
Hero Logcat - Trying to turn on wifi

Apr 13th, 2013
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  1. 01-01 19:02:46.390 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): ~~~~ select_output_device : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2
  2. 01-01 19:02:46.390 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): speaker_on
  3. 01-01 19:02:46.390 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): start_output_stream(adev->devices=0x40002, adev->mode=0)
  4. 01-01 19:02:46.390 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): ------------open on board audio-------
  5. 01-01 19:02:46.400 V/audio_hw_primary(2384): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000---
  6. 01-01 19:02:48.580 E/WifiHW (2378): Failed to open wlan fw path param (No such file or directory)
  7. 01-01 19:02:48.580 E/SoftapController(2378): Softap fwReload - failed: -1
  8. 01-01 19:02:48.590 E/WifiStateMachine(3662): Failed to reload STA firmware java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '20 softap fwreload wlan0 STA' failed with '400 20 Softap operation failed (No such file or directory)'
  9. 01-01 19:02:48.590 D/CommandListener(2378): Setting iface cfg
  10. 01-01 19:02:48.590 D/CommandListener(2378): Trying to bring down wlan0
  11. 01-01 19:02:48.620 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  12. 01-01 19:02:48.620 I/wpa_supplicant(4962): Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
  13. 01-01 19:02:48.630 I/wpa_supplicant(4962): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
  14. 01-01 19:02:49.520 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): out_standby(0x4007e738)
  15. 01-01 19:02:49.520 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): do_output_standby(0x4007e738)
  16. 01-01 19:02:49.520 V/audio_hw_primary(2384): ~~~~ do_output_standby().... call pcm_close()
  17. 01-01 19:02:49.630 I/dalvikvm(4682): Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192
  18. 01-01 19:02:50.970 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  19. 01-01 19:02:50.970 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  20. 01-01 19:02:51.320 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  21. 01-01 19:02:52.490 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  22. 01-01 19:02:52.490 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  23. 01-01 19:02:52.790 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  24. 01-01 19:02:53.570 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  25. 01-01 19:02:53.570 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  26. 01-01 19:02:53.930 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  27. 01-01 19:02:54.000 D/PieLayout(3801): activate finished within 1 ms
  28. 01-01 19:02:54.060 D/PieLayout(3801): Layout within 59 ms
  29. 01-01 19:02:54.060 D/PieLayout(3801): Layout finished within 2 ms
  30. 01-01 19:02:54.070 D/PieLayout(3801): First draw within 68 ms
  31. 01-01 19:02:54.130 D/PieLayout(3801): Layout finished within 0 ms
  32. 01-01 19:02:54.690 E/wpa_supplicant(4962): Could not set interface wlan0 flags (UP): Operation not permitted
  33. 01-01 19:02:54.690 E/wpa_supplicant(4962): nl80211: Could not set interface 'wlan0' UP
  34. 01-01 19:02:54.690 E/wpa_supplicant(4962): wlan0: Failed to initialize driver interface
  35. 01-01 19:02:55.700 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  36. 01-01 19:02:55.700 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  37. 01-01 19:02:55.740 I/ActivityManager(3662): START u0 { flg=0x10800000 (has extras)} from pid 3801
  38. 01-01 19:02:55.790 D/PieLayout(3801): Layout finished within 0 ms
  39. 01-01 19:02:56.150 I/ActivityManager(3662): Displayed +281ms
  40. 01-01 19:02:57.270 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  41. 01-01 19:02:57.270 I/ActivityManager(3662): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.adwfreak.launcher/org.adw.launcherlib.Launcher} from pid 3801
  42. 01-01 19:02:57.380 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  43. 01-01 19:02:57.380 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  44. 01-01 19:02:57.410 W/ResourceType(3662): Skipping entry 0x7f05000e in package table 0 because it is not complex!
  45. 01-01 19:02:57.410 W/ResourceType(3662): Skipping entry 0x7f05000f in package table 0 because it is not complex!
