
MBB 12

May 31st, 2014
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  1. I'm looking for a builder to help out with a handful of mobs quick! Specifics: 2 bar wenches, a
  2. rowdy group of pirates (technically one mob), a rugged bartender type guy, a butler, and one pirate-
  3. y or sea-themed blackjack dealer. You don't need to worry about attacks or anything, just the
  4. typical mob descriptions themselves.
  6. MBB 12
  9. WENCH 1
  10. ostat #
  11. oedit set name Delilah
  12. oedit set long_desc Delilah stands here with a sultry pout.
  13. oedit set short_desc Delilah, a sultry wench
  14. oedit set extended_desc With dark hair and coppery skin, this woman is dressed to catch the eye and carries herself likewise. She wears a corsetted dress in rich wine-red, displaying cleavage that a person could drown in and curves that could give whiplash. The skirts are bustled and gathered up at strategic points, a combination of practicality and an extra touch of come-hither appearance. Her hair is fancily pulled up, though little ringlets frame her face and the smooth curve of her neck. Her eyes are smokily made up, and her lips are a deep carmine hue, perpetually forming some manner of sultry pout.
  15. oedit set enter_message A sultry wench saunters in from the $dir.
  16. oedit set leave_message A sultry wench leaves to the $dir, hips swaying enticingly.
  17. oedit set death_message Mercilessly slain, a sultry wench lies here, dead.
  18. oedit set not_takeable 1
  19. oedit set mobile 1
  20. oedit set sentient 1
  21. oedit set resets 1
  22. oedit set mob_level 150
  23. oedit set reset_room resetroom
  24. prog set # progname
  25. mobedit # set actionset oactsetname
  27. WENCH 2
  28. ostat #
  29. oedit set name Lizbeth
  30. oedit set long_desc Lizbeth is here, looking tired but busy.
  31. oedit set short_desc Lizbeth, a hard-working wench
  32. oedit set extended_desc Though theoretically quite attractive, this young woman has a brisk and busy manner that makes her seem older and tireder than she is. She has fine blond hair, pulled back in a knot, and though she has the standard applications of rouge and other makeups, there are lines at the corners of her mouth and beneath her eyes that make her seem weathered and upset a lot of the time. She wears a pale blue dress, corsetted and baring of a decent amount of cleavage, the skirts bustled and gathered up to allow her to move about unhindered. Her hands are slender and elegant, but show the signs of wear that constant work delivers.
  33. oedit set enter_message A hard-working wench enters briskly from the $dir.
  34. oedit set leave_message A hard-working wench heads away to the $dir.
  35. oedit set death_message Finally resting, the corpse of a hard-working wench is here.
  36. oedit set not_takeable 1
  37. oedit set mobile 1
  38. oedit set sentient 1
  39. oedit set resets 1
  40. oedit set mob_level 150
  41. oedit set reset_room resetroom
  42. prog set # progname
  43. mobedit # set actionset oactsetname
  46. ostat #
  47. oedit set name
  48. oedit set long_desc A rowdy bunch of pirates congregates here.
  49. oedit set short_desc a rowdy bunch of pirates
  50. oedit set extended_desc Ragged and rowdy, this is a gaggle of pirates all moving as a pack. They wear a dazzling array of worn and patchy but defiantly colourful raiments, tattered coats and striped breeches accompanied by well-worn waterstained boots and a variety of hats and bandanas, the former decorated with the most flamboyant feathers the wearers could find and the latter emblazoned with pirate colours and patterns. All of the pirates sport sun-browned skin and grizzled appearances, the hard life of a buccaneer having taken its toll on each of them equally.
  51. oedit set enter_message Raucous noise announces the arrival of a rowdy bunch of pirates from the $dir.
  52. oedit set leave_message The area becomes both quieter and emptier as a rowdy bunch of pirates heads off to the $dir.
