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- #back at school
- Kawakami
- もう4限じゃない。
- ...It’s fourth period already.
- Kawakami
- 佐倉さんは家出たって言ってるし、警察に連絡した方が
- Sakura-san said that <name>-kun left the house this morning. Should I contact the police…?
- Kawakami
- いや、そんなの余計面倒なことになるし
- No, that’ll just be more of a hassle...
- Kawakami
- ホント、厄介なこと押しつけられたちゃったな
- What did I do to deserve this…?
- #back at the castle
- Ryuji
- しゃーねぇ ついて行ってみっか。
- Oh well… Guess we just gotta follow it.
- Ryuji
- なにやってんだ?
- What’re you doin’?
- Morgana
- 決まってるだろ、橋を降ろすんだよ。
- What does it look like I’m doing? I’m lowering the bridge.
- Morgana
- クセっ毛のオマエ、キンバツより飲み込みが早そうだ。
- You, Frizzy Hair. It seems like you pick up on things faster than Blondie over here.
- Morgana
- ちょっとこの像を調べてみろ。口のところだ。
- Try checking around the mouth of this statue, OK?
- Ryuji
- こんなん分かるかよ!
- How were we supposed to know to do that!?
- Morgana
- 素人め。さっさと行くぞ!
- Hmph, amateur. Come on, let’s keep going!
- Ryuji
- う、うわぁ!!やべえ、きたぁー!!
- A-Aah! Shit... Shit, it’s them!
- Morgana
- ちっ とんだ素人め!
- Tch… You amateur!
- Morgana
- じっとしてろ!
- Stay still!
- Morgana
- おい、オマエ!戦えるんだろ?やるぞ!!
- Hey, you! You could fight, right? Let’s go!
- Morgana
- 来い
- Come…!
- Morgana
- ゾロッ!!
- Zorro!
- Ryuji
- お前もそれ、出んのかよっ!?
- Y-You got one of those things too!?
- Morgana
- 速やかに黙らせてやる!
- Hmph, we will promptly shut them up!
- Morgana
- シャドウめ 迎撃態勢に入りやがったな!
- Damn Shadows… they’ve taken up intercept positions!
- Morgana
- ワガハイたちを殺すために、本気を出してきたってことだぜ!
- It means they’re holding nothing back and are serious to kill us!
- Morgana
- 支援してやるから死ぬ気で戦え!行くぞ!
- I’ll back you up, so fight like your life depends on it! Let’s go!
- Morgana
- ふん、やっぱり素人だな。
- Hmph, I knew you were an amatear.
- Morgana
- 戦いってのはこうやるんだよ!
- This is how you fight!
- Morgana
- 弱点に攻撃して敵をコカす!その隙を突いてさらに動く!
- Strike at an enemy’s weakness to knock it them down! Use that opening to strike again!
- Morgana
- 基本中の基本だ!覚えとけ!
- That’s the most basic of basics! Remember it well!
- Morgana
- ほら、さっさと突破するぞ!
- C’mon, let’s hurry and get through this!
- Morgana
- オマエ、やるじゃねえか。ペルソナの力も、なかなかのもんだ。
- Not bad. Your Persona’s pretty powerful.
- Ryuji
- ペルソナ ?
- Persona…?
- Ryuji
- お前らがブワーって出す、あれか?
- Y’mean that thing that comes outta you
- guys all dramatic-like?
- Morgana
- 呼び出すとき、クセっ毛のコイツが、仮面をはがすのを見たろ?
- Yes. You saw how Frizzy Hair here ripped off his mask when he summoned it, right?
- Morgana
- 人は誰でも、心に仮面を被ってる。そいつを自覚し、自らはがす事で
- Well, everybody wears a mask deep within their heart. By removing that...
- Ryuji
- また戻っちまった
- Huh…? He turned back to normal...
- Morgana
- 力の扱いが、まだ完全じゃないようだな…
- こんだけ騒がれてて、変身が解けるはずがない。
- Hm, it looks like you don’t have full control over your power yet.
- Morgana
- あの姿は、本来
- The transformation shouldn’t normally dissolve like that. After all--
- Ryuji
- あー、もういい!さっきからワケ分かんねえしっ!