  46. 01-01 19:02:59.720 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  47. 01-01 19:03:00.720 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  48. 01-01 19:03:01.190 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  49. 01-01 19:03:01.290 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  50. 01-01 19:03:01.290 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  51. 01-01 19:03:01.620 D/dalvikvm(3662): GC_EXPLICIT freed 964K, 35% free 7189K/10912K, paused 4ms+7ms, total 92ms
  52. 01-01 19:03:01.620 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): select_output_device(mode=0, devices=0x40002)
  53. 01-01 19:03:01.620 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): ~~~~ select_output_device : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2
  54. 01-01 19:03:01.620 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): speaker_on
  55. 01-01 19:03:01.620 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): start_output_stream(adev->devices=0x40002, adev->mode=0)
  56. 01-01 19:03:01.620 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): ------------open on board audio-------
  57. 01-01 19:03:01.620 V/audio_hw_primary(2384): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000---
  58. 01-01 19:03:01.720 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  59. 01-01 19:03:02.610 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  60. 01-01 19:03:02.710 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  61. 01-01 19:03:02.710 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  62. 01-01 19:03:02.720 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  63. 01-01 19:03:02.920 I/ActivityManager(3662): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000} from pid 3941
  64. 01-01 19:03:03.110 W/ResourceType(3662): Skipping entry 0x7f040000 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
  65. 01-01 19:03:03.110 W/ResourceType(3662): Skipping entry 0x7f040001 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
  66. 01-01 19:03:03.290 D/BluetoothAdapter(4070): 1102168336: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  67. 01-01 19:03:03.390 D/libEGL (4070): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  68. 01-01 19:03:03.390 D/libEGL (4070): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  69. 01-01 19:03:03.390 D/libEGL (4070): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  70. 01-01 19:03:03.450 D/OpenGLRenderer(4070): Enabling debug mode 0
  71. 01-01 19:03:03.490 D/BluetoothAdapter(4070): 1102168336: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  72. 01-01 19:03:03.720 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  73. 01-01 19:03:03.720 E/WifiStateMachine(3662): Failed to setup control channel, restart supplicant
  74. 01-01 19:03:03.770 D/BluetoothAdapter(4070): 1102168336: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  75. 01-01 19:03:03.980 I/ActivityManager(3662): Displayed +1s7ms
  76. 01-01 19:03:05.700 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  77. 01-01 19:03:05.830 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  78. 01-01 19:03:05.830 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  79. 01-01 19:03:06.100 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): out_standby(0x4007e738)
  80. 01-01 19:03:06.100 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): do_output_standby(0x4007e738)
  81. 01-01 19:03:06.100 V/audio_hw_primary(2384): ~~~~ do_output_standby().... call pcm_close()
  82. 01-01 19:03:06.310 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  83. 01-01 19:03:06.420 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  84. 01-01 19:03:06.420 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  85. 01-01 19:03:07.450 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  86. 01-01 19:03:07.900 D/PieLayout(3801): activate finished within 1 ms
  87. 01-01 19:03:07.950 D/PieLayout(3801): Layout within 55 ms
  88. 01-01 19:03:07.950 D/PieLayout(3801): Layout finished within 1 ms
  89. 01-01 19:03:07.960 D/PieLayout(3801): First draw within 59 ms
  90. 01-01 19:03:08.040 D/dalvikvm(4682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 6512K, 64% free 3941K/10912K, paused 3ms+11ms, total 131ms
  91. 01-01 19:03:08.730 E/WifiHW (2378): Failed to open wlan fw path param (No such file or directory)
  92. 01-01 19:03:08.730 E/SoftapController(2378): Softap fwReload - failed: -1
  93. 01-01 19:03:08.730 E/WifiStateMachine(3662): Failed to reload STA firmware java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '24 softap fwreload wlan0 STA' failed with '400 24 Softap operation failed (No such file or directory)'
  94. 01-01 19:03:08.730 D/CommandListener(2378): Setting iface cfg
  95. 01-01 19:03:08.730 D/CommandListener(2378): Trying to bring down wlan0
  96. 01-01 19:03:08.740 I/wpa_supplicant(5058): Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
