
Rebels in Equestria 9

Aug 11th, 2012
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  1. > Step by step you begin to make your way to her
  2. > It’s almost as if you’re on auto pilot
  3. > You’re only a few steps away from the bench when your body begins to cramp
  4. > Everything suddenly hurts
  5. > A jolt of pain travels down your spine
  6. > Your body gives out, and you land on the soft grass
  7. > Trying to get up proves pointless, your body is just limp
  8. > A loud sigh of defeat escapes your lips
  10. > The Alicorn has stopped stargazing long enough to notice you sprawled on the ground
  11. > “Oh my. Are you alright? Would you like us to fetch the medical staff?”
  12. > You thought about it for a moment
  13. > You’ve been through much worse pain than a few muscle cramps
  14. “No no. I’m fine. Besides, it’s much more comfortable down here.”
  15. > You try to play it off by placing your arms behind your head
  16. > She giggles at your display
  18. > “My my. It’s is not often we find anyp0ny out in the royal garden at this hour. You lone soul, tell us what are you doing here?”
  19. > Wow.
  20. > She’s not exactly fazed by your appearance
  21. > She shows no fear or anxiety when in your presence
  22. > It’s a stark contrast to the dozens of cowering p0nies you’ve come across so far
  23. > It looks like she’s the first to see you as an equal even.
  24. > This brings a warm smile on your face
  25. > Finally, someone who you can see eye to eye with
  26. “ I really should be asking you the same thing. You know it’s not safe to wander the night alone Miss...”
  27. > “Luna. You may call us Luna.”
  29. > Luna…
  30. > Something about this pony seems oddly familiar
  31. > Was it her name?
  32. > Maybe it was her voice?
  33. > It’s on the tip of your tongue
  34. > There’s just something about her that “clicks”
  35. > It really does feel like you’ve already met this p0ny before
  36. > Maybe she lives in the castle and you saw her while being ushered in.
  37. > Or was she one of the p0nies you saw while in P0nyville?
  38. > You saw a painting of a p0ny in the castle that really resembles her
  39. > Is it possible that they are the same?
  40. > You’re lose yourself in your thoughts
  42. > “Well?” Her interruption breaks your train of thought
  43. “Well…what?”
  44. > “You never answered our question.”
  45. “Well…To be honest, you never answered mine.”
  46. > She gives you a coy smirk raising one eyebrow
  47. > “We were simply watching over the night. Just as we always do every night.”
  48. > What the hell? Watching over the night?
  49. > You can’t tell if she is being metaphorical or literal
  50. > You let this one slide for now
  52. > She interrupts your train of thought
  53. > “Retuning to our question. Are you here to seek us?”
  54. “Well actually I’m ju-“
  55. > “Is it because you cannot sleep?” She interrupts
  56. “Oh it’s not that at a-“
  57. > “We’ll have you know many ponies come to us when confronted with insomnia.”
  58. “I don’t have in-“
  59. > “We have a feeling you are suffering from the same fate, If you’d like we could help you out” Her horn begins to glow a dark blue aura
  61. > You cut her off before she can continue
  62. “No. That’s not why I’m here.”
  63. > She raises an eyebrow, now you’ve got her full attention
  64. > “Care to explain then?”
  65. “I’m just going out for a walk. I always do at this hour. I actually spend a large chunk of my nights awake.”
  66. > “Really now? May we ask doing what?”
  68. > Hmmm
  69. > As any other young adult male, you spend a large chunk of your nights awake
  70. > Sleep was for the weak [spoiler]right?[/spoiler]
  71. > You try to remember what you used to during the late night sessions in your home land, but it proves to be a bit difficult
  72. > Why does all those memories seem so far away?
  73. > Regardless, you are able to remember enough to form an answer
  75. “Uhhm. Most nights I spent inside studying. But sometimes when the weather was nice I’d go for walks. I actually spent a lot of my time stargazing”
  78. > During the war most of your nights you were cooped up making plastic explosives or encrypting radio signals for the resistance.
  79. > When you weren’t on operations or making explosives, you spent on guard duty
  80. > You were posted on the rooftops of the makeshift rebel hideouts
  81. > Your jobs was to warn the rebels of any incoming enemy forces
  82. > But miraculously, the enemy never seemed to come when you were on active duty
  83. > During those long lone nights you learned to gain an appreciation for the night sky.
