
Ch 4: Part 3: House Vonnarc: Session 60

Sep 3rd, 2013
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  1. [15:18] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:18] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 4: Endless Night~~~
  3. [15:23] <Kilarra> -Session 60-
  4. [15:26] <Kilarra> After enduring their first day of servitude at House Vonnarc, the ways in which drow society are similar to most others, yet so vastly different, begin to assert themselves. For now, the party can continue their daily routine in the hopes that an opportunity will present itself before their time amongst the drow runs out, whether by the passing of days, or until they are discovered...
  5. [15:30] <Kilarra> On the group's second day of duty, Kilarra takes a turn at maid work, while ALuthyra is assigned to assistant and notary work. Kjell is involved in a series of drills for the house guards, and Kahree finds herself challenged to a Duel this time, helping several of the others practise a few aspects of Kjell's combat styles.
  6. [15:34] <Kilarra> Kilarra's day is fairly routine, but unfortunately Aluthyra is not quite able to keep up with her assistance. She is insulted and scolded, but not physically punished. Kahree performs excellently in her duel, while Kjell takes the drow's rough drills in stride.
  7. [15:35] * Kilarra returns to the room after her shift ends to wait for Aluthyra.
  8. [15:36] <Kilarra> Kjell, upon finish the drills, waits for Kahree to see how she fared. She was more nimble than him certainly, but he was more able to take a beating if given one.
  9. [15:38] * Aluthyra returns to the room, smiling as she sees Kilarra. "How was your day?" She chuckles. "My own was not great. I am not proficient in bookkeeping."
  10. [15:39] * Kilarra nods, "Boring really. So many bedsheets." She frowns a bit though, "You weren't punished at all were you?"
  11. [15:40] <@Aluthyra> Kahree soon finds Kjell as she exits her duel. With only a few scratches, she grins as she exits. "Weren't even able to touch me." She rolls her eyes. "Hardly, any way."
  12. [15:40] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "No, simply insulted. Though I suppose that is a norm here."
  13. [15:43] <Kilarra> Kjell chuckles, "Good. The less trouble we get into, the better. However, now we have another day to go out and see if we can find information among the streets, yes? While Kilarra and Aluthyra stay here and... well, they might get up to things with each other, but they do have the good sense, both of them, to keep our mission in mind."
  14. [15:43] * Kilarra nods, "Alright, but be careful. I know you're tough, but we want to keep up appearances and not get in too much trouble, otherwise we might have to bail out early."
  15. [15:44] <@Aluthyra> Kahree snickers. "Right. Yeah, I'd like to give it another shot," she scowls. "And not get robbed this time."
  16. [15:44] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "I shall keep a closer eye out as well, though I've been told I can be a bit thick at times."
  17. [15:44] * Aluthyra nods. "Of course." She sighs. "I will try harder next time... though again, notary work is not my forte."
  18. [15:45] * Kilarra hugs Aluthyra, "Just stay safe, alright. If you got into trouble and we got separated, not only would we blow it, but it would be that much more difficult to get us out of here."
  19. [15:45] <@Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. "No kidding?" She chuckles, waving her hand. "Let's get to it."
  20. [15:46] <Kilarra> Kjell heads into the midst of Zirnakaynin with Kahree
  21. [15:46] * Aluthyra smiles, wrapping her arms around her in the hug. "I will. I promise."
  22. [15:47] * Kilarra smiles and guides Aluthyra over to the bed, "So, how have you been holding up? Emotionally. This place has to be painfully foreign for someone like you."
  23. [15:48] * Aluthyra sighs, sitting on the bed. "It's... different." She chuckles mirthlessly. "Unfortunately, not in a good way."
  24. [15:50] * Kilarra nods, "I get that. Even though I lived my whole life in Riddleport, except for the first decade, even this is excessive."
  25. [15:51] <Kilarra> Kahree is bumped into on either side by a pair of drow as she walks down the street.
  26. [15:53] <@Aluthyra> Kahree growls, turning on the pair. "Hell no," She draws her maces. "not this time. Whatever you took, drop."
  27. [15:53] <Kilarra> The drow looks offended, "I don't know what you're talking about."
  28. [15:54] <Kilarra> Kjell draws his sword, suspecting foul play. Or, at the very least, that Kahree wasnt going to take any further chances with 'encounters' with random drow on the street.
