack will be.
  143. >You just hope she isn't a tough one to convince.
  144. >You and shy enter the gymnasium with one task in mind.
  145. >Find Applejack and get the fuck out.
  146. >After telling fluttershy to go the girls locker room and search.
  147. >You head into the mens locker room to get changed for gym.
  148. >After 10 minutes pass by all the students in class are lined up for warm-up.
  149. >Fluttershy stands next to you as you keep an eye out for a stetson.
  150. >"Alright class! Today we play DODGEBALL partner up!"
  151. >You look at shy and smile.
  152. "Like like we're going to be partners shy."
  153. >FS: "O-okay."
  154. >All the students line up in the middle of the gym, balls set out from left to right.
  155. >The Gym teacher blows his whistle and everyone runs for a ball.
  156. >You managed to be lucky enough to stand right next to one.
  157. "Fluttershy, stay behind me I'll cover you."
  158. >She nods.
  159. >Balls, balls everywhere.
  160. >You manage to dodge every throw taken at you and protect shy at the same time.
  161. >How you do it is beyond you.
  162. >Whipping the ball you managed to take someone out before they turn their attention to you.
  163. "Uh oh."
  164. >a barrage of red, rubber balls comes your way and you're hit by every single one.
  165. >You lie on the ground in defeat.
  166. "..shit, Fluttershy? It looks like it up to you."
  167. >FS: *meep*
  168. >Standing back up you place a hand on flutters shoulder.
  169. "You can do this, I believe in your fluttershy."
  170. >Some dickhead decided to throw a ball at shy while she's distracted.
  171. "Shy watch out!"
  172. >She catches the ball out of the air.
  173. >You stand there shocked.
  174. "Way to go.. heh."
  175. >Fluttershy looks at the ball then the other students.
  176. >"What's the worse she can do? haha!" someone on the other team taunts.
  177. >You can see something spark in shy's eyes.
  178. >FS: "Nobody pushes me around!"
  179. >"W-what?"
  180. >She whips the ball and it smack into the students face with a thunderous sound
  181. >Daaaaaaamn.
  182. >Nigga got knocked the FUCK out.
  183. >Shy goes on a rampage and knock everyone out of the game, including 10 of her own teammates.
  184. >There's one person left standing on the other team.
  185. >Well shit.
  186. >Look who it is.
  187. >FS: "A-applejack?"
  188. >AJ: "Fluttershy? What are ya'll doin' here?"
  189. >FS: "L-looking for Twilight and the others."
  190. >AJ: "Well shoot I reckon we're here for the same thing."
  191. >The gym teacher is pretty pissed.
  192. >"This is not how you play the game of DODGEBAWL." he spits.
  193. >You pat the gym teacher on the back.
  194. "Take five coach, I'll take it from here."
  195. >He walks off mumbling something about damn kids these days or something.
  196. >You don't really care.
  197. >Walking over to Flutters you introduce yourself to AJ.
  198. "Hi there, you must be Applejack"
  199. >AJ adopts a suspicious look on her face.
  200. >AJ: "How'd ya'll know my name there partner?"
  201. "Because I've heard about you from someone."
  202. >AJ: "Oh? and just who might that be?"
  203. "Fluttershy."
  204. >FS: "But I didn-"
  205. >You cover her mouth with your hand.
  206. "She did, right?"
  207. >You look at her.
  208. >She nods weakly.
  209. >AJ gets face to face with you and looks into your eyes with a brow half cocked.
  210. >AJ: "I know when someone's lyin'"
  211. >You sigh.
  212. "Look, I'll be honest.. I know who you are because I have been helping your friends out for the past couple of days, okay?"
  213. >AJ takes one last scan of your eyes before determining her judgement.
  214. >AJ: "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" she grins.
  215. >FS: "Y-you know who we are?"
  216. "I'm sorry I didn't tell your earlier, Fluttershy, I just didn't want to scare you away."