  84. > You even managed to find yourself a telescope to use for your new found hobby
  86. > Stargazing
  87. > Luna’s face lit up when you mentioned this
  88. > “You actually enjoy my night sky?”
  89. > You smile warmly at her
  90. “Yes. Yes I do.”
  91. > She looks likes she’s going to just explode from happiness
  92. > “Really?”
  93. “Of course. Stargazing has always been one of my hobbies. I mean just look at it!”
  94. > You point your arm at the black night sky
  95. > The full moon hangs proudly above the glistening stars
  96. “I mean, isn’t it just beautiful?”
  97. > She blushes slightly at your comment
  99. > “We’ve never had anyone say such things about our work. Thank you.”
  100. “You’re welcome?”
  101. > Why is she thanking you?
  102. > And what’s this about her work?
  103. > Just who the hell is she?
  107. > You spend the next few minutes idly relaxing on the grass
  108. > You soak in your surroundings
  109. > The soft crackling sounds of the fountain
  110. > The rhythmic chirps of the crickets
  111. > The soft grass is moist against your skin. It gives a sensation that is cool to the touch
  112. > There is a soft breeze that carries along the cool crisp air
  113. > Up above you stare into the night sky
  114. > It seems like all your troubles could melt away
  116. > You’ve only seen this many shooting stars once in your life
  117. > You remember the day when a meteorite entered your Earth’s orbit
  118. > As it disintegrated in the atmosphere it created a spectacle of shooting stars above the Emmerian landscape.
  119. > It was truly awe inspiring
  120. > However, that night falters in comparison to this moment
  121. > These stars.
  122. > These stars are literally dancing in front of you
  123. > You just stare at the sky in awe
  124. > You’re completely relaxed right now
  125. > As you regain the feeling in your body you shift to a more comfortable position
  126. > You take in a deep breath of the cool air and let out a deep sigh of relaxation
  128. > “You look pretty comfortable down there. Mind if we join you?”
  129. “Not at all. Please, be my guest.”
  130. > You pat a patch of grass next to you
  131. > Accepting your invitation she takes a seat next to you
  132. > From here you can get a closer look at her mane and tail
  133. > It’s literally an exact replica of the night sky
  134. > Holy shit, that’s awesome
  135. > Your attention turns back to the night sky
  137. > Something catches your eye. Holy shit, are those the northern lights? Here?
  138. “Oh my god.”
  139. > “Is something the matter?” Luna worriedly asks
  140. “No! It’s just, this is amazing! Is it like this every night here?”
  141. > “Why yes! We can make the cosmos as majestic as we please!”
  142. > You meet her with a confused look
  143. “I don’t understand”
  144. > “We already told you. For we are Luna, Guardian of the Night. We’ve raised and lowered the moon each night for thousands of years. The cosmos are ours to command.”
  145. > You don’t know how to respond to this
  146. > She’s bluffing
  147. > She has to be
  148. > Alive for Thousands of years?
  149. > Only a god could live that long and appear this young
  151. > Besides, raising the moon?
  152. > That has to be the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard
  153. > The fact that she expects you to believe that is insulting
  155. > Your mind returns to the Discord statue in the park
  156. > Oh shit
  157. > What if she isn’t lying
  158. > You’ve seen the capabilities of the p0nie’s “magic”
  159. > Your palms begin to sweat
  160. > Fuck
  161. > Are you really in the presence of a goddess?
  163. “Show me.” You nervously mumble
  164. > She only smiles warmly and returns her focus to the night sky
  165. > “As you wish.”
  166. > Her horn begins to glow with a dark blue aura
  167. > The moon and stars glows dimly with a similar color
  168. “ can’t be…”
  169. > You watch in awe as Luna plays around with the stars just as a child plays with blocks
  170. > This display is one of skill and concentration, yet she makes it look easy
  171. > She creates a magnificent display of colors and lights in front of your eyes
  172. > It’s nothing you’ve ever seen before
  173. > To gaze upon this display, is to gaze upon beauty itself
  174. > This leaves you completely speechless
  176. > However, the physicist inside you has just committed Sudoku
  177. > On one hand, this display completely shatters every concept of modern science you’ve come to accept as law
  178. > On the other, it was an amazing spectacle that has left you completely awestruck. Words cannot describe the amount of respect you’ve gained for this p0ny
  180. > Thinking it over, none of this makes shit ever made any sense to begin with
  181. > Your life after death
  182. > Talking animals
  183. > Fucking Magic
  184. > Gods and Goddesses
  185. > It’s an overflow of information
  186. > Trying to make any sense of this all just leaves you with a migraine
  188. > Fuck it
  189. > All of this is just beyond comprehension, and frankly you just don’t give a fuck anymore
  190. > You’ve officially left any fucks to give back underneath the bridge
  192. > One this
  193. > You stare at her wide eyed
  194. “That was… You’re amazing.”
