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May 26th, 2016
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  1. Sitrep
  2. We’ve had a pretty shitty couple of weeks
  3. We didn’t have numbers
  4. Generally didn’t have our shit sorted
  5. We did however achieve the objectives that we were asked to
  6. Goons have lost their sov
  7. Our job was to keep Razor and co occupied
  8. We did that, but we weren’t very good at it
  9. Partial success
  10. We didn’t get the right ship doctrines, didn’t get enough people
  11. We were fighting an entrenched enemy that was much larger than us
  12. In light of that, we are going to go back to tribute and consilidating
  13. New auth and services
  14. We’re looking at new auth and services
  15. We’re looking at maybe switching to discord
  16. We’ll be using an open source auth system that we can add to
  17. Groups
  18. With introduction of new auth, we’re going to be focusing on comms compartmentalisation
  19. We’ve got a lot of groups doing specific things
  20. We’re going to grow those groups as distinct entities
  21. You can be in more than one group
  22. We’ll be using the groups to divide up tasks
  23. If you want a part of running those groups, contact SUAS and/or Mynts
  24. We need EU and US group leadership
  25. Marching Orders
  26. We are moving to Aunenen
  27. As of now, move capitals back up that way
  28. Make some isk
  29. This is offical downtime for us now
  30. First downtime in six months
  31. We’ve been taking a lot of deployments as part of the MBC, it’s time to sit back for a while
  32. Regular ops will be scheduled
  33. These ops will be mandatory
  34. Perfect opportunity to lead fleets
  35. We have lots to do in the area
  36. The war we’re currently in isn’t done, and there are more wars coming
  37. We need to work on getting deployments as pain-free as possible
  38. There is a new war in the pipeline, they might actually fight this time
  39. We will be running cap move ops over the next week or two
  40. Ships will probably be on contract in new staging, but get your own ships moved up
  41. If you’re stocking contracts, keep the rigs in the cargo hold
  42. Makes it far easier to move them on
  43. We’ve got infrastructure work to do
  44. We’re going to be doing some test-server ops
  45. This is to sort out doctrines and give everyone a chance to get comfortable with them
  46. If you have a lot of things in FD-, leave what you can there
  47. Misc
  48. We do buy all the minerals you can mine
  49. Price is slightly below Jita
  50. We’re going to be re-arranging moons
  51. Bovril are going to be at EVE Glasgow in the Raven Pub from 2PM onwards
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