  53. oedit set death_message Lying in a crumpled heap, a rowdy bunch of pirates has been slain here.
  54. oedit set not_takeable 1
  55. oedit set mobile 1
  56. oedit set sentient 1
  57. oedit set resets 1
  58. oedit set mob_level 150
  59. oedit set reset_room resetroom
  60. prog set # progname
  61. mobedit # set actionset oactsetname
  64. ostat #
  65. oedit set name Stark
  66. oedit set long_desc A rugged bartender stands here watchfully.
  67. oedit set short_desc Stark, a rugged bartender
  68. oedit set extended_desc This man is broad-shouldered and heavy set, with watchful dark eyes and a serious demeanor. He is completely bald on top, this deficiency offset by a truly magnificent pair of sideburns which stretch from just over his ears to just short of his chin and bristle coarsely everywhere in between. He is dressed simply, in a stained but otherwise well-kept shirt and some dark trousers, sturdy boots finishing his work-ready outfit. He always has a rag close to hand, and a flagon not far beyond that.
  69. oedit set enter_message A rugged bartender arrives from the $dir.
  70. oedit set leave_message A rugged bartender makes his way off to the $dir.
  71. oedit set death_message His last round called, a rugged bartender lies here, slain.
  72. oedit set not_takeable 1
  73. oedit set mobile 1
  74. oedit set sentient 1
  75. oedit set resets 1
  76. oedit set mob_level 150
  77. oedit set reset_room resetroom
  78. prog set # progname
  79. mobedit # set actionset oactsetname
  81. BUTLER
  82. ostat #
  83. oedit set name Cecil
  84. oedit set long_desc A salty butler stands here grimly, tall and straight-backed.
  85. oedit set short_desc a salty butler
  86. oedit set extended_desc This is a tall, straight-backed butler with a decidedly grim and humourless air. He is dressed formally, though his black suit is somewhat faded and has seen better days, the hems and stitching showing the wear of years in exposure to salty nautical winds. He has a fastidiously trimmed grey moustache, and the lines about his eyes and forehead betray his advanced age, as does the pale, thin, but carefully groomed hair that sits atop his head.
  87. oedit set enter_message Grim-faced, a salty butler stalks in from the $dir.
  88. oedit set leave_message A sulty butler disappears, unsmiling, to the $dir.
  89. oedit set death_message Broken and bloodied, the body of a salty butler lies here.
  90. oedit set not_takeable 1
  91. oedit set mobile 1
  92. oedit set sentient 1
  93. oedit set resets 1
  94. oedit set mob_level 150
  95. oedit set reset_room resetroom
  96. prog set # progname
  97. mobedit # set actionset oactsetname
  99. DEALER
  100. ostat #
  101. oedit set name Maurice
  102. oedit set long_desc A flamboyant sailor is here, shuffling a deck of blackjack cards.
  103. oedit set short_desc a flamboyant sailor
  104. oedit set extended_desc This young man is dressed in the standard raiments of a sailor, with fitted breeches, light boots, and a shirt patterned with white and blue stripes. Over this he has a vest, heavily embellished with braid in the style favoured by seafarers with an eye for appearance. He has short honey-brown hair and charming blue eyes, but most notable about the sailor is the utter flamboyance that oozes from his every expression and gesture. Everything about him seems magnified and dramatic, just by the way his words are delivered and his body language. He has dexterous hands with long fingers, from which a deck of cards is never far away.
  105. oedit set enter_message A flamboyant sailor sashays in from the $dir.
  106. oedit set leave_message A flamboyant sailor flounces away to the $dir.
  107. oedit set death_message His fabulosity ended, a flamboyant sailor lies here, dead.
  108. oedit set not_takeable 1
  109. oedit set mobile 1
  110. oedit set sentient 1
  111. oedit set resets 1
  112. oedit set mob_level 150
  113. oedit set reset_room resetroom
  114. prog set # progname
  115. mobedit # set actionset oactsetname
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