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Oct 20th, 2017
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  1. Risky Business says
  2. well, whats caused this? tell us your side, josie
  3. says
  4. why do you have to be here for this.. neither of us like you..
  5. and im really, REALLY uncomfortable..
  6. id rather it be JAKE if she prefers..
  7. Josie says
  8. I don't like being manipulated and then made to feel like things are my fault and I keep breaking down at Naomi's attacks and saying sorry but I kinda had enough
  10. And lawl Jake doesn't want to help our friendship in any wat
  11. *way
  12. says
  13. no, but its you who feels there has to be a witness ^^;
  14. Risky Business says
  15. cris..
  16. I can go if you really want me to
  17. says
  18. i really do ^^; but not if it means josie wont talk to me, because i KNOW im blocked if shes offline to me
  19. ok i readded and its worked now..
  20. Risky Business says
  21. she hadnt blocked you, these assumptions are bad to make you know..=p
  22. thats kinda why i think itd be better if i was here
  23. incase it gets turned into assumptions/insults and lead offtrack
  24. ill go if you really want me to
  25. says
  26. i really dont think its worth you being here just to feel important and like youre helping by keeping it neutral.. its really unnecessary and makes me sick.
  27. Risky Business says
  28. im not doing it just to feel important ._.
  29. -that- isnt neccessary to say.
  30. says
  31. if that was true, youdve left because of the discomfort here..
  32. Risky Business says
  33. if you had just said 'id prefer it that way' i wouldve been gone by now..
  34. says
  35. stop being autistic..
  36. there is truly no other way to describe that..
  37. Josie says
  38. What?
  39. Risky Business says
  40. i am autistic because i dont like it when you insinuate that im just pretending to care..?
  41. you realise youre just saying stuff to hurt me intentionally now, dont you..?
  42. says
  43. no you spastic.. ^^;
  44. no im not..
  45. im literally saying dude..
  46. you always do this "well if you just said directly ___"
  47. but it shouldnt need to be that way..
  48. Risky Business says
  49. you just called me a spastic, its exactly what youre doing..
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