  29. [15:56] <@Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. "Of course not." She points to the nearest of the pair, then mouths a few indecipherable words. A moment later, she's gone-- hidden with a vanish spell. As the spell is cast, she moves behind the drow.
  30. [15:58] <Kilarra> Kjell just blinks in surprise
  31. [16:00] <Kilarra> The drow look confused, and turn on Kjell, "Where'd she go?" They look like they'd rather run than start a fight, but were not expecting anyone to just up and vanish
  32. [16:03] <Kilarra> Kjell stands menacingly before them, "I do not know, but I suspect if you don't want to find out, you'll drop anything you took."
  33. [16:05] <Kilarra> The one drow thief raises his hand, a bit of magic sheathing it, "Let's fine out then."
  34. [16:06] <Kilarra> A small burst of magic within 5ft of the drow outlines things within 5ft. Except that neither Kjell or Kahree are affected, the magical resistance of their drow bodies blocking the effects of the weak spell-like power
  35. [16:07] <Kilarra> The other drow decides to just bail on his companion
  36. [16:07] <Kilarra> Kjell levels his sword at the drow, "Wrong decision." He attacks
  37. [16:09] <Kilarra> Kjell's blade crackles with electricity as he slashes at the drow
  38. [16:11] <Kilarra> The drow is rent and then electrocuted, slumping to the ground. A few people have their attention drawn by the skirmish, but most don't seem to care.
  39. [16:12] <Kilarra> Kjell looks about for Kahree, "You should grab what he took and go before we cause more of a scene." He sheathes his sword and begins to walk away, figuring Kahree would turn up or at least keep up with him after grabbing whatever the thief took.
  40. [16:14] <@Aluthyra> Kahree huffs, noting one drow dead, and the other retreating. Still invisible, Kjell can hear her whine, "Awww... No fun Kjell, I wanted to use my maces..." She kicks the corpse, causing her spell to end. "Whatever." Kahree leans down with a sigh, taking back her items, then follows after Kjell.
  41. [16:15] <Kilarra> The drow onlooking, when seeing Kahree take reposession of items from the thief, seem to think they did the right thing, and then move on with, only going so far as to shove the body off to the side of the street.
  42. [16:16] <Kilarra> Kjell returns to House Vonnarc with Kahree
  43. [16:16] * Kilarra looks up as Kahree and Kjell return, "Any luck?"
  44. [16:17] <@Aluthyra> Kahree shakes her head. "No, just robbed. Again. But I got my things back, this time."
  45. [16:18] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "I am a bit unnerved that my dispatching of the thief was so... unnoticed. Like no one cared that someone died in front of them. Didn't even see any guards."
  46. [16:21] * Aluthyra frowns. "Odd... well, for our standards."
  47. [16:21] * Kilarra nods, "I suspect that's par for the course down here. Means it'll probably be the same for any of us, so don't do anything that might get you murdered in the streets. Or at all preferably."
  48. [16:24] <@Aluthyra> Kahree sighs. "So, I guess we should just go to sleep, try again tomorrow?"
  49. [16:24] * Kilarra nods, "Yeah, that'd probably be best."
  50. [16:26] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods, flopping onto her bed. She smirks at Kjell. "Next time, let my maces have their fun."
  51. [16:27] <Kilarra> Kjell sighs, "My only intention was to see any conflict ended before it caused a large fuss. It wasn't about fun."
  52. [16:28] * Kilarra flops onto her bunk and beckons for Aluthyra to join her
  53. [16:29] <@Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes, then promptly closes them, huddling into her covers for sleep.
  54. [16:29] * Aluthyra smiles, slipping in with Kilarra.
  55. [16:32] <Kilarra> For their third day of serving House Vonnarc, Kahree is assigned to a routine patrol, Aluthyra is set to work in the stables with the cave geckos (and alongside numerous troglodytes), but Kilarra is there with her as well. Kjell is assigned to an internal guard post.
  56. [16:36] <Kilarra> While working in the Stables, Kilarra has to put forth a bit of extra effort to help Aluthyra in order to avoid her getting in trouble again. This unusal display of camraderie draws the attention of a particularly old and grizzled looking troglodyte.
  57. [16:39] <Kilarra> While the other Troglodyte slaves continue about their work, the green-skinned and scarred one makes his way over to Aluthyra and Kilarra. He simply observes them curiously for a moment.