  217. >FS: "Oh it's o-okay."
  218. >AJ: "So you said you've been helpin' our friends?"
  219. "Yes I have, they're all staying with me right now I came to school today to look for the both of you."
  220. >AJ: "Makes sense I guess.."
  221. >The bell rings for the last time today.
  222. "Thank god schools over.. if you want to see your friends come with me."
  223. >You then lead the newly acquired AJ and Flutts outside to your car.
  224. >After 10 minutes of convincing them it's not a trap you managed to get them in the car and head home.
  225. >AJ: "This place is pretty dang weird."
  226. "You know you're the first to say that out of all the girls."
  227. >AJ: "Really? Well mah point stands, I'm not really the city type."
  228. "I can't blame ya, not many are the city type."
  229. >Finally arriving at your apartment complex, you lead the two inside to rejoin their friends.
  230. >You open the door and the first thing that happens when you walk through takes you by surprise.
  231. >A wild rainbow dash has tackled you to the ground.
  232. >RD: "Anon you found them!"
  233. "hehe yeah I did, can I get off the ground now please?" you smile.
  234. >RD: "Oh sorry hehe.."
  235. >You get up and brush yourself off and allow the other two to get re-acquainted with this friends.
  236. >You look over to dash and see that there's something.. different about her.
  237. >Then you noticed she's wearing one of your t-shirts and a pair of your sweatpants.
  238. >You tilt your head at this prospect.
  239. "Are you.. wearing some of my clothing?"
  240. >RD: "Yeah, you don't mind do you? I thought this shirt was pretty cool and these pants are comfy."
  241. >RD: "Oh and they smell good too." she smiles.
  242. "No I don't mind at all, you look pretty cute in them." you scoop her up into a hug.
  243. "I missed you."
  244. >She squeezes your tight.
  245. >RD: "I missed you too, egghead."
  246. >You and dash walk over to the girls, who still, are staring at the both of you.
  247. >AJ: "Is there somethin' I'm missing out on here?"
  248. >Pinkie pops up behind AJ.
  249. >PP: "Dashies got a boyfriend!"
  250. >Rainbow leans in and whispers into your ear.
  251. >RD: "They've been teasing me all day.."
  252. "You look cute when you're flustered." you laugh.
  253. >RD: "Hey!" she punches you in the arm before blushing.
  254. >So you managed to finally get everyone together and it's the weekend too
  255. "Okay girls, seeing as we're all here now." you look around at everyone
  256. "We need to discuss what our next plan of action is going to be."
  257. >You bring everyone to the kitchen table and prepare some snackage while the others think of solutions to your current problem.
  258. >TS: "Well.. we all did appear at anon's school, so I think that would be the most likely place to look first."
  259. >R: "I agree."
  260. >AJ: "Me too!"
  261. "But there's a problem Twi, School is closed for the weekend."
  262. >TS: "Oh yeah.. that does sound like a problem."
  263. "The only way we could get in, is if I break us in."
  264. >RD: "How?"
  265. "It's pretty easy actually, there's always an unlocked window in the library, we'll sneak in through there."
  266. >You stroke your chin in thought.
  267. "Hmm.. but I'm the only one who knows my way around that school by heart.. I'll have to get a diagram of the schools layout."
  268. >AJ: "How would that help?"
  269. "Well we're gonna have to split up and search different parts of the school, cover the more ground ya know?"
  270. >You pace back and forth
  271. "So if I can get my hands on a diagram, it'll help the rest of you find your way around."
  272. >Mane 6: "Oooooh."
  273. >You look at the clock.
  274. >7pm.
  275. "We'll head out at midnight and use the cover of darkness, sound like plan?"
  276. >The mane 6 all nod in agreement.
  277. "Right, now I'm going to get supplies around for tonight, you girls just relax or prepare yourselves, whatever floats your boat."
  278. >You head off into your bedroom and look for 6 pairs of dark colored clothing.
