

Mar 23rd, 2019
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  1. #石の鍬 耐久3 CT70 ダメージ💛40個分 (ウィザー3 5s) levelが60以上無いと使えない(消費はしない)
  2. on rightclick holding wood hoe:
  3. player's tool is enchanted with unbreaking 1
  4. the block below the player is not air
  5. if level of player is more than 59:
  6. set {_cooldown} to difference between {AOEFire.%player%.lastused} and now
  7. if {_cooldown} is less than 70 seconds:
  8. play "entity_ghast_shoot" to players at volume 10
  9. create a circle effect at player with id "Failed" with particles SMOKE NORMAL with radius 1
  10. message "<pink>%difference between 10 seconds and {_cooldown}% <white>後に使用可能"
  11. wait 20 tick
  12. stop effect "Failed"
  13. stop
  14. set {casting.%player%} to true
  15. play "entity_player_breath" to players at volume 10
  16. wait a tick
  17. set {AOEFire.%player%.lastused} to now
  18. create a circle effect at player with id "Fire1" with particles drip lava with radius 1
  19. wait 5 ticks
  20. create a circle effect at player with id "Fire2" with particles drip lava with radius 4
  21. wait 5 ticks
  22. create a circle effect at player with id "Fire3" with particles drip lava with radius 7
  23. wait 5 ticks
  24. create a circle effect at player with id "Fire4" with particles drip lava with radius 2
  25. wait 5 ticks
  26. create a circle effect at player with id "Fire5" with particles drip lava with radius 5
  27. wait 5 ticks
  28. create a circle effect at player with id "Fire6" with particles drip lava with radius 8
  29. wait 40 ticks
  30. if {casting.%player%} is false:
  31. stop effect "Fire1"
  32. stop effect "Fire2"
  33. stop effect "Fire3"
  34. stop effect "Fire4"
  35. stop effect "Fire5"
  36. stop effect "Fire6"
  37. stop
  38. set {casting.%player%} to false
  39. reduce level progress of player by 0
  40. loop all entities in radius 20 around player:
  41. make a fake explosion at loop-entity
  42. damage loop-entity by 30 hearts
  43. ignite loop-entity for 10 seconds
  44. extinguish the player
  45. stop effect "Fire1"
  46. stop effect "Fire2"
  47. stop effect "Fire3"
  48. stop effect "Fire4"
  49. stop effect "Fire5"
  50. stop effect "Fire6"
  51. else:
  52. play "entity_ghast_shoot" to player at volume 10
  53. create a circle effect at player with id "Failed" with particles SMOKE NORMAL with radius 1
  54. message "<pink>このスキルには60以上のLVが必要です!"
  55. wait 20 tick
  56. stop effect "Failed"
  58. #耐久4 CT50 金の鍬 (範囲)💛5個分体力回復 回復の杖はCT共有 levelが40以上無いと使えない(消費はしない)
  59. on rightclick holding golden hoe:
  60. cancel the event
  61. player's tool is enchanted with unbreaking 4
  62. if level of player is more than 39:
  63. set {_cooldown} to difference between {Heal.%player%.lastused} and now
  64. if {_cooldown} is less than 50 seconds:
  65. play "entity_ghast_shoot" to player at volume 10
  66. create a circle effect at player with id "HealFailed" with particles SMOKE NORMAL with radius 1
  67. message "<pink>%difference between 10 seconds and {_cooldown}% <white>後に使用可能"
  68. wait 20 tick
  69. stop effect "HealFailed"
  70. stop
  71. loop players in radius 15 around the player:
  72. play "entity_player_levelup" to loop-player at volume 10
  73. add 10 to loop-player's health
  74. reduce level progress of player by 0
  75. create a circle effect for loop-player with id "HEAL" with particles DAMAGE INDICATOR with radius 1
  76. set {Heal.%player%.lastused} to now
  77. wait 60 tick
  78. stop effect "HEAL"
  79. else:
  80. play "entity_ghast_shoot" to player at volume 10
  81. create a circle effect at player with id "Failed" with particles SMOKE NORMAL with radius 1
  82. message "<yellow>このスキルには40以上のレベルが必要です!"
