
Uber Jason stun resistance

Jun 29th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Bardox turned to see Bill, face pale, arm wrapped around the railing to hold himself upright, a laser or some other gun in one hand, a stun gun in the other. His body was a mess. Blood leaked from a leg wound tied off with a tourniquet and a makeshift bandage. His split boot was so bloody Bardox could not really see the injury. The wall and the metal steps behind him were smeared with blood.
  3. Jason X continued down the steps towards London.
  5. Bardox yelled, "No," as Bill fired a blast from the stun gun at the back of Jason X's head. The giant stumbled forward, down a few steps, but regained his balance. When he started down again, Bill blasted him again.
  7. "Stop it, I demand you stop this at once," Bardox said.
  9. Bill realized there were no paralyzing effects and if there were, they weren't lasting even two seconds.
  11. "Jason, forget her," Bardox said.
  13. Bill hoped this would bring him to a halt because Jason X seemed to be under Bardox's command. The giant turned slowly, like a metallically reinforced Frankenstein monster, and Bardox pointed at Bill.
  15. "Kill him."
  17. Jason X turned fully and started back up the steps. From the front, not as much of his body was exposed, and Bill aimed the stun gun between his thigh and kneecap, hoping to trick the nano ants. The blast only caused him to lurch forward.
  19. "Call him off or I'll shoot you," he told Bardox.
  21. "With a stun gun? Oh please," Bardox said.
  23. "With a laser," Bill said, lifting that weapon.
  25. Jason X had already reached the landing. Bill fired again, and the stun gun was obviously short on juice. He switched to the laser, aiming for the face, knowing even as he shot that the nano ants were onto the laser, onto the face as a target, onto how to repair Jason X against any of the weapons they had on the station. Not that Bill had more.
  27. "Call him off,” Bill shouted, pushing himself back up a couple of steps as Jason started up again. If he could only stand then he could run. But he could not stand. Here, he was more a victim than anywhere else on the station. Still, he fired at Jason X and then aimed the last of the rounds at Bardox.
  29. "Call him off or I kill you."
  31. Bardox understood the reality of the threat. If he died, Jason X might just float around the universe until the end of time, for who would look for him? Who would look after him? Who would recognize his potential?
  33. "Jason, stop. Do not harm this man."
  35. But Voorhees did not stop. His feet moved sluggishly but relentlessly up the steps.
  37. "Stop it, this instant," Bardox ordered, and nothing changed.
  39. Bill fired the remaining shots of the stun gun at Bardox who cried out, and the last of the laser shots at Jason X, with no noticeable effect on the latter. Bill had reached a landing and slid his body back towards the next set of steps but there was no chance he would get even as far as the first.
  41. Jason X grabbed the spliced foot. As Bill howled in pain, struggling despite the impossibility of kicking with his damaged leg, Jason lifted him by wounded foot, high into the air, and bounced him down onto the metal landing crown first.
  43. Bill screamed, and then suddenly his voice stopped making sounds. His neck broke on impact; he heard the crunch at the back, felt the lightning pain, and then his body, mercifully, from the neck down stopped feeling anything at all. His head, though, made sounds each time it hit the metal landing, again and again, first a thunk, and soon, a softer, duller bonk. Bill became an observer, aware that his shattered skull struck metal, spilling blood and grey matter on to the floor and ceiling and walls, all within his vision. The sounds had turned to a squish.
  45. Bardox had watched all this in a horrified state of painful paralysis. The stun gun had sent a ripple of sharp shock through his body. He crumpled and fell onto the landing where he stood, unable to do anything but watch Jason x bouncing Mr Lawrence's head as if he were a child's yo-yo.
  47. Apparently Claude no longer controlled Jason X. That was fine, he assured himself, barely able to cope with the violence he had witnessed. He reminded himself that he still had one spider left. The instant that the paralysis wore offβ€”and he could already feel pins and needles in his hands and feetβ€”he would be able to re-tranquilize Jason X.
  49. He could try to shoot the spider from there, but likely he would miss, not being particularly athletic. No, he would need to get closer, do what he had done before, and jam it into the flesh to give the drugs the maximum opportunity to work quickly and efficiently. The closer he could place it to the heart, so much the better.
  51. As he regained the use of his throbbing arms and legs, and more slowly his torso and neck, he lifted his fleshy hand with great effort and placed the dart into his shirt pocket, the tip positioned upward for safety. Then he hauled himself up the steps gripping the handrail hard.
  53. Jason X heard him and turned, still grasping the dead body of Bill Lawrence by the macabre, shredded foot. The sight of Bill's head was like the heads of rodents he had dissected as a boy, rodents that had been in a collision.
  55. Jason X: Planet of the Beast, chapter 15
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