  58. [16:40] <Kilarra> The troglodyte, while still possessed of the stench his kind commonly excrete, it doesn't add too much in light of the muck of the stables.
  59. [16:40] * Aluthyra isn't too adept with handling the animals. as not knowing how to guide or command them gives her difficulty in performing her tasks.
  60. [16:42] * Aluthyra frowns, whispering to Kilarra. "It may be best to stop assisting me, Kilarra. We are drawing attention..."
  61. [16:43] <Kilarra> The troglodyte, noticing that he has been noticed, approaches the pair. "My attentions are for my own curiosity, not for tottling to your superiors. Not really my place to comment on your treatment of each other."
  62. [16:45] * Kilarra raises an eyebrow. "A talkative troglodyte. That's new."
  63. [16:45] * Aluthyra blinks, surprised at the lack of cruelty in the trog, seen often in the drow. "I see."
  64. [16:47] <Kilarra> The troglodyte gives a bit of a bow, "My name is Verez, and I often speak for my endentured kin." He looks to Kilarra, "I may be new to you, but you are, both of you, new to this House."
  65. [16:49] * Aluthyra smiles faintly, glad for friendly conversation, even if the trog may not be friendly in truth. "Aluthyra. A pleasure."
  66. [16:50] <Kilarra> The troglodyte gives a barking, hoarse laugh. "You certainly are something new."
  67. [16:50] * Kilarra looks worried for a moment and nudges Aluthyra.
  68. [16:52] * Aluthyra frowns. She knows it may not be wise to show kindness, but considering the attitude of the trog so far, she's hard pressed not to. She shrugs at Kilarra.
  69. [16:52] <Kilarra> Verez notes, "Not many drow would consider my company a pleasure. Judging by youe accents though, would I be presuming too much to guess you're not from here in the heart of Zirnakaynin?"
  70. [16:53] * Kilarra nods, sticking to their cover so ALuthyra wouldn't be hard pressed, "We come from Umberweb."
  71. [16:54] <Kilarra> Verez nods, "Not sure I've heard of that place, but that's nothing new. I don't hear of much beyond the walls of this house."
  72. [16:56] * Kilarra tries to get an angle on this Trog, seeing f he was up to anything, as most people down here would be suspicious of
  73. [16:56] * Kilarra can't seem to discern any dishonesty, at least not yet.
  74. [16:57] * Aluthyra tries to discern as well.
  75. [15:23] <Kilarra> Aluthyra can't seem to feel any hostility or ulterior intent coming from the Troglodyte. He at least seemed to be legitimately curious and talkative.
  76. [15:26] * Aluthyra nods. "Have you been here long then?"
  77. [15:27] <Kilarra> Verez gives another barking laugh, "You could say that. Longer than most slaves seem to last, if nothing else. I know my way around at least."
  78. [15:34] * Aluthyra nods. "Interesting. Tell me, have you heard any rumors concerning the traitor elves? This... work is tedious, and," she chuckles. "I would prefer fights on the surface, rather than this."
  79. [15:36] <Kilarra> Verez raises a scaly brow, pondering the question. "Well, I don't try to pry too much above my station, but I have picked up on a general resentment lingering around for the house of Azrinae. You didn't hear that from me of course, not my place you understand."
  80. [15:37] * Kilarra chuckles a bit; she kinda liked this guy.
  81. [15:38] <Kilarra> Verez notes, "So, if ye have any lingering ties to that house, for whatever reason, ye'd best forget 'em."
  82. [15:40] * Aluthyra nods. "Interesting. The information is... appreciated."
  83. [15:41] <Kilarra> Verez nods, and for now, gets back to work, not wanting to be caught slacking off.
  84. [15:42] * Kilarra chuckles a bit, "Y'know, he's alright. For a troglodyte anyways. Wouldn't trust him any more than the drow, but he seems to know how to survive down here."
  85. [15:44] * Aluthyra smiles. "Thankfully uncaring to you helping me. And thank you, by the way."
  86. [15:45] * Kilarra smiles back, "We're in this together. One of us gets in trouble, we all might be exposed."
  87. [15:47] * Aluthyra nods, smiling faintly, and goes back to work.
  88. [15:47] <Kilarra> Aluthyra and Kilarra's efforts get them through the day, and Kahree's shift is boring, but easy to complete. Kjell's internal posting doesn't go so well, with him having to end up breaking up a fight between two other servants.