  83. wait 20 tick
  84. stop effect "Failed"
  86. #石の鍬 耐久3 CT60 ダメージ💛40個分 (ウィザー3 5s) levelが50以上無いと使えない(消費はしない)
  87. on rightclick holding stone hoe:
  88. player's tool is enchanted with unbreaking 3
  89. if level of player is more than 49:
  90. set {_cooldown2} to difference between {kuronoaShot.%player%.lastused} and now
  91. if {_cooldown2} is less than 60 seconds:
  92. stop
  93. play "block_enderchest_open" to player at volume 10
  94. reduce level progress of player by 0
  95. shoot a arrow at speed 10
  96. set {_num2} to 0.5
  97. set {_Particle2} to location of the block {_num2} meter in front of player's head
  98. loop 30 times:
  99. show 30 portal particles at {_Particle2} offset by 0, 0, 0
  100. set {_num2} to {_num2} + 0.5
  101. set {_Particle2} to location of the block {_num2} meter infront of player's head
  102. if the block {_num2} meter infront of player's head is not air:
  103. stop loop
  104. set {kuronoaShot.%player%.lastused} to now
  105. else:
  106. play "entity_ghast_shoot" to player at volume 10
  107. create a circle effect at player with id "Failed" with particles SMOKE NORMAL with radius 1
  108. message "<gray>このスキルには50以上のレベルが必要です!"
  109. wait 20 tick
  110. stop effect "Failed"
  112. on damage:
  113. projectile is arrow
  114. attacker's tool is stone hoe
  115. damage victim by 40 hearts
  116. apply wither 3 to the victim for 5 seconds
  117. create a circle effect at victim with id "prison" with particles drip water with radius 1
  118. wait 30 tick
  119. stop effect "prison"
  121. #金の鍬 耐久2 CT50 💛10個分体力回復 回復の杖はCT共有 levelが40以上無いと使えない(消費はしない)
  122. on rightclick holding golden hoe:
  123. player's tool is enchanted with unbreaking 2
  124. if level of player is more than 39:
  125. set {_cooldown} to difference between {Heal.%player%.lastused} and now
  126. if {_cooldown} is less than 50 seconds:
  127. play "entity_ghast_shoot" to player at volume 10
  128. create a circle effect at player with id "HealFailed" with particles SMOKE NORMAL with radius 1
  129. message "<pink>%difference between 10 seconds and {_cooldown}% <white>後に使用可能"
  130. wait 20 tick
  131. stop effect "HealFailed"
  132. stop
  133. loop players in radius 1 around the player:
  134. play "entity_player_levelup" to loop-player at volume 10
  135. add 20 to loop-player's health
  136. reduce level progress of player by 0
  137. create a circle effect for loop-player with id "HEAL" with particles HEART with radius 1
  138. set {Heal.%player%.lastused} to now
  139. wait 60 tick
  140. stop effect "HEAL"
  141. else:
  142. play "entity_ghast_shoot" to player at volume 10
  143. create a circle effect at player with id "Failed" with particles SMOKE NORMAL with radius 1
  144. message "<yellow>このスキルには40以上のレベルが必要です!"
  145. wait 20 tick
  146. stop effect "Failed"
  148. #ダイヤの鍬 耐久1 CT20 ダメージ💛3個分 (鈍足1 3s) levelが20以上無いと使えない(消費はしない)
  149. on rightclick holding diamond hoe:
  150. player's tool is enchanted with unbreaking 1
  151. if level of player is more than 19:
  152. set {_cooldown} to difference between {IceShot.%player%.lastused} and now
  153. if {_cooldown} is less than 20 seconds:
  154. stop
  155. play "block_glass_break" to player at volume 10
  156. reduce level progress of player by 0
  157. shoot a snowball at speed 2
  158. set {_num} to 0.5
  159. set {_Particle} to location of the block {_num} meter in front of player's head
  160. loop 30 times:
  161. show 10 water splash particles at {_Particle} offset by 0, 0, 0
  162. set {_num} to {_num} + 0.5
  163. set {_Particle} to location of the block {_num} meter infront of player's head
  164. if the block {_num} meter infront of player's head is not air:
  165. stop loop
  166. set {IceShot.%player%.lastused} to now
  167. else:
  168. play "entity_ghast_shoot" to player at volume 10
  169. create a circle effect at player with id "Failed" with particles SMOKE NORMAL with radius 1
  170. message "<blue>このスキルには20以上のレベルが必要です!"
  171. wait 20 tick
  172. stop effect "Failed"
  174. on damage:
  175. projectile is snowball
  176. attacker's tool is diamond hoe
  177. damage victim by 10 hearts
  178. apply slow 1 to the victim for 3 seconds
  179. create a circle effect at victim with id "Prison" with particles drip water with radius 1
  180. wait 30 tick
  181. stop effect "Prison"
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