  279. >Teaching the mane 6 the joys of breaking and entering.
  280. >Celestia would be so proud.
  281. >You wouldn't be surprised if one her magic bolts struck you down right now.
  282. >The sound of thunder roars outside.
  283. >..Uhh you were kidding of course!
  284. >Now you're even more paranoid.
  285. >Great.
  286. >You continue rummaging through your closet and managed to stumble upon an old dusty box.
  287. >Holy shit you haven't seen this thing in what? 12 years?
  288. >You blow the excess dust off the box and open it up.
  289. >You're lucky buck knife and 6 walkie talkies lay in the box.
  290. >Save for a few other items from your childhood.
  291. >You grab the talkies but stare down at your knife..
  292. >You shrug and grab it.
  293. >Never know man, shit could go south.
  294. >Better to be prepared then fucked in the ass if the situation ever reaches that level of shit.
  295. >After putting the knife in your waistband, you grab the talkies and head out back to the girls.
  296. "Hey I found something old that me be of some use."
  297. >TS: "What are those?"
  298. "They're walkie talkies, we can communicate with each other even though we'll be separated, all you have to do is hit the button on the side and talk into it."
  299. >Pinkie picks on up and turns it on.
  300. >You grab the other so you can demonstrate how it works.
  301. "Go ahead pinkie, talk into it."
  302. >PP: "Equestria to Anon! Anon! This is Pinkie pie calling Anon!"
  303. "I read you loud and clear pinks."
  304. >PP: "Hehehe! They work!"
  305. >The rest of the girls pick up a talkie.
  306. "Now keep those close by you at all times, if one of us finds the portal, give a shout over the coms."
  307. >They nod.
  308. >You head over to your computer and log on.
  309. >Google is your best friend.
  310. >Probably a good idea to delete your history while you're at it.
  311. >You spend the next 20 minutes trying find a diagram of your school.
  312. "Aha! Found one!"
  313. >The girls stand over you, watching you work on the computer.
  314. >TS: "Great! Now how do we get the diagram?"
  315. "Easy."
  316. >You click the print button and print out several copies.
  317. >PP: "Woooah how'd you do that?"
  318. "Technology pinkie, you're in a different world after all, remember?"
  319. >PP: "Oh right, silly me!"
  320. >You hand each of the girls a map of the school and take one for yourself.
  321. >It's like you're preparing for the greatest heist of a lifetime.
  322. >You're actually excited for some adventure.
  323. >And if things still don't work out and you can't find the portal.
  324. >Something tells you, you're not going back to school next week.
  325. >At this point you couldn't care less either.
  326. >Spend time with girls from another galaxy or school?
  327. >Failing school at this point is totally worth it.
  328. >Hell you might even get expelled after tonight.
  329. >You pull up in the parking lot of the school and kill the headlights.
  330. >You look around to see if anyone is still at the school.
  331. >There's only one sole car in the parking lot aside from you.
  332. >Is.. is that the janitors car?
  333. >You think it is, but you're not quite sure.
  334. "Okay, are you girls ready?"
  335. >Mane 6: "Mhm!"
  336. >All of you are dressed in black hoodies and pants.
  337. >You hand out stylish ski masks to the girls.
  338. "If you're seen, pull these masks down your face, it'll cover you up pretty good."
  339. >With one last look around you hop out of the car, the girls following behind.
  340. >You all sneak up to the side of the school and you locate the library windows.
  341. >After trying pretty much all of them, you managed to find the one that's unlocked.
  342. "Got it, we're in."
  343. >You slide the window up and hop down off the ledge.
  344. "Okay, who's first?"
  345. >AJ volunteers.
  346. >You boost her up into the window, then twilight, then shy, then pinkie, and then finally dashie.
  347. >RD: "Anon, how are you getting in?"
  348. >You take a few steps back and prepare yourself.
  349. "Like this."
  350. >You run up the wall and grab the window seal and pull yourself in.