  195. > She blushes at your comment
  196. > “We thank you.”
  198. > “We don’t think we’ve gotten your name yet.”
  199. “My name? My name is Anonymous.”
  200. > “My my. Anonymous? So you’re the human that’s visiting! We never would have guessed!” Her tone is ironic and playful
  201. “I guess word spreads fast around here.”
  202. > “Oh yes! Celestia has told us much about you!”
  203. > Oh shit
  204. “What exactly did she tell you?”
  205. > You fear that your secret might have been leaked
  206. > Your sudden tone shift has gotten her worried
  208. > “She told us the news that for the first time in centuries, there is a human in Equestria.”
  209. > She paces back and forth as she retells Celestia’s explanation
  210. > “She described you as an intelligent and humble person.”
  211. “Did she now?” You say so flamboyantly “What else did she say about me?”
  212. > “She did also mention some things about your past.”
  213. > Your heart sinks
  214. > Celestia wouldn’t
  215. > She is the only person who knows what happened
  216. > She wouldn’t spill your secret right?
  218. > You’ve already come to the conclusion, these ponies are weak
  219. > They aren’t ready for the horrors of war
  220. > The horrors you’ve lived through
  221. > The shit you’ve experienced is the stuff of nightmares
  223. > “She told us about your home. She was very vague in her explanation; she only briefly mentioned something about a conflict?”
  224. > A 'conflict'?
  225. > That’s an interesting way to put genocide and war
  226. > “But something worries us."
  227. “Oh? What the hell could possibly worry you?”
  228. > "It's Celestia. Something about her was off...When she spoke of you and your homeland, she seemed troubled...Disturbed even."
  229. > Another pause of silence
  230. > With the knowledge that your only ally in this pony world is disturbed by your past, you lower your head in shame
  231. "Is it uncommon for her to act that way?"
  232. > "Anonymous, in all the years we've lived with her we've almost never seen her lose her composure. When she spoke of you, she was on the verge of tears."
  233. > She hesitates for a moment before asking
  234. > “What happened Anonymous? What did she see?"
  236. > The memories of your time in the war return to your mind
  237. > All the bloodshed and hate that took place in that war sickens you
  238. > What those sick bastards did to your people was inhumane. It was unnecessary and just fucking repulsive
  239. > But where you any better?
  240. > What you did to the Estovakians was no better.
  241. > You say it was justified.
  242. > [spoiler] But was it? [/spoiler]
  243. > Enemies or not, they were still human beings
  244. > [spoiler] You tell yourself it was justified, but yet you know it’s a lie. Nothing could justify that shit. [/spoiler]
  245. > You sick fuck.
  247. > Luna breaks your chain of thought once more
  248. > “Rest assured whatever it is or whatever you have done, you can be certain we will still hold you with high regards.”
  249. > You look her in the eyes, giving her a cold stare
  250. “No.”
  251. > She seemed surprised by this response.
  252. > “You won’t tell us?”
  253. “No.”
  254. > “But why not?!”
  255. > She’s not going to fucking drop it, is she?
  256. “No. I can’t explain Luna. I just can't”
  257. > “We demand an explanation Anonymous! For we ar-“
  258. “No means no Luna! God dammit!”
  260. > Startled by your sudden outburst, Luna backs away slowly
  261. > You clench your fists in anger
  262. “You don't understand Luna! My life then was just so fucking miserable!"
  263. > "But. But why?”
  264. “Because of the fucking war! That’s why!”
  265. > You can feel the tears rolling down your face
  266. > "Celestia didn't mention a war..."
  267. “She didn’t? I bet she didn’t tell you what I’ve done either?"