  97. 01-01 19:03:08.740 I/wpa_supplicant(5058): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
  98. 01-01 19:03:09.130 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  99. 01-01 19:03:09.130 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  100. 01-01 19:03:09.170 I/ActivityManager(3662): START u0 { flg=0x10800000 (has extras)} from pid 3801
  101. 01-01 19:03:09.220 D/PieLayout(3801): Layout finished within 0 ms
  102. 01-01 19:03:10.460 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  103. 01-01 19:03:10.550 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  104. 01-01 19:03:10.550 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  105. 01-01 19:03:10.570 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): select_output_device(mode=0, devices=0x40002)
  106. 01-01 19:03:10.570 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): ~~~~ select_output_device : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2
  107. 01-01 19:03:10.580 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): speaker_on
  108. 01-01 19:03:10.580 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): start_output_stream(adev->devices=0x40002, adev->mode=0)
  109. 01-01 19:03:10.580 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): ------------open on board audio-------
  110. 01-01 19:03:10.580 V/audio_hw_primary(2384): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000---
  111. 01-01 19:03:10.710 V/PhoneStatusBar(3801): setLightsOn(true)
  112. 01-01 19:03:13.720 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): out_standby(0x4007e738)
  113. 01-01 19:03:13.720 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): do_output_standby(0x4007e738)
  114. 01-01 19:03:13.720 V/audio_hw_primary(2384): ~~~~ do_output_standby().... call pcm_close()
  115. 01-01 19:03:14.810 E/wpa_supplicant(5058): Could not set interface wlan0 flags (UP): Operation not permitted
  116. 01-01 19:03:14.810 E/wpa_supplicant(5058): nl80211: Could not set interface 'wlan0' UP
  117. 01-01 19:03:14.810 E/wpa_supplicant(5058): wlan0: Failed to initialize driver interface
  118. 01-01 19:03:15.010 W/ThrottleService(3662): unable to find stats for iface rmnet0
  119. 01-01 19:03:15.010 W/SocketClient(2378): write error (Broken pipe)
  120. 01-01 19:03:19.740 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  121. 01-01 19:03:20.740 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  122. 01-01 19:03:21.740 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  123. 01-01 19:03:22.750 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  124. 01-01 19:03:23.750 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  125. 01-01 19:03:23.750 E/WifiStateMachine(3662): Failed to setup control channel, restart supplicant
  126. 01-01 19:03:28.750 E/WifiHW (2378): Failed to open wlan fw path param (No such file or directory)
  127. 01-01 19:03:28.750 E/SoftapController(2378): Softap fwReload - failed: -1
  128. 01-01 19:03:28.760 E/WifiStateMachine(3662): Failed to reload STA firmware java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '28 softap fwreload wlan0 STA' failed with '400 28 Softap operation failed (No such file or directory)'
  129. 01-01 19:03:28.760 D/CommandListener(2378): Setting iface cfg
  130. 01-01 19:03:28.760 D/CommandListener(2378): Trying to bring down wlan0
  131. 01-01 19:03:28.790 I/wpa_supplicant(5151): Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
  132. 01-01 19:03:28.800 I/wpa_supplicant(5151): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
  133. 01-01 19:03:32.690 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  134. 01-01 19:03:32.970 D/dalvikvm(4682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1079K, 56% free 4910K/10912K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 34ms
  135. 01-01 19:03:32.970 D/dalvikvm(4682): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 29ms
  136. 01-01 19:03:33.000 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  137. 01-01 19:03:33.000 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  138. 01-01 19:03:33.040 D/dalvikvm(4682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 44K, 38% free 6873K/10912K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 24ms
  139. 01-01 19:03:33.040 D/dalvikvm(4682): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 19ms
  140. 01-01 19:03:34.850 E/wpa_supplicant(5151): Could not set interface wlan0 flags (UP): Operation not permitted
  141. 01-01 19:03:34.850 E/wpa_supplicant(5151): nl80211: Could not set interface 'wlan0' UP
  142. 01-01 19:03:34.850 E/wpa_supplicant(5151): wlan0: Failed to initialize driver interface
  143. 01-01 19:03:39.790 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  144. 01-01 19:03:40.790 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  145. 01-01 19:03:41.790 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  146. 01-01 19:03:42.790 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  147. 01-01 19:03:43.790 E/WifiHW (3662): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