  351. >After getting in the library, you scan around for any signs of life.
  352. "Okay, we're clear.. move out."
  353. >You and the mane 6 sneak yourself out of the library and into the hallways.
  354. "Alright, here's where we split up."
  355. >You point to AJ.
  356. "You check the Gym and cafeteria."
  357. >She nods before running off.
  358. "Pinkie, you take the auditorium and the science wing."
  359. >PP: "Roger that!" She throws you a salute.
  360. "Twilight, fluttershy, you two check the math and english wings."
  361. >They head off towards that direction.
  362. "And that leave you me dash, we'll check the upper levels of the school and the nurses office."
  363. >R: "Hey what about me!"
  364. >Oh you almost forgot about rarity.
  365. "Rarity, you check the music and art wings."
  366. >She runs off.
  367. "Okay NOW it's just you and me, heh."
  368. >RD: "I wouldn't have it any other way.." she says as she grasps your hand.
  369. >You smile.
  370. "C'mon let's head out."
  371. >You and dash run down the hallway and up the stairs to check the upper levels of the school.
  372. >Meanwhile..
  373. >AJ: "Now where in tarnation is this danged portal."
  374. >AJ has searched both the cafeteria gymnasium up and down, as well as both locker rooms, to no avail.
  375. >AJ: "Well no luck here.. better head on ou-"
  376. >???: "You're coming with me missy."
  377. >A shadowy figure grabs AJ's arm and pulls her into the darkness.
  378. >AJ: "What in the hay?! Let go of me ya vermi-"
  379. >The sound of her cries are muffled.
  380. ---------------
  381. >Pinkie pie is currently making faces at a display skeleton in one of the science classrooms.
  382. >PP: "You're not very talkative Mr. Bones."
  383. >???: "That's because the ride never ends."
  384. >PP: "Did you say something Mr. Bones?"
  385. >???: "No fun allowed."
  386. >PP: "Fun?! Who said-Mmmph!"
  387. >Pinkie is dragged into the darkness by the mysterious figure, just like Applejack.
  388. >Fluttershy and Twilight aren't having the best of luck either.
  389. >TS: "We've check everywhere!"
  390. >FS: "Don't give up Twilight! I'm sure we can find it.."
  391. >TS: "You're right fluttershy, we just have to keep looking!"
  392. >???: "Not on my watch."
  393. >The voice comes from the shadows.
  394. >FS: "W-what was that?"
  395. >TS: "I don't know.."
  396. >The sound of a push broom echoes throughout the room.
  397. >FS: "T-twilight.. I'm scared."
  398. >...
  399. >...
  400. >FS: "Twilight?"
  401. >???:"Heh..heh..heh.."
  402. >FS: "AHHHHHHHH!"
  403. >Her screams echoed throughout the school.
  404. >R: "What was that? Oh dear.. I hope the others are okay."
  405. >Rarity is currently searching the art classes for any signs of a portal.
  406. >R: "Heavens.. some of this artwork is.. horrendous."
  407. >???: "Second."
  408. >The sound of that voice sends a shiver down rarity's spine.
  409. >She turns around slowly before being dragged away like the others.
  410. >Something doesn't feel right..
  411. >Not at all.
  412. >You grab dashes arm and stop.
  413. "Hold on dash."
  414. >You pull the walkie out from your pocket.
  415. *Static* "Girls? is everything okay?"
  416. >...
  417. >...
  418. "Girls!"
  419. >...
  420. >...
  421. "This isn't good."
  422. >RD: "What's wrong?"
  423. >You look up dash with concern on your face.
  424. "They aren't answering."
  425. >You keep try on the coms, but still no reply.
  426. >On the other end of one of the walkies, the figure picks it up and listens.
  427. "Girls? I need you to respond.. is everything okay?"
  428. >He clicks on the button and replies.
  429. >???: "You're next, Anon."
  430. >You immediately drop the walkie talkie.