  268. > She slowly shakes her head
  269. > “Of course! Of course she fu-“
  270. > You realize the your error and stop yourself before you can continue
  271. > You calm yourself down
  272. “I’m sorry. It’s just…”
  273. > You calm your breathing and look up to her
  274. "It's just, I did some things I'm not proud of. Terrible things Luna. But that’s not the person I am.”
  275. > She steps closer
  276. “Maybe one day, I’ll be able to forgive myself. Maybe I’ll be able to tell you. But for now? I just want to forget about it Luna. I hope you understand"
  277. > "...We understand Anonymous."
  278. > She wraps her wings around you and embraces you in a hug
  280. > She is soft and cool like the night sky
  281. > You can feel Luna’s tears fall slide down your shoulder
  282. > She whispers something in your ear. “Anonymous. You and I, we are more alike than you think.”
  284. > Luna breaks the embrace and holds you in front of her face
  285. > Past her tears, you can see the sympathy in her eyes
  286. > If anything it puts you at ease
  287. > “It’s getting late. Let us take you inside.”
  288. > Her horn begins to glow a dark blue aura, then both of you are enveloped in the light
  289. > It’s strange, the glowing aura feels cold against your skin
  290. > You shudder as a cold shiver falls down your spine
  291. > A blinding flash engulfs you, and suddenly you can feel yourself moving
  293. --
  295. > It feels as if you’re falling from a tall height
  296. > The sensation is similar to when you were in limbo
  297. > The light fades, and when your eyes adjust you realize you are no longer in the castle garden
  301. > To the West you can see the moon just fading over the horizon
  302. > To the East the sun is just beginning to rise creating a beautiful red dawn
  303. > The golden light shines off the glass skyscrapers creating a wonderful view
  304. > However this beauty is to be short lived
  305. > Taking a quick look around you find yourself in the city once again
  306. > There are dozens of bodies strewn throughout the street.
  307. > Many of them are civilians, but you can make out the occasional rebel fighter or Estovakian soldier
  309. > “What the buck are you doing?!” A female voice asks
  310. “W-What?”
  311. > Before you can find pinpoint the voice’s owner a freedom fighter next to you tackles you to the ground
  312. > You land behind a burning technical
  313. > As your face hits on the hard concrete the impact sends a jolt of pain down your spine
  314. “What the fuck!”
  315. > The freedom fighter who tackled you has since taken cover behind the technical
  316. > You manage to get a good look at your attacker
  317. > She’s a young woman. She looks like she’s in her mid twenties
  318. > She’s a fragile looking woman
  319. > One thing that catches your attention is her bright pink hair
  320. > It’s fashioned in a sort of p0ny tail with a small Sun shaped hair clip
  321. > Is she an Otaku or something?
  322. > Regardless her hair complemented her beautiful pink eyes.
  323. > [spoiler] Fuck. Why does she seem so familiar? [/spoiler]
  324. > Despite her size, she hit’s like a fucking football player
  325. > She points to an apartment building down the road behind enemy lines
  326. > “You fool! Are you daft!? Do you not realize that there are sni-“
  327. > Suddenly a bullet tears clean through her abdomen before he had a chance to finish his sentence
  328. > She drops like a fly
  329. > In the corner of your eye a glimmer of light catches your attention
  330. > Followed by the sound of a bullet whizzing inches from your body
  331. “Shit!”
  333. > In a knee jerk reaction you bring up your rifle from its sling
  334. > In a matter of seconds, you insert a new magazine, remove the safety and bring the rifle up to firing position
  335. > You align the window in your sights
  338. > Your battle cry is drowned out by the sounds of gunfire
  340. > You empty the weapon and dive for cover
  341. > It looks like most of your shots land inside the window
  342. > Thank god
  343. > That should give you a moment to breathe
  345. > “Gyaaaaahhh!” Her screams are ear piercing
  346. > You run over to the wounded fighter’s aid, cautious to keep yourself out of the enemies’ line of sight
  347. > She is trembling uncontrollably
  348. > Her body is going through shock
  350. > What the fuck!
  351. > The fighter begins to cough up blood
  352. > Fuck!
  353. “Medic!”
  354. > You place both your hands over the bleeding wound and apply pressure
  355. > The freedom fighter screams and thrashes about in response
  357. “Medic!”
