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Feb 17th, 2020
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  1. float fUnknown; // 0x000 -- 0
  2. float fToe; // 0x004 -- 4
  3. float fCamber; // 0x008 -- 8, Camber
  4. char pad_0x00C[4]; // 0x00C -- 12
  5. float fCamberInverted; // 0x010 -- 16, same value as fCamber, but negated.
  6. float fOffsetToFront; // 0x014 -- 20, moves the wheel closer or farther along the body
  7. float fHeightSomething; // 0x018 -- 24
  8. char pad_0x01C[4]; // 0x01C -- 28
  9. float fOffsetTrackWidth2; // 0x020 -- 32, The offset of the wheel relative to the body, can be positioned deeper in the arch, or you can take the wheel outside it.
  10. float fUnknown1; // 0x024 -- 36
  11. float fHeightSomething2; // 0x028 -- 40, height + 0x128?
  12. char pad_0x02C[4]; // 0x02C -- 44
  13. float fTrackWidth; // 0x030 -- 48, same. And again, works better when you writing to both addresses.
  14. float fOffsetYPos; // 0x034 -- 52,
  15. float fOffsetHeight; // 0x038 -- 56, affected by hydraulics
  16. char pad_0x03C[4]; // 0x03C -- 60,
  17. Vector3 v3LastPosition; // 0x040 -- 64, last position on ground
  18. char pad_0x04C[4]; // 0x04C -- 76, INTEGER
  19. Vector3 v3LastPosition2; // 0x050 -- 80, last position on ground
  20. char pad_0x05C[4]; // 0x05C -- 92
  21. /*
  22. 96 - Vector3, Connection Point?
  23. */
  24. char pad_0x060[0x50]; // 0x060 -- 96
  25. Vector3 v3WorldVelocity; // 0x0B0 -- 176
  26. char pad_0x0BC[4]; // 0x0BC -- 188, FLOAT
  27. Vector3 v3InvWorldVelocity; // 0x0C0 -- 192
  28. char pad_0x0CC[4]; // 0x0CC -- 204
  29. char pad_0x0D0[0x40]; // 0x0D0 -- 208
  30. float fOffTyreRadius; // 0x110 -- 272, WheelTyreRadiusOffset
  31. float fOffRimRadius; // 0x114 -- 276, WheelRimRadiusOffset
  32. float fOffTyreWidth; // 0x118 -- 280, WheelTyreWidthOffset
  33. char pad_0x11C[12]; // 0x11C -- 284
  34. CVehicle* pOwner; // 0x128 -- 296
  35. float fStiffness; // 0x130 -- 304
  36. char pad_0x134[8]; // 0x134 -- 308
  37. float fWheelRise; // 0x13C -- 316
  38. /*
  39. 330 331 334 335 344 -> Hydraulic Values.
  40. 348 -> Hydraulic State?
  41. 352 356 -> Hydraulic Values.
  42. 360 -> Hydraulic Wheel Value/Height?
  43. */
  44. char pad_0x140[0x30]; // 0x140 -- 320
  45. float fRotationSpeed; // 0x170 -- 368, WheelRotationSpeedOffset
  46. float fSlippage; // 0x174 -- 372, WheelRotationSpeedOffset
  47. float fHeating; // 0x178 -- 376
  48. char pad_0x17c[0x14]; // 0x17c -- 380
  49. float fTyreGrip; // 0x190 -- 400
  50. float fWetGrip; // 0x194 -- 404
  51. float fTyreDrag; // 0x198
  52. float fSurfaceTopSpeedMult; // 0x19c
  53. char pad_0x1a0[0x24]; // 0x1a0
  54. float fSteeringAngle; // 0x1c4 -- 452
  55. float fBrakeSomething; // 0x1c8 -- 456
  56. float fThrottleSomething; // 0x1cc -- 460 -- Looks wrong based on most recent FiveM PR
  57. float fBrakePressure; // 0x1d0 -- 464
  58. float fBrakeSomething2; // 0x1d4 -- 468
  59. float fThrottleSomething2; // 0x1d8 -- 472
  60. float fUnk2; // 0x1dc -- 476
  61. float fHealthSomething; // 0x1e0 -- 480
  62. float fHealthSomething2; // 0x1e4 -- 484
  63. float fTyreHealth; // 0x1e8 -- 488
  64. float fTyreHealth2; // 0x1ec -- 492
  65. float fUnk3; // 0x1f0 -- 496
  66. int32_t iUnk1; // 0x1f4 -- 500, if ( *(_BYTE *)(v6 + 500) & 1 )
  67. int32_t flags; // 0x1f8 -- 504
  68. int16_t flags2; // 0x1fc
  69. unsigned char cSurfaceID; // 0x1fe -- 510
  70. char pad_0x1ff[0x12]; // 0x1ff
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