  89. [15:48] * Kilarra returns to the room when the shift ends, glad to be out of the stinky stables. "I hope your vow of cleanliness isn't causing you much trouble."
  90. [15:49] * Aluthyra sighs. "I will need to bathe as soon as I can, but as I am unable to do otherwise, it is fine for now."
  91. [15:50] <@Aluthyra> Kahree grumps as she sees Kjell. She rather liked yesterday-- as much as one could like being in the company of drow-- with the duel, and today was exceptionally boring. She nudges him. "Shall we try again?"
  92. [15:53] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "We shall. I admit, today was not so great for me either."
  93. [15:54] * Kahree nods, pulling Kjell along so that she might be able to entertain herself by scaring some drow!
  94. [15:54] * Kilarra smirks, "Y'know, with our daily obligations done for the day, I imagine it wouldn't hurt to slip into town and look for a bath house. It might not be exactly cheap, but so long as we can find one, I'd rather see you keep as much of your integrity as possible down here."
  95. [15:55] * Aluthyra smiles, pondering for a moment. "Seeing as there is not much else to do... sure. That would be lovely."
  96. [15:56] <Kilarra> Kahree doesn't seem to have much luck
  97. [15:58] <@Aluthyra> Kahree groans as her attempts lead her to no new information. She sighs. "Might as well return. Hopefully we won't meet pickpockets on the way back..."
  98. [15:59] <Kilarra> Aluthyra and Kilarra on the other hand, are able to, with a couple of greased palms in the right place, get themselves pointed to a bath house run by House Tracinoa. The prices are rather exorbinant, given the rationing of water in Zirnakaynin, but made available to all who can afford it.
  99. [16:03] * Kilarra decides to join Aluthyra in the bath this time, making sure the bloodlinks are within reach before getting in. She doubted she would pay for this often, but she knew it would be worth it to Aluthyra.
  100. [16:05] <Kilarra> While Kahree manages to avoid getting her pocket picked again, she and Kjell happen to be passing by as a group of five drow shove down a single other, murderous intentions rather obvious.
  101. [16:06] <@Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "Should we get involved? I think I can knock 'em all out pretty quickly."
  102. [16:13] <Kilarra> KJell nods, "I don't know about any transgressions the victim may have commited, but five on one is hardly fair."
  103. [16:24] <Kilarra> The five drow, not aware of Kahree and Kjell, brutally skewer their target, with three of their rapiers pucturing him before they can get involved.
  104. [16:25] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks. "Maybe we shouldn't get involved. Seeing as we're too late... "
  105. [16:28] <Kilarra> Kjell frowns, "Hmm... I do not like it, but perhaps it would be best to keep out of it now. We are outnumbered, and, though we might be able to take them, it is, unfortunately, now a needless risk."
  106. [16:28] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods and sighs, turning around and heading back for the room.
  107. [16:30] <Kilarra> Kjell seems a little depressed that they weren't quick enough to help, but with no one left to save, they would only be endangering their lives for petty spite. He returns with Kahree, not feeling too happy about it.
  108. [16:30] * Kilarra finishes up the bath with Aluthyra and heads back to House Vonnarc.
  109. [16:32] * Aluthyra smiles as she returns to the room. Not a bad day, considering. She waves to Kahree and Kjell as they return several moments later. "Did you happen upon any information?"
  110. [16:33] <Aluthyra> Kahree shakes her head, frowning. "No. Just saw someone get casually murdered." She rolls her eyes. "Y'know, the usual."
  111. [16:34] <Kilarra> Kjell sighs, "It was unfotunate; five men ganging up on one. He was dead before we could reach him to help."
  112. [16:35] * Kilarra rolls her eyes and nods to Kahree, "I've seen some gang killings and street fights in Riddleport that went down like that. It sucks, but not really worth getting involved in most of the time."
  113. [16:35] * Aluthyra winces. "Unfortunate." She sighs.
  114. [16:36] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "Still, hard to not get involved. Hopefully we can get -something- out of the drow tomorrow..."
  115. [16:37] * Kilarra nods, "Yeah, but we should just take it in stride and get some sleep for now."
  116. [16:38] * Aluthyra nods, slipping into bed and waiting for Kilarra.
  117. [16:38] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs, lazily slipping into bed.
  118. [16:40] * Kilarra slips in with Aluthyra and snuggles her, focusing on the one good thing she had down here.