- Rrgh, that’s enough! This crap doesn’t make any sense!
- Morgana
- 話くらい、じっと聞けねえのかキンバツ!
- Can’t you just sit still and listen for once, Blondie!?
- Ryuji
- キンバツ、キンバツ言うな!ちゃんと竜司って名前が
- Don’t call me Blondie! My name’s Ryuji...
- Morgana
- よく考えたら、講義してやってる時間はねえよ!
- Actually, there’s no time for me to lecture you!
- Morgana
- 生きて出たいんだろ?行くぞ!
- You wanna escape this place in one piece, right? Let’s go!
- Morgana
- っと、その前に コイツをくれてやる、大事に使えよ?
- Oh, but before that... take these. Use them carefully, OK?
- #get medicine
- Morgana
- 急ぐぞ。出口まで、そう遠くない。
- Come on, we should hurry. It’s not much farther to the exit.
- Morgana
- 一応、体力には注意しておけよ?また戦闘にならんとも限らんからな。
- Just make sure you’re good on HP, OK? There’s still a chance we’ll end up having to fight in here.
- #Ryuji noticing guy in cell
- Ryuji
- ちょっと待った!
- Hold on a sec!
- Ryuji
- これ、こいつの格好 どっんで見た気が
- I feel like I’ve seen what this dude’s wearin’ before...
- Ryuji
- クソッ、頭がパニクって出てこねえ!
- Dammit! I’m too flustered! I can’t remember a damn thing!
- Morgana
- 行くぞ!?
- Come on, let’s go!
- Ryuji
- 待てって!
- Hold on, dammit!
- Morgana
- 何なんだ、早くしろ!
- What is it? We need to go, fast!
- Ryuji
- コイツら、確か
- But… who are these guys?
- Morgana
- 他人の心配してる状況かよ!?
- Do you really think you have time to worry about other people right now!?
- Morgana
- それに、そいつらは
- Besides, they’re--
- Guard
- 見つけたぞッ!
- There!
- Morgana
- 言わんこっちゃねえ !
- You should’ve listened to me…!
- 迎え撃とう
- >逃げよう
- Let’s fight.
- Let’s run away.
- Morgana
- アイツが許してくれりゃあな
- Sure, if it lets us...
- Morgana
- 駄目だってさ。やるぞ!
- Looks like that’s not an option. Come on, let’s do this!
- #after fight
- Morgana
- よしっ、新手が来る前に逃げるぞ!
- All right! Let’s get away before more show up!
- Ryuji
- 待てって!こいつら、こんままじゃ
- Hold on, we can’t just leave these guys here...!
- Morgana
- お前、本当に何も分かってないんだな? いや、説明してる暇は無いか
- You really don’t get it, do you? Hrgh.. There’s no time to explain.
- Morgana
- おい、ワガハイは行くぞ?ついてこないなら、好きにしな!
- Look, I’m going. If you don’t want to follow, be my guest!
- Ryuji
- ちっ 分かったよチクショウ!
- Dammit... Fine, I’m coming!
- Morgana
- この上が正面ホールだ!出口は近いぞ、ついて来い!
- The entrance hall is right above here! The exit’s close... Keep it up!
- Morgana
- 着いたぞ!
- We’re here!
- Ryuji
- やっとか!助かった !
- Finally! We’re saved…!
- Ryuji
- 開かねえ!
- ...It’s not openin’!
- Ryuji
- テメェ、騙しやがったのか!?
- D’you trick us, you jerk!?
- Morgana
- 慌てんな!こっちだ!
- Don’t jump to conclusions! Over here!
- Ryuji
- ま、待てよオイ!
- H-Hey, wait up!
- Ryuji
- どっから出んだ、窓も無えぞ!?
- Where are we supposed to get out from here!? There aren’t even any windows!
- Morgana
- これだから素人は
- Ugh, amateur...
- Morgana
- こんなの基本中の基本だぞ?
- This is the most basic of basics.
- >通気口か?
- 壁を壊すのか?
- ここで心中か?
- A ventilation shaft?
- Blow the wall up?
- Are we going to die here?
- Morgana
- その通り!オマエ、やはり筋がいいな。
- That’s right! As I thought, you’re a natural at this.