  431. >RD: "Anon? Anon! What's wrong?!"
  432. >You try to form words out of your mouth, nothing comes out.
  433. "S-s..."
  434. >RD: "C'mon Anon spit it out!"
  435. "...Scruffy."
  436. >RD: "Who?"
  437. "Let's go, now!"
  438. >You grab dashes hand and sprint like a kenyan to the nurses office.
  439. >You lock the door behind you.
  440. >RD: "Anon, you're hyperventilating! you need to snap out of it!"
  441. >Dash slaps you a couple of times.
  442. >You shake your head loose of the anxiety.
  443. "Thank you, I needed that."
  444. >The door handle starts to jiggle and you jump.
  445. >You cover dashes mouth and tell her to be quiet.
  446. >She nods in understanding.
  447. >Now there's banging on the door.
  448. >You grip the handle of your knife like your life depended on it.
  449. >Finally it stops and the sound of walking is heard going away from the door.
  450. "I-I think we're safe for now.."
  451. >RD: "That was close.."
  452. >You lie down on one of the lounging chairs in the nurses office.
  453. >Dash cuddles up next to you.
  454. "I have no idea what to do now.." you sigh.
  455. >Dash thinks about it for a minute.
  456. >RD: "You.. wanna make out?"
  457. >You don't even need a moment to think on that.
  458. "Yes, I would very much like that."
  459. >Dash giggles and attacks your face like a hungry african.
  461. >TS: "Ugh.. what happened.. why can't I move?"
  462. >Twilight realizes she's tied to a chair.
  463. >TS: "Girls?"
  464. >And so are the rest.
  465. >FS: "Twilight!"
  466. >R: "Where are we?"
  467. >TS: "I-I don't know."
  468. >AJ: "We need ta get out of here!"
  469. >PP: "Done!"
  470. >Pinkie managed somehow to untie her bonds.
  471. >TS: "Well done pinkie! now get the rest of us out!"
  472. >PP: "Okkie dokie!"
  473. ----------------
  474. >You and Dash spent the last half hour exchanging kisses and cuddling.
  475. >Running your fingers through her hair you sigh.
  476. "I hope the others are okay.."
  477. >RD: "I'm sure they're fine Anon."
  478. "We're being hunted down by the janitor.. I don't think that qualifies as okay."
  479. >RD: "Well.. what's the worse he can really do?"
  480. "Probably call the cops, but Scruffy.. no, he's different."
  481. >Dash sits up and looks at you.
  482. >RD: "How so?"
  483. "He'll make sure you're never seen again."
  484. >RD: *gulp*
  485. "But I'm sure he's not that much of a threat really.."
  486. >You give dash a kiss on the cheek to reassure her.
  487. >RD: Well I feel safe with you, Anon." She smiles and snuggles back into your chest.
  488. >Then suddenly the nurses office door flies open and slams against the wall.
  489. >Causing you and dash to abruptly end your intimate moment.
  491. "Oh for fuck sakes man!" you try to whisper without yelling.
  492. >You quickly grab dash and hide in the darkness of the room.
  493. >Scruff: "I know yer in here.."
  494. >The sound of the push broom intensifies.
  495. >You quickly look around for something thick and heavy.
  496. >A metal tray with various medical supplies catches your eye.
  497. >Yeah you have a knife, but stabbing the janitor? That won't look good on any college application.
  498. >Quietly taking off all the supplies, you grab the tray and hold it over your head.
  499. >You wait for scruffy to pass by you in the dark.
  500. >*THWACK*
  501. >Scruffys body goes limp and drops to the ground.
  502. >Grabbing dashes hand, you bolt the fuck out of the nurses office and down the hallway.
  503. >You have no idea where you're running too, as long as it's away from him.
  504. >You can hear the faint echoes of an enraged Janitor down the hall.
  505. >Someone steps out in front of your path and you try to stop in time, but to no avail.
