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Feb 2nd, 2024
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  1. > Livia
  2. > Takes the role of the protagonist of Platinum, major canon difference is that Barry isn't there meaning she doesn't get that friendly rival
  3. > has an illness that weakens the muscles in her feet and arms, and there's a nonzero chance that it can spread
  4. > When she goes into the tall grass she's saved by an Absol
  5. > doesn't think twice about it, considering that she's already been through misfortune before so a Pokémon that supposedly brings it is nothing new
  6. > used to have "friends" before her family moved to Twinleaf
  7. > she tried making a lot of friends because one time she heard her mother say that "'friends' don't really exist". Her mother does not remember this, but it stuck with Livia ever since
  8. > she always read stories about the power of friendship and stuff, and she genuinely believed in the goodness of the people
  9. > so she tried to make a lot of friends, but never really was able to be close to anyone in the way she would see other people be
  10. > When her illness started to intensify, they basically all either just forgot about her the moment she stopped going to class or never reached out to her
  11. > this left her immensely lonely, and that loneliness eventually became bitterness and hurt
  12. > from then on, while she's good at socializing she is unable to really open up and trust people
  13. > despite that, she has a lot of empathy and understands people very well from just watching them interact from afar. To the point that her style of issuing commands to her Pokémon isn't to call out what they need to do but rather to call out what her opponent will say/do before they do.
  14. > decides to go on a journey when she gets Absol, hoping to meet Mesprit
  15. > pretty much follows canon until the distortion world
  16. > Honestly she sees a lot of herself when she sees Cyrus, and in her heart she can't deny that his feelings on human spirit and hers aren't that different. Still, she is more a bystander to the conflict between Cyrus, Giratina and Cynthia rather than an active participant.
  17. > because of this, in the end Giratina does not acknowledge her, and she leaves without catching it
  18. > eventually gets to the match with Cynthia, but loses due to her mixed emotions on her journey, her past, and a crushing desire to not let her journey end
  19. > Cynthia comforts her, and she at least makes a crack in the walls of her heart but can't fully get her to open up
  20. > Livia returns home, defeated. Cynthia actually sends a letter to her mother, and they suggest starting her journey anew, but in Unova.
  21. > Livia decides to try it again, and eventually promises herself to return home at the end of that journey and see Cynthia again
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