- Morgana
- 外までちゃんと通じてるぜ。
- It leads all the way outside.
- Ryuji
- なるほど
- I see...
- Ryuji
- てことは、あの嵌ってる網を !
- Then we just gotta get that metallic mesh off!
- Ryuji
- せぇえのぉ っ!
- Ryuji
- 痛ってぇ やべ!敵に聞こえてねえよな!?
- Oww... Crap! The enemy didn’t hear us, did they?
- Ryuji
- やっとだぜマジ !
- Seriously, we’re finally gettin’ outta here…!
- Morgana
- 喜ぶのは出てからにしておけ。
- You should wait on celebrating until you actually get out.
- Morgana
- さあ、行けよ。
- Now, get going.
- Ryuji
- 行けよって お前は?
- But... what about you?
- Morgana
- ワガハイは、まだやる事があるからな。
- There’s something that I still have to do.
- Morgana
- ここでお別れだ。
- We’re going our separate ways.
- ありがとう
- >今度は捕まるな
- Thanks.
- Don’t get caught again.
- Morgana
- ふん、そっちこそ気を付けろよ?
- Heh, you better be careful too.
- Morgana
- じゃあな。
- See ya.
- #exit main character and Ryuji
- Morgana
- あいつら 使えそうだな
- Those two seem useful...
- Morgana
- ワガハイの見立てが確かなら、あのクセっ毛の方はとくに な。
- Especially the frizzy-haired one, if my judgment’s right...
- #outside the palace
- Ryuji
- 俺ら、どうなった?
- Did we make it…?
- Navigation App
- 現実世界に帰還しました。お疲れ様でした。
- You have returned to the real world. Welcome back.
- Ryuji
- あ?帰還しました ?
- Huh? Returned…?
- Ryuji
- 逃げ切れたってことか?
- ...Does that mean we got away?
- >おそらく
- こっちが訊きたい
- Probably.
- I wonder...
- Ryuji
- もう何が何だかよ
- I dunno what to think anymore...
- Ryuji
- なんだったんだよ、アレ ?城か、鴨志田とか、妙な猫とか!
- What was all that anyways...? That castle, and Kamoshida, and that weird cat!
- Ryuji
- どうなってんだよっ!?
- The hell’s goin’ on!?
- Police
- でかい声だな。お前ら、秀尽の生徒か?
- What’s with the yelling? Are you students of Shujin?
- Police
- サボリか?
- Cutting classes, are we?
- Ryuji
- あ?ちがうって!
- Huh? No!
- Ryuji
- 学校、行こうとしたら変な城でっ!
- We were tryin’ to get to school, and we ended up at this weird castle!
- Police
- なんだ?
- ...What?
- Police
- おい、カベン出せ。おかしなモン、やってないだろうな?
- Hand over your bag. You better not be doing any drugs.
- Ryuji
- なんでそうなんだよっ!
- Why would you think that!?
- Police
- キミは友達か?
- Are you his friend?
- >そんなものだ
- アカの他人だ
- 実は絡まれてる
- Something like that.
- Never met him.
- He was bullying me.
- Police
- だったら 学校に行きたまえ。彼を連れてね。
- Then you should go to school. Take him with you.
- Ryuji
- だからっ!俺だってわけ分かんねえんだって!
- Like I’m tryin’ to say...! I don’t know what’s goin’ on either!
- Police
- 秀尽の前なら通って来たよ。おかしな所はなかった。
- We passed by Shujin on our way here. There was nothing out of the ordinary about it.
- Police
- それ以上でたらめを言う気なら、学校に連絡するぞ?
- If you spout any more nonsense, I’ll contact your school. Is that what you want?
- Ryuji
- お前からもなんか言えよ!
- C’mon, say somethin’!
- そろそろ行こう
- >遅刻したくない
- Let’s get going.
- I don’t want to be late.
- Ryuji
- や、そうじゃねえだろ。
- Uh, that’s not what I meant...
- Ryuji
- ま、待てよ!まじかコイツ
- W-Wait a sec! Is that guy for real…?
- Ryuji
- 行くゃいいんだろ
- ...Fine, I’m goin’!