  119. [16:45] <Kilarra> For their fourth day amongst the servants of House Vonnarc, Kilarra and Aluthyra both get a nice easy maid shift, and Kjell gets a simple guard patrol. Kahree gets lookout duty again.
  120. [16:47] <Kilarra> Kilarra, Aluthyra, and Kjell all pass their shifts without incident, and Kahree performs exceptionally well. She doesn't manage to get anything specific with her day's efforts of information gathering, but feel's like she's getting closer to getting the big spill.
  121. [16:49] <Kilarra> The fifth day of servitude sees Kilarra and Aluthyra both put to work in House Vonnarc's kitchens. Preparing food for the nobles with the curious drow meats and fungi will be an interesting challenge. Kahree is assigned to an internal guard post, and Kjell is brought forward to participate in more drills.
  122. [16:53] <Kilarra> Kilarra and ALuthyra's cooking is chastised as terrible, and unfit for the consumption of the nobles. Mercifully, since this was their first time in the kitchen, they were spared any more vicious punishment. Kjell makes it through his drills just fine.
  123. [16:58] <Kilarra> While Kahree is on her shift, she catches someone eyeing her, trying to stay out of sight. Someone she knows. The first drow they met here in the Darklands, Gadak is watching her. He was watching Aluthyra and Kilarra as well, but they were too engrossed in their cooking to notice.
  124. [17:00] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns, taking note of Gadak, but remains at her post, not wanting to be chastised for leaving it.
  125. [17:01] <Kilarra> Gadak seems to think he's gone unnoticed and eventually slinks away.
  126. [17:04] <Aluthyra> Kahree quickly makes her way to the room as her shift ends, looking around for her companions.
  127. [17:05] * Kilarra sticks close to ALuthyra on their way back to the room, in case of any potential reprisal for their food mishaps.
  128. [17:06] <Aluthyra> Kahree waves to the pair as they enter the room. She frowns. "Hey, any chance that you saw Gadak today?"
  129. [17:06] <Kilarra> Kjell doesn't run into Kahree like he was expecting to and heads back to the room instead.
  130. [17:07] * Aluthyra shakes her head, raising an eyebrow. "No, I did not."
  131. [17:07] * Kilarra blinks at Kahree, then shakes her head, "Can't say I did. I was kinda focused on not screwing up the food. Didn't work out so well." She looks around then slips into the room. She suspected Kahree was about to tell them something they would want some privacy for.
  132. [17:08] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns, then repeats the question as Kjell enters, "Hey, Kjell, you see Gadak around today?"
  133. [17:08] <Kilarra> Kjell arrives at the room shortly after.
  134. [17:11] <Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "I did not."
  135. [17:12] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "I noticed him today, watching me on guard duty." She shakes her head. "I didn't bother him, and after a while he left. Think I should be concerned?"
  136. [17:13] * Kilarra immediately replies, "Yes. Undamesta told us Gadak was the type to knife us in the back given the opportunity, and he's definitely a cutthroat."
  137. [17:13] <Kilarra> Kjell looks to Kilarra, "Why though, would he be concerned about us? So far as I understood, our successes would increase his standing for finding and bringing us here."
  138. [17:14] * Aluthyra shrugs. "Regardless of his intent, we should be careful. If one of us sees him once again, then perhaps we should investigate him further."
  139. [17:15] * Kilarra nods, "That'll work. If all else fails," she looks to Kahree, "We can beat it out of him. He doesn't seem the type to take much without squealing."
  140. [17:18] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Sounds good." She looks to Kjell. "So, should we give it another try?"
  141. [17:18] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "It did feel like we were getting close."
  142. [17:19] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, heading out.
  143. [17:19] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra as Kjell and Kahree take their leave. "If need be, I could place a ward on this room. It's small enough that I think I can encompass the whole thing."
  144. [17:21] * Aluthyra nods. "That would be wise, just being careful."
  145. [17:22] <Kilarra> Kahree indeed was close, and today finally seems to get a breakthrough, or at least as much of one as could be obtained in the streets. She learns that almost all of the drow in Celwynvian were of House Azrinae, with smal groups of supporters from other houses. Not only did the Azrinae's head to the surface, but also to some unknown location even deeper in the Darklands. No one seems to know exactly where.
