
Mr. Lockhart

Sep 29th, 2019
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  1. Lockhart
  3. Mr. Lockhart had never raised a hand to a woman or a child. He was not violent in any sense of the word. But he had a way of punching without fists and he was crafty with his words.
  5. “Dammit you wretched wench. What do you mean she won’t do as she’s told? How hard is it to put a child her size in a bloody dress? We should’ve been gone long ago.”
  7. Mrs. Lockhart’s lip quivered as she tried to refrain from tears.
  9. “She’s... she... our daughter, is strong willed it seems. Please, it isn’t my fault. Can you help me?”
  11. No response beyond a glare.
  13. “And what’s this I hear about her misbehaving in classes? We all should be lucky that Lockhart women aren’t expected to follow family tradition or the line would end here. She’s brilliant but dense.”
  15. It was well known that the Lockhart men had been lawyers for decades — near centuries.
  17. They were well respected in the community. You would never have guessed that many of them were alcoholics that abused their families in some way or another. Neglectful.
  19. The Lockhart men rarely lost a case and were dedicated to what they did. This often left to them being away from their families for much of the day, sometimes all day and night.
  21. Something to be noted about Mr. Lockhart was that he had hoped for a son.
  23. When Villanelle was born he was disappointed but loved her nonetheless. They had known she would be a girl. But he was hoping for a miracle.
  25. By the time Ethan was born he had given up his hope of ever having a son to carry on Lockhart traditions.
  27. “What’s this I hear about you on the news? Being a boy and all that? You’re delusional. For Christ sake why are you embarrassing your mother and I like this? Ethan? Really, that’s the best you could do? Such a dreadful name. You‘d of been William had you been a boy.”
  29. Despite how cruel he could be, he was typically a decent father and did make sure that the children well cared for i other ways. Even so, he chose to purposely turn a blind eye to the physical and mental abuse caused by his wife.
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