  358. > You scream at the top of your lungs
  359. “Fuck! Meddiiic!”
  360. > Where is the motherfucker when you need him?
  361. > You look around the street hoping to spot them
  363. > You are in the middle of a busy downtown street
  364. > Tall buildings and destroyed cars align the street
  365. > There are several factions mixed in the fray right now
  366. > The Estovakian Military has taken up positions in front of you, they are heavily armed and are putting up a good fight
  367. > You can spot several friendly Emmerian jet’s zooming overhead
  368. > A large squadron of F-22’s and F-16’s are flying away from the battlefield, towards the mountains in the East
  369. “What? Where are you going?...” You mutter to yourself
  371. > Behind you there are several Emmerian Rebel fighters taking up positions behind whatever cover they can find
  372. > Among the rebels fighters you can make out a few familiar faces
  373. > There are several rebels scattered among the street firing rounds at the enemy
  374. > Some even toss Molotov’s towards the enemy
  375. > You notice that certain Enemy troops now carry small fire extinguishers on them
  376. > There are several Estovakian and Rebel RPG teams making their way to the high buildings
  378. > The ground starts to shake and you can hear the low rumble of large engines approaching
  379. > You turn around to see the cause
  380. > In the distance there are several tanks and armored vehicles their way towards the battleground
  381. > A closer inspection shows that they aren’t tanks used by the Emmerian Military
  382. > In fact, from this distance, they look like hostile Estovakian tanks
  383. > Fuck!
  384. > How did they flank you?
  385. > Why isn’t anyone doing anything?
  387. > You try to catch the attention of one of the RPG teams nearby
  388. “Hey! Over here!”
  389. > He can’t hear you over the roar of gunfire
  390. > You look to the wounded fighter
  391. > She has a radio strapped to her chest
  392. > You rip it from her and yell into
  393. “Hey! Fucking RPG GUY! HEY! OVER HERE!”
  394. > “What?!” He responds
  395. > You point to the incoming tank battalion
  396. > Shaking his head he ignores you
  397. > Instead he makes run for a building
  398. > “So what?”
  399. > You fling your arms in the air due to disbelief
  401. > “What the fuck? Are you fucking insane? I don’t take orders from you! Fuck you!”
  402. “Oh yeah? Well fuck you t-“
  403. > You are interrupted by a barrage of explosions
  404. > The tank battalion fires their canons
  405. > You throw yourself over the wounded fighter in an attempt to shield her from the incoming blast
  406. > You clench your eyes shut for a moment, awaiting the incoming canon shells
  408. > But the shell misses you completely
  409. > Instead the enemy forces take the brunt of the explosions
  410. “What the fuck?”
  411. > The tanks fire once again
  412. > They completely demolish an Estovakian APC
  413. > Several rebel fighters move in the kill off any survivors from the blast
  415. > You take a closer look at the tank battalion as the approach
  416. > There are several rebel fighters using the tanks for cover as they approach
  417. > The guns on the tanks are manned by rebel fighters as well
  418. > You can even recognize Mac in one of the tanks
  419. > Any Estovakian emblems on the tank have either been spray painted over or completely removed
  421. > There is a woman in the gunner’s seat of the leading tank
  422. > You take a moment to admire her beauty from a distance
  423. > Although she is covered in wounds she still manages to fight
  424. > Her skin is fair, although covered in dirt and oil
  425. > Her dark blue hair compliments her teal eyes
  426. > She pulls out a mast from inside the tank and affixes it to the tank’s exterior
  427. > At the top of the mast a tattered Emmerian flag waves proudly in the wind
  428. > “Bring us closer! We want to see the white in their eyes!”
  429. > The battalion fires once again
  430. > This time, the building in which the sniper was hiding took the hit
  431. > In moments the building is completely leveled
  432. > Everyone within the building is without a doubt, dead
  433. > Including that fucking sniper
  435. > You put on this biggest shit eating grin
  436. “YEAH! WELL YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK YOU!.” You yell
  438. > In the corner of your eye you can see a young woman struggling to rescue a rebel fighter that is trapped underneath an overturned vehicle
  439. > Both of them are dangerously close to the cross fire
  440. > The overturned car is crushing the rebel’s legs, making any movement impossible
  441. > To make matters worse, it seems as if a grenade has blown one of his arms clean off
  442. > The poor bastard is lying in a pool of his own blood and body parts
  443. > She tugs at fighter’s clothing in a feeble attempt to free him.