  146. [17:23] <Kilarra> As well, it's become obvious by now that word of the drow's rout in Celwynvian has spread throughout the city, however, there are no intended followup assaults to take the city back, as it as mostly the Azrinae's doing, and as it stands they don't seem to have further interests there.
  147. [17:24] * Aluthyra smiles as she begins to head back with Kjell. "Finally, some info!" She walk as they move back, "So, what do you think? If they aren't planning anything else, maybe we just need to find out that other location?"
  148. [17:27] * Kilarra smiles, "I can prepare it for tomorrow. It'll cost a bit of the diamond dust I've got, but not that much comparatively, and it will be permanent, unless someone else disables it. Given the skittish and deceptive nature of the drow, I don't think it will be seen as too out of the ordinary, and Kjell is known for his unique magic, so we can claim he did it if it becomes an issue with anyone else.
  149. [17:27] <Kilarra> "
  150. [17:28] * Kilarra notes, "If only to keep my divine casting a secret."
  151. [17:29] * Aluthyra nods. "I believe that will work. We just need to make sure to mention to Kjell, for our story."
  152. [17:29] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "It is useful to know that the drow have no further assaults planned, which I'm sure will assage some of our allies worries. That said, this other location could be the source of some other operation, perhaps like what we witnessed on Devil's Elbow."
  153. [17:31] <Kilarra> As they travel through Zirnakaynin, Kahree and Kjell pass by a lesser drow noble, escorted by a quartet of bodyguards. She pauses and observes the two of them for a moment, seemingly intrigued, then shrugs and moves off.
  154. [17:33] <Aluthyra> Kahree raises an eyebrow as she passes. "Why d'you think she looked at us like that?" She looks down at her own body. "Nothing off..."
  155. [17:34] <Kilarra> Kjell shrugs, "Perhaps she found one of us attractive, or thought for a moment we might be useful. If she was suspicious, I'm sure she wouldn't have simply walked off."
  156. [17:35] * Kilarra smiles at Aluthyra, "Well, while we're waiting for them to get back..." She whispers a few naughty suggestions. She wanted to try it out in the different bodies, if only for the sake of an incessant curiosity.
  157. [17:35] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, shrugging, and continues forward towards the House Vonnarc.
  158. [17:36] * Aluthyra blushes. "Alright... but I'd like to be quick! I do -not- want them walking in on us, or hearing us through a locked door."
  159. [17:40] * Kilarra nods, "I can do quickies." She chuckles and gets quickieing. They presumably finish up before Kahree and Kjell get back. "Definitely prefer the real you," she notes afterwards.
  160. [17:42] * Aluthyra rolls her eyes at Kilarra and smiles, taking a few moments to clean up before KJell and Kahree return.
  161. [17:42] <Kilarra> Kjell return to the room with Kahree. He figured they would share the information they procured before heading to bed tonight.
  162. [17:44] <Aluthyra> Kahree returns with a grin. "-Finally- found something out. Seems the surface invaders were all from House Azrinae, with only a couple supporters from other houses. They headed somewhere else too, in the darklands, but no one knows where, at least, no one on the street." She nods. "No plans for a second assault either."
  163. [17:46] * Kilarra nods, smiling, "Good. I've been preparing Sending daily in case you found anything, so I'll go ahead and report that before we nod off." She pulls out her loop of copper wire and sits up, holding it out.
  164. [17:46] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods and slips into bed. They didn't need her to help with Sending, so she dozes off rather quickly.
  165. [17:47] <Kilarra> Kjell stays up to keep guard just in case.
  166. [17:47] * Aluthyra keeps guard as well, sticking close to the door.
  167. [17:53] * Kilarra takes the ten minutes needed to cast the spell, then speaks as though face to sace with Eviana; "House Azrinae almost exclusively responsible for Celwynvian occupation. No known followup assaults planned. Additional holding somewhere deeper, exact location unknown. Disguises holding, investigation ongoing."
  168. [17:55] <Kilarra> Kilarra recieves the following in return: "We will remain vigilant regardless, but are glad to have some worries eased. Research has been equally enlightening and disturbing. Stay safe, don't overstay welcome."
  169. [17:56] * Kilarra relays Eviana's message to the party before slipping into bed with Aluthyra.
  170. [18:02] <Kilarra> The party's sixth day is, refreshingly, easy for all of them. Kilarra and ALutyra are both assigned to maid duty, while Kahree and Kjell get routine patrols. The ease of their duties would make keeping an eye out for Gadak less difficult.
