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a guest
Nov 7th, 2023
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  1. >You were watching a chuuba VOD when the doorbell rang
  2. >Your package has arrived
  3. >After signing the paper, you pull the huge man-sized box into the living room
  4. >Inside the box is a tightly sealed container with a keypad
  5. >You punch in the numbers and it opens
  6. >Revealing a liquid filled tank...
  7. >...and a naked Pekora floating in suspended animation
  8. >You drain the tank and take Pekora out
  9. >Ten thousand dollars including shipment... this better be worth it
  10. >Within seconds she wakes up and immediately freaks out from seeing you
  11. >She screamed, asking where is she and for your identity
  12. >She's still a bit dazed but you told her that you bought her off a rabbit farm, they have been breeding Pekora by the thousands
  13. >Pekora couldn't believe the story, there is no way she was being grown en masse like this
  14. >She exclaims how the last thing she remembered was doing a 2022 New Years idol concert in Japan
  15. >Ten years have passed since, you told her
  16. >Her pupils shrink and the light on her face disappears
  17. >You showed her a clip of the HoloFarms project on the monitor
  18. >An entire warehouse with copies of Pekora in tanks, believing they are still streaming and doing idol activities in their dreams
  19. >Pekora covers her mouth and tries not to throw up from shock
  20. >You revealed how vtubers were contained and converted into renewable sources of food and material after the vtuber market crash
  21. >As for the original? Theyre being kept alive, hooked up on machines, forced to give birth to these copies
  22. >Swallowing bile, she asks you what is she here for
  23. >You walk to your kitchen and turn the lights on, showing her your fridge and pantry
  24. >Rabbit meat. Lots and lots of rabbit meat. Sausages dangling from the ceiling, pelts adorning the walls and floor, vacuum sealed rabbit steaks marinating
  25. >The clothes on your back being made from her hair and fur
  26. >Pekora was taken aback and crawled against the wall, her eyes fixed on the fridge
  27. >The fear in her eyes was overwhelming her expression, her face turning pale, her mouth lost motor control and all she could do is wail in fear
  28. >You told her she was special
  29. >The previous Pekora you bought were all Grade C's
  30. >Mindless copies grown for meat and fur, devoid of memories and intelligence, animals in humanoid bodies
  31. >The one sobbing in the corner of your kitchen is a Grade A
  32. >Having the memories, personality, and most importantly, sentience, similar to the original Pekora
  33. >And it has been a long while since you enjoyed having your way with an actual intelligent and tasty creature
  34. >Pekora stands up and makes her way to the door
  35. >You grab her by the neck and choke her down on the table
  36. >She pleas for you to let her go, tears swelling in her eyes and drool dripping from her mouth
  37. >You move forward and give her a deep kiss, pushing your tongue deep inside her mouth to the back of the palate
  38. >Grabbing her neck, you force her down and pin her in place
  39. >Her voice barely able to escape her throat, her cries for help inaudible behind gurgles and wheezes
  40. >You grab the cleaver on the counter and rest it on her neck
  41. >Pekora watches as you raise your arm, reflecting light off the blade into her eyes, her tears making the image blurry
  42. >With a swift strike, the cleaver cut its way through her neck
  43. >Her head separated, her body limping
  44. >As you hold on to her, you can feel the warmth of her flesh slowly lose over time
  45. >Your hand reaches for her crotch
  46. >Maybe a quick one while she's still warm
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