  444. > The Estovakians take note of them and begin to fire in their direction
  445. > The fighter starts yelling something to the woman
  446. > You are too far to hear what they are saying
  447. > With his one good arm, the fighter motions for the woman to leave him
  448. > She refuses to leave and tries to pull him out once more
  449. > In an act of desperation the man pulls out a pistol from his holster
  450. > He smacks the woman with the handle before holding her at gunpoint
  451. > He motions for her to leave once again
  452. > This time she complies
  454. > She sprints back towards a building, ensuring her safety
  455. > You turn your attention back to the soldier, this time focusing your vision
  456. > He slowly raises the pistol
  457. > You can see him breaking down in hysterics
  458. > To watch a full grown man cry like that?
  459. > It’s disturbing
  460. > He puts the pistol inside his mouth
  461. > It is at this very moment that you notice the Red Cross bandana wrapped around his bicep
  462. “Fuck! Wait! Mediiic! What are you doing! MEDIC!”
  463. > It’s no use, he doesn’t hear you
  464. > As the bullet penetrates his head it essentially explodes into a cloud of blood and bits
  465. > His body drops to the ground and spasms for several seconds before becoming motionless
  467. > You’ve seen people die before
  468. > But you’ve never seen a man take his own life like that
  469. > It makes you physically ill, and you vomit all over the street
  471. > The wounded fighter by your side calls out to you
  472. > “A-Anonymous.”
  473. > Her call is weak and is just barely audible
  474. > “Anonymous.”
  475. > When you turn to her you can see his condition has deteriorated significantly
  476. > She’s hyperventilating and thrashing about in pain
  477. > The wound won’t stop bleeding
  478. > It looks like she’s about to pass out from exhaustion
  479. > No! No! No! She’s passing out!
  480. > Fuck! You’re losing her
  481. > You drop to your knees and put your hands over the wounds
  482. > You apply a great amount of pressure
  483. > Fuck, it’s the only thing you could right now
  484. > The warm blood flows out of the wound as you apply pressure
  485. > You press as hard as you can in a ditch attempt to stop the bleeding
  486. > The fighter regains consciousness
  487. > She yells in pain
  488. > “What are you- Arrrgh! Stop!.”
  489. > You don’t, only to apply more pressure
  490. > “Anonymous! It hurts! Stop! Please!”
  491. > You still don’t stop
  492. > She grabs your arms and begins to claw at them
  493. > Her finger nails pierce your skin, blood begins to escape your wounds
  494. > “Anonymous!”
  496. --
  498. > “Anonymous!”
  499. > You return to yourself in a startle realizing you are kneeled over on the floor in a push up position, applying greats amount of pressure to the floor with your hands
  500. > A pounding headache hits you
  501. > Your eardrums feel like they are on the verge of explosion
  502. “W-What?” You manage to utter
  504. > A worried Luna stands in front of you
  505. > “What a relief. You didn’t respond to when we called you.”
  506. > You pull yourself together
  507. “No. I’m fine. It’s just…”
  508. > It is then when you realize you are no longer in the castle garden, but instead inside a glorious bed chamber
  509. “Wha-? Where are we? How’d we get here?”
  510. > You begin to explore your new surroundings
  511. > “These are my personal bed chambers. We simply used a teleportation spell. You are familiar with teleportation are you not?”
  513. “Teleportation? You can do that?”
  514. > She shoots you a coy smirk
  515. > Luna suddenly disappears in a flash of light and sound
  516. “What the fuck?”
  517. > You walk over to where she once stood
  518. > Waving your arms through the space that Luna once took up
  519. > Confirming your suspicions.
  520. > Fucking. Magic.
  522. > Another flash of light blinds the room
  523. > Luna has summoned herself only inches in front of you
  524. > This time, with a tea set in tow
  525. > “I hope you like tea, Anonymous.”
  529. > You smile at the offer
  530. > A warm drink would definitely hit the spot right now
  532. > She trots over to a nearby couch and plops on it
  533. > She motions for you to join her
  534. > You notice the upholstery and pillows are embroidered with the same Moon design as the one on her flank
  535. > In fact, many of the tapestries and cloths around this bedroom have the same design
  536. > Cute.
