

Jan 24th, 2012
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  1. Conversation with ##linux at Wed 11 Jan 2012 04:01:58 PM IRST on (irc)
  2. (04:02:01 PM) The topic for ##linux is: NEWS: We're testing out forums for the channel on | Welcome to ##Linux | Channel website & rules | Our pastebin | Spammers or trolls? use !ops <troll's nick> <reason>
  3. (04:02:01 PM) Welcome to ##Linux! Can't speak? Please see on how to register or identify your nick. By joining this channel you agree to abide by the channel rules and guidelines stated on the official ##Linux website .
  4. (04:02:40 PM) alabd: Good day all , how to understand the linux we are connected to it is vm or not ?
  5. (04:02:57 PM) SaschaK left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
  6. (04:03:35 PM) roadt left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
  7. (04:03:37 PM) Roge152: Hmm
  8. (04:03:47 PM) sec^nd left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
  9. (04:03:57 PM) Roge152: Im not sure that you can determine if its a VM or not alabd.
  10. (04:03:59 PM) jameslordhz left the room.
  11. (04:04:14 PM) Roge152: Maybe someone knows a trick or something, but if the VM is doing its job, you won't know.
  12. (04:04:29 PM) alabd: from partitions?
  13. (04:04:44 PM) Roge152: How can you know from partitions ?
  14. (04:04:45 PM) PandasAreMetal [] entered the room.
  15. (04:04:46 PM) reo: from display / network driver
  16. (04:04:49 PM) sec^nd [~second@gateway/tor-sasl/sec0nd] entered the room.
  17. (04:05:00 PM) Roge152: Yes indeed, that would be one way.
  18. (04:05:03 PM) alextai [~kvirc@] entered the room.
  19. (04:05:05 PM) alabd: reo: be mor specific
  20. (04:05:13 PM) Roge152: Had not thought of that alabd
  21. (04:05:19 PM) Roge152: reo*
  22. (04:05:25 PM) Roge152: alabd, VMs
  23. (04:05:51 PM) Roge152: often use network and video drivers not used on a real install
  24. (04:06:08 PM) reo: alabd, try "inxi -G"
  25. (04:06:36 PM) alabd: reo: it's esx
  26. (04:06:55 PM) alabd: -bash: inxi: command not found
  27. (04:06:56 PM) reo: seems like vmware esx server
  28. (04:06:58 PM) ollebull left the room (quit: Read error: Operation timed out).
  29. (04:07:22 PM) alabd: reo: wana know if this esx is vm or not
  30. (04:07:26 PM) alabd: itself*
  31. (04:07:42 PM) Psi-Jack: alabd: Ask the administrator.
  32. (04:08:12 PM) buhman left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
  33. (04:08:28 PM) bolt [~r00t@unaffiliated/bolt] entered the room.
  34. (04:08:34 PM) Roge152: Hahaha
  35. (04:08:51 PM) buhman [~zack@unaffiliated/buhman] entered the room.
  36. (04:09:02 PM) alabd: Psi-Jack: ! please tell something that a child can not understand please
  37. (04:09:05 PM) ph|ber left the room (quit: Read error: Operation timed out).
  38. (04:09:11 PM) Roge152: .....
  39. (04:09:38 PM) Roge152: alabd, ask the person who owns the machine you are logged into
  40. (04:09:40 PM) cmnky: "cellphone users are more likely to binge drink than other groups surveyed." ... so whats that like, 99% of the population ?
  41. (04:09:51 PM) Roge152: pff I don't buy it.
  42. (04:10:00 PM) Psi-Jack: alabd: How about we drop the subject instead?
  43. (04:10:03 PM) Roge152: I have not owned a cell in years and I binge drink
  44. (04:10:37 PM) cmnky: smells like .. bad data
  45. (04:10:38 PM) movl [~movl@] entered the room.
  46. (04:10:39 PM) movl left the room (quit: Changing host).
  47. (04:10:39 PM) movl [~movl@unaffiliated/movl] entered the room.
  48. (04:10:42 PM) ollebull [] entered the room.
  49. (04:11:06 PM) Roge152: Its an attemp to kill the cell phone
  50. (04:11:17 PM) alabd: what did you mean ? reo: from display / network driver
  51. (04:11:22 PM) cmnky: phones are bad, mkay
  52. (04:11:26 PM) Roge152: Indeed
  53. (04:11:27 PM) mode (+o Psi-Jack) by ChanServ
  54. (04:11:28 PM) You have parted the channel: requested by Psi-Jack (Goodbye)
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