  171. [18:06] <Kilarra> This time, it's Aluthyra who manages to spot Gadak eying them while they work. It's her decision as to whether or no to confront him about it.
  172. [18:07] * Aluthyra frowns, nudging Kilarra for her attention as she approaches Gadak. "Do you need something?"
  173. [18:08] <Kilarra> Gadak laughs it off as he's approached, "No actually, I was just passing by. I was curious as to how you were adjusting to the service of House Vonnarc."
  174. [18:12] <Kilarra> Gadak is an accomplished liar, but Kilarra and ALuthyra are both far more accomplished at seeing through deceptions, in addition to their natural suspicion of just about everyone down here. They can see, especially after Kahree's warning, that he was not being honest about his intentions.
  175. [18:13] * Kilarra narrows her eyes at Gadak, but waits to see what Aluthyra wants to do first.
  176. [18:13] * Aluthyra frowns and shakes her head. "Our companion Kahree also took note of you. Checking up on all of us then?"
  177. [18:14] * Aluthyra quirks her head. "And for that matter, why do you need to hide if you are but 'checking up on us'?"
  178. [18:15] <Kilarra> Gadak notes, "Of course. I have a vested interest in your success here, as your success is also mine, for having discovered you. As for my 'hiding', I merely did not wish to disturb your work, as it seems I have done inadventently now."
  179. [18:15] <Kilarra> Gadak is notably less convincing this time.
  180. [18:18] * Kilarra doesn't buy it, and plans to set up that ward first thing when they get back. She does however, continue letting Aluthyra lead, since she didn't want her own impulses to get them in trouble. At least not without any proof.
  181. [18:20] * Aluthyra frowns. "A lie cannot live. Much is the same of the liar."
  182. [18:21] <Kilarra> Gadak seems content to remain silent and simply walk away
  183. [18:21] * Aluthyra shakes her head as Gadak leaves, turning back to Kilarra. "It seems the ward will be needed."
  184. [18:22] * Kilarra nods, "Undoubtedly. I'll set it up when we finish today. I want to make sure everyone is present so we can be clear on the terms of passage so none of us sets it off by mistake."
  185. [18:22] <Kilarra> The rest of the group's shifts pass without incident.
  186. [18:22] * Aluthyra nods, continuing back to the room.
  187. [18:23] <Aluthyra> Kahree catches up with Kjell, smiling lightly after an easy day. "So, think we should try for more info today?"
  188. [18:24] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Perhaps, but let's see how our friends are faring. Just in case Gadak decided to pay them a visit today instead of us."
  189. [18:26] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, heading back to the room with Kjell.
  190. [18:28] * Kilarra returns to the room and waits. When Kahree and Kjell return she shuts the door and nods to them, "So, I'm going to be warding our room. My first thought was to set it up against evil, but if someone were to discover it, they might wonder how we got in and out if that was the stipulation. Instead, I'm going to set it to a password. Basically, you'll have to speak the password in order to get into the room unharmed. My question to
  191. [18:28] <Kilarra> My question to the rest of you is: what effect do we want to impose on potential trespassers?"
  192. [18:29] <Aluthyra> Kahree raises an eyebrow. "What effects can you impose?"
  193. [18:32] * Kilarra looks to Kahree, "It's pretty diverse, even if I don't want anything flashy. However, I think the biggest thing is make sure it's noticeable, so that we can use it as proof if the little sneak tries anything."
  194. [18:34] * Aluthyra shrugs. "Perhaps a simple alarm."
  195. [18:35] * Kilarra shakes her head, "I kinda don't want it to draw attention to us or our room, in case it warrants a search or something. It would be better to inflict something -on- the intruder. Like a curse or a particular wound or burnmark or something." She ponders for a moment, "I think I an make that work."
  196. [18:36] <Aluthyra> Kahree grins. "A burn mark on his forehead or somewhere noticeable would do nicely."
  197. [18:38] * Kilarra smirks, "I think that's within the limits of what it can pull off." She pulls out her bag of diamond dust. "The password will be 'Delshkarl'. It's abyssal for 'Matron', and I think is fairly fitting." She notes to Aluthyra, "It's also my mother's maiden name."
  198. [18:38] <Kilarra> -End Session-
  199. [18:39] <Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 7, 800 experience each
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