

Mar 15th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. @echo off
  2. title d-fi
  3. color a
  4. :d-fi
  5. set "link="
  6. set /p link="Spotify !playlist! link: "
  7. d-fi -q 128 -d -o "Music/Spotify/Playlist/{TITLE}/{SNG_TITLE}" "%link%" <auto-push-a-and-enter-button.txt
  8. Del /s /q d-fi_1
  9. SET choice=
  10. SET /p choice=One more link? [y/ENTER = yes] [n = exit]:
  11. IF NOT '%choice%'=='' SET choice=%choice:~0,1%
  12. IF '%choice%'=='y' GOTO yes
  13. IF '%choice%'=='n' GOTO no
  14. IF '%choice%'=='' GOTO yes
  15. ECHO "%choice%" is not valid
  16. cls
  17. GOTO:d-fi
  18. :no
  19. cls
  20. GOTO:EOF
  21. :yes
  22. GOTO:d-fi
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