  538. > This Equestrian tea isn’t so bad. Actually it’s pretty good!
  539. > While it would never replace your usual cup of Joe in the morning, the warm drink satisfies your thirst
  541. > “So tell us Anonymous.”
  542. “Hmm?” You reply after pouring yourself another cup
  543. > “You’ve peaked our curiosity. Tell us what the skies are like in your home.”
  544. “You mean when it isn’t filled with fucking B-52’s?” You grumble under your breath
  545. > “What?”
  546. “Nothing. Nothing. Well, what do know?”
  547. > “What are the stars like in your home?”
  548. > She looks up to you just like when a child looks up to those Santa Clauses’ in the malls
  550. > You chuckle at the sight
  551. “Well…Where I come from the moon rises and set’s on its own. There is no one moving it.”
  552. > Luna nearly chokes on her tea. She looks at you in sheer disbelief. She is completely speechless. It takes her a few tries to actually compose words
  553. > “Wh-What!?” She finally mutters. Her tone of voice makes it sound like she’s lost all purpose in life
  554. “Yep.” You take a sip of the tea so nonchalantly. “It revolves around the Earth autonomously every twenty four hours. It’s done so for millions of years.”
  555. > You take another sip of your tea. Luna’s reaction, it’s cute
  556. > “What else? There’s more right?”
  557. > You ponder what else you have that would make a decent mind fuck
  558. “Well, as you know. Humans don’t have wings.”
  559. > “Well of course we know Anonymous. What kind of fool do you take us for?”
  560. “You also are aware of our inability to cast magic right?"
  561. > "Yes, yes. Go on."
  562. "Well, for millions of years mankind has always depended on one thing."
  563. > "And what would that be?"
  564. > With your finger you point to your head a few times
  565. "Human ingenuity. Thanks to it, we've learned how to adapt. How to develope. We learned to thrive instead of just merely survive."
  566. > She chuckles at your remark
  567. >"Look around Anonymous. For we have achieved the same without your precious ingenuity."
  568. > The magnificent castle you sit in is a testament to that
  569. "Yes, but Celestia has told me all about your special abilities. You see, we humans don't have the ability to fly, we cannot manipulate nature. We cannot befriend wild creature as easily as you. We can't make our crops grow instantly on demand. And we most certainly cannot cast magic."
  570. > "We cannot imagine you humans have gotten very far without such."
  571. "Oh we've achieved much more than you could possibly imagine. We have completely mastered all the sciences, everything from Chemistry to Physics to Mathematics. There only a handful of frontiers where we haven't delved into, and even so our scientists and engineers are hard at work creating answers to questions unanswered. They are the real deal Luna."
  572. > "Hah! We'd like to meet one of these so called scientists."
  573. > Finishing your tea, you stand up and do a little bow to Luna.
  574. "Did I not tell you? You're looking at one of the finest engineers Tarvo City has to offer!"
  575. > She bursts out in laughter
  576. > "Oh please! Do you honestly expect us to believe that? There is no way your simple human crafts could surpass ours!"
  578. "It's true! In fact my home town, Tarvo City, is home to one of the largest airports in the world!”
  579. > "Airports? As in aircraft?"
  580. "Of course!"
  581. > “Haha! Child’s play! We’ll have you know out top engineers have just recently developed a flying machine that uses cutting edge rotor technologies to achieve vertical flight! Now Earth P0nies and Unicorns can soar the skies as well!”
  582. > You raise an eyebrow. ‘Rotor Technology?’ Is she fucking kidding?
  583. > "It's the one of the masterpieces of Equestrian design. Our greatest minds have been working at this project for decades. We recall how only recently the prototype was showcased to Celestia and us here at the castle not too long ago. At the moment it can climb to a max altitude of almost 100 feet! They've have dubbed it the H-"
  584. "The Helicopter?"
  585. > She raises an eyebrow. "How did you know?"
  586. "Where I come from helicopters have been in developments for hundreds of years. We've perfected the craft. You've heard of airplanes have you not?"
  587. > "Yes. They are currently in development as well." She takes
  588. "How well can they fly?"
  589. > "Only the fraction of the performance achieved by a skilled Pegasus. Perhaps a few hundred feet high with a speed of no more than 80 miles per hour."
