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- module Shell
- where
- import System.IO
- import Data.List
- import Data.Char
- startsWith :: String -> String -> Bool
- startsWith [] _ = True
- startsWith _ [] = False
- startsWith (c:cs) (m:ms) = (c==m) && startsWith cs ms
- longestPrefix :: [String] -> String
- longestPrefix ss = helper ss ""
- where helper [] acc = ""
- helper ss acc | any (=="") ss = acc
- | otherwise = let x = ss !! 0
- b = x!!0
- in if all (startsWith [b]) ss
- then helper (map tail ss) (acc++[b]) else acc
- rmdups :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
- rmdups [] = []
- rmdups (e:es) = e:(rmdups (filter (/=e) es))
- isUp str = (map ord str) == [27,91,65]
- isDown str = (map ord str) == [27,91,66]
- clearStr :: String -> IO ()
- clearStr str = putStr ("\r"++ map (\_->' ') str++"\r")
- data State = Newline (String, [String], [String])
- | Partial (String, String, [String], [String]) -- incomplete input followed by control characters
- | UpSearch (String, [String], [String])
- | DownSearch (String, [String], [String])
- | TabSearch (String, [String], [String])
- | PurePrefix (String, [String], [String]) -- just incomplete input
- move :: State -> Char -> State
- move (PurePrefix (buffer, past, future)) c | c == '\t' = TabSearch (buffer, past, future)
- | c == '\n' = Newline (buffer, past, future)
- | ord c == 127 = let b = if null buffer then buffer else ((reverse . tail . reverse) buffer)
- in PurePrefix (b, past, future)
- | isControl c = Partial (buffer, [c], past, future)
- | isPrint c = PurePrefix (buffer++[c], past, future)
- | otherwise = PurePrefix (buffer, past, future)
- move (Partial (buffer, special, past, future)) c | isUp (special++[c]) = UpSearch (buffer, past, future)
- | isDown (special++[c]) = DownSearch (buffer, past, future)
- | otherwise = Partial (buffer, special ++ [c], past, future)
- move (TabSearch (buffer, past, future)) c | c == '\t' = TabSearch (buffer, past, future)
- | c == '\n' = Newline (buffer, past, future)
- | isPrint c = PurePrefix (buffer++[c], past, future)
- | otherwise = error "Control characters not expected in Tab Search mode" -- FIXME
- move _ _ = error "should be handled by loop"
- getBuffer :: State -> String
- getBuffer (Newline (b, _, _)) = b
- getBuffer (Partial (b, _, _, _)) = b
- getBuffer (UpSearch (b, _, _)) = b
- getBuffer (DownSearch (b, _, _)) = b
- getBuffer (TabSearch (b, _, _)) = b
- getBuffer (PurePrefix (b, _, _)) = b
- type Launcher = String -> IO String
- shell :: Launcher -> IO ()
- shell launcher = do
- putStrLn "hsnsh: a shell in Haskell!"
- hSetEcho stdin False
- hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
- hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
- putStr prompt
- loop (PurePrefix ("", [], []))
- where loop state = do
- c <- getChar
- let buff = getBuffer state
- case move state c of
- st@(Partial (b, s, p, f)) -> loop st
- st@(PurePrefix (b, p, f)) -> rewrite buff b >> loop st
- Newline (b, p, f) -> do
- putStr "\n"
- if b=="exit" || b=="quit"
- then putStrLn "Thanks for using hsnsh!"
- else do
- result <- launcher b
- putStrLn result
- putStr prompt
- loop (PurePrefix ("", b:p, f))
- UpSearch (b, p, f) -> do
- if null p then loop (PurePrefix (b, p, f))
- else do
- let new_b = head p
- rewrite buff new_b
- loop (PurePrefix (new_b, tail p, buff:f))
- DownSearch (b, p, []) -> loop (PurePrefix (b, p, []))
- DownSearch (b, p, f) -> do
- let new_b = head f
- rewrite buff new_b
- loop (PurePrefix (new_b, buff:p, tail f))
- st@(TabSearch (b, p, f)) -> do
- let variants = rmdups $ filter (startsWith b) (p++f++reserved)
- if null variants then loop (TabSearch (b, p, f))
- else do
- putStrLn $ "\nvariants: "++(show variants)
- let lp = longestPrefix variants
- let s = if length b < length lp then lp else b
- putStr s
- loop (TabSearch (s, p, f))
- rewrite :: String -> String -> IO ()
- rewrite old new = clearStr (prompt ++ old) >> putStr (prompt++new)
- prompt = "nsh> "
- reserved = ["quit", "exit"]
- execute :: String -> IO String
- execute "help" = return $ concat $ intersperse "\n" ["modUname", "modLs", "modCat", "modTailF"]
- execute command = do -- all the boring stuff: spawn a process, handle signals etc
- -- pid <- forkProcess
- return "Success"
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