  506. >You crash into.. Pinkie pie?
  507. "Pinkie! You're okay!"
  508. >PP: "Oh course I'm fine silly!"
  509. "Where are the others?"
  510. >TS: "Right here Anon!"
  511. "What happened? Are you all okay?"
  512. >R: "We're fine darling, it's just that janitor I'm worried about."
  513. >AJ: "Yeah, that vermin' took us all hostage! but thankfully Pinkie helped us get out."
  514. >Scruff: "I'LL GET YOU DANG CHILDREN."
  515. >Shit..
  516. "Well it's time we abort the mission girls, we're in way over our heads."
  517. >The others nod in agreement.
  518. >You all make a dash to the library and out the window you came in.
  519. >Piling everyone into the car, you bolt out of the school parking lot and out into the empty streets of the city.
  520. "Phew.. that was a close one, I barely even go to look around the school."
  521. >TS: "Same here.."
  522. >FS: "What do we do now?"
  523. >At this point.. you really don't know.
  524. >Unless Scruffy retires any time soon, you won't have a shot at finding the portal after school hours.
  525. >And how awkward is it going to look if you did it during the school day?
  526. >No.. You'll find a way, somehow.
  527. "For now fluttershy, we go home and rest."
  528. >You retreat back to your apartment, defeated.
  529. >Scruffy may have won this battle, but not the war.
  530. >But.. with your luck, you bet the portal isn't even in the school.
  531. >But that still wouldn't explain why the girls all appeared there.
  532. >It has to be in there somewhere, it HAS to.
  533. >You just pray you find it before more ponies show up.
  534. >Something bolts across the street while driving and you slam on the brakes.
  535. >You just see a fragment of something green and small.
  536. >Huh..
  537. >You shrug
  538. "Sorry, you girls okay?"
  539. >TS: "I.. I think so."
  540. >RD: "What was that for anyway?"
  541. "I saw something.. "
  542. >Whatever the hell it was, it was fast and you only caught a glimpse of it before it disappeared into an alleyway.
  543. >Ehh.. it was probably nothing.
  544. >FS: "What do you think it was?"
  545. "Probably a stray cat or something."
  546. >FS: "P-poor thing."
  547. "Well at least they never go hungry, plenty of food around."
  548. >You try to reassure fluttershy, because you really don't want to investigate it.
  549. >Too tired, and too pissed at scruffy for that.
  550. >So you continue to drive home.
  551. >You finally arrive and slump up the stairs.
  552. >The girls are in the same condition you are.
  553. >You open the door to find spike waiting at your feet.
  554. >S: "So how'd it go?" he tilts his head.
  555. "Terrible, no luck and we managed to get chased out."
  556. >S: "Well that sucks.. I miss my scales.."
  557. >Twilight scoops up spike and gives him a hug.
  558. >TS: "I know you miss home spike, we'll find the way, I promise."
  559. >You kinda.. feel bad.
  560. >I mean it really wasn't your fault, but still.
  561. >Soon enough everyone is going to start missing home, you can't allow that.
  562. >You won't fail these girls.
  563. >You WILL get them home safe.
  564. >Giving yourself a stretch and a yawn, you walk over to the couch and fall face first into it.
  565. >Flipping over to your back, you speak to the girls.
  566. "I don't know about you but I'm beat, I'm going to get some sleep."
  567. >Twilight yawns.
  568. >TS: "Yeah I think it's time we all turn in."
  569. >The girls, minus one rainbow dash all head into your bedroom.
  570. >TS/FS/AJ/R/PP: "Goodnight Anon!"
  571. "Night girls."
  572. >Dash crawls onto your chest and gets comfortable.
  573. >She yaws and snuggles into your neck.
  574. >RD: "Goodnight Egghead.."
  575. "Goodnight Dash.."
  576. >You kiss her on the forehead.
  577. >Closing your eyes your drift off to that pleasant silence
  578. End of day three
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