  590. "You know we've developed aircraft as well. Our aircraft have the ability of soaring over 300,000 feet in the air with speeds that exceed 4,000 miles per hour."
  591. > She's completely astounded by your claim. The look in her eyes is one of amazement, fear and disbelief
  592. "Hell, we've developed aircraft that have the ability to send us to the outer reaches of space!"
  593. > Her jaw slightly drops
  595. > You take another sip of your tea
  596. "Astronauts."
  597. > "What?"
  598. "The men and women we send into space are called Astronauts. Brave souls they are. We've even managed to send astronauts to touch down on our moon."
  599. > "The…The moon?” She stutters
  600. > “You've sent humans to your moon?!"
  601. > Her tone of voice has changed dramatically. No longer does the verdant Luna sit next to you. But instead, a very emotional and torn person
  602. > "Why…Why would anyone do that?”
  603. "I dunno. I guess they just wanted to study it greater detail.”
  605. > You hear a soft pitter patter noise as tear drops fall to the floor
  606. > Is she crying?
  607. > What the hell?
  608. “Luna?” You place your hand on her shoulder
  609. > She only pushes you away.
  610. > “It’s nothing. We’ve gotten something in our eyes is all.”
  611. > You don’t buy it
  612. “Hey. What’s wrong? What is something I said?”
  613. > She quickly wipes her tears from her eyes and regains her cheerful smile once again
  615. > The sounds of flapping wings fill the room.
  616. > You watch in awe as Celestia enters the room via one of the open windows. She lands with extreme precision and grace.
  617. > “Ah Anonymous! I see you’ve met my sister Luna!”
  618. “Your sister? You have a sister?!”
  619. > You glance over to Luna who avoids eye contact
  620. “You’re related to her? Seriously? You both look nothing alike!”
  621. > The two Alicorns glance at each other before breaking out into laughter
  622. > The fuck?
  623. > “Oh Anonymous, you are just too funny!” Celestia’s giggles fade as she trots to the balcony once more
  624. > She notions for Luna to join her
  626. > “Come Anonymous, we wish to show you something.” Luna nods for you to join her on the balcony
  627. > Stepping outside, the cool night air hits against your skin giving you Goosebumps
  628. “What do you want to show me?”
  629. > Both Luna and Celestia smile
  630. > “This.”
  631. > In almost perfect synchronization the two Alicorns leap into off the balcony and into the air
  632. > They both soar in opposite directions
  633. > Luna heads for the West, and Celestia heads for the East
  634. > Their horns begin to spark and glow
  635. > Beautiful auras envelope the two Alicorns
  636. > In the East, you can barely make out Celestia silhouette. You watch as she slowly raises her forelegs high above her head. All the meanwhile the sun begins to rise from the East.
  637. > To the West Luna is performing a similar task. As she lowers her forelegs from below her head, the moon disappears below the horizon
  638. > The two are in perfect harmony
  639. > It’s awe inspiring
  641. > You take in the vista before you
  642. > The glorious black night sky fades out as the sun rises over the horizon
  643. > From this point on the castle you have an excellent view of the Equestrian landscape
  644. > There are smooth rolling hills and abundant forests in the distance
  645. > You have to squint a bit, on the edge of the horizon there is a small town nestled in between the hills
  646. > A tremendous forest borders the town, along with the mountain you had climbed earlier
  647. > The way the sun clashes with the night creates a red hue in the sky
  648. > Another glorious red dawn
  650. > It’s been a while since you were able to watch the sun rise without fear of being killed
  651. > The skies of your old town was always clouded by smoke and pollution
  652. > When the war started, the skies were lined with cloud trails left by jet planes. A constant reminded of the war going on
  653. > It was a disgusting sight.
  655. > But this?
  656. > This is beauty at its finest
  657. > No jet’s roaring over head
  658. > No constant gunfire
  659. > No explosions or fires
  660. > No pain, nor suffering
  661. > No fear or wondering whether we’d live to see the light of tomorrow
  662. > Just. Peace.
  664. > You smile warmly at the sight
  665. > For the first time since the war started, you feel at peace
  666. > A piece of mind that could only be achieved when safe at home
  667. > You look around at the wonderful country side
  668. “Guys?”
  669. > A tear rolls down your cheek
  670. > “Yes?” the two respond
  671. [spoiler] Thank you. [/spoiler]
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