  148. 01-01 19:03:43.790 E/WifiStateMachine(3662): Failed 6 times to start supplicant, unload driver
  149. 01-01 19:03:44.060 W/Netd (2378): No subsystem found in netlink event
  150. 01-01 19:03:44.060 D/NetlinkEvent(2378): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x11
  151. 01-01 19:03:44.670 E/WifiStateMachine(3662): lin : releaseSodLock
  152. 01-01 19:03:44.680 D/BluetoothAdapter(3801): 1103138592: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  153. 01-01 19:03:44.680 D/BluetoothAdapter(4070): 1102168336: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  154. 01-01 19:03:44.960 W/SocketClient(2378): write error (Broken pipe)
  155. 01-01 19:04:05.360 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  156. 01-01 19:04:05.550 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  157. 01-01 19:04:05.550 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  158. 01-01 19:04:06.500 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  159. 01-01 19:04:06.680 D/dalvikvm(4682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 870K, 28% free 7930K/10912K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 40ms
  160. 01-01 19:04:07.040 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  161. 01-01 19:04:07.040 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  162. 01-01 19:04:21.870 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  163. 01-01 19:04:22.200 D/PieLayout(3801): activate finished within 1 ms
  164. 01-01 19:04:22.250 D/PieLayout(3801): Layout within 53 ms
  165. 01-01 19:04:22.250 D/PieLayout(3801): Layout finished within 1 ms
  166. 01-01 19:04:22.250 D/PieLayout(3801): First draw within 57 ms
  167. 01-01 19:04:23.900 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  168. 01-01 19:04:23.900 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  169. 01-01 19:04:23.930 D/PieLayout(3801): Layout finished within 0 ms
  170. 01-01 19:04:24.300 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): select_output_device(mode=0, devices=0x40002)
  171. 01-01 19:04:24.300 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): ~~~~ select_output_device : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2
  172. 01-01 19:04:24.300 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): speaker_on
  173. 01-01 19:04:24.300 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): start_output_stream(adev->devices=0x40002, adev->mode=0)
  174. 01-01 19:04:24.300 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): ------------open on board audio-------
  175. 01-01 19:04:24.300 V/audio_hw_primary(2384): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000---
  176. 01-01 19:04:27.440 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): out_standby(0x4007e738)
  177. 01-01 19:04:27.440 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): do_output_standby(0x4007e738)
  178. 01-01 19:04:27.440 V/audio_hw_primary(2384): ~~~~ do_output_standby().... call pcm_close()
  179. 01-01 19:04:28.280 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  180. 01-01 19:04:28.390 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  181. 01-01 19:04:28.390 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
  182. 01-01 19:04:28.500 D/dalvikvm(4682): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 4507K, 62% free 4171K/10912K, paused 23ms, total 23ms
  183. 01-01 19:04:28.530 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): select_output_device(mode=0, devices=0x40002)
  184. 01-01 19:04:28.530 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): ~~~~ select_output_device : hs=0 , hp=0, sp=2
  185. 01-01 19:04:28.540 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): speaker_on
  186. 01-01 19:04:28.540 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): start_output_stream(adev->devices=0x40002, adev->mode=0)
  187. 01-01 19:04:28.540 D/audio_hw_primary(2384): ------------open on board audio-------
  188. 01-01 19:04:28.540 V/audio_hw_primary(2384): channels=2---format=0---period_count4---period_size1024---rate=48000---
  189. 01-01 19:04:29.090 W/InputAttributes(3876): Unexpected input class: inputType=0x000000b0 imeOptions=0x00000006
  190. 01-01 19:04:29.380 D/libEGL (3876): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  191. 01-01 19:04:29.380 D/libEGL (3876): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  192. 01-01 19:04:29.390 D/libEGL (3876): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  193. 01-01 19:04:29.430 D/OpenGLRenderer(3876): Enabling debug mode 0
  194. 01-01 19:04:31.040 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0xa
  195. 01-01 19:04:31.120 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x9
  196. 01-01 19:04:31.120 E/InputDispatcher(3662): Motion event has invalid action code 0x7
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