- #Sae boss monologuing in his office for some reason
- Sae boss
- 国交相が辞任表明
- A Minister of Transport announcing his resignation...
- Sae boss
- フフ、これで
- *chuckle* Things are going as planned...
- Sae boss
- 新島冴 そういえば、彼女
- Sae Niijima… That reminds me...
- Sae boss
- 今は泳がせでおくか。
- ...Better to leave it be for now.
- #In front of the normal school
- Ryuji
- マジかよ
- Is this for real…?
- Ryuji
- 同じ道、来たはずだろ どうなってやがんだ
- I’m sure we came the same way… What’s goin’ on here…?
- #school official approaches
- School official
- どうなってんだは、こっちのセリフだ。
- That’s exactly what I wanted to ask you.
- School official
- 補導の連絡あったぞ。
- We received a call from the police.
- Ryuji
- あの警官、結局チクったんかよ!
- That damn cop snitched on us after all!
- School official
- お前が一人じゃないとは、珍しいな。
- It’s rare not to see you alone.
- School official
- こんな時間までどこほっつき歩いてた?
- Where were you roaming around until this time?
- Ryuji
- 城?
- Uhh… a ca- a castle?
- School official
- まともに答える気無いわけか?
- So, you have no intention of giving an honest answer?
- #enter Kamoshida
- Kamoshida
- 「城」が、どうしたって?
- What’s this about a “castle”?
- Ryuji
- 鴨志田!
- Kamoshida!?
- Kamoshida
- 呑気だな、坂本。
- You seem so carefree, Sakamoto.
- Kamoshida
- 陸上の朝練やってた頃とは大違いだ。
- Quite a difference from when you did morning practice for the track team.
- Ryuji
- るっせ!テメェが
- Shuddup! It’s your fault that--
- School official
- 鴨志田先生になんて口きいてんだ!?
- How dare you speak that way to Mr. Kamoshida!
- School official
- お前な、もう後ないんだぞ?
- ...There’s not much leeway left for you, you know?
- Ryuji
- 向こうが煽ってきたんだろうがっ!
- He’s the one that provoked me!
- School official
- ほんとに退学になりたいのかっ!?
- Do you really want to be expelled!?
- School official
- とにかく事情聞くからな、来い!
- In any case, you’ll have to explain yourself! Follow me!
- Ryuji
- はぁ!?ふざけんな!
- What !? This is bullshit!
- Kamoshida
- 私も配慮が足りませんでしたし、ここは両成敗ってことで。
- Come now. I should have been more considerate, too. Let’s just say we were both to blame.
- School official
- え?いや、まあ、鴨志田先生がおっしゃるなら
- Well, if you say so...
- School official
- とにかく来なさい。大遅刻は事実だ。
- Still, you’re coming with me. It’s undeniable that you’re extremely late.
- Ryuji
- わぁったよ
- Fine...
- Kamoshida
- ところで 例の転校生ってのは、お前だな?<name>
- By the way… you’re that new transfer student, correct? <name>...
- Kamoshida
- 何処かで会ったか?
- ...Have we met somewhere?
- 城で会った
- >知らない
- 女子を車に乗せてた
- At the castle.
- Nope.
- I saw a girl in your car.
- Kamoshida
- ん ?そうか 駅前で見たな。
- Hm…? Oh, I remember now… I saw you at the station.
- Kamoshida
- まあ、今日だけは大目に見てやる。
- ...Well, I’ll overlook this just for today.
- Kamoshida
- 校長から聞いていると思うが、問題を起こしたら、退学だからな?
- I’m sure you’ve heard from the principal, but cause any trouble and you’ll be expelled. Understand?
- わかりました
- >明日からも頼む
- I understand.
- Can you overlook more?
- Kamoshida
- 冗談のつもりか?面白いないな。
- Is that supposed to be a joke? I’m not laughing.
- Kamoshida
- まあいい。早く職員室へ行け。川上先生も待ちくたびれてるだろう。
- At any rate, hurry up and go to the faculty office. I’m sure Ms. Kawakami’s tired of waiting.
- Kamoshida
- 新しい学校生活、せいぜい楽しめよ。
- Good luck trying to enjoy your new school life.
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